Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 83


Having said all this, it doesn't make any sense for Wang Dong to continue to cover up.

He looked a bit sad, "It's been five years since I last saw Sun He. We had a meal together, and there was his girlfriend at that time. We haven't seen each other since, and we lost contact over time. My mobile phone I saved his and his girlfriend’s phone numbers, but his number was empty when I called him later, I don’t know if his girlfriend’s number has been changed, and I don’t even know if it’s still his girlfriend.”

Li Zhenruo said: "Brother Dong, please contact Sun He for me. This matter has nothing to do with you. If I find out Sun He's whereabouts, I will notify Mr. Luo immediately."

Wang Dong could only say, "Then I'll try."

Wang Dong took his mobile phone and found the number saved at that time. He dialed it for a while before a woman answered the phone, but it seemed that he didn't know who she was anymore, so he asked indifferently, "Who is that?"

"Sister-in-law," Wang Dong said quickly, "I'm Brother Sun's friend Wang Dong, do you still remember me?"

The woman froze for a moment, "Oh—hello, what's the matter?"

Wang Dong said: "Sister-in-law, I have something to call on Brother Sun, but he can't get through the phone, can you tell me his current phone number?"

While speaking, Wang Dong couldn't help looking at Li Zhenruo, who nodded at him.

The woman said, "Are you looking for Sun He? You can't find him."

Wang Dong was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

The woman said: "He owed someone money, and he ran outside to hide the debt a year ago."

Wang Dong asked: "Can you tell me where he went? Or give me his contact information."

The woman said: "I don't know either. He didn't say where he went, and he didn't contact me."

Wang Dong suddenly didn't know what to do, and looked at Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo felt that the woman might not be telling the truth, and that Sun He might have owed someone money and went out to hide the debt, but where she went, it is estimated that the woman knew about it and was connected, otherwise the two should have broken up long ago.

It's just that there's no need to pester this woman too much at this time. Li Zhenruo said to Wang Dong: "Ask if there are any friends who are familiar with Sun He, who say they want to give him benefits, and are eager to contact him."

After all, he was the person who worked with Luo Yunguang back then. Although Wang Dong was honest, his mind was still bright. He said, "Sister-in-law, do you think Brother Sun has any friends who might know his whereabouts? Our old boss is back. , want to do something with us."

When Luo Yunguang sent them away, he was actually kind to everyone, at least he took a sum of money that was enough to seal their mouths.

Wang Dong didn't look very good living in this old house, but he still had a good life, while Sun He was too extravagant, and later got into gambling problems and lost all his money.

Sun He's girlfriend knew that the boss he used to work with was very rich. When Sun He and Wang Dong went out for a drink together, they heard them brag a lot about their glorious past, so now when Wang Dong mentioned it, she said after a while of silence: " Then I'll give you his buddy's phone number, or you can call and ask."

Wang Dong smiled and said, "Thank you sister-in-law."

The woman said: "Thank you, Sun He has had a hard time these years, how can you brothers think of him, I should thank you."

Wang Dong took a paper and wrote down a phone number and name, then hung up the phone.

Li Zhenruo picked up the note and said, "Wait a minute, Sun He's wife will definitely contact this person first to tell him about the situation. You can call me and ask him out later."

Wang Dong hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What exactly is Brother Luo planning to do with Sun He?"

Li Zhenruo smiled slightly when he heard the words, "Brother Dong, you can rest assured that Boss Li is a serious businessman and will not do anything illegal."

Wang Dong finally nodded, "I understand."

They waited for almost half an hour before Wang Dong got in touch with the person who claimed to be Sun He's friend. The man said that he is not in the city now, and he made an appointment with Wang Dong in two days, and Wang Dong agreed.

Two days later, it happened to be the day of Li Zhentai's burial.

At that time, Li Zhenran will definitely not be free, and it will be convenient for Li Zhenruo to act alone.

Up to now, Li Zhenruo has no plan to tell Li Zhenran about this matter. He was a little uneasy, but he couldn't say he was uneasy.

Li Zhentai is dead.

He was very sure that Li Zhentai and Zhu Kai were the culprits who played tricks behind his back to expose his affairs, and Li Zhentai was the one who killed him.

He doesn't care about the first thing, because it is the truth. Although the people behind it are uneasy and kind, he has to try to accept the fact that has been exposed.

But Li Zhentai acted ruthlessly, and he thought he couldn't forgive him.

Now that Li Zhentai is dead, it sounds like the most likely beneficiaries of this matter are Li Zhenran or Li Zhenzi, and perhaps Zhu Kai.

Along the way, Li Zhenruo has received too much information from them, and he has no way to distinguish which ones are true and which ones are false, so let him do the rest, and he even decides not to rely on Li Zhenran any more.

