Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 95: What the hell is Wen Xiangqing thinking?


The reason why Xu Fei asked this was because she really couldn't think of any benefits for the other party in her current embarrassing situation. Unexpectedly, as soon as she spoke, the man on the other end of the phone let out a disdainful laugh: "Hehe, I said Miss Xu, why do you think so? My purpose is Xu Nianyi, Not interested in you."

"... I was just asking casually." Xu Fei explained with a little embarrassment. Unexpectedly, it turned out that I was thinking crookedly. However, now that her company is struggling and has been blocked, she really can't think of what this man wants except for her beautiful and sweet appearance.

"Miss Xu, what I want is very simple, all I need is your cooperation." The man's voice continued to come from the receiver.

The heart hanging in the air slowly fell. Xu Fei sat on the bay window, leaning against the soft cushion, and asked in a low voice: "How do you want me to cooperate? I still don't know all your plans."

"Are you anxious to know?"

"Of course I'm in a hurry. Look at my current situation and you'll understand. I was an Asian supermodel last month, but this month I was hidden by the company. Can I not be in a hurry?" Xu Fei's voice speeded up a lot, and there was obvious anxiety in her sweet voice, "How can I trust you if you don't tell me any plans?"

"Okay." Seeing her in such a hurry, the man on the other end of the phone finally let go, revealed some plans to her, and told her what to cooperate with.

Xu Fei's impatient face suddenly changed when she heard the man's request. Surprise was written on her beautiful oval face, and anger welled up in her eyes, "Are you kidding me? I can't do that!"

"Impossible?" The man said unhurriedly, "I sent someone to arrange the whole plan. You want to deal with Xu Nianyi without any strength. Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"There are many ways to deal with her, but let me do what you said, I can't do it!"

"It can't be done, can it?" The voice on the phone went cold, "If you refuse to help me at all, then our partnership will come to an end. In the future, you can figure out your own way and don't contact me again."

With that said, the man was about to hang up the phone.

"Wait a minute..." Xu Fei hurriedly called to stop him, her angry attitude softened immediately, "That's not what I meant. At least let me think about it."

"Yes. Then you should think about it carefully. I will tell you exactly what to do when the time comes."

"Okay, when shall we meet?" Xu Fei lowered her posture. She is in trouble now, and she has quarreled with Li Tianyu again. It is definitely impossible to find Li Tianyu to help deal with Xu Nianyi, and it is even more impossible for her to find Lu Jingcheng. Now the only person she can rely on is this man.

"I'm free anytime." The man said straightforwardly, "Let's meet at the coffee shop next to Wanda Plaza tomorrow morning. Remember to bring your capital increase contract."


Xu Fei hung up the phone, but the boredom in her heart was not relieved by someone investing.

Although this man promised to inject capital to become an investor, she still doesn't know what the identity of this man is until now. Talking about cooperation with someone who doesn't know the details of the other party always makes her feel nervous.

the next day.

Shao Jun got up and was about to send Xu Nianyi to the hospital first, but before he got out of the apartment, he received a call from Wen Xiangqing.

Just like Shao Jun's analysis, Wen Xiangqing said on the phone that he would ask him to help with the investigation. As friends who have known each other for more than ten years, and the two families are family friends, Shao Jun has no way to refuse, let alone Yan Kuan also followed, Shao Jun has no reason to shirk.

On the phone, Wen Xiangqing also deliberately mentioned that Xu Nianyi should go with her, saying that the two girls would have something to say together, so the process would not be boring.

Because Shao Jun was worried about Xu Nianyi's thoughts, he deliberately turned on the speakerphone during the call, and Xu Nianyi could hear everything Wen Xiangqing said on the other end of the phone.

When Xu Nianyi heard Wen Xiangqing call her 'Nianyi' in a gentle and windy tone, she couldn't help curling her lips.

What is Wen Xiangqing trying to sing? Yesterday in the hotel she was warned so seriously to leave Shao Jun, and now she is asked to go out together, what the hell is Wen Xiangqing planning

Here, Shao Jun simply agreed, hung up the phone without saying a word, and turned to look at Xu Nianyi who was sitting next to him, his fair face was still elegant, and his eyes were full of tenderness: "Nianyi , come with me."

Xu Nianyi put down the food box in his hand, raised his eyes and glanced at him: "The person Wen Xiangqing wants to see is you, and it's just polite to say that he wants to see me."

"That's why I want to take you with me." Shao Jun looked at her, with a three-point smile in his dark eyes, "With you by my side, you won't be thinking wildly. Even if Ah Qing wants to make small moves, she can't do anything. No chance."

"You also know that she has impure thoughts about you?" She couldn't help teasing him.

"I don't care what she wants to do, I'm only interested in my wife." Shao Jun said with a smile, put his big hand on her wrist, and gently shook it twice: "Come with me."

