Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 116: One of my thoughts, you must come back to me


"Shao Jun, you hate—" hearing a trace of Shao Jun's words, Xu Nianyi's cheeks became hotter, and he murmured strangely. But this soft tone aroused Shao Jun's desire even more, his hands became restless, and deftly slipped into the blanket covering Xu Nianyi's body.

"This is a hospital, the doctor will come in at any time—" Her face was flushed, and she put her hands on the man's strong chest, but she couldn't push his strong body away. She could only watch Shao Jun's chest pressed down, completely overwhelmed. on her body.

"Never mind him, you are my wife, it's normal to have intimacy!" Shao Jun said in a hoarse voice, his dark pupils became brighter and brighter because of lust\desire, like shining stars. But the movements of his hands never stopped. He unbuttoned Xu Nianyi's clothes one by one, coaxing in a low voice, "Besides, I locked the door when I came in. They won't come in. Don't be afraid." …”

"But..." Xu Nianyi pouted, shrinking his neck shyly, "In the hospital..." Is it really good to do this kind of thing in the hospital

"Shh, let's finish it quickly, so that no one will find out." Before Xu Nian could finish speaking, Shao Jun's lips were already pressed down, and a scorching breath was exhaled from his lips, all of which sprayed on her. ears. Looking at her slender and white neck, he couldn't help lowering his head, and put his lips on her neck.

"Ah..." She made a sound like she was panting, but then she raised her hand to cover her mouth, fearing that this voice would be heard.

Shao Jun kissed her neck very patiently, and at the same time took off the clothes on her body. She didn't wear underwear inside, and his warm palms easily caught the plumpness hidden under the clothes.

His movements are gentle but a little rough, occasionally touching her gently, but always kneading her hard when her nerves are relaxed.

At first, she shyly avoided his movements, but after being teased back and forth a few times, her sanity gradually collapsed, and lust surged up like a tide, gradually swallowing her thoughts.

His hands lit countless flames along her soft body, and slid over her waist to a more private place.

She tightened her legs subconsciously, but was pushed away by Shao Jun's knees, and then his legs squeezed in. He fixed her waist with one hand, and while kissing her lips lingeringly, he continued the movement of his hands, kneading her legs with his fingers, relieving her tightness, feeling her emotion, and then single finger...

"Shao Jun..." She wanted to scream, but Shao Jun swallowed all her words, and what came out was only an inarticulate moan.

Ignoring her embarrassment, he stubbornly wanted to make her happy, and the movements of his hands increased again. Because of the continuous feeling, sweat was already dripping from her temples. Soon after, when she reached the peak of happiness, there was nothing While breathing, his muscular body sank powerfully...

She instinctively shrank back, the man on her body was stimulated, grabbed her shoulders, pressed her hot lips against her earlobe, licked and murmured, "Nian Yi, be good and relax. "

As the whispering sound came into her ears, she felt his fingers cruising and cruising on her body again, she gradually relaxed her body, but soon, with his violent movements, she almost didn't know how to breathe , unconsciously looking at the man pressing on him, begging unconsciously: "Slow down, slow down..."

The temperature in the ward rose a little bit.

The white hospital bed, more than one meter wide, has become an ancient altar at this moment.

She seems to be a tribute to the beast, beautiful and weak, lively and fragrant...

After the passion was over, Xu Nianyi prostrated himself in Shao Jun's arms, blushing and complaining: "You really are a big hooligan, you won't let me go in a place like a hospital."

Shao Jun smiled lowly, and kissed Xu Nianyi's forehead, "My dear, it seems that you are more active in the end, right?"

Xu Nianyi blushed even more when he was exposed, covered his ears and shook his head, "I won't listen, I won't listen, anyway, it's your fault—"

"Haha—" Shao Jun smiled even more presumptuously, stretched out his arms and pulled her into his arms, "Okay, okay, I'm the one who hurt you, right? Next time I will change the place, such as the office or something."

"Rogue, I don't want it!"


The door of the ward opened, and both of them were stunned at the same time, but the nurse who was holding the medical record was even more stunned, and the medical record in her hand fell to the ground with a thud.

Xu Nian let out an exclamation, and quickly shrank into the quilt, but then uttered another exclamation in the quilt, because Shao Jun hadn't put on his clothes yet...


While driving, Shao Jun recalled Xu Nianyi's bewilderment just now, and let out a low laugh from time to time.

"You're still laughing—it's all you, how can I see people now!" Xu Nianyi, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, wailed, thinking of the embarrassment just now made her feel like she wanted to find a crack in the ground and sneak in. impulse.

"It's okay. At worst, I'll change you to another hospital. Otherwise, I'll just go home and get treated. I'll invite my private doctor to my home, okay?"

"I don't want to go back, it's just the two of us plus one servant, you're not going to heaven yet?" Xu Nian glanced at him and flatly refused.

Shao Junyan got back to the main story and said: "Okay, it's up to you to decide, but don't get excited when you see your mother-in-law. The situation of your mother-in-law has just stabilized, so I can't stand the excitement."

