Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 50


However, Li Zhenruo seemed to have misunderstood Li Zhenran.

Because at the same time he fell down, Li Zhenran reached out and caught him, but unfortunately, he happened to grab his tail, which made him scream at night.

Li Zhenran quickly pulled him up by the tail and put him on the window sill.

Li Zhenruo was still in shock, and his tail hurt from being pulled, the whole cat was in a trance, just buried its head and licked the base of its tail.

Li Zhenran glanced at him, his slender legs rolled over the window frame and hung outside, sat on the window sill, raised one hand and stuffed a cigarette into his mouth, and then lit the cigarette with a lighter in the other hand.

Li Zhenruo smelled the smoke and looked up at him. It seems that Li Zhenran has seldom seen smoking. Now he is sitting on the window sill looking into the distance with a cigarette in his mouth, which makes Li Zhenruo feel a little uncomfortable.

If he had to sum up this emotion, Li Zhenruo felt that he probably felt distressed.

The pain at the base of the tail became less obvious, Li Zhenruo hesitated for a long time, stretched out his paw, and touched Li Zhenran's thigh anxiously.

In fact, he should turn into a human form and sit down and have a serious chat with Li Zhenran, but he was a little timid, always feeling that he didn't need to speak like this, so he didn't have to face Li Zhenran's questioning.

Li Zhenran ignored him, just bent his left leg and stepped on the window sill, put his left arm on his knee, and held the cigarette between his fingers.

Li Zhenruo was a little dazed when he saw his handsome profile.

Li Zhenran suddenly said, "What are you doing crawling into my room in the middle of the night?"

Where is it midnight? Li Zhenruo slandered, but after hearing what he said, he finally felt relieved, thinking that Li Zhenran was probably not so angry anymore.

He carefully retracted his sharp claws, pressed the soft pads on Li Zhenran's waist, looked up at him, and gently pushed his waist.

Li Zhenran still ignored him.

So push it again.

Li Zhenran looked at him this time and said, "Leave you behind."

Li Zhenruo quickly retracted the cat's paw.

He hesitated, and finally stretched his limbs and turned into a human form and sat beside Li Zhenran. The two men squeezed together on the windowsill, and it seemed a bit crowded. Li Zhenruo's naked skin was tightly pressed against Li Zhenran's body, and he could feel the warmth of his skin through a thin layer of fabric.

Li Zhenruo said: "I can't say that I came to Li's house and stayed by your side for no purpose, but it has nothing to do with my feelings for you."

Li Zhenran took a puff of cigarette, and suddenly spit all the white smoke on Li Zhenruo's face, and asked him, "What do you feel for me?"

Li Zhenruo shrank her neck back, looked at Li Zhenran, thought for a while and said, "Aren't you the master..."

Li Zhenran didn't respond, took a puff of cigarette and spit the smoke on his face.

Li Zhenruo raised his hand to wave away the smoke, and asked Li Zhenran tentatively, "What should that be?"

Li Zhenran said coldly: "How do I know? Think about it for yourself, and tell me when you understand it." After speaking, he turned over and entered the room, and walked towards the bathroom.

When going to bed at night, Li Zhenruo still didn't know how to answer Li Zhenran's question. Li Zhenran had a cold attitude towards him, but he was not as angry as when he first confessed his identity to him.

Maybe Li Zhenran forgave him after struggling, regardless of his impure purpose at the beginning, it is enough to know that he is now a good cat who is devoted to his master.

Li Zhenruo slept next to Li Zhenran's pillow, but Li Zhenran refused to reach out and hug him. He had some insomnia, he didn't fall asleep for a long time, Li Zhenran remained silent around him, and he didn't dare to toss and turn for fear that Li Zhenran would be thrown out of bed if he woke up.

Lying quietly for a while, Li Zhenruo tossed himself back into the cat's appearance, got up quietly and made a circle on the pillow, staring straight at Li Zhenran, felt sleepy after staring for more than ten minutes, yawned and closed Sleep with eyes closed.

The next morning, Li Zhenran didn't talk to Li Zhenruo when she woke up, she just washed and dressed, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.

Li Zhenruo looked disappointed, washed his face with his paws, and followed Li Zhenran downstairs.

During breakfast, there were only Li Zhenran and Wen Chun in the dining room, and neither of them spoke, which made the Li family seem extremely deserted. In fact, there were not many people in the past, but Li Zhenzi and Zhu Kai have never been idle, and Li Zhentai is always pleasant and likes to chat with his brother.

Wang Ma was probably in a low mood too, so she turned on the TV in the living room after breakfast early.

