Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 57: go abroad together


"Brother." Seeing Shao Jun approaching, Yan Kuan smiled, bent down and nodded respectfully.

"How long have you been here?" Different from Yan Kuan's smiling and harmonious look, Shao Jun didn't have any smile on his face, and his white face was expressionless.

"Just came."

Shao Jun narrowed his black eyes slightly: "Just here?"

"When I came, Yuanyuan had just left." Yan Kuan added with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Shao Jun looked at him coldly, his tone as calm as water.

"It's nothing important, I just want to say a few words to my elder brother." Yan Kuan's smile remained the same, with a softness lingering between his brows.

"what do you want to say?"

"I want to say that elder brother found a very interesting girlfriend this time." The corners of his mouth raised a deeper arc, Yan Kuan's soft voice was full of smiles, "I thought that elder brother should choose Wen Xiangqing as his girlfriend, I didn't expect it to be this Miss Xu. Miss Xu is a very special girl. I look forward to having such a girl as my sister-in-law."

"What are you expecting?" Shao Jun stood upright on the spot, because he was much taller than Yan Kuan, and stared coldly at Yan Kuan from the height down.

"Looking forward to living with my eldest brother, with such a lively and interesting sister-in-law by my side. My eldest brother's mood will also improve a lot."

"Thank you for your concern." Shao Jun threw out this sentence calmly. Then she looked away from him, and said in a low voice with a bit of force, warning, "But please keep a distance from Xu Nianyi in the future. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

"Yes. I understand." Yan Kuan did not refute at all, but nodded respectfully.

Shao Jun didn't look at Yan Kuan again, but raised his slender legs, bypassed Yan Kuan, and walked towards Xu Nianyi who was standing in the gazebo...

the next day.

After living in Yan's old house for 2 days, Shao Jun decided to leave.

In the twilight of the city, there are two black cars parked on the quiet asphalt road in front of the old house, one of which is a Land Rover exclusive to Shao Jun. In another car sat the accompanying bodyguard.

On the way back, Xu Nianyi realized that when he came to Yan's house, those bodyguards standing downstairs in the apartment were specially sent by the old man to pick Shao Jun home.

And Shao Jun himself didn't like to bring so many bodyguards when he went out.

Before leaving, Wei Shaokai was still a little bit reluctant, muttering that it was a rare get-together, and that he would not leave until he had had enough fun.

But how could Shao Jun be as chic as Wei Shaokai? Wei Shaokai is a family business, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about the company's affairs.

Shao Jun is different. Shengdi Group was established by Shao Jun from scratch with his own strength, and it was his hard work. He has to do many things by himself. After two days of delay, he has accumulated a lot of official duties. Of course I have to rush back to deal with it.

Before Xu Nian got into the car, Wei Shaokai secretly said to him: "I don't know if you will marry Shao Jun. But I hope that you and Shao Jun can change him."


change what

Xu Nianyi couldn't understand the meaning of Wei Shaokai's words at that time. But before she could ask, Wei Shaokai had already whistled, smiled and walked away.

On the way back to Xiahai City, looking at the endless green hills outside the car window, Xu Nianyi couldn't help thinking about the meaning of Wei Shaokai's words.

What does he want her to change Shao Jun

Is it referring to the incident in childhood that changed Shao Jun's temperament drastically? Want her to help Shao Jun let go of his hatred

is that so.


After returning to Xiahai City, Shao Jun really started to deal with official business non-stop.

The president's desk was covered with piles of documents, and senior managers from various departments of the company also walked into the office one by one to report to him the progress of the company's various projects.

The documents on the table were not yet approved, and various business meetings, large and small, were arranged on Shao Jun's schedule.

Shao Jun's schedule was full for a whole week, and Shen Feng, as Shao Jun's assistant, traveled between various companies for him after he came back, and attended some unimportant meetings and entertainments for him.

And Xu Nianyi, as Shao Jun's personal secretary, also followed Shao Jun around.

From morning to night, there is hardly a moment of rest.

When Shao Jun was approving the documents, she was in charge of sorting out some dossier materials, placing key projects and contract documents in the most conspicuous position, and letting him review them first. When he attended the meeting, she had to follow him, bring a recorder and a notebook and be responsible for taking notes. Remind Shao Jun at any time, what time is the next schedule.

I even saved the time to go out to eat, and directly ordered hotel takeaway to be delivered to the top floor.

She was sitting in front of the coffee table in the office, looking at the project information while holding the job bowl, racing against the clock, for fear that if she didn't do a job well, it would delay Shao Jun's schedule.

