Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 109: Shao Jun, I feel bad


Feeling the scorching temperature on Xu Nianyi's forehead, Shao Jun immediately withdrew his hand, and then a princess hugged Xu Nianyi from the bed, but he ignored that his leg was already pressed by Xu Nianyi for several hours. It was numb, and I stood up abruptly. I couldn't feel my legs and couldn't use half of my strength. I couldn't stand at all. After staggering two steps with Xu Nianyi in his arms, his back hit the wall heavily and he managed to stabilize himself.

"Shao Jun...I feel bad, I'm so cold...Hold me tight..." Xu Nianyi was a little confused by the excitement in her head, she frowned slightly, her body was so cold, she subconsciously hooked Shao Jun tightly neck, pressed his face against his chest, and murmured dreamily.

"Nianyi, bear with it, I'll take you to the hospital right away, hold on!" Shao Jun looked down at Xu Nianyi who was resting on his chest, he coaxed him distressedly, feeling the numbness in his legs gradually disappearing, hurry up He carried Xu Nian out of the villa, put her in the car, and drove all the way to the nearest hospital in the city.

It was already late at night, and Shao Jun was busy going through the procedures for Xu Nianyi to be hospitalized. Because he was told that Xu Nianyi suffered from acute pneumonia and needed to be hospitalized for treatment.

When Shao Jun dragged his exhausted body back to Xu Nianyi's single room, it was already past four o'clock in the morning. Her fever subsided, but she was still infused with a hanging bottle. middle. But even in a comatose state, her brows were still frowning, perhaps because the pain in her body hadn't eased.

Shao Jun deliberately chose a high-end ward. The small apartment-style ward has good sound insulation and privacy.

He moved a chair, sat beside her hospital bed, grabbed her cool hand and gently held it in his palm, and slowly closed his eyes.


A burst of mobile phone ringing awakened Shao Jun in a half-dream state, and when he opened his eyes, he saw that the sky was bright. Xu Nianyi was still sleeping soundly, but his complexion was much better.

Shao Jun walked out of the ward and connected the phone in the corridor.

"Mr. Shao, today's newspapers and news are full of what happened yesterday. Do you want to conduct crisis public relations?" Shen Feng's voice was a little anxious.

"Of course, it's just that yesterday's incident affected a wide range of people, and it's not that easy to quickly quell public opinion. I'll give you three days. No matter how much it costs, I don't want the media to still report on it after three days. this matter."

"Yes, I understand Mr. Shao." Shen Feng never said much or asked much when doing things, usually it was an order from Shao Jun, and Shen Feng would silently execute it, and there were very few things he couldn't get right.

After Shao Jun hung up the phone, he opened the websites of several mainstream media, and the news on the top was indeed his engagement yesterday.

'The wedding banquet of a wealthy family turns into a family civil war in seconds, how should family and love choose? '

'Cinderella realized her dream and entered a wealthy family, but her original partner was there. '

"President Shengdi is too domineering, why marry a wife by force?" '

All kinds of headline parties have filled almost all media pages, and the number of views has been setting new records.

Shao Jun smiled wryly, turned off the phone and thought for a while, then went back to the ward and took out Xu Nianyi's phone and put it on his body.

He did this because he didn't want Xu Nianyi to be exposed to these negative information. She had suffered enough grievances, and the events at the engagement had exhausted her physically and mentally. He could no longer let her suffer from the harassment of public opinion.

Xu Nianyi woke up just after putting the phone in his pocket.

"Shao Jun, where am I? What happened?" Xu Nian opened her eyes, she just woke up, her eyes were a little blurred, she squinted her eyes and looked around, asking blankly.

"It's nothing, you caught a cold last night and need to stay in the hospital for a few days to recuperate." Shao Jun strolled to her side, with a gentle smile on his fair face.

Shao Jun's pretended relaxed appearance made Xu Nianyi suspicious, would he be hospitalized for a cold

"Shao Jun, are you hiding something from me? Do I really have a cold?" Xu Nianyi looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course, otherwise you thought you had leukemia, don't worry, you can rest here quietly for a few days, and then leave the hospital after you recover." Shao Jun patted the back of her hand and said softly.

At this moment, the phone rang again, Shao Jun glanced at it, and connected the phone.

"Mr. Shao, have you read the opening information of the stock market today? Someone is maliciously suppressing our stock price."

"Are you sure?"

"Basically, we can be sure that within half an hour of the opening, we have evaporated hundreds of millions of funds."

"Oh?" Shao Jun smiled meaningfully, "Leave him alone, and find out who is buying at the bottom when the market closes. Practice your hands and feet."

"But Mr. Shao, if we don't deal with it in time, we will lose at least 500 million in market value this trading day!"

"I can still lose 500 million yuan. If the 500 million yuan can catch the big fish behind it, it will be worth it."

"So what are we going to do now?"

"Do nothing, wait for me to go back." Shao Jun finished speaking and hung up the phone.

Xu Nianyi heard clearly from the side that something serious must have happened to Shao Jun's company.

"Shao Jun, if you have something to do in your company, go first, I'm fine by myself."

Shao Jun looked at Xu Nianyi with searching eyes, "Are you all right?"

Xu Nianyi said nonchalantly: "Of course it's fine, you told me everything, it's just a small cold, don't worry, I can take care of myself, I've survived three years of prison, what's the point of staying in the hospital for a few days ?”