Li Zhenruo couldn't eat and swallowed a few pieces of cat food, and suddenly heard Li Zhenran say: "Sister-in-law eat slowly, I'll go first." Then he turned his head to look, and saw Li Zhenran picked up the coat hanging on the back of the chair with one hand and was about to eat it. go out.

So he didn't care about the cat food that he hadn't swallowed yet, and hurriedly tried to chase it out, but Li Zhenran closed the door as soon as he got into the car.

Li Zhenruo pounced on the car door and tried to jump up, but saw that the car window was not open.

Wang Ma chased him out, picked him up, took two steps back, and said, "Be careful, they are going to drive."

Sure enough, Li Zhenran asked the driver to drive without even looking at him.

Li Zhenruo stared blankly at the car driving away, and limply lowered her head in Wang Ma's arms.

He was listless all day, lying on the back of the sofa in the living room, waiting for Li Zhenran to come back. But at the same time, he was a little dazed, not knowing what he should say to Li Zhenran when he really came back.

In the morning, when Wang Ma went to help in the kitchen, Wen Chun came down to the first floor and stood in the yard outside to make a phone call.

Looking at her slender back, Li Zhenruo felt that she was a bit pitiful, but when thinking about her relationship with Li Zhenzi, she felt that she deserved it.

Li Jianglin came back from a walk, took a book and sat on the recliner in the yard to read.

Li Zhenruo hesitated, got up and walked out, straightened up and leaned on the edge of the recliner. When Li Jianglin saw him, he bent down and reached out to lift him up, and put him on his lap.

When Li Zhenruo lay down, he stroked the top of his head and back with rough palms.

Li Zhenruo was already aggrieved, but he felt even more aggrieved by Li Jianglin's gentle treatment, so he quietly closed his eyes.

However, in the afternoon, Li Zhenruo was lying on the stairs taking a nap when he was awakened by the sound of Wang Ma's footsteps passing by suddenly. He saw Wang Ma rushing upstairs, so he hurriedly followed, but unfortunately he couldn't ask what happened.

I saw Wang Ma went to Li Zhenran's room on the third floor, opened the door, went in, opened the closet and began to pack things.

Surprised and surprised, Li Zhenruo grabbed Wang Ma's leg and began to "meow meow".

Wang Ma was so annoyed by being entangled, she stretched out her hand to gently push him away and said, "Your master is going on a business trip, I will help him pack his things, don't make trouble."

Li Zhenran is going on a business trip? Why didn't you tell him so suddenly? Li Zhenruo was stunned for a moment.

After a while, Wang Ma packed the suitcase and dragged it outside.

Li Zhenruo moved his mind to stop him, but he couldn't stop him, so he could only lie on the box in the end.

Wang Ma dragged the box to the stairs, raised her hand to drive him down, but failed, she said "Hey", she put down the box and called the gardener to help.

The gardener was a middle-aged man in his forties. When he came up, he didn't care if there was a cat or not, he picked up the box and went downstairs. Li Zhenruo almost fell down in a flash, but fortunately, he still had his claws firmly grasping the handle of the box.

Wang Ma instructed the gardener to put the box at the door of the living room, and then went about her own business regardless of the cat still lying on it.

Half an hour later, Hua Yibang drove over.

Wang Ma brought him to pick up the box. Hua Yibang stood at the door of the living room, staring at the cat lying on it, slightly taken aback.

Wang Ma asked, "Did Zhenran say that she would take the cat?"

Hua Yibang shook his head blankly.

Wang Ma asked again: "Are you going with him? How many days?"

Hua Yibang replied: "It is estimated to be about half a month."

Wang Ma was a little surprised, "It's been such a long time! Then take care of yourself and look a little better."

Hua Yibang nodded, "I know."

Wang Ma was a little strange again, "He didn't bring a cat? Didn't he take a cat with him after so long?"

Hua Yibang gave a "hmm".

Wang Ma said: "Then the cat can't find the owner for half a month, so it must be crazy."

Li Zhenruo felt that he was going to go crazy after waiting for less than half a month.

Hua Yibang obviously couldn't be so thoughtful about Li Zhenran's pet cat, he just said to Wang Ma: "Mom, I have to go, or I won't be able to catch the plane."

Wang Ma said, "Oh, let's go."

Hua Yibang pointed at Li Zhenruo: "Cat."

Wang Ma understood, stepped forward and took Li Zhenruo's two front paws to hug him. Li Zhenruo was holding on to the suitcase desperately, her nails were about to go in, but after all, she was not as strong as the National People's Congress, so in the end she was torn off by Wang Ma and yelled.

