Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 34


After this topic, he added a sentence to find Luo Fei, no matter how it sounds, it makes people think a little bit. But no matter what happens after meeting Luo Fei, if Li Zhen really wants to ask Luo Fei now, it would be even better if he could meet Feng Junyuan by the way.

Today is the weekend.

But Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi went out early in the morning.

Li Zhentai went to pick up Wen Chun. They wanted to take wedding photos, and they had to choose wedding etiquette and book a hotel; Li Zhenzi might have an appointment with a beautiful woman, and said that he would not be back tonight.

After breakfast, Li Zhenran took Li Zhenruo's collar and walked outside. He didn't tell the driver and planned to drive out by himself.

Li Zhenruo's four paws scratched in the air, howling angrily.

"Zhenran," Li Jianglin stood in the living room leaning on a cane, and suddenly called out to him.

Li Zhenran stopped and turned around, "Dad?"

Li Zhenruo also forgot to struggle and shook his head to look at Li Jianglin.

Li Jianglin asked him: "Is there anything you need to do this morning?"

Hearing this, Li Zhenran picked up Li Zhenruo and showed him, "Take him to a pet shop for grooming."

Hearing what he said, Li Jianglin acquiesced that he had nothing to do in the morning, and said, "Come out with me."

Li Zhenran asked, "Is it just us?"

Li Jianglin nodded, "You drive."

Li Zhenruo felt strange, raised his head to look at Li Zhenran, Li Zhenran had a flat expression on his face, and replied: "Okay, wait for me, I will drive over."

Li Zhenran went to drive, leaving Li Zhenruo in the co-pilot.

The car stopped by the fountain, Li Jianglin walked over slowly, opened the co-pilot's door, and saw the cat sitting on it.

Li Zhenran got out of the car to help him, and said, "Dad, sit in the back seat, it will be more comfortable."

Li Jianglin asked him, "Are you going to take the cat?"

Li Zhenran responded casually: "If it's convenient later, throw it to the pet store by the way."

Li Jianglin didn't say anything, just waved his crutch to drive Li Zhenruo away.

Li Zhenruo quickly rushed to the back seat by himself, he looked at Li Jianglin nervously, fearing that Li Jianglin would not let Li Zhenran take him out.

Li Jianglin had already bent over and sat in the co-pilot.

Li Zhenran helped him put his crutches on the back seat, returned to the driver's seat by himself, and leaned over to help Li Jianglin fasten his seat belt.

When the car slowly drove out of the gate of Li's house, Li Jianglin suddenly laughed and said, "You cat is also interesting. If you take it out like this, aren't you afraid that it will run away?"

Li Zhenran said: "It's very good, it won't run away by itself."

Li Jianglin shook his head disapprovingly, "Cats and dogs are always different, and cats are not familiar."

Li Zhenran didn't refute him, but just smiled.

Li Jianglin went on to say: "But if you run away, you will run away. It's not worth nostalgia."

Coming out of the road in front of Li's house and about to enter a fork in the road, Li Zhenran asked Li Jianglin, "Father, where are you going?"

Li Jianglin said softly, "Go to the Chengbei Cemetery."

Li Zhenran didn't ask who he was looking for, but just nodded slightly, and then turned the steering wheel.

Li Zhenruo didn't feel comfortable sitting alone in the back row. Sometimes his paws couldn't grasp the seat cushion, and he would slide to one side when turning or braking suddenly. He thought that Li Jianglin must have gone to see Zhu Yun. He hadn't been back for so long. When he got home, he should visit his deceased wife.

At this time, there was some traffic jam when going out of the city, probably because Li Jianglin was in the car, Li Zhenran drove the car very steadily. He and Li Jianglin didn't speak much, they were silent all the way.

It took almost two hours before they arrived at the cemetery on the northern outskirts of the city.

After parking the car in the parking lot, Li Zhenran first got out of the car and took Li Jianglin's crutches, then opened the door to help him out of the car, and handed him the crutches.

Li Jianglin leaned on the ground twice with his cane, turned around and looked at Li Zhenruo who had stretched out his front legs out of the car, and said, "It's coming too?"