Of course, his network is not as wide as Li Zhenran's now, and he doesn't have much money in his hands, so it must be a lot of trouble to do things. But there is a great advantage. Thinking of this, if Li Zhenruo doesn't want to continue thinking, he is a little tired and plans to go back to rest.

Li Zhenran came back late at night, Li Zhentai paid someone to keep the spirit, but neither Li Zhenran nor Li Zhenzi stayed overnight.

Li Zhenran felt tired even after a busy day, so she filled the bathtub with water and lay down, raised her head and closed her eyes.

After a while, he heard movement next to the tub and saw his cat pawing at the edge of the tub to slide himself into it.

The bathtub in Li Zhenran's room was not big, and Li Zhenruo didn't want to be squeezed in with the two of him, so he kept his cat shape and hugged Li Zhenran's leg to climb up to prevent himself from falling into the water.

Li Zhenran lay motionless and ignored him.

Li Zhenruo finally lay on his chest, resting her head on his shoulder to breathe comfortably.

Li Zhenran then touched his head.

After lying down for a while, Li Zhenruo felt that the skin all over his body was about to wrinkle, so he got up and stepped on Li Zhenran's chest to jump out.

Li Zhenran's chest was covered with warm water. When he took off, his feet slipped, his head hit the edge of the bathtub, and he fell into the water with a plop.

Struggling to get up, Li Zhenruo clung to the smooth edge of the bathtub and stretched out his front paws to jump out, but someone pulled his tail from behind and fell into the water again.

Li Zhenruo stuck his head out of the water, shook the water off his head vigorously, and glared at Li Zhenran angrily.

Li Zhenran had a contented and lazy smile on his face, raised his head and leaned against the edge of the bathtub and closed his eyes.

Li Zhenruo blushed, and finally grabbed the bathtub and flipped out, but the ending was not so happy, he jumped out and rolled on the ground before getting up and running outside.

When Li Zhenran came out of the shower, she saw Li Zhenruo transformed back into a human form, sitting cross-legged on the bed naked and wiping her hair with a towel.

Seeing Li Zhenran looking at him, he said, "This way the water dries faster."

Li Zhenran walked to him and sat down, "I can blow it on for you with a hair dryer."

Li Zhenruo liked Li Zhenran's help to dry his hair very much, it was warm and comfortable, but at this time he still refused, "You are tired today, go to rest early."

Li Zhenran grabbed his towel, wiped his hair, and lay down on the bed without even drying it completely.

Li Zhenruo looked at him sideways, "You don't dare to stay there at night, for fear that Li Zhentai will cheat the corpse?"

Li Zhenran smiled, "I just don't want to watch for him."

Li Zhenruo pulled his arm, "Get up, your hair is not dry yet."

Li Zhenran was not pulled by him, but grabbed his wrist with his backhand and pulled him into his arms, asking him, "Where did you go this afternoon?"

Li Zhenruo rubbed against each other, found a comfortable position to lie on her stomach, and said, "I'm going to find Master."

"Looking for your master again," Li Zhenran said in a deep voice.

Li Zhenruo smiled, "Are you jealous? I have a mistress, and my master likes her very much, don't worry."

"Hmph!" Li Zhenran raised his arms and put them on the back of his neck.

Li Zhenruo was still giggling.

Li Zhenran said to him, "You mentioned that person."

"Huh?" Li Zhenruo looked at him puzzled.

Li Zhenran said: "You said that you took his body."

It's been a long time since I saw Shen Luming, and when Li Zhenran mentioned it, Li Zhenruo couldn't help being stunned.

Li Zhenran continued: "I don't know if there is a better way to solve this matter for you. I can only ask someone to stare at him. If he never remembers this matter, it should not hinder you."

Li Zhenruo hesitated, "My master said that he would temporarily seal his memory for me, but I don't know how long it will be."

Li Zhenran said: "I asked someone to arrange for him to study abroad."

"Huh?" Li Zhenruo was stunned.

Li Zhenran said: "I asked someone to contact their college and set up a scholarship to support outstanding students to study in schools in the United States or Canada. He was the default."

Li Zhenruo was a little surprised, "Are you going to send him away?"

Li Zhenran nodded, "Maybe if he leaves this environment, he will never be stimulated to think of anything."

Li Zhenruo didn't expect Li Zhenran to do so many things secretly, he couldn't judge whether it was appropriate or not, but at this moment, he had to admit that Li Zhenran was more thoughtful about many things than he thought.

In the end, he said: "We haven't reached that point yet, nothing is certain. Maybe he doesn't want this body anymore?"

Li Zhenran smiled, "That would be the best."

Li Zhentai was buried two days later.

Li Jianglin got up from the hospital bed, dressed neatly and went down to attend Li Zhentai's funeral with Zhu Kai's support, but Li Zhenruo did not show up.

He went to meet Sun He's friend instead of Wang Dong.

