Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 36


Li Zhenruo, who was clean and fragrant, lay on the armrest of the sofa, saw Erhuang dangling at the door, but didn't intend to pay attention to him. The wound on the paw was still aching, and he lifted it up to lick it from time to time, trying to relieve the pain.

The dinner at Li's family was very lively today. Except for Zhu Kai's return, Li Zhentai and Wen Chun finished their dinner and are now sitting on the sofa discussing with Li Jianglin about ordering a banquet.

Li Zhenran was asked by Li Jianglin to stay on the first floor, and at the same time ordered him to call to contact the banquet.

Li Jianglin wanted Li Zhentai and the others to book the wedding banquet at Wanfulai Restaurant. This is an old restaurant with a history of nearly a hundred years. Regardless of the price, it is really difficult to book a banquet for next month at this time. Li Zhentai called to ask, and the boss said that all the good days for almost half a year were fully booked.

Li Jianglin knew that Li Zhenran had a wider network than Li Zhentai, so he asked Li Zhenran to go out and find someone to see if he could book a wedding banquet for next month.

So for more than half an hour, Li Zhenruo saw Li Zhenran staying alone in the dining room, calling constantly.

To be honest, he felt that Li Jianglin was too embarrassing for Li Zhenran because of Li Zhentai's marriage.

The only one in the family who didn't come back for dinner was Li Zhenzi.

Wen Chun sat gracefully, and his attitude was always gentle. Although it was all cumbersome things, he didn't show any impatience in front of Li Jianglin.

After sitting for a while, Zhu Kai couldn't sit still anymore, got up and went out and said he wanted to take the dog for a walk.

Li Jianglin waved his hand, signaling him to leave quickly.

Li Zhenran had just finished a phone call, and leaned back on the back of the seat, looking a little impatient. On the day Li Zhentai and their wedding was scheduled, someone else had already booked a banquet half a year ago, and had paid a deposit in advance. It's a matter of honesty, the boss of Wanfulai is unwilling to ask someone to unsubscribe anyway, and now they want to hold a banquet on that day, unless they find the family and spend money to settle it. However, the family chosen to hold the banquet in Wanfu is probably from a good family background, so this matter is really difficult to handle.

Marriage is a happy event, but it is not good to be unhappy with others because of it.

Li Zhentai noticed Li Zhenran's expression, and asked, "Zhenran, isn't everything going well?"

"Well," Li Zhenran responded, stood up and walked towards the sofa, "It didn't go well."

He sat down and rubbed the top of Li Zhenruo's head next to the armrest of the sofa where Li Zhenruo was lying on his stomach.

Li Zhentai had also contacted him before, and knowing that it was not easy, he said to Li Jianglin, "Dad, why don't you think about changing places."

Li Jianglin kept his crutches close to his body. At this moment, he touched the faucet on the top of the crutches with his palms, and said, "This is the request of my in-laws. Our Li family can't do this little thing."

When Wen Chun's parents got married, they treated guests and set up wine in Wanfulai. Now that thirty years have passed, Wanfulai is still the old Wanfulai.

Li Zhentai remained silent.

Wen Chun reached out to hold his hand, and said: "It's okay, my parents don't know the current situation, he just said it casually, Uncle Li doesn't need to be too serious, it's good to change places."

Li Jianglin frowned, and looked at Li Zhenran, "If you can't tell me, I'll call and ask myself."

Li Zhenran was already teasing the cat with his head down. If Li Zhenruo felt comfortable with his head touching, he straightened his limbs and fell off the armrest of the sofa, lying on Li Zhenran's lap. Li Zhenran gently scratched his belly, looked at his two fluffy round balls, and was about to reach out to pinch them, when he heard Li Jianglin talking to him, so he raised his head and said, "I'll ask again, but I It is recommended to prepare with both hands.”

Wen Chun smiled quickly and said: "No, it's also very good to have a self-service wedding banquet. It's very popular now."

Just as she finished speaking, the sound of a car parked in front of the villa came from outside, Zhu Kai led his dog and said, "Daniel, are you back?"

Taking advantage of no one's attention, Li Zhenran squeezed Li Zhenruo's balls, and Li Zhenruo turned over and jumped off his lap, taking a few steps back.

