Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 57


Li Zhenruo wanted to find Xia Hongshen and the others, but couldn't find them after looking around the venue, so he had to call Xia Hongshen in the end, saying that he had some important things to do now and would be back at night.

After Xia Hongshen hung up the phone, he looked at Luo Fei coldly and said, "You plot against my apprentice."

Luo Fei shrugged his shoulders innocently, "Your apprentice did it willingly. I just accepted my friend's entrustment so that the two of them could have a chance to calm down and sit down for a chat."

Li Zhenran was driving, and Li Zhenruo was sitting in the co-pilot. When they left the coffee shop, Li Zhenran said to go to Zhu Kai now.

Li Zhenruo looked out of the car window in silence.

Li Zhenran asked him, "What? Nervous?"

"Huh?" Li Zhenruo turned his head and did not answer the question.

Li Zhenran stared ahead, "A good friend who grew up with you."

When Li Zhenruo heard the words, he unconsciously supported the cushion with his hands, straightened his back, and said, "It's nothing." After speaking, he was silent and called Li Zhenran's name, "Li Zhenran."

Li Zhenran turned to look at him.

Li Zhenruo continued: "Do you all know that my death was not an accident?"

Li Zhenran was quiet for a moment, and said, "I don't know, it's just a guess."

Although he knew in his heart that there was no relationship between Li Zhenran and him at that time, and he might not be so sad if Li Zhenran died, but at this moment he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Li Zhenran leaned on the window with his left elbow, rubbed his lips with his fingers, and said, "In the beginning, someone gave Dad the identification, until you were sure that it wasn't Dad's biological son and left the Li family. For a while, Dad was very angry. Angry because you are not his son, but angry that some of our brothers are playing tricks behind our backs."

Li Zhenruo was a little dazed, wondering if this proved that Li Jianglin was still thinking about his son in his heart.

Li Zhenran said: "Actually, didn't you notice? Dad still loves you the little son the most."

Li Zhenruo shook his head, "I don't think so."

Li Zhenran chuckled, "That's because you haven't seen it before. When I was young, my father was strict with my eldest brother. Later, as I got older, after having the third child and you, it became much gentler."

Li Zhenruo found that he couldn't imagine it, but what Li Zhenran said might be true, maybe it was because Li Jianglin was too strict with Li Zhentai that caused Li Zhentai's slightly shrinking character now.

However, he didn't feel how gentle Li Jianglin was to him. He thought that if it wasn't for the lack of love from his parents and brothers when he was a child, he might not be so attached to the little bit of warmth that Li Zhenran gave him now. In his bones, he probably needs such a man to treat him like a child.

Li Zhenran drove to a five-star hotel in the city. In this hotel, Li Zhenruo knew that Zhu Kai had a good relationship with the hotel Shaodong. Before he speculated that Zhu Kai might go to this place, he also thought about it, but he didn't have time to check it out himself.

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Li Zhenran got out of the car and handed the keys to the parking staff. When Li Zhenruo came over, he put his palm on his vest and said, "Come with me."

Li Zhenruo couldn't help but quicken his pace when he thought of what he was about to face.

Walking into the hall, someone came over and took a door card to Li Zhenran, told him the room number, Li Zhenran nodded, and accompanied Li Zhenruo to the direction of the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator to go up, Li Zhenran asked Li Zhenruo: "If you are sure that Zhu Kai did it, what would you do?"

Li Zhenruo looked at the beating numbers and said, "At least I need to know why."

After getting out of the elevator, the two slowed down and walked to Zhu Kai's room. Li Zhenran opened the door directly with the room card.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the morning, and Zhu Kai was still lying on the bed and didn't get up. He probably thought it was room service, so he lay on the bed with some displeasure and said, "Who is it? Is there anyone? Come in!"

"Zhu Kai," Li Zhenran called his name while walking inside.

Li Zhenruo followed Li Zhenran, went into the guest room, and saw Zhu Kai sitting up from the bed, looking at them with his upper body naked.

Zhu Kai's hair was still messy, and his brows were tightly furrowed. Seeing the two of them, he didn't seem very nervous. He just stretched out his hand to scratch his hair and said, "What's wrong? It's early in the morning."

