Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 59: Don't be afraid, I'm here


Shao Jun clasped Xu Nianyi's shoulders tightly with his palms, his face was extremely serious, his brows were slightly furrowed, his deep eyes were fixed on hers, and there was no hint of a joke in his words. "Black... black what?" Xu Nianyi looked at the man beside him in a daze, wondering what he had heard wrong.

"Mafia." The hand clasped her shoulder even harder, Shao Jun obviously had no patience, and looked at her with a stern look, "You can be understood as a gangster with a gun!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the words to fall, Shao Jun grabbed her thin shoulders and walked towards the back door behind the pulpit of the church.

Xu Nianyi didn't even have time to put down the Bible in his hand, so he was forced to keep up with the man.

The strength in Shao Jun's hands was very heavy, five fingers clasped her shoulders forcefully, and his strong arms drove her body, and she hardly let him drag her forward.

Her whole body was crooked, and she staggered to keep up with his steps, still confused: "How can there be a mafia?"

She understood what the Mafia meant.

In some European and American countries such as Italy and the United States, there is a mafia. The Mafia, just like the Yamaguchi-gumi in Japan, is a powerful underworld organization with distinct levels and strict discipline. It's completely different from those street gangsters in China. In some countries, the mafia is even powerful enough to confront the government.

If it wasn't for Shao Jun's rare serious expression at the moment, she would almost have thought he was joking.

She really didn't understand how there could be a mafia here. She had heard of the mafia in Germany, but how could she come to this remote little church!

"I don't know." Shao Jun spoke very quickly, "You have to listen to me for everything from now on, and don't leave my sight. It's still unclear what these mafias are here for, so be careful."

While he was saying these words, he was still clasping her shoulders and moving forward at a high speed.

Xu Nianyi struggled to keep up with his pace, the doubts in his heart not only did not decrease, but increased, he looked at his side face in surprise, and asked in surprise: "Do you mean that... we might be killed?" ?”

"It's very possible." Shao Jun nodded, his face was tense, his eyes were deep and there was no smile at all.

"..." Xu Nian staggered and fell on top of him.

Shao Jun stretched out his hand quickly and grabbed her waist in time to prevent her from slipping down.

"You, you..." Xu Nianyi's eyes were panicked, and he said incoherently, "How can it be life-threatening to be a secretary by your side?"

"Are you afraid?" Shao Jun straightened her body and gave her a serious look with his black eyes.

"Scared." She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice. How could you not be afraid? She has been in prison and experienced storms, but no matter what, at least her life is not in danger. What we are about to face now is the mafia, it is a real hail of bullets!

If she knew that she would meet the mafia during this trip abroad, she would never come here.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here." Seeing the panic in her eyes, Shao Jun held her little hand tightly, and there was a trace of tenderness in his deep voice, and he swore: "I won't let you have trouble."

"Can… "

Xu Nianyi was still uneasy, before he finished speaking, he was dragged by Shao Jun to the back door.

When he walked to the door, Xu Nianyi suddenly stopped, turned his head and looked behind him, "Where's your friend...John hasn't come here." Oh no, at such an urgent moment, I forgot about that handsome German guy with blond hair and blue eyes.

"John is on the second floor, and he is in charge of breaking the back." Shao Jun stretched out his big hand, turned her body around, grabbed her and continued walking towards the green grassy river outside.

"He got cut off?" Xu Nianyi barely kept up with his pace, remembering John's milky white face and elegant demeanor, she couldn't imagine how he got cut off, "Leave him alone to take care of the cut off, Can it work?"

"He has a gun on him." Shao Jun said coldly, and without looking back, he dragged her into the grass in the Isar River.

She followed his steps closely and asked out of breath, "Has he brought a gun?" She couldn't understand what a person who took friends out for an outing and carried a gun did.

"He has a license to hold a gun. And he has a special status. Only by carrying a gun can he protect himself." Shao Jun had already led her into the depths of the grass, and the green grass taller than a person gradually covered their figures.

"What does your friend do?" She had more doubts in her mind, and her steps slowed down a bit.

"Family heir."

Shao Jun gave such an answer.

Xu Nian stared blankly at Shao Jun's back. Family heir? What kind of family

She was about to ask, but suddenly a gunshot sounded behind her.


The crisp gunshots were particularly harsh on the quiet Isar River, like a thunderbolt across the sky.

Xu Nian's foot slipped immediately, and his whole body jumped forward.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing the strangeness behind him, Shao Jun immediately turned around, but seeing Xu Nianyi was about to fall to the ground, he quickly stretched out his hand and bent down to catch her, "What's wrong with you?"

"Yes, was that shot just now a gunshot?" Xu Nianyi looked at him in disbelief, his clear eyes filled with astonishment. Is this a real gunshot

"Yes." Shao Jun helped her up, his brows furrowed.

