Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 111: Can't help but want to protect her


Han Xu quickly returned to the ward, and said to Xu Nianyi with a bit of mystery: "Did you skip class when you were studying?" "Of course I did. At that time, I was a famous skipping king!" At that time, she had no worries about food and clothing, and she didn't study hard at all.

"That's good, let's reproduce the scene today and escape from here!" Han Xu had a peaceful smile on his face.

Han Xu's idea immediately aroused Xu Nianyi's interest, "But it seems that Shao Jun sent all my clothes to be washed. How can I go out in hospital gown?"

"This is not a problem!" Han Xu snapped his fingers and said mysteriously.

Ten minutes later, Xu Nianyi was wrapped in Han Xu's black suit, and Han Xu put his arms around her shoulders. The two of them walked out of the hospital with their heads down as if they had just finished a doctor's treatment.

After getting into the car, Xu Nianyi couldn't help laughing, "It's so interesting, I haven't tried to escape from the hospital yet!"

Looking at Xu Nianyi's small face from the rearview mirror, Han Xu couldn't help but curl up at the corner of his mouth, and unconscious joy flowed in his heart.

"Go, I'll show you my children!" Han Xu started the car.

"GO! Let's go!" Xu Nianyi raised his arms excitedly and shouted loudly.

When passing by a supermarket on the way, Han Xu stopped the car and bought a lot of snacks, and tried his best to prevent Xu Nianyi from buying toys.

"Don't your kids play with toys?" Xu Nianyi asked curiously.

"They can also play with toys, but the ones you bought are too high-end, they won't play with them." Han Yang smiled and put those toys back on the shelf.

"Haha, don't tell me that your child can't talk yet, right?" Xu Nianyi's curiosity was aroused, and she really wanted to meet Han Xu's child.

"This, you will know it when you see it." Han Xu replied with a smile.

Han Xu looked like he was going to sell it to the end, and drove directly out of Xiahai City to the suburbs.

Looking at the increasingly rare high-rise buildings, Xu Nianyi became more and more puzzled, "Han Xu, everyone is a child of the Golden House, you are the child of the Golden House! Send the child to the countryside?"

Han Xu, who was concentrating on driving, almost choked on his own saliva, Jinwuzang child? Thankfully she figured it out...

The car drove onto a country road, with green farmland on both sides of the road, and a fresh smell of green grass came over my face. Xu Nian stretched his head out of the car window, closed his eyes and felt intoxicated by this simple and natural atmosphere.

"It would be great if I could live here for a while. There are not so many cars, no smog, no neon lights. During the day, I can go fishing by the river, and at night, I can lie on the grass and watch the stars." Xu Nianyi looked yearning. said loudly.

Han Xu smiled, his lips moved, but the words he said were scattered in the air with the wind, and did not fall into Xu Nianyi's ears...

"What did you say? Louder, I didn't hear—"

"I said it's almost there." Han Xu said loudly, and his usual smile returned to his face.

The black Land Rover honked its horn in front of a large yard, and the gate slowly opened.

"Angel's House? - Home?" Xu Nianyi drew his voice and looked at Han Xu in surprise, "Your children have formed a big family? Oh my god, how hard do you have to work?" Han Xu is really amazing. He has so many children at such a young age. He probably started it when he was in college.


Han Xu slammed on the brakes and stopped the car, his face flushed and he kept coughing dryly.

"Nian Yi, why did you make me so unbearable?" Han Xu looked at her helplessly, with some resentment in his eyes, but more of a narrow smile.

"Originally, aren't children all angels? You call this the Angel's Home, so there are not many of them?" Xu Nian looked at his smiling eyes and patted him like a good buddy. Han Xu's shoulders, very loyal: "Don't worry, Han Xu, I will definitely not tell you about your out-of-wedlock child!"

Han Xu gave up the idea of continuing to defend, got out of the car and opened the door for Xu Nianyi.

"Take you to see it and you will know."