Li Zhenran responded: "It won't run around, don't worry."

Li Jianglin didn't object, but he didn't believe that the cat would be so obedient and wouldn't run around without a leash.

But because Li Jianglin was watching, Li Zhenruo was very well-behaved today. When he saw Li Zhenran going to buy flowers, he stood beside Li Jianglin and guarded him. When Li Zhenran came back, he followed them up the mountain.

Li Jianglin was handicapped so he walked very slowly. Li Zhenran was very patient and only helped him up the mountain slowly without urging him at all.

Li Jianglin had just ordered Li Zhenran to buy two bouquets of flowers, and now they were hugging Li Zhenran's arms.

Li Zhenruo thought that Li Jianglin meant one for him and one for Li Zhenran, so as to express his meaning.

Sure enough, they were also walking towards Zhu Yun's cemetery.

Li Zhenruo once came to sweep Zhu Yun's grave. He had no affection for Zhu Yun, but he also had no affection for his biological mother, so he didn't dislike Zhu Yun. The brothers all knew that Li Jianglin loved Zhu Yun deeply, and accompanying Li Jianglin to visit Zhu Yun's grave was nothing more than to please Li Jianglin.

With Li Zhenran's support, Li Jianglin came down to Zhu Yun's cemetery, stood up straight and let out a deep sigh.

Li Zhenran handed him the flowers, and after seeing him put down the bouquet, he also planned to put down the bouquet in his hand, but unexpectedly, Li Jianglin stopped him and said, "Keep this bouquet."

Li Zhenran paused, straightened up and put the flowers aside, without asking Li Jianglin the reason.

Seeing that Li Jianglin began to look at Zhu Yun's tombstone and miss her, Li Zhenruo walked a few steps to the side, looking at the hillside lined with tombstones in the distance, he was a little distracted. He wondered if one of them was his tomb. After all, the Li family did not have one. If his identity is made public, his body will naturally be collected.

Li Zhenruo was in a complicated mood. After a while, Li Zhenran kicked him lightly behind him and said, "Let's go."

Only then did he raise his head in astonishment, and saw Li Zhenran supporting Li Jianglin to leave.

Li Jianglin looked down at Li Zhenruo and smiled.

Li Zhenruo quickly followed Li Zhenran's feet and left, only then did he notice that he was still holding a bunch of flowers in his hand.

Who are you going to see? Li Zhenruo was slightly taken aback.

As Li Jianglin walked, he said to Li Zhenran: "Sometimes people take things too seriously, but there is no need for that."

Hearing this, Li Zhenran nodded and said, "Yes."

Li Jianglin sighed heavily, as if he wanted to say something, but then he didn't say it.

Li Zhenruo was in a daze. He followed Li Zhenran's feet and almost bumped into Li Zhenran's lap several times. He had a vague feeling that Li Jianglin might be going to see someone, but he didn't dare to hold out too much hope, because the greater the hope, the better. The greater the disappointment.

But when Li Jianglin and Li Zhenran stood still in front of a tombstone, he still held his breath before he dared to raise his head to see the name on the tombstone.

That's his tombstone.

Li Zhenruo, who was only twenty-three years old when he died, had grown up like a proud son of heaven, but died in the best years of his life.

In the photo on the tombstone, Li Zhenruo looked young and handsome, with a slight smile on his lips. He began to recall his mood when he took this photo, as if he had just returned from college to apply for a passport photo. At that time, life seemed to be full of countless hopes. In a blink of an eye, there was nothing left.

Li Jianglin stood in front of the tombstone and let out a long sigh.

Li Zhenruo couldn't help raising his head to look at him.

Li Jianglin shook his head. Li Zhenruo looked at his expression carefully, but couldn't see any more emotions. If he had to say something, there was probably some regret and some sadness in his eyes.

Even if it wasn't his own, he had been raised by his side as a son, so he definitely wouldn't be completely emotionless.

Li Zhenruo felt that he should thank Li Jianglin for still being willing to take care of such a little old relationship and come to present him with a bouquet of flowers.

