Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 120: It's you who really has to be careful


Hearing Shao Jun's affectionate confession, the string deep in Xu Nianyi's heart was deeply touched. When she was young, she was just a wayward and arrogant daughter of a rich family, relying on her family's power, she was domineering in class. After Shao Jun transferred to another school, she had never met such a cold and indifferent boy. At the beginning, she was only attracted by his taciturn attraction, and her ignorant girlish feelings made her boldly confess to him, but she never expected that that simple and ignorant confession would directly change Shao Jun's life!

Xu Nianyi was a little dizzy from the impact of his affectionate voice, her cheeks were hot, and she couldn't help but blushed again.

"So..." Seeing the two blushes on her face, Shao Jun had a smirk on his lips, leaned over, and whispered in her ear with a low alcoholic voice: " Nianyi, it was you who made me go bad, so you have to be responsible for me." While speaking, he had already raised his hands and hooked Xu Nianyi's shoulders, his muscular body approached...

This time, Xu Nianyi didn't dodge like before, but returned a warmer hug, wrapped his hands around his neck, lowered his head, and gently pressed his red lips to his.

"What are you doing?" He stared down at the woman in his arms, and smirked knowingly.

"Guess..." She pursed the corners of her lips, deliberately stretched out her small pink tongue and licked her lower lip lightly, her voice was as soft as cotton candy, "Guess what I want to do now..."

"Aren't you hungry?" Seeing the tip of her light pink tongue brushing her lips seductively, Shao Jun unconsciously exerted force on his hands and grabbed her shoulders, "Don't you want to eat barbecue?" The tone was changed, and the voice was a little hoarse.

"I just want to eat you now!" Xu Nianyi gathered up his courage and kissed Shao Jun's lips.

She was a little nervous, more excited, and couldn't control her strength for a while. She wanted to kiss him, but accidentally turned into biting him.

Feeling the tingling pain from the corner of his lips, Shao Jun frowned patiently, and the hand clasped on her shoulders gradually slipped in from under the hem of his clothes, and he climbed onto her chest with great force, "Nian Yi, this is your Active, you know?"

She closed her eyes and did not hide, but instead pressed Fengying to his chest. One action is worth a thousand words.

Facing the fiery woman in his arms, Shao Jun couldn't hold back anymore, he bent down and pressed her on the soft grass...


Shengdi Group's successful anti-acquisition caused a sensation in the commercial circles of Xiahai City. Although no one knew the inside story, Shao Jun's name became even more popular, occupying the headlines of the major media for a while. The arbiter spared no effort to praise.

After quickly scanning the headlines of the newspaper, Yan Kuan slowly put down the newspaper in his hand, his face gleaming in the sun was more delicate and soft against the dark red light. He looked at the twilight outside the window, closed his eyelids, raised his hand and gently rubbed the center of his brow. At this moment, the phone on the desk rang.

"Father, I'm Ah Kuan." After quickly picking up the phone, Yan Kuan's voice was still respectful and docile.

"Have you read all the newspapers?" A serious and clear voice came from the microphone.

"Yes, I've seen it all. Big brother's name is very famous now."

Serious and clear, he snorted heavily, "What name is this called? Let him be proud for a few days first, and then he will cry later."

"Yes, what father said is right. But father, since elder brother has such a stubborn temper, father might as well let him go, maybe in a few years elder brother will understand father's painstaking efforts." Yan Kuan said softly.

"Leave him? I have given him enough face by not sending someone to kidnap that woman now. You still let him let him go?" The serious and clear voice was immediately filled with dissatisfaction, "Ah Kuan, you have always been very sensible, Why are you helping that bastard brother of yours to speak now?"

Yan Kuan quickly explained: "Father, I didn't mean that, but I think that even if the elder brother doesn't admit that he is your son, he still has your blood in his body. Will we be said to be fighting in the same room?"

"If he can think like you, he won't be against me in everything! I must let him know that without me as Lao Tzu, he is nothing!"

"But I'm afraid that my elder brother will really do something outrageous in a hurry. You know his attitude towards you..."

"He dares! No matter how you say I am his father, he really dares to be rebellious?"

Yan Kuan listened quietly, not expressing any opinions.

"How is the matter I want you to do?"

"I haven't found the person who leaked the secret, because there are too many employees in our industry, and we can't lock the suspect in a short time..."

"I'm not talking about this matter, it's about the branch office!"

"Oh, the branch office has already been prepared, and it's just waiting for father's order to open."