As soon as Xu Nian got out of the car, he felt something grabbing his trousers. He looked down and saw a white Pomeranian rubbing its head on his leg affectionately, looking at it with wet eyes. Looking at himself, the little tail is wagging happily, like a white snow ball, how cute it looks.

"It's so cute! So cute—" Xu Nianyi bent down in surprise, and stretched out his hand to hug the puppy.

"Is this yours? What's its name?" Xu Nian kept asking Han Xu beside him.

"His name is Xiaobai, and he is a mixed Pomeranian." Han Xu replied calmly,

"Xiaobai? Haha—" Xu Nian laughed out loud, until he leaned back and forth, "You're not mistaken, you gave the little guy such a name!"

Han Xu looked at Xu Nianyi with some embarrassment, "Is this name low?"

Xu Nianyi laughed and said, "It's not just low, it's dead low! Xiaobai... haha... What's the difference between this and the 'Wang Cai' in Zhou Xingchi's movie!"

At this moment, a middle-aged woman in blue overalls came out of a row of rooms, walked up to Han Xu and bowed slightly, "Master, you are here."

"Sister Zhang, this is my friend, Miss Xu Nian." Han Xu introduced to Sister Zhang with a smile.

Sister Zhang had a polite smile on her face, but a strange gleam flashed in her eyes, "Hi, miss."

Xu Nianyi greeted Sister Zhang with a smile, but she was a little confused. This Sister Zhang must not be an employee hired by Han Xu, she should be a servant at home, otherwise why would she call Han Xu 'Master'

"Come on, let me show you my children!" Han Xu took the puppy from Xu Nianyi's arms and hugged him, not minding the expensive clothes he was wearing.

Following behind Shao Jun, Xu Nianyi walked into a large room. As soon as Xu Nianyi came in, he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

This row of houses doesn’t look very big from the outside, but recently I found that the room is at least 2,000 square meters, and there are exquisite small houses against the walls. There are slides, small pools, and sandy areas in the open space. . On top of that, there are dozens of kittens and dogs of different breeds playing here.

Except for kittens and puppies, she didn't see any children in this room.

That is to say...

Xu Nian suddenly stopped, looked at Han Xu who was following him, and asked with a half understanding: "Han Xu, the child you are talking about—"

"That's right, these are my children, I knew you would be wrong." Han Xu admitted generously, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened a lot.

Xu Nianyi suddenly felt that this Han Xu was similar to Shao Jun in some respects, that is to dig a hole for himself...

"I have liked small animals since I was a child, but my father didn't agree with me raising them at home. Every time I saw those skinny stray cats and dogs on the street, I would secretly cry, so the first thing I did after taking over the company Instead of holding a meeting, this Angel House was built to adopt stray cats and dogs and give them a warm nest."

Han Xu looked at the kittens and puppies surrounding him, and told Xu Nianyi softly.

"This place is my secret territory. Even my younger brother Han Yang doesn't know about it. You are the first guest here." Han Xu said while hugging a little yellow golden retriever beside him.

As soon as Xu Nian squatted down, the cats and dogs immediately surrounded her and had fun.

Seeing the short-legged corgi at his feet, especially the corgi shaking its round buttocks, Xu Nianyi suddenly felt much better. Han Xu on the side said: "Han Xu, you seem to be a very caring man."

"Why do you say that?" Han Xu walked to her side and stroked the cute corgi together with her.

"When you were in college, you majored in finance, but you chose medicine as your elective. You were born in a wealthy family, but you still worried about the bankruptcy of the family company one day, so you have to use your skills. There are not many rich children like you who can think about the family. , not to mention that you still have sympathy for the weak, such a quality is even rarer, so you are a caring man, a mature and reliable friend."

"Nianyi, you really deserve the prize." Han Xu caressed Corgi's head with his palm, but his eyes were locked on Xu Nianyi's face. Looking at her delicate face, he said softly, "I It’s just that I prefer weak things, and my mother laughed at me for being too protective of the weak. I also know that I have no resistance to weak animals.”

However, Han Xu didn't say all the words. Not only does he have no resistance to weak animals, he can't help caring for weak people.

