Revenge of the Garfield

Chapter 98: Extra Garfield's Cuteness-6 END


Cheerful music echoed everywhere in the amusement park, but it was a pity that there were not a single visitor, so it was strangely deserted.

The giant panda said that he was going to see his senior brother first, so he left slowly with clumsy steps.

Li Zhenruo looked at his back, and asked Xia Hongshen curiously, "Is the panda's cultivation insufficient? Why doesn't it change its human form?"

Xia Hongshen said, "No."

Li Zhenruo was even more surprised, "Then why?"

Xia Hongshen said, "I don't know. I haven't asked him. Ask yourself."

Li Zhenruo felt that he didn't want to ask him, so he turned his head to look at Li Zhenran sitting on his shoulder, then turned his head and shook his shoulders, wanting him to go down.

Li Zhenran jumped to the ground and looked up at him.

Li Zhenruo hadn't calmed down yet, turned around and saw the huge Ferris wheel turning slowly, so he said to Xia Hongshen, "The master hasn't arrived yet, has he? I'll just go around."

Xia Hongshen waved his hand, "Go."

Li Zhenruo walked towards the Ferris wheel, and Li Zhenran followed behind him. Although he couldn't hear the sound of footsteps, he knew that Li Zhenran was following so close and not far away, and his heart softened. Li Zhenruo reached out to touch his buttocks, and found that it was still hurting, and his heart hardened immediately.

There was no staff on the Ferris wheel, so he went in by himself, opened the door and sat in when the empty compartment turned to the bottom, and at the same time, Li Zhenran also rushed in.

Li Zhenruo paused, but then reached out and closed the door.

Li Zhenran sat face to face with him.

One person and one cat were quiet for a while, and when the carriage turned to the middle, Li Zhenran jumped down and sat down on the seat beside Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo looked out of the car window with her face propped up on one hand.

Li Zhenran quietly moved her body and sat down next to Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenruo saw the smile on his face from the reflection in the glass window.

After a brief silence, Li Zhenran raised a paw and put it on Li Zhenruo's leg.

Li Zhenruo continued to remain calm.

Li Zhenran then stood up, slowly climbed onto Li Zhenruo's lap, and sat down.

Li Zhenruo then looked down at him.

Li Zhenran was also looking up at him.

When the ferris wheel turned to the highest point, Li Zhenruo lowered his head and kissed his kitten. Although the kitten was reluctant, he closed his eyes and touched his lips.

Before the kiss was over, Li Zhenruo's cell phone rang. It was Xia Hongshen who called, telling him to hurry over. The master Yunpo he had invited had already arrived.

Yun Po arrived very fast, beyond everyone's expectations.

While Li Zhenruo hoped that Yunpo could really find a way to resolve Li Zhenran's current situation, at the same time, he regretted that it was only a short day since Li Zhenran became a cat.

You must know that holding the furry Li Zhenran is a very happy thing.

After getting off the ferris wheel, Li Zhenruo followed Xia Hongshen's instructions and walked towards the depths of the amusement park. There was the management office of the amusement park, which was an office in a small two-story building.

Li Zhenruo rushed over with Li Zhenran in his arms, and saw a handsome monk sitting in front of the desk in the big office on the first floor, lazily drinking a cup of hot tea in his hand.

"Master!" Li Zhenruo called out to Xia Hongshen who was sitting on the desk next to him.

Xia Hongshen raised his jaw, "This is Master Yunpo."

Li Zhenruo walked over, put Li Zhenran on the table, and said, "Master, my second brother ate an elixir of unknown origin and turned into a cat."

Yun Po raised his head and glanced at Xia Hongshen, and said, "You first settle the money you owe me."

Xia Hongshen was neither in a hurry nor angry, he put his hand on Li Zhenruo's shoulder, "apprentice."

Li Zhenruo was helpless and asked, "How much?"

Yun Po took out his mobile phone from the monk's robe, tapped it for a few seconds, and said, "There are still 3,278 bills that have not been settled."

Li Zhenruo said, "It's my brother."

He spoke boldly, and Yun Po couldn't help looking up at him.

Li Zhenruo put his hands on the table, "The premise is that my brother can turn back into a human again, otherwise everything is useless, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Yun Po stared at the cat on the table looking at him for a while, and said, "If I can turn him back into a human, add another two thousand, a total of five thousand two hundred and seventy-eight, is it a deal?"

Li Zhenruo glanced at Li Zhenran and said, "Deal!"

Yun Po smiled with satisfaction, and said to Li Zhenran, "Extend your hand."

Li Zhenran stretched out a paw.

Yun Po caught his pulse, let go of his hand after a while and said to him: "Open your mouth."

