Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 68: Did Lu Jingcheng send you here?


With the sound of a thick and powerful voice, Shao Jun had already walked in front of everyone, but his eyes passed Xu Fei and the others, and fell on Xu Nianyi. Seeing Shao Jun suddenly appear here, Xu Nianyi's eyes were full of surprise, he stood up from his chair, and asked him in a low voice: "That meeting is so important, what if you run away from the company?"

"Postponed." Shao Jun said lightly, with a slight smile on his fair face, "In my heart, nothing is more important than returning you."

"..." Xu Nian was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.

The bosses of overseas companies had come to talk about the transnational meeting in person, but he actually postponed it directly, which shows that he really attaches great importance to her.

At this moment, there was a layer of ripples in her heart. Although the waves were not big, they kept rippling at the bottom of her heart, lingering.

He is good to her, she understands. If you say you are not moved, you are lying.

However, she just wanted to control her heart in the position of 'touching'.

But it seems that many things can be done well without hard work.

Seeing that Xu Nian was silent, Shao Jun had already walked over, stretched out his long arms, and directly embraced her slender waist, hugged the woman in his arms affectionately, and at the same time raised his eyes to look at Xu Rongsheng opposite, there was nothing wrong in his black eyes. Temperature: "Why is Mayor Xu coming here today?"

From just now until now, Shao Jun has not looked at Xu Rongsheng directly since he appeared.

This made Xu Rongsheng very upset. After all, he was the mayor, yet someone dared to ignore him like this.

But when Shao Jun turned his face, Xu Rongsheng saw the appearance of the person, and the haze in his eyes disappeared immediately: "Are you Mr. Shao from Shengdi Group?"

Shengdi Group was the first multinational enterprise in Xiahai City, and Shao Jun is a young and promising young talent, not only talented, but also determined to do charity, he is a rare talent. Xu Rongsheng was certainly impressed by his figure appearing in major media and TV news all the time.

Although he was dissatisfied with Shao Jun's behavior just now, Xu Rongsheng has always been a person who is used to meeting wind and wind, and he must seize the opportunity to get in touch with such an entrepreneur.

"I'm honored to be remembered by Mayor Xu. However, you didn't come here at the right time today." Shao Jun was much taller than Xu Rong, looking down from above, his eyes were even more indifferent.

"This..." Xu Rongsheng glanced in the direction of the operating room, "Today is my wife's surgery day, so of course I have to rush over here."

"Really?" Hearing this answer, Shao Jun's mouth curled into a sarcasm, "Your wife seems to be Gao Meihua, a fashion designer. Wasn't she attending a fashion conference two days ago?"

"It's my ex-wife." A look of embarrassment flashed across Xu Rongsheng's face, but he quickly changed into another face, with shrewd eyes staring at Shao Jun's hand hooked around Xu Nianyi's waist, slightly Looking at him suspiciously, "Mr. Shao, what is your relationship with my family's Nianyi?"

"Nianyi is my fiancée." When Shao Jun said this again, his gaze fell back on Xu Nianyi, his dark eyes filled with tenderness, "We will get engaged in the middle of this month."

"You mean... Nian Yi and Mr. Shao are you..." Xu Rongsheng reacted quickly enough, countless expressions flashed across his face, from surprise to bewilderment, and finally turned into a flattering smile, "So you are our family Nianyi's fiancé has long wanted to know you, Mr. Shao, but he never thought that they would be a family now."

Hearing the term 'family' again, the anger that had just subsided in Xu Nianyi's heart surged up again, and he gave Xu Rongsheng a disgusted look, "Mayor Xu, you have already severed the father-daughter relationship with me! We Not a family at all!"

"Nian Yi, at the time when the pressure of public opinion was so great, my father had no choice but to announce it to the outside world in order to keep the family. Although I did make mistakes, I am your biological father after all, and you are my daughter. Let's break the bones How can I really not want you? I was really too ignorant at the beginning, so I want you to suffer so that you can be more sensible. Now that you are so old, don’t be so self-willed anymore. Can you forgive me, dad?"

After all, he is an old fox who has been in the officialdom for many years. In just a few words, Xu Rongsheng described Xu Nianyi as a domineering and willful daughter, while he himself was described as a kind father who endured humiliation. Only then did the father-daughter relationship be severed.

Xu Nianyi's cheeks were tense, and he stared at the so-called father in front of him, as if he was looking at a stranger. If she hadn't had an accident three years ago, she would never have thought that her father would have such a changeable face.

Just as he was about to speak, Shao Jun beside him spoke first, his gentle tone was full of contempt, "Mayor Xu, don't you find it funny when you say this?"

The smile on Xu Rongsheng's face froze instantly, and he looked at Shao Jun in surprise.

There was an elegant curve on Shao Jun's mouth, but his tone was cold: "When my daughter was in trouble, Mingzhe kept her safe and ignored her. Now that she saw her wronged, she immediately jumped out to admit her relative. Xu Shi Where are you singing this?"

"Mr. Shao, let Sister Nian Yi talk to Daddy and the others." Seeing Xu Rongsheng deflated, Xu Fei immediately stood up and took the initiative to smooth things over.

But as soon as her sweet smile was revealed, Shao Jun's cold gaze froze on her face: "Do you have a place to speak here?"

