Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 85


Li Zhenruo's heart trembled.

He let go of the phone he had already touched, stood up and went around to the desk, stood with his back against the big desk, and said, "I'm looking for a photo, a photo of Zhao Yuqiong and the man who abandoned her."

Li Zhenran stood by the door without moving, he said: "The photo is with Li Zhentai, don't you remember?"

Li Zhenruo said: "Is there only one photo? If I were Sun He, I would definitely remake something so important and keep it. I wouldn't just hand it over and lose it."

"Sun He?" Li Zhenran's tone was a little surprised.

The room was still shrouded in darkness, especially when looking from Li Zhenruo to Li Zhenran, one could only see the outline of a person clearly, but not the expression of the person.

Li Zhenruo said: "Sun He told me that he came to look for you."

Li Zhenran was silent when he heard the words.

Li Zhenruo took a deep breath to calm himself down, not to be affected by the other party.

In the end, Li Zhenran seemed to sigh, and he said, "Are you going to test me like this? It's impossible for Sun He to tell you this, because I know where Sun He is."

Li Zhenruo squeezed the edge of the desk tightly, "Sun He really came to look for you?"

Li Zhenran said: "Sun He came to me. He asked me for money and said he would give me a photo, saying that I would definitely be interested in that photo. I just said yes to him and I will give him the money."

Li Zhenruo gritted her teeth, "So you saw that photo in the first place?"

Li Zhenran said unhurriedly: "Sun He gave me the photo, and I had a hunch that things were not that simple, so I asked people to stare at him. It turned out that he had tasted the sweetness, so he turned around and contacted Li Zhentai again."

Li Zhenruo said, "You know he went to contact Li Zhentai, but you didn't stop him."

Li Zhenran was quiet for a while, and admitted: "I want to see how Li Zhentai will react."

Li Zhenruo took a deep breath, "You said you wanted to see it, but you knew that Li Zhentai would never let go of this opportunity to deal with me, so you kept watching coldly while he drove me out and found someone to kill me. "

Li Zhenran suddenly approached Li Zhenruo slowly, his footsteps were very clear in the darkness, until he stopped in front of Li Zhenruo, and reached out to touch Li Zhenruo's face.

His palm was as warm and dry as ever, but Li Zhenruo shivered for no reason.

Li Zhenran said softly: "I didn't know he would kill you. I was very surprised and thought he was too stupid. I thought he would make Li Jianglin angry if he killed you. I investigated this matter thoroughly, but I didn't expect that it would irritate Li Jianglin instead." Linyan flags and drums are silent, and this matter is put down."

Li Zhenruo felt his gentle touch and said, "You knew the truth from the beginning, but you pretended you didn't know anything, and played me around."

Li Zhenran said: "I told you, Li Zhentai did it, I didn't lie to you."

Now that Li Zhenran still said that he didn't lie to him, Li Zhenruo was suddenly very angry. His throat was so dry that he raised his head and said, "You saw the photo, and then what? Where is Sun He? What happened to Luo Yunguang?"

Li Zhenran sighed softly, "I don't think it's easy. The first thing I did was to go to Luo Yunguang and learn the truth from him. At the same time, in order to prevent Sun He from talking nonsense, he kept making people trouble him, forcing him to He had to leave here and dare not come back."

Li Zhenruo said: "So that time later, when you took me to Luo Yunguang, did you collude with him to play a play for me?"

Li Zhenran kissed his forehead, "What he said is the truth, I asked him to tell you everything you want to know."

Li Zhenruo was in a daze, "Then what he told Li Zhentai was a lie?"

Li Zhenran said: "Yes, I asked him to say that to Li Zhentai. I will not give Li Zhentai the opportunity to seize my handle and threaten me in turn, and at the same time make him unwilling to give up and want to continue struggling. In this way, we can It is justifiable to send him to die."

He leaned close to Li Zhenruo's ear and whispered this sentence, and the breath entered his ear like a wet and cold bug.

Li Zhenruo felt that he could no longer control his emotions, so he raised his hand to push Li Zhenran away, wanting to stay away from him. But as soon as he turned around, Li Zhenran hugged him from behind, his arms tightly wrapped around his waist, no matter how hard he struggled, he would not let go, and said in his ear: "Zhenruo, listen, I love you Yes. I just know the truth from beginning to end, and I did not harm you."

Li Zhenruo said, "But you lied to me."

Li Zhenran stretched out his hand to touch his face, and said in a low voice: "Didn't you also deceive me? During the days when I doubted your identity, I hoped that you would not be Li Zhenruo more than once, but I still couldn't hide it. Twenty Brother, what relationship do we have? How do you want me to pay for you? If you and I exchange identities, how dare you swear that you will not do the same thing?"

