Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 79: why you?


As if drunk, Xu Nianyi's head was a little dazed, his knees and elbows were burning hot, his body didn't seem to be his own, and he couldn't exert his strength for a while. Soon, a pair of thick and powerful arms passed under her armpits, and she felt as if she was being gently hugged.

It wasn't until she was carried into the car that her brain regained consciousness. Looking at the white roof, she gradually recalled the scene of being hit just now.

She just ran out of that alley, and because she was worried about being overtaken by those gangsters, she ran very fast and accidentally rushed into the middle of the road. At this time, a black car rushed over unstoppably. Although the car braked hard, it still couldn't control the body. She was hit by the car and flew a few meters, rolled twice on the ground, and fell dizzy.

Thinking of this, her fragmented memory reappeared, and she slowly raised her hand to touch her forehead that was hurt by the fall, she turned her eyes and looked around, but saw a familiar face—a face with deep outlines, resolute features, Sword brows and star eyes, high nose bridge, looks can not be said to be handsome but full of masculinity, looks a little cold and ruthless, but exudes the charm of a mature man from all over his body.

At this time, the man's hawk-like tea eyes were sharp, and he was staring at him without blinking.

From the man's pupils, Xu Nianyi clearly saw his own reflection.

"why you?"

Seeing Li Tianyu, Xu Nianyi said in surprise, subconsciously propped up his body, trying to get up from the car seat.

But as soon as the arm was exerted force, a stabbing pain came from the elbow. She looked down and saw that there were large scratches on the elbows of both arms, especially where the elbows had directly worn away the skin, exposing bright red tender flesh.

Li Tianyu's usual low and cold tone came from above his head: "Don't move around, you are injured now, I will take you to the hospital."


Xu Nianyi immediately shook his head and refused: "No, it's not that serious, it's just a little scratch on the body."

"No. Many car accidents are caused by internal injuries, and they must be checked." Li Tianyu's attitude was very tough, just like when he first met him, he was not at all gentlemanly and friendly.

"I know my own body. It's just that my arms are scratched. I don't need to go to the hospital. I can go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine and I'll be fine." She said disapprovingly, with her arms on the car seat, and she was about to turn over.

"I said don't move around!" Li Tianyu looked at her expressionlessly, and his tone became a little more serious, "Run out like you did just now, if you were driven by another driver, your life might already be gone."

Just now, he was sitting in the co-pilot and was processing some documents with his laptop when the driver in charge suddenly slammed on the brakes as if he saw a ghost.

After the car stopped, he realized that the person who fell on the road was Xu Nianyi.

The driver he hired was a veteran driver who had been driving for a lifetime. He had a lot of experience, and the performance of the car was very good, and he could slow down in a short time, so he didn't directly knock Xu Nianyi into the air for more than ten meters.

If it were another driver, Xu Nianyi must have passed out on the spot.

"Do you think I want to run to the middle of the road?" Xu Nianyi gave him a helpless look, "If I hadn't been chased by those gangsters, I wouldn't have rushed to the road." Her person will be Li Tianyu.

The last time we met at a Japanese restaurant, she also said that she probably wouldn't see Li Tianyu again, but she didn't expect to 'meet' again so soon.

Hearing what she said, Li Tianyu's eyes darkened a lot: "Someone chased you just now?"

"Yeah, thanks to my agility, otherwise I'm dead." Xu Nian said with a grin, as if telling a joke, but there was still lingering fear in his heart. Fortunately, she listened to Shao Jun and had been wearing anti-wolf spray for the past few days, otherwise she would really be bullied by those gangsters.

"I see." Li Tianyu narrowed his eagle eyes, did not say anything, but sat beside Xu Nianyi, looked at the front driver's seat, and ordered in a low voice, "Drive, go to the nearest hospital. "

"I said I don't need to go to the hospital, I'm not seriously injured." Xu Nianyi refused repeatedly. She didn't want to go to the hospital. If Shao Jun knew about this, she would inevitably blame and worry.

"You were hit by my car. I won't take you to the hospital. If you suffer from internal injuries and something goes wrong, I'm afraid someone will trouble me." Li Tianyu looked at her indifferently.

Xu Nianyi shrugged helplessly: "Okay, just go, anyway, you will pay for the inspection fee."

Li Tianyu glanced at her lightly, and then his eyes fell on his laptop again.

In the quiet carriage, Xu Nianyi's crisp voice came out: "Mr. Li, did you convey to your sweetheart what I told you at the restaurant last time?"

"What?" Li Tianyu, who had just opened the file, immediately raised his head, looking straight at Xu Nianyi beside him with his tawny eagle eyes.

But Xu Nianyi didn't look at him, propped his chin with one hand, looked at the flashing scenery outside the car window, and said to himself: "The last time I met you, I made my words very clear. But she He kept provoking me again and again, first by posting my photos, and now he sent those gangsters to trouble me..." She paused, then grinned, "Then you can't blame me from now on."

"What are you going to do?" Li Tianyu's voice immediately became as cold as ice, and a sharp gaze burst out from his eagle eyes.

"What am I going to do?" Xu Nianyi repeated his words, the smile on his lips deepened a lot, "I just want to teach her a lesson. Of course, I know you have a good relationship with her, but it's a pity that you have a good relationship with her. No matter how good it is, the person she wants is not you."