"Is your friend going to be in trouble?" She grabbed her hands tightly and asked worriedly, "Are these mafia gangsters killing anyone they see?"

"No. They also have a purpose in doing things. We were attacked by the mafia as soon as we left the castle. It should be assigned by someone."

Xu Nianyi didn't have time to think about who these mafia were targeting, his brain was already occupied by fear and shock: "They have guns on them, what should we do? The car is parked at the entrance of the church, let's drive over quickly. "

"No. The car must have been surrounded by people." Shao Jun's brows furrowed even deeper, and the word 'Chuan' appeared between his brows.

Looking at his tense face at the moment, Xu Nianyi's heart also sank.

It was the first time she saw Shao Jun showing such a dignified expression after contacting him for so long.

Normally, he always looks gentle and elegant, but condescending. The smile on his face and gentle voice make him look like a modest gentleman, but the aura he exudes makes you feel untouchable.

But now, the aura emanating from him is as cold as winter.

There was no panic in his eyes, not even panic. The depths of his black eyes were dark and dark. He looked at her calmly and whispered: "Just follow me, John will take care of himself and meet me .First find a safe place to hide and escape this attack."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head away, still clasping her wrist tightly with his right hand, and led her to run deep into the grass.

She wasn't asking anything.

In the current situation, any inquiry is useless.

If it was domestic, she wouldn't worry even if there were any emergencies. Because as soon as Shao Jun went out, he would be followed by several skilled bodyguards.

But this time, he encountered such a critical situation abroad.

Encounter the notorious, well-trained Mafioso...

But this time, there was no bodyguard around Shao Jun. It's just more bad luck than good luck.

She had only seen this kind of assassination movie in movies before, but now it was really happening in her life.

It's true that she has been in prison, but she was only framed by someone, and she has never experienced being chased and killed like this! It was the first time she experienced such a life-threatening thing, how could she not be afraid, how could she keep calm

Xu Nianyi was extremely frightened, especially after hearing the gunshot.

She hugged the Bible in her hand tightly, followed Shao Jun's footsteps, and kept praying in her heart.

I don't know how long he ran, but Xu Nianyi came back to his senses when his feet suddenly felt cold, and found that Shao Jun was leading him across the river.

The water is gurgling under the feet, and the water of the Isar River is very shallow, and the deepest part is only below the ankle.

Stepping on the pebbles at the bottom of the river, Shao Jun led her to the dense bushes on the other side of the river.

The grove is lush with old trees intertwined with roots.

Running into the woods, Shao Juncai stopped. After running violently, his breathing was undisturbed, and he calmly said to her, "This place is not safe. The Mafia didn't catch us, and they will send us soon. People came to search. I know there is a hidden cave nearby, we will hide there temporarily and wait for John to join us."

"Cave?" Xu Nianyi looked around. There were only green trees and vegetation around. It looked like a plain area. Where did the cave come from

The moment Xu Nianyi saw the cave, he was convinced of Shao Jun's words.

There is really a cave here, but the entrance is very narrow, requiring people to bend down to enter. But the inside of the cave is very large and spacious, and you can stand upright and walk in the cave. There is no problem in accommodating five people in the cave.

Light came in from the narrow opening, and the interior of the cave was fairly bright.

Shao Jun found some branches to cover the entrance of the cave, and then used the branches to sweep away the nearby footprints. He settled all this before returning to the cave.

Due to the cover of the branches, the sunlight was blocked outside the cave. Only a few sunlight, passing through the gaps in the leaves, shone into the dark cave.

Xu Nian sat down with his back against a huge rock, looked at Shao Jun who was guarding the entrance of the cave, and belatedly thought of a question: "How do you know there is a cave here?"

"What are you asking?"

Shao Jun didn't hear Xu Nianyi's question clearly. He was contacting John with his mobile phone, locating his location so that John could bring someone over to meet him.

"I said, how do you know there is a cave here?" Xu Nianyi looked at him suspiciously, "Have you been here before?"

"Well, yes. I'm friends with John. The last time I saw him, he took me here to camp, and then we discovered this cave. So John knows this place, and I've sent him a location message. He should I can bring people here soon." Shao Jun turned his head and glanced at her.

Xu Nianyi suddenly discovered a huge problem, opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "Okay, so..."


Before he could finish the rest of the sentence, Shao Jun, who was guarding the entrance of the cave, suddenly came back to his senses, made a gesture of silence to her, and his face became serious again: "Someone is coming."

"..." Xu Nianyi immediately closed his mouth.

Sure enough, in the silence, the sound of footsteps came from outside the cave entrance.

The footsteps were getting closer, and soon the branches at the entrance of the cave were pushed away. The harsh sunlight immediately shone into the cave.

Xu Nianyi, who was sitting in the dark of the cave, happened to be facing the entrance of the cave, and she could see at a glance a foreign man in a black suit and sunglasses, holding a black pistol, bending down to prepare Come in. And this man is obviously not John...