Most of the industries that Shengdi Group is involved in are relatively high-end. Because of the heyday of real estate in the past few years, it has also set foot in real estate. But this is not a key project. Shengdi's main projects are all in cross-border cooperation, development of various high-end electronic products, and biopharmaceuticals, and even participated in bank holdings.

In the past few days, she saw many terms in business documents, which she had never heard of before.

After staying in prison for three years, in addition to letting her see the world clearly and changing her three views, she only taught her how to make handmade products.

She is a complete layman when it comes to these business contracts.

When I was the daughter of the Xu family, I was half-baked in my studies, relying on my family's money to not study at all, and after graduation, I just got paid under the name of a certain unit and never went to work. She has no idea at all about the operations of the top executives of these companies.

Many contracts are bilingual in Chinese and English, and there are many professional vocabulary in them. You even need to look in the dictionary when looking up.

At first, she didn't want to get in touch with the company's high-level affairs, but Shao Jun said to her: Do you really want to be a secretary for the rest of your life

If she doesn't understand business operations and knows nothing about business affairs, no matter how hard she works, she will be just an ordinary white-collar worker for the rest of her life. With such an identity, how could it be possible to rejoin the rich and famous? How to surpass Lu Jingcheng and the others

Shao Jun's words gave her a good reminder.

Under his arrangement, she began to bite the bullet and understand the high-level operations of the company that she had never been in contact with before.

After nightfall, Shao Jun was still at his desk reviewing unfinished documents. As his personal secretary, Xu Nianyi naturally worked overtime with him. Every time I finish my work, it is already past 11 o'clock at night when I get home.

After several days of continuous high-intensity work, Xu Nianyi couldn't hold on anymore.

Extremely sleepy, but seeing Shao Jun working so hard, she couldn't hold him back. Obediently stood by and waited on him.

When Shao Jun got busy, he seldom spoke, his usual elegance and gentleness disappeared from his fair face, and he reviewed the documents seriously. When I saw half of it, I would often use the intercom to call other high-level people into the office to talk.

He is only responsible for handling official business. But she was in charge of his entire daily schedule as well as basic necessities of life. As a secretary, she goes to bed later and wakes up earlier than him. Before Mr. Shao wakes up, he must deal with all life matters.

She had never worked as a secretary before, nor had she had close friends with those presidents. She wondered if the adjudicators of other companies were as busy as Shao Jun.

a week later...

Shao Jun's schedule was finally all sorted out.

Xu Nianyi heaved a sigh of relief, and fell on the sofa in his apartment, listening to soothing music to relax.

However, before she was happy for a long time, the mobile phone on the coffee table rang suddenly.

Xu Nianyi hurriedly got up and picked up the mobile phone on the table, Shao Jun's voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "Come here right away."

His deep voice is still full of magnetism, which is like the sound of heaven in the ears of most women.

But in Xu Nianyi's view, it was comparable to a magic voice.

Xu Nianyi's cheeks trembled, and his cold voice was mixed with resistance: "Isn't the schedule all over? It's already 9 o'clock in the evening, I'm off work, I need to rest!"

"Xu Nianyi." On the other end of the phone, Shao Jun read her name in a soft tone, "Did you forget that when I was a private secretary, I gave you a condition?"

Xu Nianyi was stunned for a moment, and the scene at that time appeared in his mind.

At that time, he said very clearly that it is very simple to be his personal secretary, and he must be on call 24 hours a day. In other words, she does not have the so-called 'off work time'.

"That..." Xu Nianyi's tone immediately softened, "I'm taking a shower now, and I'm going to bed soon."

"Take a shower?" The man on the other end of the phone seemed to sneer, "When you take a shower, is there still playing "Turkish March" in the bathroom?"

"..." Xu Nianyi was immediately at a loss for words. The sound of the piano echoing in the living room drifted into her ears along with the man's words.


She forgot to turn off the music!

The lie was exposed all of a sudden, Xu Nianyi swallowed in embarrassment, tried his best to save his face, and lied for himself: "I took a shower with the bathroom door open, and the music playing in the living room drifted in."

"So you like to take a shower with the door open..." Shao Jun's intentionally protracted voice came from the receiver. The slightly rising tail tune shows how happy he is, "In the future, remember to call me when you take a shower, and let me appreciate how you look in the shower."

"..." Xu Nianyi squeezed the phone tightly, speechless in embarrassment. She was the one who lied first, so she was too embarrassed to refute anything.