"I know, she is thankful that she is not angry with me. How dare I get excited. But speaking of it, my mother was really irritable after waking up this time. I don't know if it is because she has been in a coma for too long. " Xu Nian said thoughtfully.

"I'll go back and ask the hospital to do another systematic check to see what's going on."

Xu Nian hummed and fell into silence.

Shao Jun knew that she might have thought about the engagement again, but he couldn't find a good reason to comfort her, so he could only sigh softly.

Jiang Xiangru seemed very happy to see Xu Nianyi and Shao Jun coming to the hospital to visit her. In her opinion, Shao Jun, the son-in-law, was many times better than Lu Jingcheng, and she was pleasing to the eye, so she spent most of the time staring at him with a smile on his face. Shao Jun.

"Mom, you will embarrass her if you look at her like that." Xu Nianyi whispered in her ear after realizing this.

Jiang Xiangru pretended to be displeased and said: "What's the matter with the review for you? Mom said that she is also a person who has been here, and she has fallen more than you have walked. You who help you to serve as a staff officer are deceived by others."

Xu Nianyi knew that he couldn't speak well of his mother, so he obediently kept his mouth shut.

"Nianyi, mom was a little excited yesterday, don't be angry with mom." Jiang Xiangru reached out and stroked Xu Nianyi's cheek, and said with some guilt, "you are so old and mom has never hit you, but mom didn't know yesterday. What's wrong, I just can't control myself."

"How could I be angry with my mother? Don't think about it. I'm just angry at myself for being so stupid. I thought I had divorced that bastard before I even got the divorce certificate."

Jiang Xiangru also sighed, "Mom is afraid that you will be confused by that bastard Lu Jingcheng's rhetoric. I think he—"

"Mom, don't talk about the past, I will never believe anything he said in the future."

Jiang Xiangru glanced at Shao Jun next to him, and seemed to realize that it was inappropriate to keep mentioning Xu Nianyi's ex-husband in front of this 'son-in-law', so he immediately changed the topic with a smile, "But don't worry, I will give An old friend from the court called and consulted, and in this case, as long as Nianyi files a divorce lawsuit to the court, even if Lu Jingcheng refuses to agree, the court will forcefully dissolve your marriage according to the actual situation."

"Mom, don't worry about my affairs. The most important thing for you now is to take good care of your body."

"Yes, auntie, the most important thing for you is to take good care of your health, and you will help us take care of our grandson in the future!" Shao Jun echoed with a smile.

Xu Nian rolled his eyes at him, and said in a low voice: "Who wants to have a monkey with you, it's a good idea!"

"What? A monkey?" Jiang Xiangru was shocked, "How could two living people have a monkey?"

"Haha—" Shao Jun couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

Xu Nianyi helplessly pulled Jiang Xiangru to sit down, "Mom, we don't give birth to monkeys..."


Lu Jingcheng stood in front of the land window of the huge office, looking down at a video on his phone.

In the video, Shao Jun, Xu Nian, and Jiang Xiangru are talking and laughing happily.

Lu Jingcheng stared at the screen, his long and narrow phoenix eyes flickered, flickering on and off. After a long time, he turned off the video.

"Boss, Xu Nianyi is currently receiving treatment in a hospital in the suburbs. It is understood that he has suffered from acute pneumonia. However, Shao Jun's people have gone to the hospital this afternoon to handle the discharge procedures for her. The exact location is not yet confirmed."

A black figure stood in the corner behind Lu Jingcheng, reporting to him with a gloomy and hoarse voice.

Lu Jingcheng nodded, "I see."

"What else does the boss want?"

"Do you still remember what I told you is the most important thing?" Lu Jingcheng then turned his head and looked at the subordinate standing behind him, with a pair of sword-like eyebrows that were calm and pretentious. He obviously had no expression on his face, but A hostility lingered.

"Remember, it's Xu Nianyi's safety."

"Just remember, no matter what happens, I want her to live, no matter who dies, I want her to live, remember?"

"Remember." Black Shadow nodded, turned around and quickly merged into the darkness.

After the black shadow left, Lu Jingcheng turned around and walked to the desk, looking at a wedding photo on the desk.

In the photo, Xu Nianyi was wearing a white wedding dress and standing on a rock by the sea, with a blue sky and white clouds in the background. Against the backdrop of a blue sea and blue sky, Xu Nianyi hugged Lu Jingcheng from behind, smiling like a flower.

Looking at Xu Nianyi's bright smile like a summer flower in the photo, Lu Jingcheng lowered his eyes to hide the sadness that flashed across his eyes. He looked at this photo for a long time before turning his eyes away from the photo, staring straight ahead, looking at the tall buildings outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if talking to himself, and whispered in an affectionate tone: "I Nianyi, you will definitely come back to me, I promise."

At this moment, the intercom phone on the desk rang, and the sweet voice of the female assistant came from the phone.

"Mr. Lu, Xu Rongsheng, mayor Xu, said that he has something urgent to see you."

A sneer appeared on Lu Jingcheng's face, and Xu Rongsheng came anyway.