Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 42


Finding someone to unlock Zhao Yuqiong's former residence was much easier than Li Zhenruo expected.

At first, he was worried that the neighbors next door would come out and question him as a thief, but he didn't expect that the building was really about to be demolished, and even the last few remaining residents were moved out.

Li Zhenruo found a not-so-regular locksmith and spent a hundred yuan to have someone open the door lock for him.

The locksmith took the money and left. Li Zhenruo slowly pushed open the wooden door that had been covered in dust for a long time, and the old musty smell came out of his nostrils. In fact, the house was cleaned up very cleanly. Although Zhao Yuqiong had left, but because Li Jianglin asked someone to clean the room, all the furniture was covered with white cloth, and all the windows were locked from the inside.

It's just that Li Jianglin seemed to have forgotten about it after he found someone to tidy up the house, and no one came in to move the furniture for so many years.

The furniture in the room is very simple, it is just a small suite with one bedroom and one living room, and the TV is still very old. Li Zhenruo doubts that there is no way to use it now. He stood quietly in the living room for a while, and in a trance, he seemed to see a young woman with a big belly struggling to sit down on the sofa, then lowered her head, and gently stroked her belly.

He took a deep breath and walked towards Zhao Yuqiong's bedroom.

The bedroom has a big bed, a bedside table, a desk and a wardrobe. Because the room is not big, the furniture is placed very compactly.

Li Zhenruo stretched out his hand to open the cabinet, thinking he could see Zhao Yuqiong's previous clothes. To be honest, he had complicated emotions, even a little scared, but when he opened the cabinet door, he found that there was nothing inside.

Dazed for a moment, Li Zhenruo wondered if there was a custom to burn all the clothes of the dead. He didn't know much about these, but he seemed to have heard of them when he was a child.

So he walked to the desk, and Li Zhenruo sat down and opened the drawer.

There are some sundries in the drawer, including some women's small jewelry. One of the ruby necklaces looks very tacky now, and the ruby is obviously a fake gemstone, which is not worth much, but Zhao Yuqiong put it away carefully.

Li Zhenruo found a photo album in the drawer on the right. He hurriedly took it out and opened it to look, but found that it was an empty photo album without a single photo posted.

After being stunned for a moment, Li Zhenruo noticed that it was a children's photo album, recording the child's growth trajectory from the full moon to one or two years old. He thought to himself that Zhao Yuqiong might have prepared this for him, but unfortunately, she was not able to accompany his son to grow up.

There were many emotions, and I thought I wouldn't care about them, but at this moment, they surged out. Li Zhenruo lowered his head and put the photo album back, and slowly closed his eyes.

Searching through the desk drawers failed to find anything of value, not a single letter or the diary he had hoped for, just as there was not much record about this woman left in this empty room.

Li Zhenruo stood up and put her last hope on the bedside table.

The bedside table has two drawers, the upper one contains keys and some old documents, while the lower drawer is empty when opened, the bottom layer is covered with newspapers, perhaps it was used to store personal belongings in socks and underwear.

Li Zhenruo was squatting on the side of the bed, and wanted to get up at this time, but suddenly noticed that there seemed to be a piece of white paper sandwiched under the mattress, with a small corner exposed. If you don't look carefully, you won't notice it at all. arrive.

He reached out to grab the piece of paper, lifted the mattress with the other hand, and pulled out the piece of paper. Only then did he see clearly that it was the back of a photo, and there was not only one photo sandwiched under it, he quickly removed the other Also pulled out.

Turning to the front, Li Zhenruo saw that it was a group photo of two people. The color photo seemed to be too old and had begun to turn yellow. The background of the photo is probably a scenic spot in China, and the two people in front, one is a young Zhao Yuqiong, and the other is a young man. Because the person in the photo was a little small, it was difficult to see the man's face clearly, but if Li Zhen was sure, it was not Li Jianglin.