Li Zhenran just reached out and placed the flowers in front of the tombstone, and said nothing more.

This is a very sensitive topic, no one can tell whether Li Jianglin cares more about Li Zhenruo's identity or misses this unrelated son more.

He was willing to let Li Zhenran accompany him today because he had already paid some attention to Li Zhenran. Probably in his heart, this son was somewhat different from the other two.

So Li Jianglin, please don't know the real cause of Li Zhenruo's death

In the Li family, Li Zhenran, Li Zhenzi, including Zhu Kai, who was not from the Li family, all suspected that Li Zhenruo's death was unusual. How could Li Jianglin, who is as smart as Li Jianglin, have no doubts at all

Whether he didn't care about Li Zhenruo's death at all, or he knew something but had other plans. Li Zhenruo found that he couldn't figure it out at all. He thought he needed more clues. He wanted to know who it was and why. Hit him so hard!

A cat's paw was secretly placed on the tomb cover, under which were his own ashes, but he could no longer feel anything.

When leaving, Li Zhenran helped Li Jianglin walk a few steps, and realized that his cat hadn't followed, so he turned his head to look.

At this time Li Zhenruo was still staring at his tombstone in a daze.

"Tuanzi, let's go," Li Zhenran called out to him, and he turned around and trotted two steps to catch up with Li Zhenran.

After they left the cemetery, they didn't stay outside. They drove back to Li's house directly, because it was almost noon when they got back, so they were just in time for lunch.

Back home, Li Zhenruo found that Li Zhentai and Wen Chun had come. They wanted to discuss the wedding with Li Jianglin.

Li Zhentai heard the sound of a car coming out to pick up Li Jianglin, and seeing that Li Zhenran was driving alone to accompany Li Jianglin out, he couldn't hide the instant change in his face.

Li Zhenruo guessed that he must be very upset.

However, Li Zhentai still has this kind of city, he quickly smiled and helped Li Jianglin back to the living room, telling him that he and Wen Chun went to ask about the wedding, hoping to ask Li Jianglin for some advice.

Now this is what Li Jianglin is most concerned about.

Just after lunch at noon, Li Zhenran answered a phone call. Li Zhenruo leaned closer to listen. It seemed that Hua Yibang was calling. It must be something about the company.

Sure enough, after hanging up the phone, Li Zhenran told Li Zhenruo that he had to go out in the afternoon because he had something to do and could not accompany Li Zhenruo to find Luo Fei.

Li Zhenruo's round eyes drooped instantly.

At this time, they had already returned to Li Zhenran's room. Li Zhenran originally said that they would go out after he slept in.

Li Zhenruo was extremely disappointed. When Li Zhenran reached out to touch his head, he turned his head in disgust, and slowly dragged his tail off the bed, wanting to leave.

Li Zhenran looked at his posture, maybe he couldn't bear it, and said, "Wait a minute, I'll call Luo Fei."

Li Zhenruo hurriedly stopped in his tracks, hoping that there would be room for change.

This phone call took quite a long time, Li Zhenruo seemed a little reluctant to listen to Li Zhenran, and kept asking Luo Fei: "Is it suitable? There will be nothing, right?"

Luo Fei also seemed to be reassuring him all the time.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zhenran said to him: "I asked Luo Fei, and he gave me Dr. Feng's contact information, and asked me to take you to Dr. Feng's."

Li Zhenruo opened his eyes wide.

Li Zhenran glanced at the time and said to him, "I'll pick you up in the afternoon when I'm done."

Li Zhenruo nodded obediently.

Li Zhenran hooked his fingers, "Come here."

Li Zhenruo immediately ran over.

Li Zhenran grabbed his face, "If I don't see you this afternoon, you will bear the consequences yourself."

He pulled very hard, Li Zhenruo raised his paw to push his hand but failed to push it away, so he kept nodding to show that he understood.

After a while, Li Zhenran asked the driver to drive them out. Before going to the company, he took a detour to take Li Zhenruo to find Feng Junyuan.