Serious Qing thought for a while, and confessed: "There is no need to open the business, keep a low profile in everything, so as not to be caught by this brat again."

"Yes, I understand father, should I inform elder brother?" Yan Kuan asked cautiously.

"Inform him what to do!" Seriously raised his voice dissatisfied, "The purpose of this branch is to defeat Shengdi, isn't it the same as telling him in advance that we are going to deal with him in Xiahai City?"

"Yes, father, I know." Yan Kuan said submissively.

Serious Qing gave a few more words of advice before hanging up the phone.

Looking at the receiver in his hand, the strict and respectful demeanor gradually faded away, the soft facial lines became a little tense, and a very complicated expression flashed across his face. But soon he returned to his usual gentleness, and called Shao Jun with a smile on his face.

"Brother, I'm Kuan, do you have time for the last two days?"

Shao Jun frowned, "What are you doing?"

"Oh, that's right, my family's company is going to open a branch in Xiahai City. I want to invite my eldest brother to the opening ceremony."

"Forget it, I'm not interested, but I want to remind you that the water in Xia Hai is very deep, so you have to be careful not to be submerged."

"Thank you brother, I will, father means-"

"I'm not interested in hearing what he means. If he extended his power to Xia Hai to deal with me, then he can just let him come here." Just as Shao Jun was talking, he heard Xu Nianyi complaining in a low voice: "Shao Jun, you tore all my clothes—"

When Yan Kuan on the other end of the phone heard this, the smile on his face instantly froze at the corner of his mouth, he blinked his eyelids, and slowly hung up the phone.

"Brother, the one who really needs to be careful is you."


Xu Nianyi received a call from the police asking her to go to the police station to release Jiang Xiangru on bail.

She didn't dare to tell Shao Jun, and only felt the police station hastily after Shao Jun left.

His mother, Jiang Xiangru, looked at Xu Nianyi in a panic, and wanted to say something, but she didn't say anything.

A police officer politely said to Xu Nianyi: "Miss Xu, your mother is suspected of destroying other people's property. The victim has reported the crime, but he does not want to pursue your mother's criminal responsibility, so you only need to pay some bail to bring your mother As for the value of the damaged property, we have entrusted a professional appraisal department to conduct an appraisal, and we will inform you of the results at any time."

Xu Nian thanked her repeatedly. She had learned a lot of legal knowledge during her three years in prison. She knew that these kinds of cases were cases of "the people don't raise the officials and don't prosecute them". As long as the civil compensation is done well, everything will be fine.

It's just that she still doesn't know whose property her mother destroyed.

When Xu Nian came, he brought enough bail money. After paying the money and going through the formalities, he took Jiang Xiangru out of the gate of the police station.

At that moment, Xu Nianyi did not send Jiang Xiangru back to the hospital, but took her back to the suburban villa where he was currently living.

"Mom, who are you losing your temper with?" Xu Nianyi asked cautiously.

"No, no one..." Jiang Xiangru didn't plan to tell Xu Nianyi to settle the matter with Lu Jingcheng herself, because she felt that Lu Jingcheng was scaring herself, and those things were not worth much at all.

"Mom, why don't you stay in the hospital, come and live with me, I feel relieved that you are by my side."

Jiang Xiangru quickly refused, "No, that's too troublesome, you and Shao Jun are not husband and wife yet, and it won't be too late for me to come when you get married."

As soon as Xu Nian knew that his mother attached great importance to his identity, he had no choice but to give up.

At noon, Xu Nianyi cooked some Huaiyang dishes for Jiang Xiangru at the villa, and when she was about to call Shao Jun to ask him to come and eat together, she received a call from the police.

"Hello, Ms. Xu, the value of the property damaged by your mother Jiang Xiangru has been preliminarily appraised by us, and the total value is 375 million yuan. We have mailed the appraisal letter to you. Please reach a consensus on compensation with the parties as soon as possible, otherwise the parties We will go through legal procedures to pursue your mother's criminal responsibility."


How much

Xu Nianyi was stunned at that moment, and he didn't come back to his senses after a long time.

After several seconds, she recovered her voice and asked with great uncertainty, "Please tell me again, how much is the total?"

"Three hundred and seventy-five million, you should be able to receive the appraisal soon. If you have any objection to the appraisal result, you can submit a re-appraisal to a more authoritative appraisal department."

"Three, three hundred million..." Xu Nianyi stuttered.

Not three hundred thousand, not three million. Not thirty million. But three hundred million!

This is an astronomical figure for her!