He flipped through another photo, this time it was a single photo, it was the man in the photo just now, wearing the same clothes, standing in front of a stone monument in a scenic spot. This photo was taken so clearly that Li Zhenruo could see his facial features carefully.

He unconsciously tightened his five fingers pinching the photo, because he could see clearly that the man's appearance was seven or eight points similar to his.

If that man were to stand with Li Jianglin, one would doubt that he was not Li Jianglin's biological son just by looking at him.

Li Zhenruo's legs felt a little numb after squatting for a long time. He got up and sat down by the bed regardless of the dust on the bed. He never took his eyes off the photo. He knew what these two photos meant. If Li Jianglin had seen these two photos from the beginning, then he would not be Li Zhenruo, maybe his surname was Zhao, or maybe it was something else.

Before, he had been thinking about who found out what clues and began to doubt his relationship with Li Jianglin. Now that he held these two photos in his hand, he began to have some thoughts in his heart.

Li Zhenruo bent down to look carefully at the marks under the mattress. He believed that these two photos should have been pressed here for more than 20 years and no one found them. When he pulled them out just now, they were even stuck to the bed board, and it took a lot of force to peel them off. . So are there any other photos? Could it be that the man in this photo appeared before

He sat up straight and raised his hand to fiddle with his hair.

If he had discovered these two photos a few years ago, his first reaction would have been to destroy the corpses, but now there is no need for it, anyway, this is no longer an important secret.

He stood up with the photo, intending to take the photo away, there are other things besides the photo. It seems that Li Jianglin has completely forgotten about the existence of this house. Even if it is demolished, he will definitely not come to remove the things, because they are meaningless things to him. At that time, these will probably be transported away with the construction waste and disposed of. If you want to take away some memories about Zhao Yuqiong, then only now.

But Li Zhenruo also has a problem, that is, he has no place of his own now, and he has to depend on Li Zhenran to live. No matter where these things are stored, it is difficult for Li Zhenran not to find them.

After a moment of hesitation, Li Zhenruo put away the photos, including the tacky ruby necklace in the drawer, and the blank photo album, and put them together in an empty file bag, then quietly exited and closed the door.

Li Zhenruo left Zhao Yuqiong's old residence and called Feng Junyuan.

Doctor Xiaofeng was still working in the hospital at this time, and he received a call asking Li Zhenruo to come to the hospital to find him.

Li Zhenruo took a taxi there, found Feng Junyuan in the surgical department, handed him the file bag, and said, "Doctor Feng, can I trouble you to keep these things for me?"

Seeing his serious attitude, Feng Junyuan asked, "Is it a very expensive thing?"

Li Zhenruo shook his head, "It's not worth much, but it's very important to me."

Feng Junyuan looked down at the old and yellowed file bag, nodded and said, "Yes."

Li Zhenruo couldn't help smiling, "Thank you so much, you helped me a lot, but please don't tell Mr. Luo about this, I wonder if it's okay?"

Feng Junyuan responded: "Well, but even if Luo Fei knew, he wouldn't say anything to Li Zhenran."

Knowing that what he was thinking was seen through by the other party, Li Zhenruo didn't care, and said, "Actually, it's nothing, I just don't want him to know something now."

Feng Junyuan said, "Don't worry."

For some reason, when Li Zhenruo heard Feng Junyuan say "don't worry", he really felt relieved. He has a strange sense of trust in Feng Junyuan and Song Jun, probably because Feng Junyuan took the initiative to lend a helping hand to him when he was most at a loss and helpless, making him feel that this person is truly reliable .

Leaving the hospital, Li Zhenruo took a taxi back to Yunlin seeing that it was not early.

The security guard downstairs already knew him, and no one came forward to stop him. At that time, it was almost time to get off work, and Li Zhenruo was in a hurry to leave, fearing that Li Zhenran would call him later. He hurried into the special elevator leading to the 22nd floor and above, and when he looked up, he realized that there was still someone standing inside, it turned out to be Li Jianglin.

