Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 103: Nian Yi, will you marry me?


Seeing Xu Nianyi dressed up like this, Shao Jun couldn't take his eyes off. His deep eyes stared straight at her, and his Adam's apple rolled down involuntarily.

"Shao Jun, your eyes are so evil!" Seeing his Adam's apple rolling, Xu Nianyi stepped back shyly, pulled down the checkered skirt with his hands, trying to cover up his exposed thighs, and whispered contemptuously.

"Isn't my wife's figure just for my husband to admire? How can you say it's evil!" Hearing Xu Nianyi's voice, Shao Jun came back to his senses, walked over to Xu Nian with a smile, and looked away from Xu Nian with great difficulty. Nian Yixiong moved away, took the initiative to hold her hand, and said in a low voice, "Go, I'll take you to a good place!"

"Where are you going?" Xu Nianyi asked suspiciously.

But Shao Jun didn't respond to him, but took her out of the apartment.

It was only after going out that Xu Nian realized that he had slept until after eight o'clock in the evening. Outside, night fell, a full moon hung in the sky, and the brilliant neon lights on both sides of the street were already on.

It seems that Shao Jun has been tossing him every night for a while, and he really lacks sleep...

Surprisingly, Shao Jun didn't bring a driver and bodyguard with him, but drove by himself.

The Land Rover poured into the continuous traffic on the road, and the scenery outside the car window quickly receded.

After turning around in the city, the car finally stopped outside a group of Gothic buildings.

After Xu Nian got out of the car, he was surprised to find that this gothic complex turned out to be his alma mater—Xiahai No. 1 Experimental Middle School!

At this time, the evening self-study in the school has already closed, and the school gate is closed, only the lights in the dormitory area are still on.

"Shao Jun, what are you doing here?"

"Huh—" Shao Jun glanced at Xu Nianyi with contempt, "Your words are very connotative!"

Xu Nian recalled what he said just now, and immediately realized Shao Jun's ambiguity, angrily stretched out his hand to pinch his waist, and glared at him reproachfully.

Shao Jun laughed twice, then walked to a tree not far from the school gate.

"Come here, I'll take you in."

Looking at Shao Jun who was waving to him, Xu Nianyi's eyes widened, and he pointed to the railing-like outer wall: "What are you going to do? Are you climbing over the wall?"

"Why are there so many questions? I don't know how to get in! Hurry up, I won't be able to get in if the security sees me!"

Seeing Shao Jun's nervous expression, Xu Nian suddenly remembered that when he was studying, he took a group of classmates to jump over the wall and skip class to go out to play. Suddenly, his childlike innocence flared up and he ran towards Shao Jun.

Shao Jun went to the wall and squatted down, patted himself on the shoulder, "Step on my shoulder, I will help you up."

"Tch, you underestimated me. Back then, I was a well-known skipping class king in the school. I don't know how many times this outer wall has been turned over!" After finishing speaking, Xu Nianyi easily reached out to hold the iron fence and stepped on the wall. Ji, stretching his legs is about to step over.

But she immediately found Shao Jun, who was standing there with his arms folded on his chest, smiling and staring at a certain 'bare' part of her.

"Hooligans! Jump over the wall and forget to eat tofu!" Xu Nian glared at Shao Jun, quickly turned inside and stood inside looking at Shao Jun proudly through the iron fence.

Shao Jun snorted, took two steps back, and then took a run-up. The moment he got close to the fence, he jumped up, and a beautiful somersault landed steadily in front of Xu Nianyi.

Xu Nian stared at Shao Jun dumbfounded. Although the wall was only as tall as one person, she was amazed by jumping in this way.

"Is my husband's movements handsome?" Shao Jun looked at Xu Nianyi proudly, as if he was satisfied with her surprise.

"Narcissist! You're not handsome, but I hope to see you 'slam' once!" Xu Nian gave him a blank look and said.

At this moment, Shao Jun suddenly took her hand and quickly hid behind the bushes in the green belt. Only then did Xu Nianyi see that the school security had already patrolled here. If he didn't hide, he would be spotted easily .

After the security guard passed by, Shao Jun took Xu Nianyi's hand and quickly came to the teaching building.

Xu Nian remembered that this building was the one where he was studying.

Sure enough, Shao Jun dragged Xu Nianyi into a classroom on the third floor, and turned on the fluorescent lamp in the classroom.

Xu Nianyi was also surprised that although this classroom has passed through for many years, the layout does not seem to have changed, it is still the same as before, even the desks have not been changed.

Shao Jun walked to a desk and sat down, and patted the chair beside him, "Come and sit, this is the seat we sat on back then."

Xu Nianyi walked over to Shao Jun in a daze and sat down, feeling a little inexplicably moved in his heart.

"Do you remember?"

Shao Jun smiled, "Of course I remember, you said you liked me here in front of the whole class, that was the first time in my life that a girl confessed to me, how could I not remember?"

Xu Nianyi rested his chin on his hands, his eyes flashed with nostalgia, "I was young at that time, I didn't know what love was at all, I just thought this boy was so handsome, I would be very happy with him, now I think It's ridiculous to think."

Shao Jun smiled and stood up and walked out of the classroom, "Go, I'll take you to my secret territory."