The meeting place was in a small square in the east of the city. When Li Zhenruo arrived, he saw the man squatting not far from the trash can smoking a cigarette. He was an unattractive middle-aged man.

Li Zhenruo bought a pack of soft cloud cigarettes at a nearby store, walked over and patted the middle-aged man on the shoulder, "Brother."

The middle-aged man turned to look at him, "Who are you?"

Li Zhenruo said: "We made an appointment on the phone. I am Sun He's friend."

The middle-aged man said, "Are you kidding me? Are you twenty this year? You didn't call me!"

Li Zhenruo smiled and squatted down beside him, knocked out a cigarette from the cigarette case and handed it to him.

The middle-aged man glanced at the cigarette, took it without saying a word, and then looked Li Zhenruo up and down.

Li Zhenruo handed the whole pack of cigarettes to the middle-aged man, "Brother, keep it, I don't smoke."

The middle-aged man was silent for a while this time, reached out to catch the cigarette, and asked him, "Who are you?"

Li Zhenruo said: "I'm really Sun He's friend, but unlike Brother Dong, I'm his boss's current subordinate. Speaking of which, everyone works for the same boss."

The middle-aged man asked, "Are you looking for him?"

Li Zhenruo shook his head, "I'm not looking for him, I know it's not convenient for him now, but I just want to ask you if you know something about him."

The middle-aged man seemed very cautious, "What happened?"

Li Zhenruo said: "Actually, it's also about his former boss. Brother, you can just say it when you think it's convenient, and forget it if it's inconvenient."

The middle-aged man glanced at him, "Say something quickly, don't be so wordy."

Li Zhenruo smiled and asked him: "Brother Sun owed someone a gambling debt and hid?"

The middle-aged man said, "Yeah, didn't you know that a long time ago?"

Li Zhenruo continued: "Then before he went out to avoid debts, did he try other ways to make money, such as extortion?"

The middle-aged man frowned, "What do you want to say?"

Li Zhenruo said sincerely, "Brother, what I said is what I wanted to say. I don't know if Big Brother Sun mentioned his past boss to you?"

The middle-aged man smoked a cigarette and said, "He said he used to work in Yunlin, and Li Jianglin was his boss."

Li Zhenruo chatted with him patiently: "Do you believe it?"

The middle-aged man snorted, "Believe it or not, it's an old story."

Li Zhenruo said, "Then did he try to ask the Li family for money?"

The middle-aged man seemed to be thinking about it, and after a while he said, "What? Your boss wants to take revenge on him?"

Li Zhenruo shook his head, "Our big boss knows everything he should know. Now it's my own little boss who wants to confirm some things. Don't worry, Brother Sun is gone, and no one will go to bring him back. It's better to say Some issues between my little boss and the big boss."

"What about the little boss and the big boss?" The middle-aged man looked disgusted, but finally said, "One day, I found a magazine with him, and there was a photo of the young master of the Li family. At that time, Sun He said that he Go to this young master to borrow some money."

Li Zhenruo asked: "He already owed gambling debts at that time, right?"

The middle-aged man nodded.

Li Zhenruo thought to himself that Sun He owed gambling debts, saw Li Zhentai's photo in a magazine, and then suddenly remembered the photo he stole from Zhao Yuqiong, and wanted to use the photo to ask Li Zhentai for some money.

This should be the greatest possibility, but why didn't Sun He choose to come to him, but Li Zhentai instead

Also, now that the puzzle has been thrown back to Luo Yunguang, why does he want to cheat at both ends

Feeling a little confused, Li Zhenruo asked again: "Do you know where Sun He is now?"

"I don't know," said the middle-aged man.

But Li Zhenruo guessed that he should know, but he just didn't want to say it.

Without insisting on asking, Li Zhenruo stood up and said, "Thank you, brother."

"That's it?" The middle-aged man was also a little surprised, thinking that he should ask more, at least to trick him into telling Sun He's whereabouts.

Li Zhenruo smiled, "That's it, thank you."

He turned around to leave, but stopped suddenly, took out his phone and searched the Internet for a photo of Li Zhentai to show the middle-aged man, "Brother, was that the young master of the Li family you were talking about at the time?"

The middle-aged man took a look and said with certainty, "It's not him."

Li Zhenruo was taken aback, "It's not him?"

The middle-aged man said: "It's a man who looks like a star."

Looks like a star? Li Zhenran or Li Zhenzi

Li Zhenruo took back his phone, started searching for Li Zhenzi's photos, and then showed the middle-aged man, "Is he?"

The middle-aged man looked at it for a while longer this time, "No, this is a bit like a foreigner, right?"

Li Zhenruo's fingers trembling slightly when he pressed the phone, he found Li Zhenran's photo, took a deep breath and put the screen in front of the middle-aged man, "This person?"

The middle-aged man nodded at a glance, "That's him."