Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 87


That night, Li Zhenruo really dreamed that he was spanking Li Zhenran's ass.

He didn't just take off his pants and pat them with the palm of his hand a few times, but in the dimly lit room, as if following house rules, he asked Li Zhenran to lie on the bench, took off his pants to reveal his firm and shiny buttocks, and then took the Picking up a long whip, he flicked it in the air and made a whistling sound, then hit Li Zhenran with a heavy whip.

At the same time as the whip was beaten down, Li Zhenruo also woke up with a start. He sat up suddenly from the bed, pulled back the quilt with a dark face and took a look at his crotch.

Feng Junyuan next to him turned over and asked vaguely, "What's wrong?"

Li Zhenruo said softly, "It's okay, you can continue to sleep."

Having this strange dream didn't make him feel any better, but Li Zhenruo thought that Xia Hongshen was right, why would he punish himself at this time? Isn't Li Zhenran the one who should be punished

It was raining outside, probably since last night, the raindrops were dripping on the tiles of the old house, ticking everywhere, and there was a damp and cold atmosphere in the air.

It was probably dawn, and Li Zhenruo felt that he was sober and didn't feel sleepy anymore.

He began to think seriously, if Shen Luming really didn't intend to take his body back, what should he do next

Of course, it was impossible for him to just cling to Xia Hongshen and the others for a living, not to mention that his master himself was poor and had such a big family.

So he has to continue to practice, he has to work to make money, it is best to save enough capital first, and then develop slowly, he is still very young, isn't he

Before he knew it, it was dawn, and Li Zhenruo saw that Feng Junyuan beside him was still fast asleep, and he sat on the bed without moving.

After a while, someone knocked lightly on the door outside.

Li Zhenruo got out of bed, went to open the door, saw Song Jun standing at the door, and whispered to him, "Someone is looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Li Zhenruo looked in the corridor when he heard the words, but his first reaction was that Li Zhenran came to him.

Song Jun shook his head and said to him, "This way." Then he motioned for Li Zhenruo to follow him.

Li Zhenruo then followed Song Jun through the corridor and went into the room opposite him and Xia Hongshen.

The room was very warm, Xia Hongshen lay lazily on the bed and didn't want to get up.

Song Jun went to the window and opened the curtains, letting Li Zhenruo go and look.

Li Zhenruo approached, and saw a man standing across the path downstairs. The man was wearing a black suit, wrapped in a long black windbreaker, and held an umbrella in his hand. He was slender.

Song Jun whispered, "I saw him when I got up in the morning, I don't know when he came."

Although his face was covered by an umbrella, Li Zhenruo could recognize that it was Li Zhenran.

Because of the heavy rain, half of Li Zhenran's sleeves were already wet by the rain, and the bottom of his trousers was also wet around his legs.

Song Jun said: "A bitter trick."

Li Zhenruo couldn't help laughing when he heard that.

Xia Hongshen lay on the bed and said in a muffled voice, "Apprentice, come here."

"Master," Li Zhenruo honestly went to Xia Hongshen's bedside.

Xia Hongshen stretched out his finger and pointed at him, "I've said it before, spanking, if it doesn't work, spank the face, and let him take the lesson he deserves."

"But Master," Li Zhenruo said, "the problem between me and him is not settled by punishing him. The biggest problem between us now should be trust. I don't doubt that he loves me, I just doubt what he said to me. Every word is true."

Xia Hongshen said: "Then teach him enough lessons so that he won't dare to lie to you again."

Li Zhenruo was quiet for a while, then stood up and went back to the window, looking at Li Zhenran downstairs.

Song Jun went out to wash in the sink.

Li Zhenruo took out his mobile phone and called Li Zhenran.

The phone was connected quickly, and the receiver was filled with the background sound of raindrops falling on the ground. Li Zhenran said, "Zhen Ruo?"

Li Zhenruo said, "What are you doing here?"

Hearing this, Li Zhenran raised his head and looked towards the window on the second floor, and saw Li Zhenruo standing by the window on the phone.

His deep voice came from the receiver, "Have you gone to see that person surnamed Shen?"

Li Zhenruo said blankly, "Are you spying on me?"

Li Zhenran said to him: "I said that I found someone to watch him."

Li Zhenruo was silent for a while, then replied, "Yes, I went to see him."

"Why do you want to see him?"

Li Zhenruo said, "I plan to return my body to him."

Li Zhenran's eyes suddenly became sharp. Even through the rain, Li Zhenruo could still see clearly.

"Have you figured it out?" Li Zhenran asked him.

"Well," Li Zhenruo said, "I've made up my mind, we're waiting for the right time. I'll give him back my body, and then I'll go to Naihe Bridge to drink a bowl of Mengpo soup, forgetting that you've been to my next life."

Li Zhenran said, "I disagree."

Li Zhenruo took a slow breath, "You can't control everything, can you? Things always get out of control once or twice, for example, Li Zhentai asked someone to kill me, for example, now I choose to leave You. You have tried your best to calculate, and maybe the final result will not be the one you want. "

"Zhen Ruo—"

Li Zhenruo didn't listen to him and chose to hang up the phone.

Li Zhenran was still holding the phone to his ear, and looked up to see that he did not leave.

Li Zhenruo silently closed the curtains, then turned around and said to Xia Hongshen, "I want to play a play for Li Zhenran."

Xia Hongshen sat by the bed and yawned.

Li Zhenruo said: "I want to trick Li Zhenran into thinking that I have returned my body to Shen Luming."

At this time, Song Jun just came in from the outside, and after hearing Li Zhenruo's words, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's so cruel."