Li Zhenran then opened his mouth to let him see.

Li Zhenruo frowned slightly, and asked Xia Hongshen in a low voice, "Is your friend doing well?"

Before Xia Hongshen could speak, Yun Po raised his head and gave him a blank look.

Afterwards, Yun Po dipped his fingers in some tea, drew a simple magic circle on the table, and asked Li Zhenran to stand in the middle.

After Li Zhenran stood in, the magic circle seemed to flicker with a golden light, and then disappeared.

Looking at the reaction of the magic circle, Yun Po touched his chin with one hand and thoughtfully said: "Didn't I become a cat."

Li Zhenruo and Xia Hongshen looked at him at the same time.

"What is that?" Li Zhenruo asked.

"Probably a dog," someone said as they pushed open the door from the outside.

Several people turned their heads to look, and saw that the person who came in was Luo Fei, and there was a giant panda with Luo Fei, who was half a step behind him, and followed Luo Fei into the office.

Yun Po gave a "tsk", "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, he is still a human being."

Li Zhenruo couldn't help pulling a chair and sitting closer to Yunpo, and asked, "You're still human, so why did you become like this?"

Yun Po said: "I haven't seen the elixir you mentioned, and I don't know what it looks like, but his body is actually a human body, not the cat we saw."

Luo Fei sat beside the desk with a smile on his face, reaching out to touch Li Zhenran's head, but Li Zhenran opened his hand with a flick of his tail. He then clasped his hands and said, "It's not good at all."

Li Zhenruo quickly stretched out his hand and pulled Li Zhenran over to hug him, preventing Luo Fei from touching him again.

Yun Po stretched out his hand to take a pen, and wrote and drew on the sticky note in front of him, but as long as he took a closer look, he knew that he was simply drawing something meaningless and irrelevant.

He said while painting: "The surface shows properties different from the essence, which looks more like a trick to deceive people."

"Oh," Xia Hongshen said suddenly, "I understand."

Li Zhenruo asked, "What?"

Xia Hongshen said: "There are all kinds of strange things in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun. I have heard that there is a kind of elixir that has the effect of blinding the eyes."

Li Zhenruo was still curious, "What will it look like?"

Xia Hong shrugged deeply, "I've only heard about it, but I haven't seen it. What will it look like? The Taishang Laojun has too many things in his stove, so I'm afraid he may not be able to grasp it accurately."

All eyes fell on Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenran sat calmly on Li Zhenruo's lap without blushing or panting, accepting everyone's attention.

Li Zhenruo asked: "Then when will he change back to his original form?"

Yun Po said: "Since it is a blinding method, it is only supported by the spiritual power in the elixir. It may not take too long, and the blinding method will naturally be broken when the spiritual power is exhausted."

"Ah—" At this moment, the panda next to him screamed, looking very shocked, "won't he always be like this?"

Yun Po said: "Of course, but you can go and ask Taishang Laojun for more fairy medicine, so that he can maintain this state."

"Taishang Laojun?" The giant panda pointed its fingers at its lips thoughtfully.

Li Zhenruo said to him: "Don't think about it! Even if he has always been like this, he won't be yours!"

The giant panda seemed to have just reacted, and was stunned for a while, and then his face was tangled.

Li Zhenruo was still worried, and asked Yunpo: "Master, are you sure he can change back without doing anything?"

Yun Po said: "It's just a blindfold, how long can it last? If you are really worried, I can help you put up a formation and stick amulets to drive away the remaining spiritual power of the medicine in his body, but the price is not just that."

It's not that Li Zhenruo was reluctant to part with such a little money, but after hearing what Yun Po said, he suddenly thought that it would be better to take such Li Zhenran back and watch it for a few more days, and if he still couldn't do it when the time came, he would just spend money to invite Yun Po to set up the battle.

But he didn't want to reveal that thought to Li Zhenran.

Li Zhenran stretched out his paws and scratched him, probably meaning to let Yunpo form an array to drive away the potency of the elixir now, but Li Zhenruo pretended not to know, and after a moment of pondering said: "Then I'll go back and observe for a few days first."

Yun Po nodded, and stretched out his hand to ask for money: "Let's settle the money first."

Li Zhenruo said to him: "He hasn't turned into a human yet, Master, please leave an account, and when he regains his human form, I will send you money as soon as possible, okay?"

Yun Po looked at him for a while and said, "Then you call me, and I'll text you the account number."

Hearing this, Li Zhenruo hugged Li Zhenran and put it on the table before touching the phone. He took out the phone and dialed the number Yun Po said, and waited until Yun Po's phone rang before hanging up. Then when she looked up, she found that Li Zhenran was gone on the table.

