Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 80


Knowing that he was being seen, Li Zhenruo's first reaction was to turn around and run, thinking to himself while running: Big face is really a bad thing!

He ran towards the window at the end of the corridor. After jumping on the window, he realized that the man hadn't caught up, so he turned around and saw the man standing at the door watching him and not moving.

That person was originally out of desperado's sensitivity. When he saw movement outside, his first reaction was someone. When he really chased him out, he found that it was a cat and there was no one else.

Li Zhenruo looked at him for a moment, and made a pretentious "meow".

The man looked at him for a moment, then turned and went back into the room.

Li Zhentai asked, "What?"

The man said, "It's nothing, it's just a cat."

"Cat?" For some reason, Li Zhentai seemed a little too sensitive to cats, so he stood up and walked outside.

When Li Zhenruo heard the movement, he wondered if he should avoid it, but then he thought it would be better for him to see it, since his black hair shouldn't make him suspicious.

It's just that after Li Zhentai came out, he still turned his face away with some guilt, so that he wouldn't see it.

When Li Zhentai saw that it was a black cat squatting on the window sill, he was a little relieved, and then he also felt that he was too cranky, turned back to the house, and said, "Anyway, get rid of them first, you also know that now I am with my family." People have some problems, we can't let them in to disrupt the situation."

"Family?" The man snorted coldly, "The two downstairs are your family members, right?"

Li Zhentai said irritably, "Don't talk nonsense!"

The man said: "Okay, you can get another car, I will take them away first, and I will contact you later for other matters."

Li Zhentai responded: "Okay, I'll call someone to drive over now."

Afterwards, Li Zhentai called and asked someone to drive over.

After finishing the call, the man went downstairs first.

Li Zhenruo hid behind the door of an open room next to him, hesitating whether to follow the man downstairs, but he heard Li Zhentai's light footsteps walking to the stairs, and glanced down.

Then Li Zhenruo heard Li Zhentai start calling, his voice was very low, if it wasn't for his cat's hearing, he couldn't hear clearly at all.

Li Zhentai said to the person on the other side of the phone: "The car that is coming, let me tamper with the brakes." His voice was tense, almost trembling, and then he said, "No, the brakes won't work. It's better to install a time bomb."

Li Zhenruo couldn't hear what the person on the phone said.

But Li Zhentai quickly said in a low and anxious voice: "Why not? As long as you have money, what is wrong? I've given you time, you can come here tonight! You can call later and say that the car is out of order." Problem, just change the car and get stuck on the road!"

Li Zhenruo was stunned, he didn't expect Li Zhentai to be so ruthless, even the people who worked for him would not be spared.

Li Zhentai's breathing sounded fast and heavy, and he said, "No matter what method, I want all the people in that car to die, you can figure it out!"

He hung up the phone, stood against the wall for a while to recover his breath, and then slowly walked downstairs.

The couple sitting on the sofa stood up as soon as they saw him, their eyes panicked.

Li Zhentai said with a blank expression, "I think you guys are mistaken, I'm not the person you said."

The couple suddenly became nervous, and the old lady said, "Really, we—"

"Stop talking!" Li Zhentai interrupted her, "I've ordered a car, and I'll take you off to your hometown tonight, so there's no need to say anything!"

Li Zhentai stared at them fiercely. When the old lady wanted to speak, her husband pulled her away. The husband and wife looked at each other and fell silent.

Li Zhenruo hid at the corner of the stairs and watched them.

He saw the disappointment and pain in the couple's eyes. It's just that they themselves chose to abandon this son back then. Now that the son has grown up, he wants to come and recognize the son he hasn't seen in thirty years. It's too good to think.

Li Zhentai's refusal to accept them, Li Zhenruo completely understood, but if he wanted to kill people, he could only say that Li Zhentai was too cruel.

Two other men in the room were sitting on the sofa next to them, smoking and chatting in low voices.

First he said some irrelevant things, and then, the tall and thin man who had been talking upstairs with Li Zhentai for a long time asked, "Why haven't you come yet?"

Li Zhentai frowned slightly, "I'll call and ask."

He just stood up and made a gesture to take out his mobile phone, when there was a knock on the door outside.

The man stood up and said, "Oh? Here's the car?"

Li Zhentai's face changed, it stands to reason that the car could not come at this time.

Li Zhenruo couldn't help poking his head out, wondering if the police were here? Then he thought, Oops, Li Zhenran didn't realize that Li Zhentai didn't plan to do anything now, nor did he break up with the old couple. Even if the police came at this time, it wouldn't help.

Sure enough, Li Zhentai went to open the door and saw a policeman in police uniform standing outside, he asked, "What are you doing?"

Li Zhentai could still hold his breath. He asked, "Police officer? What's the matter?"