Hua Yibang carried the suitcase into the car.

Li Zhenruo waved his paws resolutely, "Meow..."

However, Hua Yibang had already gotten into the car, only heard him screaming desolately, glanced over his face, and then started the car mercilessly.

Wang Ma hugged him tightly and said to Hua Yibang, "Be careful!"

Hua Yibang responded: "Mom, take care of yourself." Then he drove the car away.

Wang Ma stood there watching her son drive away, and then went back to the house with the cat in her arms.

After Li Zhenruo was placed on the ground, he bounced up suddenly and wanted to rush out, but he stopped just after rushing out of the living room door.

He originally thought that he could chase after him in human form after leaving Li's house, but then he thought, Li Zhenran was on a business trip, his ID card was still locked by the other party, and he couldn't catch up to him without buying a plane ticket. And since Li Zhenran deliberately avoided him, so what if he caught up with him? Li Zhenran questioned him a few more times, but he was still speechless, and the final result might not be any different from what it is now.

Feeling cold for a while, Li Zhenruo stopped and lay down directly.

Wang Ma thought he was going to run away, she was startled and just after her, she saw him lying down at the door again. Still in shock, he walked over and kicked his ass lightly with his slippered feet, cursing, "Troublemaker!"

Li Zhenruo was kicked and shook, and raised her paw to cover her face.

Li Zhenran's visit lasted for half a month, and he didn't return a single call. No, he may have called Li Jianglin, but he never called Li Zhenruo.

It is impossible for him to say on the phone: let my cat answer the phone, I want to talk to it.

Li Zhenruo was listless all day long, lying motionless on the sofa, and went back to the third floor at night, sometimes distracted, and slowly walked to the door of Li Zhenran's room before realizing it, and finally lay down against the door, pillowed on his bed paws.

If Li Zhenruo thinks, his current mood is probably the same as that of a broken love. Every morning when he opens his eyes, he thinks of Li Zhenran, and then falls into endless troubles. The cat was left here alone and helpless, and bursts of sadness came to my heart.

One day at dinner, Li Zhenruo casually licked the cat food, sometimes he would be stunned for a few seconds after eating one.

Li Jianglin sat on the side and watched him for a long time, and asked Wang Ma, "What's wrong with the cat?"

Wang Ma said: "It may be that the master has been away for too long and is in a bad mood."

Li Jianglin sighed, "It's the first time I've seen such a human cat."

Wang Ma also said, "Yes, this cat is very smart, just like a child."

Li Zhenruo looked up in a daze, feeling that the cat food in his mouth was rough, dry and tasteless.

At this moment, Li Jianglin turned his gaze back, glanced at Wen Chun who was sitting across from him eating silently, and said, "I celebrate my birthday on the 7th of next month, and I plan to have wine at home, so please invite your parents to come."

Wen Chun was a little surprised when he heard the words, "Didn't Dad say not to celebrate before?"

As early as half a month ago, Li Zhenran asked Li Jianglin if he wanted to organize his birthday. At that time, Li Jianglin said no, just have a meal with the family. But now listening to Li Jianglin's tone, he wants to invite guests to hold another big battle.

Li Jianglin said: "Just invite some old friends and relatives who are close to me. The total amount is only two or three tables. If you don't go out to do business, just eat at home."

Wang Ma was also eating with her at the dining table, and she smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I'll tell the kitchen later, make a good plan, first write a menu and show it to you, when the time comes it will be lively." one time."

The house has been deserted for a long time, and even Wang Ma is looking forward to having the whole family come back for a reunion.

Li Jiang's birthday was approaching, and no matter how big the conflict was, Li Zhentai and Li Zhenzi couldn't hide their faces. When they came back, there were so many guests at home, it was impossible to pull each other down. It seemed that Li Jianglin couldn't bear it either, and wanted to find an opportunity to resolve the current situation.

Li Zhenruo had a piece of cat food in his mouth, but he didn't swallow it for a long time.

Li Jianglin nodded, "Call the boss later and ask him to come back. The second brother is not here recently, so he has to take care of this matter."

Wen Chun replied softly: "Okay, Dad."

Sure enough, that night Li Zhentai rushed back from the outside in a hurry, and after returning home, he went into Li Jianglin's study and closed the door to talk to him.

Li Zhenruo was not in the mood to eavesdrop. After dinner, he took Erhuang for a walk in the yard, and then jumped in from the living room window after the walk. Before he landed, Wang Ma grabbed him and went to the bathroom to wash his feet, wiped off the water and threw him on the ground.