The elevator came up from the first floor, and Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, realizing that Li Jianglin probably had something to return temporarily, and he had just come out of the underground parking lot to go up to the twenty-fourth floor where his office was.

This elevator dedicated to the Li family is not allowed to be used by other employees, but except for newcomers or outsiders who occasionally make mistakes, usually company employees will not use this elevator.

When Li Zhenruo rushed in, Li Jianglin just glanced at him, stood upright with a cane in his hand, and said nothing.

He didn't ask, so Li Zhenruo simply pretended not to know, and even pretended not to recognize Li Jianglin, pressed the elevator door with his back to him, and pressed the button leading to the twenty-third floor.

The elevator was going up smoothly, Li Zhenruo lowered his head, wishing he could hum two songs to pretend he was not paying attention.

When reaching the tenth floor, the elevator seemed to shake. Li Zhenruo immediately looked up and saw that the elevator was still going up, but the next two floors shook more and more. Li Zhenruo felt that something was wrong, so he reached out and pressed the nearest Floor, I want the elevator to stop.

Sure enough, when they reached the thirteenth floor, the elevator stopped, but it stopped completely. After a bang, it stopped firmly, but the elevator door did not open.

Li Zhenruo hurriedly pressed the door button, but there was no response, and the light above his head flickered and then suddenly went out.

Up to now, he was sure that he had encountered an elevator failure. After a moment of stunned, Li Zhenruo pressed the call button outside and called for help.

"Is anyone there?" Li Zhenruo shouted. He didn't hear a voice replying to him from outside. He didn't know if the communication line was faulty or no one could hear his call for help.

At the same time, Li Zhenruo heard a crisp "click" sound coming from behind him. He didn't realize what it was at first, but then suddenly remembered that Li Jianglin was still inside. The sound just now seemed like Li Jianglin's crutch fell on the ground on the elevator floor.

Not only did Li Jianglin fall down on crutches, but he also seemed very uncomfortable, with one hand propped on the elevator wall, looking precarious.

Li Zhenruo could barely see Li Jianglin's figure through the emergency light on the elevator panel. He stepped forward to help him and asked, "Mr., are you alright?"

With Li Zhenruo's support, Li Jianglin forced himself to stand up, covering his chest with one hand, as if he was too uncomfortable to speak.

Li Zhenruo knew that Li Jianglin had a heart problem, but he didn't expect that he would suddenly fall ill at this time. He couldn't care less about calling for help at this moment, so he could only help Li Jianglin lie down first, kneeling on the ground and let him pillow his knee , reached out to touch Li Jianglin's jacket pocket, he knew that Li Jianglin had the habit of carrying medicine with him.

After finding the medicine bottle, Li Zhenruo hastily unscrewed the cap, poured out a medicine, fed it to Li Jianglin's mouth, and said, "Old man, take the medicine first."

Li Jianglin opened his mouth and swallowed the medicine.

Li Zhenruo then immediately took out his mobile phone to call Li Zhenran, his tone was hurried, and as soon as Li Zhenran got on the phone, he said: "Your father and I are trapped in the company elevator, your father has a heart attack now, you need someone to come quickly." Get him out!"

Li Zhenran asked calmly, "Which floor are you on?"

Li Zhenruo said: "The thirteenth floor! It's in the special elevator, hurry up."

Li Zhenran seemed to have already acted, he said, "Wait for me."

The phone didn't hang up, but Li Zhenran didn't have time to talk to him. While calling Hua Yibang to call the Engineering Department and the Security Department, he had already taken another elevator down to the thirteenth floor.

In the small and dark space, Li Zhenruo could only hear Li Jianglin's rapid breathing, so he couldn't help raising his hand to wipe the sweat off Li Jianglin's forehead.

Li Jianglin was not his biological father, although he had known it for a long time, but at this moment he still felt heartbroken and nervous.