Xu Nianyi became more interested, "Do you still have a secret territory here?"


The entire teaching building has seven floors, and the top floor is basically a warehouse. The rooms are basically piled up with some old tables, chairs and teaching equipment, and few people usually set foot in them.

The roof on the top floor is full of whining air-conditioning units and vertical and horizontal pipes. The Academic Affairs Office put a sign in the corridor, which says 'the roof is closed, no climbing'.

The corridor leading to the rooftop is a bit like a horror movie, full of all kinds of dilapidated cardboard boxes and a few tables and chairs. Everything was covered with all kinds of dust. It's almost impossible to get a foothold if the gap is small.

Shao Jun jumps in the small gaps, like a light kangaroo, he seems to remember every foothold clearly, these footholds are like a series of islands, leading him across this ocean of garbage, opposite is the road leading to the rooftop The iron gate, the shadow outside the iron gate, and the starlight for thousands of miles.

He has been holding Xu Nianyi's hand tightly all the way, until now he slowly let go.

He closed his eyes, let out a long breath, and a low and magnetic voice slowly came out of his mouth, "Every time I come here, I feel like I want to lie on the ground and enjoy the wind here. , The sky and the spring and autumn come to this city with different flavors.”

While talking, Shao Jun walked to the edge of the roof, sat down slowly, stretched out his legs and hung outside, turned his head and said to Xu Nianyi: "This is my secret territory. I would come here at night to stay for a while, and when I got home, I would say that I was fined to stay in school for tutoring.”

Under the night sky, the lights of the entire city were lit up, and the colorful neon lights of the business district were put together, making it seem unreal. The solid skyline is hidden in the light, and those tall commercial buildings look like square cages made of light from a distance.

As soon as Xu Nian walked up to Shao Jun, following his example, he cautiously put his feet out of the roof, secretly watching the man beside him.

She seldom looked at Shao Jun's side profile from such a distance. At this time, she found that Shao Jun's side profile was actually more attractive. The contours were soft and just right. The fair skin and the bridge of the nose made him so handsome that he was almost "monstrous". .

"Sometimes I often think, maybe I came into this world because God made a mistake, my father didn't like me, and the only mother who liked me also left me when I was six years old, I dare not make a mistake Otherwise, he will be severely beaten by his father. What is a person who no one likes doing in this world?"

Shao Jun's whisper to himself inadvertently touched a certain chord deep in Xu Nianyi's heart. The strong resonance made her feel empathy. Unknowingly, a thin layer of water mist Covering her bright eyes, she gently leaned her head on Shao Jun's shoulder.

"Until one day, a girl as noble as a little princess said loudly that she liked me in front of everyone, I didn't know that there was actually someone who liked me in this world. At that moment, I seemed to feel that my Life is still meaningful, at least there is a silly girl who likes me. Although I was unmoved at first, I am actually very happy in my heart."

Two lines of tears rolled down Xu Nianyi's cheeks and dripped on Shao Jun's shoulder, "Yes, Shao Jun, I like you, I have always liked you, your life is very meaningful, always has been. "In fact, from the moment he stepped forward in the nightclub, she knew that she had always liked him. Over the years, she has never forgotten her young first love. It's just that her status is so different, how dare she admit this feeling

Shao Jun supported Xu Nianyi's shoulders and stood up, staring at Xu Nianyi affectionately with his deep and bright eyes.

"I'll show you something, come with me!"

Xu Nianyi wiped the tears from his cheeks when Shao Jun turned his head, and was dragged by Shao Jun to the open space on the side of the roof.

"You see, this is something I wrote down back then. At that time, I would keep everything on my mind, and then come here and write it down, so that my heart will feel much better. It can be said that this is my 'diary'." Shao Jun pointed to the densely packed scratches on the ground and said.

Xu Nianyi took out his mobile phone, turned on the flashlight, and shone on these words.

"Mom, my father hit me again today. I did nothing wrong. That woman is not my mother. I will never call her mother."

"Mom, I miss you."

"Mom, a girl told me today that she likes me, she is very beautiful, like a little princess."

"Xu Nianyi kissed me today. Although I didn't express my opinion, I was actually very happy."

"Xu Nianyi, I seem to like you a little bit..."

"Xu Nianyi, I'm leaving, I will miss you."


Xu Nian watched line by line, and the tears that had just stopped slipped out of his eyes again. But on the concrete floor, Cui Ran has experienced rain and wind, but he is still clearly recognizable. Except for the words written to his mother, the rest were actually written to Xu Nianyi!

"Shao Jun..."

Suddenly, Shao Jun lowered his body, and took out a small red velvet box from his arms, and solemnly opened it in front of Xu Nianyi, inside was a bright pink diamond ring.

"Nian Yi, will you marry me?"

A strong sense of happiness instantly overwhelmed Xu Nianyi. She had actually imagined the scene where Shao Jun proposed to her, but she never thought that he would use such a method.

It can be said that this school is the place where they met, where she once boldly confessed to him and gave him her first kiss.

Today he chose to be here again, and told her again what she said to him many years ago.

Is this the fate in the legend

"Nian Yi, believe me, although I can't make you the richest woman in the world, but I can give you the most sincere heart in the world, my dear, promise me?"