"Okay then, I'll go back to the company to see what happened. I'll come over later, don't run around. I'll contact you with a nurse later."

"Don't—" Xu Nianyi flatly refused, "Don't treat me like a young lady who doesn't work, okay? I just have a cold, and it's not that I can't take care of myself. What kind of nurse do I need?"

"Okay, be careful yourself, I'll go first." Shao Jun finally left the hospital after repeated instructions.

After he walked out of the ward, Xu Nianyi couldn't hold back anymore, coughed violently a few times, and the smile on his face disappeared immediately.

What happened yesterday kept lingering in her mind like a nightmare. Even when she was sleeping and dreaming, she couldn't help dreaming about everyone who appeared at the engagement ceremony, Lu Jingcheng's gloomy face, Xu Fei's treacherous smile, serious Qingqing's desperate expression is like the prologue of a movie, constantly flying past in front of his eyes alternately.

"Xu Nianyi, Xu Nianyi, what kind of bad things did you do in your last life, and you have to experience such punishment in this life? Why do these people put me to death to be happy?"

Xu Nianyi murmured to himself, feeling extremely lost. Bored, she wanted to take out her mobile phone to call her mother Jiang Xiangru, but found that her mobile phone had disappeared. She didn't think Shao Jun took it away, she just thought it was in his villa.

"Fortunately, the mobile phone Li Tianyu gave me has been kept in my bag, otherwise I would have really lost contact!"

He took out the mobile phone that had been turned off from his bag, and a call came in as soon as he turned it on. Li Tianyu's name was displayed on the screen.

Xu Nianyi took a deep breath, trying to make his tone sound calm, "Mr. Li, what's the matter?"

Li Tianyu was silent on the phone for a while, and finally said in a low voice: "I'm sorry."

On the phone, his voice was a little lower than usual, but it was calm and he couldn't hear any emotional ups and downs.

"Why did Mr. Li apologize to me for no reason? If I remember correctly, you didn't go to my engagement ceremony yesterday, right?" Xu Nianyi said mockingly, "But it's fine if you didn't go, at least one less person Watch my jokes live."

"Xu Nianyi, I'm sorry for Xu Fei. I was watching from a distance yesterday, and I knew the whole process clearly. This time, Feifei really went too far. I don't know what she will do." Do this." Li Tianyu's tone was very sincere, and he continued, "Feifei has a very strong temper, I never thought that she could kneel down for you in order to frame you."

Hearing his apology, Xu Nianyi was silent for a while, and then said: "Mr. Li, I don't accept your apology, because you didn't do it, and I'm already very grateful that you didn't help Xu Fei to punish me, so You don't have to apologize for her. Because even if she apologizes to me personally, I won't accept it. If this is a bad game, she has already started to check, so I will either be checkmate by her, or counter checkmate her, This is destined to be a chess game without a draw."

Li Tianyu fell into silence again, and only after a long while said quietly: "Well then, pay more attention to your body, I believe this matter will not break you."

"This is the only thing you said right today. I may be beaten to death, but I cannot be defeated." Xu Nianyi smiled slightly as he spoke, but that smile was extraordinarily bitter.

After finishing talking with Li Tianyu, Xu Nian dialed Jiang Xiangru's phone, but no one answered after ringing for a long time. She couldn't help but began to worry a little, would something happen to her mother

But the contact numbers of the hospital are all on her mobile phone, and all she remembers are a few frequently used phone numbers.

After thinking hard for a while, Xu Nianyi finally remembered a phone number, and the owner of this number may be the only one who has time to help him.

"Hi, hello, who is it?"

"Han Xu? I'm Xu Nianyi." Xu Nianyi's words were a little guilty, because she thought that Han Xu must have been laughing at him when he saw her make a fool of herself yesterday.

Unexpectedly, after Han Xu heard that she was Xu Nianyi, his voice was a little more surprised, "Nianyi, you have news, where are you?"

"Uh, how is my mother?" She asked anxiously.

"Oh, Auntie is fine. She was a little emotional yesterday. After returning to the hospital, she had a checkup. All parts of her body are relatively normal. Now she just took the medicine and fell asleep. How are you? Is there anything I can do for you?"

There was a deep concern in Han Xu's voice, which moved Xu Niansheng a little. From what Han Xu said, he has been with his mother to take care of him since yesterday. She originally thought that Han Xu was just grateful that she accepted the shares of the Han family and let the Han family go, but now it seems that this Han Xu is really a competent friend.

"I'm fine, thank you for helping me take care of my mother. She must still be angry with me now, I'll go to see her when her anger subsides in a few days, ahem—" Xu Nianyi coughed a few more times as he spoke .

Immediately, Han Xu's urgent voice came from the phone: "Nian Yi, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, I just have a cold and I've already taken medicine."

"Where's Shao Jun?"

"His company has urgent matters to deal with, and has gone back. I'm really fine."

Han Xu's gentle tone was a little more serious: "Send me your location right away, and I'll go see you."

Xu Nian laughed dryly: "It's really unnecessary, I'm in the suburbs, so it's hard to find."

"Send the location." Han Xu's voice suddenly became tough: "Don't forget, we are not just friends. You are the major shareholder of our group, and your body is directly related to the interests of our company. "

Xu Nianyi felt a little funny, and replied helplessly: "Han Xu, I just have a common cold, and I won't die."

"I'll say it one last time, send me the location!"