Li Zhenruo was a little annoyed, "My cruelty to him is much gentler than his cruelty to me."

Xia Hongshen said to Song Jun, "It's none of your business to make trouble with them."

Song Jun nodded quickly, and silently packed the things needed for today's class.

Xia Hongshen said: "If you really cheated him, then he will definitely be very painful."

"Master," Li Zhenruo said, "if I tell you, you might think I'm worthless. Why did I go to Shen Luming to ask to return my body to him last night? It's because I started to feel afraid of Li Zhenran, and I couldn't understand him. What are you thinking?"

Xia Hongshen then asked him, "Calm down now?"

Li Zhenruo nodded, "I've thought about it for a long time. If I continue to maintain my fear and distrust of him, then we will definitely not be able to go on."

Song Jun couldn't help asking: "Then do you want to continue walking with him?"

Li Zhenruo was silent for a moment, and said, "If I am no longer afraid."

Xia Hongshen got out of bed with a piece of clothing on, "I'm afraid because you are not strong enough."

Li Zhenruo looked at him.

Xia Hongshen said: "All kinds of meanings are not strong enough."

Li Zhenruo couldn't help but look back at the window, through the curtains, he didn't know if Li Zhenran was still there, but Xia Hongshen was right, he wasn't strong enough, so he was afraid of him.

In this relationship, he just put himself in the position of the weak, but which one of them loves the other more, and who is more afraid of the other's leaving

Suddenly, I was a little fortunate that Shen Luming rejected him when he was most impulsive last night, otherwise, when he actually stepped on the Naihe Bridge, wouldn't he be unable to help but regret it.

Li Zhenran didn't stay at the school for too long, because there was a meeting in Yunlin in the morning.

Yunlin's recent conferences and small meetings have continued, mainly due to the adjustment of the upper management and the large-scale personnel changes after Li Zhenran took over.

However, during the meeting today, everyone could see that Li Zhenran was not energetic.

Li Zhen sat next to him, occasionally looked up at him, and saw him sitting on a big office chair, leaning his body, leaning on the armrest, holding a pen in one hand, his eyes fell on the documents in front of him, his expression was Appears careless.

After the speaker reported the content, he fell silent and waited for Li Zhenran's opinion.

Li Zhenran did not speak for a long time.

Li Zhen put his hands around his mouth and coughed lowly.

Only then did Li Zhenran raise his head and said, "Continue."

So the next person went on to report.

Somewhat suddenly, Li Zhenran's cell phone rang, so the person who was about to report stopped again.

Li Zhenran connected the phone in front of the entire conference room, and after listening to the person opposite with a blank expression, he said coldly, "Look at him." Then he hung up the phone and threw it on the table, letting them continue.

After the meeting ended, Li Zhenran directly picked up the stack of documents in front of him and walked out.

Li Zhenzi was dragged by a department manager to say a few words, and then he hurriedly followed to Li Zhenran's office. When he was about to knock on the door to enter, he heard a phone call from inside.

He put his head on the door and wanted to eavesdrop. Hua Yibang looked a little embarrassed and said, "Isn't that appropriate?"

"Hush—" Li Zhen put his index finger on his lips.

It's a pity that the sound insulation effect of this door is really good, Li Zhen has been eavesdropping for a long time but can't hear anything.

Suddenly, Li Zhenran pulled the door open from the inside.

Li Zhen was taken aback, stood up straight and pretended to be about to knock on the door.

Li Zhenran ignored him, and said directly to Hua Yibang, "I have something to go out."

Hua Yibang heard the words and said: "Then I will ask the driver to prepare the car."

Li Zhenran said, "No, I'll drive by myself." He put on his coat while talking, and walked outside.

Li Zhenzi was still limping, but she chased after him desperately, and asked, "Second brother, where are you going?"

Li Zhenran pressed the elevator and told him, "It's none of your business."

The elevator was on the 23rd floor, and the elevator doors opened quickly.

Li Zhenzi followed Li Zhenran into the elevator, "What happened? Didn't you see your cat last night? You ran away from home?"

Li Zhenran ignored him, and when the elevator went down to the first floor, when the elevator door opened and Li Zhenzi was about to follow him out, Li Zhenran suddenly turned around and punched Li Zhenzi in the lower abdomen, saying, "Don't follow me."

Li Zhen bent down from the pain, moaned and said, "As for being so cruel..."

Li Zhenran received a call from the person he arranged to be next to Shen Luming, telling him that Li Zhenruo went to find Shen Luming again, and this time it was very clear that he would return his body to Shen Luming.

Li Zhenran drove in a hurry along the way, and even ran through two red lights. He didn't know if the so-called return of the body was such a simple matter, but he knew that Li Zhenruo's so-called master didn't seem to be that simple.

After seeing a cat turn into a human, he dared not easily say that anything in the world is impossible.

After driving the car to the school and parked it casually on the side of the road, Li Zhenran got out of the car and ran into the teaching building next to him, waiting anxiously for the elevator to sit on the highest floor of the teaching building, then turned to the stairs and ran to the rooftop.

Li Zhenran pushed open the roof door heavily at once, and saw a person standing outside, while the other two were lying on the ground.

It was still raining, and everyone on the roof was drenched by the rain.

Li Zhenran walked towards the direction where Li Zhenruo was lying.

Xia Hongshen, who was standing beside him, said to him: "You are late, he has already returned his body."

Li Zhenran paused when he heard the words, and asked, "What about him?"

Xia Hong looked at the sky deeply, "A ray of soul should have been reincarnated a long time ago."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Zhenruo's limbs on the ground contracted and turned back into a cat, but he was still lying unconscious.