He didn't know if Xu Nianyi was considered weak or not, but when he saw Xu Nianyi being beaten on the podium, his face pale and about to collapse, he couldn't help but want to protect her.

"I also like small animals, especially puppies. I raised one when I was in middle school, and then died of illness. I cried for several days, and then I didn't dare to raise them anymore. Because I was afraid of seeing them again. Die in front of me, and I can't do anything." Xu Nian lowered his eyes, and the bright eyes dimmed.

Han Xu's heart moved, and he said in a deep voice: "Nianyi, you can't give up eating because of choking. We have grown from an ignorant child to maturity because we keep moving forward and sometimes fall, but we can't stop. Stand up, heal your injuries and move on, there will be more beautiful scenery waiting for us.”

"I have to say that you have the potential to be a philosopher. You are very different from those rich children from ordinary families. By the way, Han Xu, why don't you publish books and I sell them? You get half of the money, and you get all the money!" Xu Nianyi suddenly became more cheerful, and joked with Han Xu.

"Okay, then it's settled. When I want to publish a book, I will definitely let you sell it, but setting up a street stall is not allowed!" Han Xu said with a half-smile, pulling the corners of his mouth.

The two were laughing and joking, and their laughter echoed in the hall.


Shao Jun returned to the company and looked at the stock market trend chart on the computer screen, his face became cloudy and uncertain.

Feedback from various departments shows that the one who attacked Shengdi stock this time was a professional trader team. Such a trader is very rare in China, and even if there are, they are all taken over by some big domestic companies Group combat like this is simply impossible.

Who on earth would use such a large amount of money to deal with him

Shao Jun thought over all his competitors, but he couldn't figure out who this hidden enemy was.


The phone on the table rang, Shao Jun glanced at it, it was Yan Kuan's call.

After thinking for a while, Shao Jun picked up the phone and connected.

"Brother, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday. Father's temper is just like that, so you don't have to mind." After a pause, he asked again: "Is Nian Yi okay?"

"As I said, you don't need to apologize. His temper is his business, but if you lose your temper to me, I will mind very much. You don't have to ask about this matter anymore. I have my own way to deal with the problem." way." Shao Jun said in a neutral tone.

After being silent for a while, Yan Kuan's gentle and respectful voice continued: "Brother, I talked to my father for a while after I came back. His attitude is still very tough, and he might do something radical. Brother, you have to prepare."

Shao Jun's heart moved, and he immediately thought of the situation in front of Shengdi. Could this be done seriously? There are a large number of professional financial experts in the military who specialize in certain special tasks. A serious and clear energy can definitely mobilize these people!

But why did Yan Kuan tell himself this news

"Brother, is Nian Yi okay now?" Yan Kuan asked again, his voice respectful and humble as always. .

Shao Jun's voice immediately turned cold, "Is that what you should call Nian Yi? If you recognize me as a big brother, shouldn't you call her sister-in-law?"

"Brother, don't get me wrong. I just want to visit her. After all, what happened yesterday should have hit her hard."

"Thank you for your kindness, but she doesn't want to see outsiders right now."

In one sentence, Shao Jun classified Yan Kuan as an outsider.

"Okay, brother, please convey my apology." Yan Kuan's voice was still submissive.

After humming, Shao Jun directly hung up the phone.

What he didn't understand was whether Yan Kuan's words just now were implying to himself that the current crisis of Sheng Emperor was caused by seriousness. He usually acts like a good son in front of Serious Qing, how could he suddenly reveal the news to himself today

"Miss Wen, you can't go in, Mr. Shao is busy." Shen Feng's urgent voice came from outside the door.

"Tell him, I'll leave after just a few words, please, Assistant Shen." Wen Xiangqing's voice was as soft and pleasant as ever, like catkins wafting in the spring breeze in March.

Hearing Wen Xiangqing's voice, Shao Jun who was sitting on the swivel chair raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, then turned his head and gave orders to Shen Feng outside the door: "Shen Feng, let her in."