Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 16: Frivolous Wei Shaokai


Seeing the fleeting smile on Shao Jun's face, Xu Nianyi inexplicably felt a chill rising from his back and gradually pervading his whole body. The man in front of him clearly showed no signs of anger, and his tone never became serious, but his aura suddenly changed, and that cold sense of dominance quickly swept over him.

"You, what do you mean by that?" She sensed that something was wrong, and asked a little defensively.

"Don't worry, you'll see what I mean soon."

Shao Jun didn't answer directly, but looked down at her from above, his thin lips pulled out a strange arc.

"you… "

Xu Nianyi was full of suspicion. Before he could finish his words, Shao Jun had already turned around first, and walked away with melodious steps on his slender legs.

Shen Feng, who was guarding in front of the restaurant, immediately greeted him, raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, as if he had said something to Shao Jun.

Afterwards, the two got into the car together, and the black Land Rover drove out of the parking lot and disappeared into the endless traffic...

On the sidewalk, Xu Nianyi stood under the colorful neon lights, staring blankly at the direction where the car disappeared, a puzzled expression flashed across his delicate face.

Why, Shao Jun, he changed his surname? Why such a big change in personality

And what did Shao Jun mean by what he said just now

She really didn't understand why this man had to intervene in her life, why he wanted to help her like this. Even if they used to be classmates, even if she once liked him, but ten years have passed, they have long been strangers, there is no reason to treat her so well.

The night in early spring was still a bit cold, the cold wind blowing on his face brought Xu Nianyi back to his senses.

She took out the old-fashioned push-button mobile phone and looked at the time on the screen. It will be the busiest time of the nightclub soon, and she has to rush there immediately.


The "Night Allure" in the South District of Xiahai City is a well-known gold selling cave in Xiahai City and even the whole province.

Located in the most prosperous area of the third ring road in Nancheng District, the building with a night sky is all-inclusive, from KTV to bathing and dining.

Xu Nianyi works as a waiter in some ktvs on the fifth floor. What she does is to deliver fruit plates and red wine in each box, and clean the boxes after the guests leave.

Even though this job does not require drinking companions, in this kind of sensual place, it is inevitable that you will be harassed and molested by a few drunk men, and it is common for you to be taken advantage of by salty troopers.

When squatting down in front of the coffee table to pour wine for the guests, Xu Nianyi was already used to most of the guests taking advantage of the opportunity.

But tonight, facing the molestation of the man wearing black-rimmed glasses, she couldn't help it.

Trying to suppress the urge to hit someone, Xu Nian shrank his neck and stepped back, holding the collar of his chest with one hand, and pushing against the man's chest with the other, begging respectfully: "Sir, I'm sorry, I just The waiter who delivers the wine, please let me go."

"Little girl, don't be shy, chat with uncle, tell uncle, is it hard to work here?" Although the man with glasses looks fair and elegant, there is a sinister look in his triangular eyes, and his eyes are fixed on Xu Nianyi The snowy muscles under the neck put one arm around her waist, and the other hand groped her shoulders casually, with no intention of letting go.

Xu Nianyi clenched his teeth and pushed the man's body hard, "Let me go, I have other jobs!"

"Hey, don't rush away. Uncle's company is short of a secretary, so why don't you go and be his secretary?" The man with glasses smiled obscenely, taking her right to resist as a seduction, and fumbled with his hands even more dishonestly.

"Go away!"

Xu Nianyi violently pushed away the man who was stuck on his body.

The man with glasses was caught off guard, and was pushed to the ground, then got up angrily, and cursed angrily: "Damn it, I haven't seen a woman who is not allowed to play in the city of night! How much is it for once, just say it!"

At the same time, the other hand pulled out the wallet from his waist, and threw all the thick money onto Xu Nianyi's face.

The brand-new banknotes were like sharp knives, scraping her cheek sorely.

After he was released from prison, this was the first time he was hit with money. In the past, she was the only one who spent money on others.

The scene in the box did not make the atmosphere cold. The other male guests sitting on another group of sofas just laughed. Only Princess Diange, who was next to Xu Nianyi, kept blinking her eyes, signaling her to speak softly and stop contradicting the guests.

"Is it enough?" Seeing that Xu Nianyi was just standing there without moving, the man with glasses leaned closer again, and put his big hand on her shoulder.

"Take off your dirty hands!" Almost at the same time, Xu Nian yelled sharply, raised his hand and opened the man's palm, then dropped the wine rack by his feet, turned around and walked towards the door.

"You bitch!"

The man with glasses roared violently, and chased after him in a few steps. Just as his big hand grabbed Xu Nianyi's collar, the dimly lit box suddenly lit up, and all the lights on the ceiling lit up, illuminating the box like daytime .

Immediately, the announcement of the fire drill and a series of rapid fire alarms sounded from the radio embedded in the ceiling.

The guests in the box looked at each other, not understanding what happened.

Before everyone could react, there were loud footsteps outside the corridor, and soon the door of the box was pushed open, and the security personnel in black short-sleeves 'invited' everyone out of the room.

It's not just their private room, all the entertainment activities in the whole night city were stopped urgently, and the nightclub closed early.

Xu Nianyi was also at a loss, why did he suddenly need a fire drill

Before going to work, she did not receive an exercise notice. And by such a coincidence, just when she was about to be bullied by a guest, the alarm sounded.

Who is helping yourself? Is it Shao Jun

Reminiscent of that strange sentence that Shao Jun said outside the western restaurant, Xu Nian subconsciously thought of Shao Jun. Was Shao Jun manipulating it secretly to help him

Just when Xu Nianyi was lost in thought, a loud and clear male voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Hi, is your name Xu Nianyi?"

This is not Shao Jun's voice.

Xu Nianyi looked back suspiciously, and saw a handsome man in a cherry pink shirt with dyed blond hair casually walking towards him.

The man was tall and handsome. Although his face was as fair as Shao Jun's, he was not as stable and elegant as Shao Jun's eyebrows, but a little more frivolous.

He paced up to Xu Nianyi, stopped his body, looked her up and down with frivolous eyes, then turned the corner of his mouth to one side, showing a naughty smile: "So you are Xu Nianyi. You You should thank me well, I was the one who sounded the alarm just now."

He sounded the fire alarm in the main control room of the nightclub

Xu Nian was taken aback for a moment, "Who are you?" Isn't Shao Jun helping him

"You seem a little disappointed? Is it because Shao Jun didn't come to rescue you?" The man's smirk deepened, and he said teasingly, "Don't be disappointed, if Shao Jun didn't come forward, do you think I would call the police?"

"You mean, Shao Jun is here too?" Xu Nian opened his eyes wide in surprise, Shao Jun actually followed him to the nightclub? !