"What do you mean?" Li Tianyu's gaze became sharper, his cheeks tightened slightly, and the lines of his face were colder and tighter than usual.

"I just want to tell you that no matter how much you do for her, you will never get her. How pitiful you are." Xu Nianyi said this sentence as if joking.

When the old driver in charge heard this, the steering wheel shook.

Because no one has ever dared to say to their boss; you are so pitiful.

For Li Tianyu, such words are simply an insult!

"Xu Nianyi, don't rely on the backing of Shao Jun, and really think that no one can do anything to you!" Li Tianyu's cold voice sounded from the carriage.

This was the first time Xu Nianyi heard a change in his cold tone, and there were obvious emotional ups and downs in his words, especially the last word, which was pronounced heavily, as if full of anger.

"Mr. Li, I think you made a mistake. I have never relied on Shao Jun to do anything to bully others. It is Xu Fei who has been aggressive, not me. I gave you a warning, and I also gave Xu Fei a warning. But have you restrained yourself?" The answer is no!

If Xu Fei really settled down, she wouldn't meet those gangsters in the alley.

Although the hospital is not as prosperous as the city center, it is not in the wilderness either. She was watched as soon as she entered the alley, and it was very likely that someone had followed her long ago. And there is no one else who can do such a thing except Xu Fei.

"Do you think I sent someone to do that thing just now?" Li Tianyu quickly understood, and raised his sword eyebrows slightly.

"Otherwise?" Xu Nianyi looked at him amusedly, "The last time the case was reversed, wasn't it because you helped her behind?"

"It's not me this time." Seeing the sarcasm in her eyes, Li Tianyu felt dazzling, and explained for the first time, "If I really sent someone to do this, do you think you can escape?"

"..." The smile on the corner of Xu Nianyi's mouth froze, thinking about the meaning of his words.

Indeed, once a man like Li Tianyu made a move, how could he send a few ruffians? When she was at the Japanese restaurant, she had seen his subordinates, all of them were strong men with strong backs, and they were well-trained in speech and behavior, definitely professionally trained.

And these gangsters, with ridiculously low combat effectiveness, are obviously not the ones he sent out...

"I've already persuaded Xu Fei, but she didn't listen to me." Li Tianyu's voice became lower than before, "If possible, I still hope you can let Xu Fei go and don't bother with her."

"Don't bother with her? Are you joking?" The smile on the corner of Xu Nianyi's mouth disappeared suddenly, and he looked at the man beside him expressionlessly, "It's not as simple as she snatching a few clothes from me. She released those The photo is fine, but now she still wants to find someone to rape me! Do you know what this kind of thing means to a woman? Once I really succeed, I don’t know what I will become. She has no way out at all If you don’t give it to me, how dare you tell me not to care about her? You like her, I can see it. But don’t let that little affair blind your eyes, look at what Xu Fei looks like now, what am I right about her? What did she do that is unreasonable, that she wants to harm me deliberately?"

Xu Nianyi looked at him coldly, with pity in his eyes: "The Xu Fei you like may have changed a long time ago... But you are still kept in the dark by her, worrying about her, and worrying about her. Have you considered it? Even I can see that you like her, but she won't be able to see it? But the person she chose is still not you, but Lu Jingcheng. That's why I think you are very pitiful. You have status and wealth , but without a heart that can love."

The Porsche was still driving quietly on the asphalt road, the driver sitting in the front row was already sweating, no one had ever dared to speak to Li Tianyu like this, but Xu Nianyi repeatedly challenged Li Tianyu's majesty.

Li Tianyu sat beside Xu Nianyi without saying a word. The neon lights that flashed outside the car window reflected on his face flickeringly, making the contours of his face disappear in the darkness. In the flickering light, one could see his eagle-like eyes that had been staring at him. Staring at her, eyes dim and hard to distinguish...

After saying all this in one breath, Xu Nianyi didn't care about Li Tianyu's reaction, but lowered his head and took out his mobile phone, wanting to call Shao Jun to report his safety, but found that the phone couldn't be turned on after the fall just now up.

Really convinced, she already had 2 mobile phones broken because of Li Tianyu.

She opened her mouth and was about to get off the bus when she heard the driver in the front seat say, "Sir, the hospital is here."


Seeing the Porsche driving slowly into the hospital, a Mercedes-Benz following the Porsche stopped.

The people in the car lowered the window, looked at Xu Nianyi's back as he walked into the hospital, and said through gritted teeth: "I thought you had some good skills, but Xu Nian didn't have anything to do, and Brother Tianyu saved you! "

"Miss Xu, you have to do things step by step." The man in glasses who was in charge of driving didn't get angry, and said calmly, "I just tried her ability this time. run out."

"I failed this time. She will definitely be accompanied by bodyguards when she goes out in the future. It will be difficult to attack her again. What else can you do with her?" Xu Fei glared at the people around her angrily, her anger hard to dissipate.

"The future is long, and there will always be opportunities." The man with glasses said, with a strange smile on his lips, "Besides, even if there is no way to attack her, doesn't she still have a sick mother? "

"You mean..." Xu Fei rolled her eyes, and quickly understood what the man with glasses meant, and a sweet smile appeared on the goose egg face, "What are you going to do next?"