The policeman said: "Someone called the police, saying that someone was kidnapped here."

Hearing this, Li Zhentai frowned in surprise, turned his head and looked inside, "Does anyone call the police?"

The two men in the room responded with a lazy attitude, "Who will call the police?"

The policeman looked at the couple. Their outfits looked out of tune with other people, so they asked, "Are you all right?"

The couple looked at each other and shook their heads.

The policeman frowned displeasedly, saying that someone called the police indiscriminately and wanted to register the information of the people in the house.

Li Zhentai said with a smile: "Officer, it's really a misunderstanding. It might be a nearby building. We brothers and our elders came here for vacation. Where did the kidnapping come from?"

He then offered the policeman a cigarette and whispered for a while before coaxing the officer away.

When the police left, Li Zhentai's face changed when he slammed the door. He tried his best not to lose his temper with the two old men, but asked the young man sitting on the sofa, "Why did someone call the police?"

The man said, "How do I know?"

Li Zhentai said: "Someone is watching us!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt uneasy, "Let's go, change places!"

At this time, the old couple began to feel that something was wrong.

The old lady held her husband's hand tightly with an uneasy expression on her face. The old man asked Li Zhentai, "Where are you going?"

Li Zhentai said: "It's not safe here, let's change to another place."

The old man protected his wife and said, "Or, let's go first."

Li Zhentai asked him, "Where are you going?"

The old man said: "Since you are not Xiaojie, then we will not bother you, and we will go first."

At this time, the old lady grabbed the old man's hand and said, "Why isn't he? He is Xiaojie!"

With a gloomy face, Li Zhentai growled, "Shut up!" Then he called the two men, "Leave now!"

Li Zhenruo looked outside anxiously. There was no one there where Li Zhenran and the others parked just now. He didn't know where Li Zhenran had gone, but he knew that Li Zhenran would not go far because he was still here.

Li Zhentai and the others drove a small car, which was just big enough for them to sit down.

It is impossible for Li Zhenruo to squeeze in without anyone noticing.

Li Zhentai and the others were still waiting, wanting to wait for the policeman to go a little further before acting.

Li Zhenruo then took advantage of this time to slip out of the window, wanting to find Li Zhenran.

There is only a small road from this villa. Li Zhenruo ran along the small road, and saw a car parked by the side of the road where he just got on the road, and Li Zhenran was still wearing a suit standing by the car door,

Li Zhenruo rushed towards him all at once.

However, unexpectedly, Li Zhenran didn't catch him, but took a step back to let Li Zhenruo jump into the air, hit the car window directly, and then slid to the ground.

With tears in his eyes, he looked up at Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenran looked at him with slightly doubtful eyes.

When Li Zhenruo lowered his head, he saw the black hair on his chest and suddenly remembered that he had changed his face just now, but he hasn't changed back yet!

So he changed back into a human form, stood up and said to Li Zhenran, "Can't you even recognize me?!"

"Oh—" Li Zhenran said, "I said where did the wild cat come from, so it was you."

Li Zhenruo grabbed Li Zhenran's arm, "Li Zhentai asked someone to take his biological parents away, and then killed them to silence them."

Li Zhenran said, "Well, I thought of it."

"The police came just now, but Li Zhentai hadn't turned his back on them yet. The police left after asking a few words. Now he has alarmed the snake, and he wants to take people away."

Li Zhenran nodded, "I've thought about it, you get in the car with me first."

Li Zhenruo knew that Li Zhentai and the others might notice here, so he followed Li Zhenran into the car.

Li Zhenran said to Li Zhenruo while driving: "It is impossible for them to enter the city from here. The only possibility is to go out of the city through the toll booth in front, where the police are checking the passing vehicles."

Li Zhenruo froze for a moment, "Did you tell the police?"

Li Zhenran shook his head, "I found a friend from the bureau, and he asked his subordinates to lead people around."

Li Zhenruo said: "Interrogation doesn't work either, Li Zhentai has no plans to do anything now."

Li Zhenran turned to look at him, "But the two men with Li Zhenran, one of them is a wanted criminal."

"the wanted?"

Li Zhenran picked up the phone, rummaged through it and threw it to Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo saw that it was a candid photo, which was the tall and thin man.

Li Zhenran said: "Just now they secretly took pictures. I asked them to find out the identities of these two men. It turned out that this man fled after robbery and murder. He was on the wanted list of the police. Then I told the branch office. friend."

Li Zhenruo looked at the photo quietly for a while, then looked up at Li Zhenran and said, "This man is the one who killed me at that time."

Li Zhenran slammed on the brakes.

Li Zhenruo handed him the phone back, "I know he was ordered by Li Zhentai. In comparison, I should hate Li Zhentai more."

Li Zhenran said: "Okay, they will all suffer retribution."