Li Zhenran walked to the edge of the bed and looked down at him.

Zhu Kai scratched his face again, and asked Li Zhenran: "The old man told you to come to me? Has he calmed down yet?"

Li Zhenran didn't answer him.

Zhu Kai then said, "It's his own son hooking up with his daughter-in-law. I just accidentally took a photo. What's none of my business?"

Li Zhenruo looked at Zhu Kai, wondering if it was because his life was too irregular during this period of time, but he seemed to be thinner again, with long dyed golden hair draped over his shoulders, looking a little boring.

He thought he was very familiar with this man, but only now did he realize that he was not familiar at all.

Zhu Kai also saw Li Zhenruo at this time, glanced at Li Zhenran and said, "You are also bold enough. Are you afraid that I will take a photo and hand it to the old man, so that he will know that you are fooling around with men?"

Li Zhenran actually said indifferently: "It's up to you. I'm not here to ask Li Zhenzi about them, I'm here to ask you about Li Zhenruo."

Zhu Kai's expression became a little strange for a moment, he glanced at Li Zhenruo behind Li Zhenran again, and asked, "Why do you want to ask about Li Zhenruo? He—" Zhu Kai raised his head in Li Zhenruo's direction, "What does it have to do with Li Zhenruo?"

Before Li Zhenran spoke, Li Zhenruo said, "It doesn't matter what relationship I have with Li Zhenruo, but I'm curious about your relationship with Li Zhenruo and why you want to kill him?"

Zhu Kai laughed when he heard the words, "Oh, let me put on my clothes first, I don't mind being naked, I'm afraid you don't want to see it." After speaking, he directly pulled the quilt away, and it turned out that he was completely naked underneath.

As a result, both Li Zhenran and Li Zhenruo looked at him without changing their faces. Li Zhenran didn't care, but Li Zhenruo hadn't seen Zhu Kai's naked body.

Even so, when Zhu Kai went to the TV cabinet to get some clothes to wear, no one stopped him.

Zhu Kai took the clothes and put them on slowly, buttoned them carefully, zipped them up, and suddenly turned around and ran outside.

Li Zhenran reacted quickly, and suddenly chased after him, and the one who reacted faster than Li Zhenran was actually Li Zhenruo.

Just when Zhu Kai ran to the corridor, Li Zhenruo kicked him down from behind, and then Li Zhenruo pressed his whole body on top of him, pressing his head heavily on the ground with his arms.

Zhu Kai took a breath and said, "Don't mess around, there are surveillance cameras in this corridor."

Li Zhenruo pulled him up and said, "If you don't run away, I won't mess around." After speaking, he grabbed Zhu Kai's arm and pulled him back to the room.

Li Zhenran stood at the door of the room, a little surprised.

However, Li Zhenruo moved his wrist, recalling his explosive power just now, and felt that he might have changed a little bit. These days, he has been absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth according to the method taught by Xia Hongshen. Over time, the spiritual energy in his body has become more and more abundant. The most obvious feeling is probably the change in physical strength.

Just think that when he pressed Zhu Kai's head just now, Zhu Kai obviously felt that his strength was very strong and he couldn't break free.

Zhu Kai sat down on the chair in front of the dressing table, facing them, and said, "Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Li Zhenran sat on the edge of the bed silently.

Li Zhenruo asked him: "Why did you frame Li Zhenruo? You were the one who asked someone to find a bloody tissue from Li Zhenruo's room for DNA testing, right?"

Zhu Kai was a little amused, "What is framing? Li Zhenruo was not Li Jianglin's son in the first place, and I just helped them make a scientific proof. What is this framing?"

Li Zhenruo asked coldly: "Well, how do you know that Li Zhenruo is not Li Jianglin's son? Why do you do such a thing?"

Zhu Kai looked him up and down, then turned to Li Zhenran, "Do you want to know or he wants to know?"

Li Zhenran answered him calmly: "It's all the same, what he wants to know is what I want to know."