Feng Junyuan's hospital is an affiliated hospital of a medical university, and its address is in the city center. The hospital is very famous and usually has a lot of patients. The driver was stopped by the traffic police before he drove to the vicinity of the hospital.

Li Zhenran took Li Zhenruo out of the car and planned to walk over directly.

Sometimes Li Zhenruo would rather Li Zhenran tie a rope to him like a dog, and always carry his collar, and if he walks a little far, he will feel uncomfortable to death. He began to struggle hard, and Li Zhenran hugged him in his arms.

Walking to the gate of the hospital, Li Zhenran called Feng Junyuan and agreed to wait for him under the surgery building.

A nurse passed by, saw him holding a cat and said, "This is not a pet hospital."

Li Zhenran said, "I didn't see a doctor for it."

The nurse asked, "Then why do you bring a cat?"

Li Zhenran asked her: "Can't you bring your family?"

The nurse was speechless for a moment, cast a glance at him inexplicably and left.

Li Zhenruo recalled the look in the nurse's eyes, probably wanting to express: Seeing that you are handsome, I don't care about you. If you are ugly, you will definitely be kicked out.

After waiting for a few minutes, Li Zhenruo saw Feng Junyuan in a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck appearing at the entrance of the surgery building.

When he saw Li Zhenran, he hurried over and said, "Mr. Li."

Li Zhenran was very polite to Feng Junyuan, "Doctor Feng, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Feng Junyuan seemed to want to smile, but on his face, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said, "No trouble, just leave him to me."

Li Zhenran looked down at Li Zhenruo who was in his arms, but did not speak, but there was warning in his eyes.

Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that Li Zhenran's nervous look was cute, and he didn't know what he was thinking, so he rushed forward and kissed Li Zhenran's lips.

Li Zhenran was also slightly taken aback by his action.

Li Zhenruo felt embarrassed, turned around and jumped on Feng Junyuan, who was caught by Feng Junyuan's hand.

Li Zhenran then said, "I'll come and pick it up in the afternoon."

Feng Junyuan nodded, "Call me."

Li Zhenran waved at them and turned to leave.

Li Zhenruo kept looking at his back until Feng Junyuan walked out of the hospital with him in his arms. He was a little strange and raised his head to look at Feng Junyuan.

Feng Junyuan said as he walked, "As expected, you have returned to your original form."

If Li Zhenruo couldn't communicate with him, he felt uncomfortable.

Feng Junyuan said again: "I will take you to find Song Jun now."

Li Zhenruo didn't know where that Song Jun was. In fact, up to now, he didn't know who Song Jun was. He just heard Feng Junyuan always talk about him. In Li Zhenruo's heart, this Song Jun must be a very powerful high school student. people.

However, in less than ten minutes, Li Zhenruo was carried by Feng Junyuan and left the hospital and entered the back door of a school. He heard Feng Junyuan call the person named Song Jun, and then under a laboratory building, he saw A thin young man in a white coat.

"Xiaofeng!" The young man waved to Feng Junyuan.

Feng Junyuan lowered his head slightly, and said to him, "He is Song Jun."

Li Zhenruo looked at Song Jun, and found that the other party was just an ordinary young man with a handsome appearance, with a kind expression, but his eyes were a little sharp.

Feng Junyuan walked over and handed Li Zhenruo to Song Jun, saying, "This is the cat I mentioned to you."

If Li Zhenruo heard his tone, he should be very familiar with Song Jun.

Song Jun lowered his head, stretched out his hand and scratched Li Zhenruo's head, with a very friendly attitude, and then said to Feng Junyuan, "I see, I'll take it to find my brother."

Feng Junyuan nodded, "Then I'll go back to the hospital first, there is an operation in the afternoon."

Song Jun waved to him.

Watching Feng Junyuan leave, Song Jun hugged Li Zhenruo a little higher, looked at his face, and said strangely: "What kind of cat is this? It looks so strange, a Persian cat?"

Li Zhenruo could only flatten his mouth, saying that he couldn't tell him.

Song Jun didn't mind if he didn't get an answer, he carried Li Zhenruo into the building and said, "Let's go find senior brother."