Soon, Li Zhen came in from the outside. He walked to the back of the couch where Li Zhentai and Wen Chun were sitting, put his hands on the back of the chair, and said with a smile: "I have good news for you, Wanfu is here." nailed it."

Not only Wen Chun and Li Zhentai, but even Li Jianglin slightly raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

Li Zhen didn't say much, just said: "Don't worry, everything is fine. It turns out that the family agreed to cancel the banquet and find another place to do it. Now Wanfulai may not have heard the news, but I have already found someone to talk to him. Get in touch, there will be news soon."

Li Jianglin asked, "Are you sure?"

Li Zhen nodded himself, "Sure." Then he put a hand on Li Zhentai's shoulder and said, "Brother, do you want to thank me?"

Li Zhentai smiled when he heard that, "Of course, I must thank you very much."

Wen Chun also looked at Li Zhenzi, and at an angle that Li Zhentai couldn't see, Li Zhenzi blinked at Wen Chun.

At this moment, Li Zhenruo noticed that Li Jianglin's hand was holding the crutch tightly. With such a movement, Li Zhenruo was almost sure that Li Jianglin knew about the relationship between Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun.

Zhu Kai must have told Li Jianglin about the phone call he made, and then Li Jianglin came back in a hurry to preside over Li Zhentai and Wen Chun's marriage.

Li Zhenruo turned around and saw Zhu Kai leaning against the door with his arms folded, with a half smile on his face.

Suddenly, Li Zhenruo had a very strange feeling that the family seemed to be in harmony on the surface, but they had their own ghosts in their hearts. Just like Li Zhenzi, with one hand on Li Zhentai's shoulder and the ability to hook up with Li Zhentai's wife at the same time, it's really scary.

The only one, Li Zhenran, didn't pay attention to those at all, he just hooked his fingers at Li Zhenruo, wanting to tell him to go back.

Li Zhenruo hesitated, and jumped back onto Li Zhenran's lap, but this time he clamped his hind legs tightly and refused to turn over to face Li Zhenran with his belly.

Li Zhenran's cell phone rang, and after answering the call, he said to Li Jianglin: "Wan Fulai called the boss, saying that the family who booked the banquet that day canceled the reservation, and it has been reserved for us."

Li Zhen's smile was obvious from the corner of his mouth.

Li Jianglin glanced at him, wanted to say something but didn't say it, and finally just nodded.

Li Zhenruo thought to himself, if he didn't know about Li Zhen's hooking up with Wen Chun, Li Jianglin would definitely be happy now, but there was such a scandal in the middle, Li Jianglin really couldn't laugh or cry.

Wen Chun stayed at Li's house that night.

Li Zhenruo believes that in the days to come, she will frequently come and go to Li's house, until the wedding is over, she will move in in a legitimate way and become the only mistress of Li's house.

But tonight, Li Zhenruo's intuition told himself that something must happen. If nothing happens, I'm really sorry that Li Zhen has worked so hard for Wen Chun's wedding.

For the expected good show, Li Zhenruo even gave up going to sleep in Li Zhenran's room, but stayed in his den as soon as he went upstairs.

Li Zhenran always let him sleep where he wanted, and after one glance at him, he went back to his room and closed the door.

Li Zhenruo lay quietly until midnight, and deliberately dragged out her nest to be closer to the stairs, wanting to listen to the movement downstairs.

Li Zhen went back to the room early, and Wen Chun followed Li Zhentai back to the room to do what he should do.

Only Li Zhenruo is still waiting patiently with a heart of gossip.

It was almost half past twelve, and everyone in the Li family was probably asleep. Li Zhenruo heard the door of a room on the second floor open and footsteps in slippers walking downstairs.

He hurriedly got up from the nest, stretched out his head to look in the middle of the stairs, but saw that the man hadn't turned on the light all the way, so he couldn't see anything clearly.

At this moment, the door of another room on the second floor opened slightly, and someone followed the man down.

Li Zhenruo immediately followed quietly to catch the traitor.

Going down to the first floor, Li Zhenruo saw Wen Chun wearing a nightgown with suspenders, standing in the dining room drinking a glass of warm water from a glass.

Li Zhen walked over and hugged her from behind, and said, "Did you receive my message?"