"Tsk—" Zhu Kai clicked his lips and said, "Well, since you know so much, I'm not afraid to tell you. How do I know that Li Zhenruo is not Li Jianglin's own son, because that's what Li Zhentai told me. Why do you need to take his blood for identification, because there is a deal between me and Li Zhentai, and he asked me to find it for him."

Li Zhenruo looked at Zhu Kai, apparently not fully believing his words, and asked, "What deal?"

Zhu Kai snorted, "Of course I won't tell you."

Li Zhenruo asked him: "Since you have a deal with Li Zhentai, why did you do such a thing at his wedding?"

Zhu Kai looked up with his eyeballs, "Because he unilaterally broke our deal, I want to get revenge on him. Oh, don't ask me what the deal is again, I won't tell."

Having said that, Zhu Kai said impatiently: "I will only answer your last question now, and you can leave after asking."

Li Zhenruo was not angry when he heard the words, but approached Zhu Kai, and asked word by word: "The other day you said you knew a secret of the Li family, what is the secret?"

Zhu Kai looked at him, and said after a while, "The secret I know is that Li Zhenruo might not be dead at all."

Li Zhenruo didn't expect Zhu Kai to say such a sentence, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Zhu Kai actually took the opportunity to kiss him.

Seeing this, Li Zhenran got up from the bed and kicked away the chair sitting under Zhu Kai's buttocks. Zhu Kai almost didn't fall to the ground, and complained: "You're really stingy."

Li Zhenruo felt that Zhu Kai was not telling the truth, or based on what he knew about Zhu Kai, he knew that Zhu Kai must have concealed a lot of things. However, Zhu Kai is a person who doesn't take hard and soft things. He speaks and acts according to his mood.

Li Zhenran didn't speak, and waited for him quietly.

Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, stood there for a while, and said to Li Zhenran, "Let's go."

When they were about to leave Zhu Kai's room one after the other, Li Zhenruo remembered something, turned around and said to Zhu Kai: "Your dog is with me."

This was the sentence that made Zhu Kai react the most today. He stood up suddenly and asked, "Give it back to me?"

Li Zhenruo was a little amused, "Since you are thinking about it, are you willing to leave it alone for so long? Of course I won't do anything to it, but if you tell me the truth, I will consider bringing it out to the public. you."

Zhu Kai said, "everything I said is the truth."

Li Zhenruo looked at him with a cold smile, "Didn't you say that Li Zhenruo is not dead? He will know if what you are telling is true."

After speaking, Li Zhenruo pulled Li Zhenran's arm, "Let's go."

Until entering the elevator, Li Zhenruo still frowned tightly.

Li Zhenran put his hands in his trouser pockets and asked him, "Although he didn't tell the truth, you still know what you want to know, right?"

Li Zhenruo said: "What I need to be sure of most is whether Li Zhentai is the person behind this incident."

Li Zhenran said, "Are you sure now?"

In fact, Li Zhenruo has always been very sure, but he still has some things that have not been straightened out. It is easy to kill Li Zhentai for revenge, but he doesn't want to pass his life in such a daze, the feeling of being kept in the dark is too uncomfortable.

At this time, Li Zhenran suddenly held his hand, leaned close to his ear and said in a low voice, "Are you going to kill him for revenge?"

Li Zhenruo froze for a moment, then looked up at Li Zhenran, he wasn't sure if Li Zhenran was joking, because Li Zhenran's expressions were not too expressive no matter if he was serious or joking.

Li Zhenruo could only say: "Even if you want to kill him, you have to know if he is the one who bought me to kill me, right? Zhu Kai is actually right about the identification. It's not like taking Li Zhentai's life for this."

When the elevator reached the first floor, Li Zhenran took Li Zhenruo's hand and walked outside.

Li Zhenruo was half a step behind him, looked at his back, and couldn't help but look around to see if anyone was paying attention to them. There should still be some, but no one is blatantly staring at them all the time.

After getting in the car, Li Zhenran asked Li Zhenruo, "Go back?"

Li Zhenruo hesitated and said, "I still have to go back to my master first, otherwise they will worry."

"Master?" Li Zhenran frowned slightly.

Li Zhenruo thought he would object, but he just said, "Okay, I'll pick you up at night."