Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 62: It's me, don't shoot!


Seeing the back of Xu Nianyi jumping, Shao Jun, who was standing on the edge of the cliff, suddenly opened his eyes wide. His bright eyes were filled with a cold light of determination, and he jumped down together without thinking. He knew that there was a cliff tens of meters high in front of him, and he knew that he would die if he jumped off it.

However, without a moment's hesitation, he followed Xu Nianyi's back and jumped off the cliff.

Seeing this scene from a distance, a dozen or so mafia chasing after him stopped involuntarily, looking in the direction where Shao Jun and Xu Nianyi disappeared.

After pausing for a few seconds, they looked at each other, and then slowly walked towards the cliff.

There are no shrubs on the edge of the cliff, only some grass. Under the cliff, except for the bare giant rock cliff, only those slender branches that grow in the crevices of the cliff are left.

Overlooking the bottom of the cliff, there is at least a height of more than 20 meters.

The bottom of the cliff is lush and lush, with dense green vegetation, covering the situation under the cliff.

The leading German man visited the bottom of the cliff for a long time before turning his head to communicate with his companions in German. After a few conversations, the group of mafia-like people retreated one after another, and then disappeared into the depths of the dense forest as quietly as when they came.


After a burst of dizziness, Xu Nianyi gradually regained consciousness.

When she opened her eyes, there was a low bush above her head, with small round leaves covering her head, and the golden sunlight hit her face through the gaps between the leaves, making her feel a little glaring.

not dead

With such a high cliff, she jumped off it without falling to her death

She squinted her eyes and turned her head away, only a slight movement of her body was followed by a burst of pain. It was as if my body had been run over by a big truck, my limbs were sore and weak, and my hands and feet didn't seem to belong to me anymore.

What happened just now

She frowned, trying to remember what had just happened.

The moment she jumped off the cliff, Shao Jun seemed to have jumped off the cliff too.

Before she could react, Shao Jun had already hugged her body tightly. A pair of big hands hugged her back tightly, and his broad chest was pressed against her soft body, as if hugging a beloved teddy bear, his whole body almost wanted to wrap her up.

There was the sound of howling wind in my ears, and then there was a whirl of heaven and earth, the whole world was constantly changing upside down in front of my eyes, and my arms and back seemed to be hit by some heavy objects, and there were continuous severe pains.

Soon, in this upside-down rotation, she finally passed out.

What about Shao Jun, didn't Shao Jun jump down with her

Thinking of this, she suddenly became nervous, struggling to support the ground with her hands, and looked around.

But the firm and elastic touch of her hands told her that what she touched was not the ground.

She lowered her head slowly, and what caught her eyes was Shao Jun's pale face with closed eyes.

"Shao Jun?" Xu Nian suddenly panicked, his heart was in his throat.

At this time, she was pressing on Shao Jun.

Shao Jun still maintained the posture of embracing her just now, with both hands tightly hugging her back, as if he was worried about letting go, so his two hands were tightly crossed on her back.

Realizing this, she hastily moved her hands to the grass next to her, and got up from him with all her strength.

Her body was still in severe pain, especially when she exerted such force that it hurt even more.

But although it hurt, it was only a skin trauma, with large areas of abrasions on the arms and knees, exposing bright red tender flesh. Although it looked bloody, his limbs could still move freely.

She sat up from the ground with difficulty, stretched out her hand nervously, and slightly tremblingly put her index finger to the tip of Shao Jun's nose. Feeling the damp heat from her fingertips, her heart that was hanging in the air finally fell. Fortunately, Shao Jun did not die, probably because of too much loss and exhaustion, he fell into a short coma.

After she jumped off the cliff just now, Shao Jun also jumped off.

She has seen his level of crispness and agility in killing people. She has not received three to five years of professional training, so she would not have such skills. That's why he was able to reach out and grab her in that weightless state, and hold her tightly in his arms.

He completely protected her with his muscular body, and withstood all the impact damage when he fell off the cliff.

The trees that grew horizontally on the cliffs slowed down the gravity of the fall very well. Without those trees, Shao Jun would definitely die if he fell from such a high place.

Xu Nianyi's eyes dimmed when he saw that Shao Jun's fair face had a few bloodstains from the leaves, and the clean shirt and trousers on his body were cut into countless holes by the leaves.

He used to be such a clean and good-looking person, but now for her, he went so far.

Xu Nianyi looked down and saw the bullet hole on his left leg.

A bullet hole of nearly three centimeters appeared on the trouser leg. The left trouser leg was completely stained red with blood, but the blood no longer flowed out.