The lights in the dining room were not turned on, and the dim light came in from the outside. Li Zhenruo could clearly see the two of them.

In fact, it is quite dangerous here, because the room of Li Jianglin and Zhu Kai is on the first floor. Although the sound insulation effect of the room is very good, they should not hear them talking in a low voice, but it is impossible to guarantee that they will not notice any movement, open the door and come out to have a look. .

There was a knife on Sezi's head, and Li Zhenzi almost sent his head down to the blade.

Wen Chun was obviously much more awake than him, so he quietly broke away from him, glanced at the living room outside and the direction of Li Jianglin's room, and said, "Don't look for me."

Li Zhen said to herself: "Do you know how much thought I put into coming to the banquet over there for Wanfu?"

Wen Chun glanced at him, "I don't care about those things, and I don't need you to do them for me. I will be your sister-in-law in the future, so please be respectful."

Li Zhen said softly: "Sister Chun..."

Wen Chun bypassed him and walked upstairs, "If you send me another message, I'll show it to your father."

Li Zhenzi didn't catch up, but sat down by the dining table, not knowing what was going on in his mind, he even smiled. After a while, he got up to drink a glass of water, put the water glass on the dining table, turned and went upstairs.

After Li Zhen left, Li Zhenruo didn't move. Behind him, the door of Zhu Kai's room opened gently.

Zhu Kai poked his head out and saw that Li Zhenruo was still there, so he put his index finger to his mouth to signal him to silence, then squatted by the door and began to look at his mobile phone.

Just now when Li Zhen was holding Wen Chun behind his back, neither of them noticed that Zhu Kai opened the door secretly, turned off the phone's sound and flash, and took a few photos.

Only Li Zhenruo noticed it. At this time, he couldn't help leaning over to look at Zhu Kai's phone screen. Zhu Kai didn't drive him away, but let him watch from the side.

The screen was very dark, and with the weak light outside, the silhouettes of two people could barely be seen, and they were still from the back.

But it was enough, as long as one took a look at Li Zhentai or Li Jianglin, the identities of the two could be recognized immediately.

Li Zhenruo thought that the knife on Li Zhen's head was about to fall, but Zhu Kai suddenly laughed when he looked at the photo. Because he suppressed his voice, Li Zhenruo's shoulders were shaking when he saw him.

After Zhu Kai finished laughing, he put his index finger to his lips and "hush" Li Zhenruo, then sneaked back to the room and closed the door.

Leaving Li Zhenruo alone as a cat, she suddenly felt that the darkness was terrifying, so she turned around and ran upstairs.

After sleeping all night and waking up, while eating breakfast, Li Zhenruo peeked at the Li family at the dining table while licking the milk. Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun seemed to be okay, Li Zhentai didn't know anything, and Zhu Kai hadn't woken up at all.

The photo is in Zhu Kai's hands. Li Zhenruo really doesn't know what his plans are.

Although he has a good relationship with Zhu Kai, he has always felt that Zhu Kai is just a psychopath, and it is better for normal people not to provoke psychopaths.

But even after Zhu Kai woke up, he didn't mention this matter. I don't know if Li Jianglin had seen the photos. Even if Li Jianglin had seen them, the old man could still face Wen Chun and Li Zhenzi without changing his expression. Li Zhenruo couldn't tell the difference anyway.

The Li family seemed to be on the right track, except for Li Zhenruo who always felt that the wind was about to come, and there was no reason for it.

About a week later, one night there was a sudden strong wind.

When Li Zhenruo was drinking water in the dining room on the first floor, she heard Wang Ma nagging in the living room while closing the window: "Why is there such a strong wind? Could it be a rainstorm?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Li Zhenruo heard a thunderclap, and because of her sensitive ears, she was startled, and almost knocked over the drinking plate.

So I couldn't help but come to the living room and jumped on the window sill to look outside. I saw that the wind was howling outside, the tall trees were blown and their branches and leaves were blown, and the small bamboo forest in the distance fell down, and I could even hear the strong wind blowing by. sound.

At this time, another lightning struck down, Li Zhenruo's heart trembled slightly, and then he heard thunder.