"I… "

Xu Fei looked at him in surprise, and was about to refute, but she heard Shao Jun continue to tease him lukewarmly: "As an illegitimate daughter, you have the face to follow me."

One sentence hit Xu Fei's sore spot!

Xu Fei stared at Shao Jun with rounded eyes, the expression on her face could no longer be described as shock, but an almost angry twist!

Why is it like this again, why does she always talk about her status as an illegitimate daughter? !

Last time, in the shopping mall in city c, Xu Nianyi revealed her identity in front of Luo Yuanyuan! Although Luo Yuanyuan still calls her friends now, she feels that this friendship has changed.

But this time, in front of Xu Rongsheng in the hospital, Shao Jun blatantly called her an illegitimate daughter!


Why does everyone use this matter to suppress her

Why does this damn Xu Nianyi always stand in front of her eyes, blocking her identity, glory, and all the brilliance that should belong to her

If it wasn't for Xu Nianyi's existence, she wouldn't be discriminated against by those people, and she wouldn't never be able to hold her head up because of this damned identity!

The hatred in Xu Fei's heart spewed out like a volcanic eruption, but because she saw Shao Jun's deep and dark eyes, she didn't dare to burst out her anger directly.

Seeing that the atmosphere had become like this, Xu Rongsheng quickly pulled Xu Fei behind him, smiled at Shao Jun, and said, "Mr. Shao, we are here today, we really just want to visit. If you are not welcome, we will leave immediately. "

While speaking, he was already holding Xu Fei's hand and turned around to walk towards the elevator.

But before he walked three steps away, Shao Jun's low tone was already lazily resounding.

"I haven't finished my words yet, Mayor Xu is leaving now?"

Hearing Shao Jun's voice, Xu Rongsheng stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Shao Jun, a hypocritical smile appeared on his well-fed face: "What is Mr. Shao's order?"

"I have a few words, I want to say something to Ling Qianjin." Shao Jun let go of Xu Nianyi's waist, walked steadily towards Xu Fei's side, then lowered his voice, with an elegant smile still rippling on his fair face, "The one who reversed the case Things, you are smart and know to ask for help. But you are not so lucky every time, because not everything, others can help you."

Xu Fei looked at Shao Jun vigilantly, met the man's eyes, and saw the coldness flashing through the depths of his pupils, she couldn't help shivering.

Shao Jun's voice continued: "Miss Xu Fei, the reversal of the case is just the beginning, and the real excitement will come later. Let's wait and see."

Xu Fei stared at him blankly, her eyes unconsciously revealed her fear of men, "What do you mean by that?"

Unexpectedly, Shao Jun did not answer her question, but directly took two steps back, his cold eyes slowly moved away from her, looked at Xu Rongsheng who was beside him, and said politely, "I have already said what you said to Ling Qianjin." It's over, since Mayor Xu has something to go, please go ahead."

Xu Rongsheng didn't fail to hear the eviction order, so he nodded with a smile. After saying goodbye to Shao Jun politely, he pulled Xu Fei, who had a gloomy face, out of the hospital corridor.

Only Shao Jun and Xu Nianyi were left in the quiet corridor.

"What did you say to Xu Fei just now?" Xu Nianyi couldn't help asking.

Xu Fei has also seen big storms. Just now Xu Fei's face changed drastically, and there was a fear lingering between her brows. It was probably because of what Shao Jun said that Xu Fei showed such an expression.

"I said something that will make you happy." Shao Jun walked over from there.

"Happy things?" To Xu Fei

Shao Jun had already walked in front of Xu Nianyi, met her clear watery eyes with downcast eyes, and said with a low smile, "You will know soon. You can wait for the results of the operation with peace of mind."

"Okay." Xu Nian nodded.

The mother is still in the operating room, what worries her most now is what will happen to the result of the operation? can mom wake up

Four hours later, the closed surgical door was finally opened.

Jiang Xiangru was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, and was slowly pushed out of the operating room with an oxygen mask on his face.

The doctor told Xu Nianyi that the craniotomy went well, but a 24-hour observation period was needed.

Then, Jiang Xiangru was pushed into the ICU ward of the inpatient department by those doctors to continue observation.

By this time, it was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Nianyi was thinking about the company's affairs, and urged Shao Jun to return to the company to continue the meeting.

The bosses of those overseas companies also put down their work and came all the way to talk about the project, so what's the matter with being left alone

Under Xu Nianyi's repeated urging, Shao Jun finally left reluctantly.

After Shao Jun left, Xu Nianyi stayed in the ward all afternoon.

On the hospital bed, Jiang Xiangru showed no signs of waking up, but her heartbeat and pulse indicators were all normal. The doctor told her not to worry, and said a few words about her illness before leaving.

Before I knew it, it was already dark.

Xu Nianyi tidied up and left the hospital to go back to the apartment to make dinner. As soon as he walked out of the hospital gate, two men in black short-sleeves walked towards him.

The two walked straight in front of Xu Nianyi, stopped immediately, and said respectfully and indifferently: "Miss Xu, my husband would like to treat you to dinner."

Facing the two men who suddenly appeared in front of him, Xu Nianyi's heart sank, and he was silent for a few seconds before slowly asking, "Did Lu Jingcheng send you here?"