He was obviously shot, but still stubbornly hugged her and walked with her. After running for so long, I don't know how much blood was lost. Compared with her, his ability to endure pain is simply extraordinary.

If Shao Jun hadn't been protecting her during the fall, she might be more seriously injured now.

The mobile phone on her body has fallen to nowhere. Shao Jun's cell phone was still in his trouser pocket, but he took it out and saw that the entire screen had been smashed, and he couldn't even turn it on. No wonder, in order to save her, he made her a human flesh pad, and of course the phone would be broken.

Now she has no way to contact John at all.

She sighed, sat next to Shao Jun and rested for a while, feeling that her body was not so painful, she stood up unsteadily, bent down to pick up the broken branch.

She wasn't sure if the Mafia had left. If they continued to search the mountain, they might find them along the bloodstains.

Xu Nianyi used his uninjured hand to clean up the nearby blood, and wiped off her footprints along the way.

After doing all this, she returned to Shao Jun's side, saw that his pale lips had turned a faint purple, and bent down to touch his forehead in horror.

His body is so cold!

Shao Jun's body temperature was frighteningly low, his eyes were closed tightly, and he showed no sign of waking up.

Shao Jun couldn't be allowed to lie on the ground any longer.

Too much humidity on the ground will make his body temperature lower. And the so-called support didn't know when it would arrive, so she could only squat down beside him, grabbing the skirt of his chest with her hands, and lift it up vigorously, trying to let him rest on her body.

However, for her, such a grown and strong man like Shao Jun was too heavy. She couldn't lift him up with one hand at all. In desperation, she had no choice but to let the hand with the injured shoulder join the 'battle', grabbing his clothes with both hands and lifting them up.

At the moment when she exerted strength with her hands, she seemed to hear the sound of the cloth strips cracking, and the blood that was finally stopped immediately poured out along her shoulders, and her back felt cold from the pain, and she broke out in a cold sweat.

Xu Nian was panting heavily, gritted his teeth and grabbed Shao Jun's clothes, finally laying him in his arms. Then stay as still as possible to make him feel more comfortable.

Just like that, she sat motionless on the wet and cold ground, her hands hugging his body tightly, slowly transmitting her own body temperature to him.

She didn't have the strength to carry a man who was nearly twice her weight on her back. If her shoulder hadn't hurt, she should be fine. But now she is also injured, half of her shoulders and arms can't use her strength, it is impossible to walk out of this forest with Shao Jun on her back.

If Shao Jun hadn't jumped down with him just now, maybe he still had a chance.

But now, she and Shao Jun can only resign themselves to fate.

If unfortunately, someone from the mafia really finds her, she will admit it too.

She really did her best.

After maintaining the sitting position for an unknown amount of time, Xu Nianyi gradually felt weak and tired.

After tossing and tossing for so long, her physical strength has also begun to be overdrawn.

Just when she was drowsy, there was a rustling sound from a half-person-high bush in front of her, as if someone was walking over.

Did the mafia still search it

She was suddenly startled, and quickly took out the Glock 17 pistol that Shao Jun was carrying, loaded the bullet, quickly pushed the safety catch on the gun, and pointed the dark muzzle at the branch and leaf in front of her. Shaking bushes.

In fact, she learned how to use a gun.

When she was in college, she didn't study hard and spent more time on fun and enjoyment. It also included signing up for a shooting club in order to catch up with the trend.

There, she was exposed to the basic shooting steps and the cognition of guns (river crabs) for a period of time.

Not only did she know Glock, a relatively well-known gun, but she even practiced in the shooting hall.

Glock 17 is a fully automatic hand (river crab) gun, and there are about 20 rounds of bullets in the magazine. If you shoot quickly, you will get all the bullets out in less than 2 seconds.

Right now, she only had this one magazine, and she aimed the gun at the bushes, but she didn't dare to act rashly.

In the woods, a breeze blows.

The shadow of the tree shook even more violently. Xu Nianyi could already clearly see a group of people walking towards him in the bushes.

It was only a short ten seconds, but it seemed as long as a century. There was a thin layer of sweat on her palm, and she clenched the gun tightly.

After a while, the last layer of bushes was finally pushed aside. Walking in front were a few foreign men with shiny blond hair.

Xu Nianyi fired without hesitation, and with a bang, the sharp sound of the gun tore the tranquility of the valley, and countless birds perched on the trees flapped their wings in panic and flew to the sky.

Just when Xu Nianyi was mercilessly about to fire a second shot, a familiar face ran out from the crowd: "It's me, don't shoot!"