Li Zhenruo gasped, emotionally, "You're right! I dare not swear, you don't owe me anything, you just watched me die with cold eyes, and I might do the same thing if I were you! But then How? You lied to me for so long, and now I dare to believe that you love me?"

Li Zhenran said: "Ask your own heart, can't you feel that I love you?"

Li Zhenruo tried to calm down his breathing, "Since you knew I was Li Zhenruo, you have been planning how to get yourself out of this matter completely, right? I was very strange before. At that time, I was the one who lied to you first. After you ran away from home, you took the initiative to ask me for peace, because you have already planned the next thing, right?"

Li Zhenran didn't answer, and in Li Zhenruo's view, he was acquiescing.

At that time, Li Zhenran was not so much angry at being deceived, but began to think about how to present the truth to Li Zhenruo. After hesitating, he finally decided to cover up all the facts related to him, and only let him know about Li Zhentai. However, what was presented to Li Zhenruo in this way was almost the complete truth.

Anger is a kind of disguise. After Li Zhenruo ran away from home, Li Zhenran decided to stop the disguised anger and chose to bow to Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo said: "Since you chose to keep it from me, why did you let me go to see Li Zhentai alone? You should look at me and prevent me from having the opportunity to contact him alone."

Li Zhenran heard the words and said: "It turned out to be Li Zhentai. I asked you to meet him alone because he didn't know that I was involved in this matter from the beginning to the end. I want you to watch him die and complete your revenge. I I didn't expect what he said to you to make you start to doubt me."

"No," Li Zhenruo shook his head, "It's not that I doubt you, but that there are other people involved in this incident."

Li Zhenran asked him, "So you hate me?"

Li Zhenruo said, "Let go of me first."

Li Zhenran let go of his hand and helped Li Zhenruo tidy up the collar that was loosened during the tugging.

Li Zhenruo said: "I don't hate you, I'm just a little afraid of you. If I continue to be with you, I will never be able to get rid of doubt and fear. I don't know which of your words is true and which is false. Even now , I began to suspect that the truth is more than that simple, and there is a bigger situation behind it, which I don't know."

"Zhenruo," Li Zhenran reached out to touch his face.

However, Li Zhenruo turned his head to avoid it. He walked towards the office door, and finally stopped by the door. He reached out and grabbed the collar around his neck, and tore it off forcefully. The clasp on the back of the collar was broken, but there was also a bloodstain on the back of the neck.

"This collar," Li Zhenruo said, "I know it has a place, but I haven't taken it. I thought it was more of a memory of the past between us, and it always lost its practical significance. I'm sure. I'm not your cat, and you can't tie me down."

After speaking, he threw the collar towards Li Zhenran.

The collar hit Li Zhenran's chest, and then fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Li Zhenruo opened the door and walked out, while Li Zhenran knelt down and picked up the collar slowly with his hands.

After coming out of Li Zhenran's office, Li Zhenruo realized that the corridor outside was still dark. He groped to go to the elevator. After walking two steps, he remembered that there was a power outage, and the elevator stopped naturally. Then he turned around and groped towards the stairwell. .

The stairway was pitch black, and there really was no way for any light to penetrate here.

He felt that his head could not turn a little bit, and he changed back into the form of a cat, and his vision suddenly became clear before he ran downstairs. Just running out of Yunlin's building, Li Zhenruo ran forward on the brightly lit street.

The cold night wind kept blowing over his body, and his aching mind was gradually clearing up. When he stopped and looked back, Yunlin's building had disappeared from sight.

He slowed down and held his head up like so many cats with a haughty pose.

When he was a complete person, love was just an adjustment to his life. He believed that the goal of life as a man should be a career; but after losing his life, his goal in life became to find the murderer and revenge; when he avenges himself, he wants to live longer to accompany Li Zhenran. He admits that he is a little obsessed with love and can't extricate himself.

until now.

While standing at the intersection of the street waiting for the red light, several people around him were looking at him. He put a rope on Li Zhenruo's cell phone, so that he could hang it around his neck when he turned into a cat.

A young man who seems to have followed him for quite a while, saw him alone with a cat, squatted down and pretended to pet his head while trying to reach the phone around his neck.

Li Zhenruo took a bite of his hand without mercy, then ran into the crowd and ran away.

Seeing the red light turn green and the pedestrians rushing forward, Li Zhenruo thought to himself, should his story end now? Compared to being a cat, he still wants to be a complete human being.

He has fulfilled his wish with this body, why not return the body to the owner now, and reincarnate himself as soon as possible. You don't need an overly prominent family, even if you are a child of the poor, you must work hard to get what you want step by step, which is the best life.