When he came out, he met Li Zhentai who also came out of Li Jianglin's study, and instead of leaving, he went up to his room on the second floor.

Li Zhenruo walked behind him, reached the second floor to take a look, and saw Li Zhentai reaching out to close the door.

Li Zhentai stayed at home that night, and he went home to sleep every day after that.

Li Zhenzi also came back, but it was daytime, and Li Zhentai hadn't come back at that time. As soon as Wen Chun saw Li Zhenzi, he went upstairs without even saying hello, probably to avoid suspicion.

Li Jianglin asked Li Zhen to go into the study by himself. The father and son chatted for about an hour, but Li Zhenruo didn't eavesdrop. In fact, he was not interested in doing anything recently, but he guessed that Li Jianglin must have asked Li Zhen to apologize to Li Zhentai himself.

Otherwise, Li Jianglin couldn't persuade Li Zhentai to forget about it anymore, he should know that even if Li Zhentai really didn't care about it, that knot would never be untied, and it might be with them for the rest of their lives.

Li Zhenruo suddenly felt that if he were Li Jianglin, he might as well let Li Zhentai and Wen Chun divorce, why bother

Although Li Zhenran was not there, the house suddenly became lively in order to prepare for Li Jianglin's birthday banquet, especially Wang Ma, who had been instructing the cleaning lady to clean up thoroughly for the past two days, and wiped all the windows of the rooms with a ladder again.

At the same time, he was still planning the dishes for the banquet, and asked the kitchen to make a list for Li Zhentai to review. Li Zhentai felt unsatisfied, so he simply asked his assistant Gao Qi to go to the restaurant to order some dishes and deliver them at that time.

When cleaning, Li Zhenruo was disliked by his family more than once and got in the way. He was a little aggrieved, thinking that I never chased the robot vacuum cleaner or the mop, so why should I be in the way

In anger, Li Zhenruo left the living room and went to the yard, and ran to Erhuang's kennel to lie down with him.

A dog and a cat are both looking forward to the owner's return soon.

The days without a master always seem to pass very slowly, but no matter how slow it is, staring at the second hand, half a month has passed without knowing it.

It's Li Jianglin's birthday, but Li Zhenran still hasn't come back.

The night before, Li Zhenruo heard Li Jianglin tell Wang Ma that Li Zhenran would be back before lunch the next day.

Upon hearing this, Wang Ma said, "That's good, that's good."

Li Jianglin said: "Let Yibang stay and have dinner together."

"Oh," Wang Ma smiled.

When Li Zhenruo heard their conversation, he suddenly had a little appetite. It wasn't that he was pretending to be pitiful. When he looked in the mirror in the bathroom last night, Li Zhenruo felt as if he had lost weight.

He wasn't too sure, turned around a few times in front of the mirror, and finally pulled the hair on his chin with his claws with difficulty, and then nodded with certainty, he really lost weight.

The next morning, Li Zhenruo woke up shortly after dawn. He got up from the bed, jumped to the window and looked out.

Although it was still early, it could already be seen that today must be a good weather, everything will be fine, Li Zhenruo told himself.

Wang Ma also got up very early, and started to be busy after breakfast. Wen Chun didn't stay in the room, but wore a beautiful dress with decent makeup on her face, helping Wang Ma direct Home workers getting ready.

It was also rare for Li Zhentai not to go out, so he called Gao Qi shortly after he woke up and told him to go to the restaurant to confirm today's order.

Li Zhenruo went downstairs in good spirits, stood at the door of the living room and looked out, waiting for Li Zhenran to come back.

However, he waited until almost noon, when all the guests had already arrived, and the tables were placed directly in the yard, with a total of three tables.

Since Li Zhentai came back, although Li Zhentai didn't communicate with him, he didn't show his face in front of the guests.

Wen Chun's parents also came, and Li Zhentai hugged Wen Chun's waist in front of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, as if the couple had a good relationship.

What about Li Zhenran

When Li Zhentai and Li Jianglin greeted the guests to sit down at the round table, Li Zhenruo saw a black car driving in from outside, he didn't need to look carefully to know that it was Li Zhenran's car.

The car drove to a nearby stop. Hua Yibang opened the passenger door and got out, and the rear door also opened from the inside. Li Zhenran stepped out with one long leg first.

Li Zhenruo was a little excited, he took two steps forward and hesitated whether he should rush over, but saw Hua Yibang went around to the other side of the back seat and opened the car door, and a tall, beautiful woman with long hair got out from inside.