"I'll give you two minutes. After two minutes, I want to see you appear." Shao Jun restrained the smile in his tone, and his tone gradually became stronger.

"But it's very late now, isn't it inconvenient for me to go find you?" Xu Nianyi changed his way and continued to evade with tactful words.

"What's the inconvenience?" Shao Jun asked in a strange tone on the other end of the phone, "Could it be that I will eat you again?"

"That was not what I meant.

Before the next few words could be uttered, Shao Jun interrupted with a sneer: "You will seduce me on your own initiative if you have been hit with the aphrodisiac, but I haven't done anything to you. What are you afraid of?"

"..." Mentioning this matter, Xu Nianyi was completely at a loss for words, his cheeks became hot, and he couldn't say a word.

As soon as Shao Jun mentioned this matter, she couldn't help but think of everything that happened that night, of how she was clinging to Shao Jun in a daze, and even laying hands on him...

As soon as Xu Nian raised his hand to stroke his forehead, his face blushed and he was speechless for a long time.

"Remind you." Shao Jun on the other end of the phone didn't hang up, and said kindly, "You have 30 seconds left. After 30 seconds, if I haven't seen you, you will be in big trouble."

30 seconds left

Shao Jun actually kept counting the time for her!

"I'll be right there!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Nianyi immediately hung up the phone, stood up from the sofa, didn't even bother to change his shoes, and ran to the next door with his cotton slippers. In front of Jun.

At this time, Shao Jun was sitting on a group of sofas for one person, wearing casual black trousers and a white shirt, and playing with an old antique pocket watch in his hand.

The moment he saw Xu Nianyi appear, Shao Jun raised his eyes to look at the person who came, and his smiling eyes fell on her. Talking to himself, "The time is just right."

Hearing that the time was just right, Xu Nian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, for the convenience of work, Shao Jun bought an apartment on the same floor for her to live in. Otherwise, how could she run over in 30 seconds

Walking slowly in front of Shao Jun, Xu Nianyi asked in a businesslike manner, "Mr. Shao, what are your orders?"

"You put on clothes really fast." Shao Jun looked at her steadily, and after examining her carefully, he slowly raised his lips and teased in a low voice.

"Ah?" Xu Nianyi didn't understand what he was talking about.

"Didn't you take a shower just now? You got dressed and ran over in half a minute. The speed of light." The teasing flavor in his words was even stronger.

Xu Nianyi turned his head away in embarrassment, avoiding Shao Jun's gaze: "Well, I was already getting dressed then." He lied again. She felt even more guilty, her heart pounding in her chest.

The arc of Shao Jun's mouth became even deeper, and the sight from his black eyes was like a sharp blade, extremely sharp. He seemed to see through Xu Nian's uneasiness, but he didn't pursue anything. Instead, he turned the conversation elsewhere and ordered in a low voice: "Book two first-class tickets to Munich, Germany."

"Okay." Xu Nian nodded. But in the next second, he asked again, "Are you going to Germany with Shen Feng for a business trip?"

"It's not me and Shen Feng. It's me and you." Shao Jun leaned lazily on the sofa behind him, speaking very calmly.

"Me and you?!" Xu Nianyi suddenly raised his voice, "Are you taking me on a business trip to Germany?" No way. She has just finished her busy work, and the day has just ended, and she has a new schedule

Is he so busy? Aren't you tired of juggling everything every day

Moreover, she is not familiar with many things in the company, so taking her on a business trip won't be of much help.

"It's like this. I've never been in contact with the company's senior management before. If you take me on a business trip, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you." She said very sincerely. Because what she said was indeed the truth, she is still not familiar with Shengdi's projects. Not sure about the project process either.

"Who said I took you on a business trip?" Seeing her hesitation and evasion, Shao Junjun raised his eyebrows and looked at her slyly.

"Not a business trip?" What is that for

"It is true that some things have piled up after returning from the old house, but they are not so busy that you have to work overtime every day."

"What?" She stared at him blankly. She works overtime with him until late at night every day. She is exhausted and takes care of his food and daily life. Isn't it because he is dealing with the delayed work

"After dealing with the accumulated work, I deal with all the official duties to be done next week in advance." Shao Jun explained unhurriedly, "I finish all the work in advance so that I can take it abroad to relax. "

"What?" Xu Nianyi looked at him in surprise, and asked incredulously, "You worked so hard to finish those tasks just to take me abroad together?"

"Otherwise what do you think?"