Li Zhenran's side was very efficient. In less than two minutes, many people gathered outside the elevator, planning to pry open the elevator door.

When Li Zhenruo heard Li Zhenran calling him on the phone, he quickly handed it to his ear and said, "I'm here."

Li Zhenran asked, "Are you all okay?"

Li Zhenruo said, "I'm fine, your father is not well."

At this time, Li Zhenruo found that the elevator door had been pried open a gap, and soon after, several security personnel opened the elevator door that was powered off. out.

Li Zhenran reached out to take Li Jianglin, picked him up personally, and hurried into the elevator next door, he was going to take him to the hospital.

Li Zhenruo lost his strength and reached out to support the inner wall of the elevator. The staff outside called him out loudly. With the help of others, he got out of the elevator, waved his hands and said it was all right, and then stood quietly with his back against the wall for a while.

"are you OK?"

Li Zhenruo suddenly heard someone asking him, turned around and saw it was Hua Yibang.

Hua Yibang said to him: "Zhenran asked me to take you back first, shall we go now?"

Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment, thinking that he would definitely not be able to go back to Li's house like this, and it would be inexplicably shameful for him to turn into a cat in front of Hua Yibang, so he simply shook his head and said, "No, I'll go." Brother Ran stay in the office for a while, you go first, don't worry about me."

Hua Yibang was obviously hesitant, because Li Zhenran told him to send this... um... his cat back to Li's house.

Li Zhenruo pointed upstairs, "Is his office unlocked?"

Hua Yibang took out the key card from his pocket and gave it to him.

Li Zhenruo took it over and said with a smile, "Thank you Brother Xiaohua," then went to the side and pressed the elevator upstairs.

Hua Yibang did not follow him upstairs, but called Li Zhenran to say that his kitten refused to go back and was now in his office. In fact, the line in Hua Yibang's mind was "your little wild cat", but he was embarrassed to say it.

Li Zhenran said to Hua Yibang: "Let him go, you don't have to worry about him."

Li Zhenruo went up to the 23rd floor by himself, opened the door of Li Zhenran's office with the key card, then turned on all the lights, and walked slowly to the desk to sit down.

Li Zhenran's office was similarly decorated with his previous office. Sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, it seemed as if he had returned to the past.

Li Zhenruo was a little exhausted after experiencing so many things in a short day. As soon as he closed his eyes, an old photo of Zhao Yuqiong appeared in the darkness, but Li Jianglin's rapid breathing in the elevator rang in his ears.

Li Zhenruo began to make up stories for the two of them in his head, thinking about how they met, how Zhao Yuqiong got pregnant with another man, and then tricked Li Jianglin into giving him the child.

Opening his eyes, those pictures disappeared. Li Zhenruo knew that he would never be able to piece together a complete truth just by imagining, but the deeper he dug, the more sad and exhausted he would feel.

Taking a deep breath, Li Zhenruo sat on the table and chair, turned half a circle, slid forward a certain distance and stopped in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window. He stared at the city outside without moving, and saw that the sky was slowly darkening until it was pitch black, the surrounding high-rise buildings were lit up one after another, and the streets were full of cars, colorful like a gorgeous river.

Just in a daze, he didn't know how long it had passed, when he suddenly heard the sound of the office door being opened.

Li Zhenran is back.

He was still wearing the suit he wore at work today, and his slender legs were wrapped in straight suit trousers, and he walked slowly towards the window. When he passed the desk, he dropped the key card on it with a crisp sound, and then stood Behind Li Zhenruo.

"What are you looking at?" Li Zhenran asked Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo didn't answer.

Li Zhenran stretched out a hand, and put the palm against Li Zhenruo's neck, slowly stroking upwards.

His palm was dry and warm, full of irresistible strength, he held Li Zhenruo's chin to make him lift his head, then bent down and kissed Li Zhenruo's lips.

A kiss full of encroachment, after the kiss was over, Li Zhenruo found himself out of breath.