"Where's my brother?" Li Zhenruo stood up all of a sudden.

Xia Hongshen pointed outside, "I was taken away by the giant panda."

"Ah—" Li Zhenruo yelled, "Why didn't you tell me?" After speaking, he suddenly ran outside.

The giant panda ran with Li Zhenran in its arms, but it was not slow at all.

In fact, he hadn't thought about where he could carry Li Zhenran, but when he heard that the black and white Garfield might turn back into a human, he carried him and ran out on impulse. He ran all the way to the front of the Ferris wheel, and the giant panda stopped to breathe , Seeing that the cat in his arms hadn't moved at all, he said, "Let's go ride the Ferris wheel."

The giant panda thought, this might be their last romance.

But maybe not only, they still have three minutes, what if the cat falls in love with him? You must know that he is cute, there are few creatures in this world that can resist his charm.

Li Zhenran didn't agree or object, and was carried into the Ferris wheel by the giant panda.

Sitting in the Ferris wheel, the giant panda stroked Li Zhenran's head, suddenly became sad, put his face against the top of his head and said, "Is there a second cat with such a round face in this world?"

In fact, there are some, but the color is not as pleasing to him.

Li Zhenran was a little suffocated by his hug, and suddenly stretched out his paw and pushed him.

The giant panda let go a little in surprise, and Li Zhenran struggled out of his arms, ran to the window and looked down with his face pressed against the glass.

"What's the matter?" The giant panda also leaned over to look, and was surprised to find a cat climbing towards them on the huge steel frame of the Ferris wheel.

The Ferris wheel is constantly rotating, although the speed is very slow, and the steel frame structure is complicated, but they are still rising, and the height here is also terrible.

The yellow and white Garfield struggled to climb up, seemingly not aware of the danger, and only looked in the direction of his target and rushed up quickly.

Xia Hongshen, Luo Fei, and Yun Po chased to the bottom of the Ferris wheel, raised their heads and looked up.

While the giant panda was surprised, he also felt worried for Li Zhenruo.

Li Zhenran, on the other hand, stared at Li Zhenruo's direction without saying a word.

When the carriage turned to the top of the Ferris wheel, Li Zhenruo finally climbed out of the carriage from the steel frame. Regardless of the danger, Li Zhenran opened the carriage door, and Li Zhenruo rushed in.

Li Zhenruo threw Li Zhenran to the ground, and then Li Zhenran turned over and threw him under him, rubbing his face against his.

The two cats hug each other tightly.

The giant panda stared at them blankly, and suddenly burst into tears. He thought he might have lost love, and he had also lost love twice at the same time.

The Ferris wheel turned to the bottom, Luo Fei opened the door and pulled them all out.

The giant panda was still crying bitterly. Seeing Luo Fei, he stretched out his arms and hugged him, saying, "Senior brother, woo woo—"

Luo Fei patted him on the back and said, "Go away and cry."

Xia Hongshen smiled and said to Li Zhenruo who transformed back into a human form and hugged Li Zhenran, "Not bad."

Then Li Zhenruo turned his head to look at the Ferris wheel with some fear, and said, "I'm afraid my brother will be fucked by him..." Then he looked at the giant panda who was still crying, and said, "I think I might think too much. gone."

When sending them away, the giant panda raised a hand and waved, "I wish you happiness."

Li Zhenruo shouted to him: "You will find your beloved panda."

The giant panda still looked resentful.

After going back that day, Li Zhenran refused Li Zhenruo's courtship again, but this time she didn't kick him off the bed cruelly, but hugged him and kissed him for a long time, then pushed him away and left lightly.

In this way, on the third day when Li Zhenran became a cat, after rejecting Li Zhenruo's courtship five times, that morning, before Li Zhenruo woke up, she felt that someone was pinning her down on the bed.

He reached out to touch his chest, at first he thought it was cat fur, but later he found that it didn't feel right, and when he opened his eyes, he found it was black hair.

Li Zhenran raised his head from his chest, and said to him: "Seeing that your desire has not been satisfied for a few days, I will satisfy you once today!"

Li Zhenruo let out an "Ah-", both pleasantly surprised and a little regretful, and finally chose not to continue to entangle, lie down and enjoy it.

The author has something to say:

The episode is over

Interview Li Zhenran

Author: Why don't you want to fuck your Ruomiao

Li Zhenran: I am a human being, why do I have to fuck meow

Author: You can tell him to turn into a human and fuck you!

Li Zhenran: Why should I ask him to fuck a cat

Author: Ah, makes sense! But in fact, you are still afraid of miao ejaculation...

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