Wang Ma closed the window and turned off the light in the living room, and Li Zhenruo turned around and ran up the stairs. He ran all the way to the third floor. He wanted to go back to Li Zhenran's room, but found that the door had been closed.

These days, he is thinking about Li Zhenzi and Wen Chun, and often refuses to enter Li Zhenran's room at night. Li Zhenran was probably used to it, and closed the door without waiting for him when he was sleeping.

Li Zhenruo had no choice but to go back to her cat's nest.

The window of the recreation room has been closed tightly. It was just now that Wang Ma came up to close it. Now there is only one window in the corridor on the third floor that is still open. Li Zhenruo can always hear the strange sound of the wind outside the window, as if there is some monster hidden inside. like.

The keenness of animals gave him an intuition that something was going to happen tonight, and he had already imagined a drama about the family ethics of a wealthy family.

However, this play has not been staged for a long time, not to mention the Li family, even Li Zhenruo is about to fall asleep. In a daze, he heard some strange noise in the wind outside, and suddenly opened his eyes. This time it was not an illusion, he really heard something.

Li Zhenruo came out of the cat's nest, jumped onto the window sill of the entertainment room and looked outside. Because the window was closed tightly, he could only try to press his face against the window glass, trying to see clearly what was in the darkness.

At this moment, he noticed a huge black shadow flashing downstairs.

The thick black shadow that could hardly be dispersed, like a huge beast stretching its limbs and running past, Li Zhenruo suddenly felt heart palpitations, and before he had time to react, he heard a soft sound from the window in the corridor, which sounded like something Something came in through the window.

Li Zhenruo jumped down from the window sill, and he smelled a breath, which seemed somewhat familiar. Hurriedly running out of the room, Li Zhenruo stood in the corridor and saw a huge black monster sitting on the window at the end. The shape fills the entire window.

Watched by Li Zhenruo with horrified eyes, the monster suddenly stretched out and rushed towards him.

Li Zhenruo took two steps back in fright, but saw the monster transform into a human in the air, and then lightly landed in front of Li Zhenruo, and stretched out his finger to scratch his chin.

"Meow..." Li Zhenruo yelled weakly, and it really was him. He smelled the smell just now and felt like that person. He met Xia Hongshen who promised to help him the other day.

The gust of wind outside still doesn't stop.

Xia Hongshen sat cross-legged in front of Li Zhenruo, reached out and took out two bright red fruits from his pocket, and said to him, "Eat them."

Li Zhenruo sniffed it closely, but couldn't smell anything special. These two fruits were so bright in color that they looked like they were poisonous. He looked at Xia Hongshen suspiciously.

Xia Hongshen didn't respond, and said the same thing: "Eat it."

"Meow?" Can I ask what it is

Xia Hongshen said: "It's a good thing, I'll teach you how to control spiritual energy after eating it."

Although he was still skeptical, Li Zhenruo knew that he had no choice but to believe in Xia Hongshen, so he rolled up the two fruits with his tongue and ate them slowly.

After eating the fruit, Li Zhenruo felt a hot air rising from his abdomen. It is not appropriate to say that it is hot air, but it should be said that it is a force. When he was in heat, he had a similar feeling, which made him difficult. Control the power of your own body.

Xia Hongshen whispered in his ear: "Listen to me, let the spiritual power in your body flow to all your limbs."

With all the limbs and bones, Li Zhenruo was at a loss, not knowing where the limbs and bones were.

Xia Hongshen then said: "You imagine that the body is stretching, the five fingers are separated, and it becomes a human being..."

Li Zhenruo closed his eyes, and following what Xia Hongshen said, he forced the heat to radiate towards his fingers and toes, his limbs were elongated, and his claws stretched out to become five flexible fingers.

He thought this way, and at the same time he really felt it. He couldn't tell whether it was his hallucination or reality, but he did feel his body being pulled and his heart beating fast, as if the feeling from the last transformation had returned.

Xia Hongshen said suddenly, "Very good."

Li Zhenruo suddenly opened his eyes. He found that he had grown taller, and he could look directly at Xia Hongshen who was sitting on the ground. He raised his hand and saw that his bare arm had turned into a human appearance again.

He touched his face in surprise, and quickly covered his lower body in the next movement, knowing that he is not wearing anything now.