"But I still want to go to the hospital first and bring breakfast to my mother." Although there are restaurants near the hospital, they are not as clean and hygienic as the ones I cook myself.

"I'll ask Shen Feng to come over and let him deliver today."

"Is this appropriate? This is just my private matter. Wouldn't it be nice to trouble Shen Feng?" Xu Nianyi hesitated.

Shao Jun smiled even more happily, and his pink lips curled into a charming arc: "You girl, Shen Feng is my assistant. I hired him with money to deal with trivial matters in life and work."

"Okay, then I'll go with you."

In this way, after handing over the food box to Shen Feng, Xu Nianyi got into Shao Jun's Land Rover, and followed Shao Jun to the Royal Hotel where Wen Xiangqing and Yan Kuan stayed.

Because they plan to stay permanently, they spent the whole morning with Wen Xiangqing and Yan Kuan in choosing houses in various large properties in Xiahai City.

Both of them were not short of money, so they directly paid the full amount by credit card to buy a newly developed high-rise apartment in Nancheng District.

After choosing a house, the sun was already high and it was time for lunch.

Wen Xiangqing said that he wanted to eat steak, Xu Nianyi also nodded happily, and the group went to a nearby western restaurant.

Xu Nianyi chose seafood pasta, while Wen Xiangqing ate sirloin steak. She sat quietly on the soft chair, skillfully used the knife and fork in her hand, and ate slowly, elegantly and implicitly.

Following Xu Nianyi's example, Shao Jun also ordered a pasta, but he didn't eat what was in his own bowl, instead he kept reaching into Xu Nianyi's plate to grab food from Xu Nianyi.

"Hey! You're not being honest when you eat, didn't you also order one?" Xu Nianyi secretly pushed Shao Jun, and warned in a low voice, "Are Yan Kuan and the others watching?"

"Then what's the matter?" Shao Jun glanced at Yan Kuan nonchalantly, then turned his gaze to stare at Xu Nianyi with a smile, "The food in my wife's bowl is delicious, two people eat a share of noodles to make a good relationship."

"Did you forget that Wen Xiangqing is here?" Xu Nianyi secretly pointed at Wen Xiangqing, "You're flirting with me like this..."

In fact, from the first time Shao Jun grabbed pasta from her plate to eat, Wen Xiangqing had already looked at this place, and her melon-seeded face instantly turned paler. But Shao Jun was still playing with her, and Wen Xiangqing, who was sitting across from her, looked even more ugly, and stopped holding the knife and fork in his hand.

Fortunately, she is a lady from a famous family, with good qualities, and an ordinary woman would probably have stood up on the table.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere during the banquet, Yan Kuan put down the knife and fork in his hand, and poured Wen Xiangqing a glass of red wine: "Ah Qing, eat less steak and drink red wine is good for your health."

"Thank you." Wen Xiangqing took the red wine, took a sip, and said, "Actually, the doctor said that it's okay to eat some beef and mutton in moderation, but you can't eat too much. And you can't eat enough every time, otherwise it will hurt me." burden on the body."

Hearing Wen Xiangqing's words, Shao Jun raised his head and asked, "Isn't the operation a success?"

"I have mitral valve stenosis. It is impossible to cure this disease once and for all. The postoperative remission can only last for about 10 years, and a second valve replacement operation will be required after that." Wen Xiangqing smiled weakly, "So during this period, we must Take care of your body, I don't want to be in the hospital again so soon."

"Then you must pay more attention to your body." Shao Jun said this politely and unfamiliarly, then turned his eyes, and his eyes fell on Xu Nianyi again, and said in a gentle tone, "Honey, you should pay more attention to it." Good health, give me a beautiful little princess as soon as possible after marriage."

here we go again!

Xu Nianyi wanted to give him a blank look, but because of the presence of Yan Kuan and others, he was too embarrassed to refute his face, so he lowered his head and ate a big mouthful of pasta, and said vaguely: "Hurry up and eat your food."

Yan Kuan saw Xu Nianyi's embarrassment, sat on the chair and smiled without saying a word. Wen Xiangqing was also silent, but her pale face had turned even paler. Ruifeng stared at Xu Nianyi, and squeezed the knife and fork so hard that she turned pale.

Xu Nianyi was eating with his head down, and didn't notice the strangeness of Wen Xiangqing across the table.

But at this time, Shao Jun who was sitting on the side suddenly leaned over and leaned forward.

"What's wrong?" Sensing the man's approach, Xu Nianyi stopped the fork in his hand and looked at him suspiciously, "So close all of a sudden?"

"Don't move..." Shao Jun stretched out his hand, gently pinched his chin with his slender fingers, and said with a smile, "Stupid woman, the corners of her mouth are covered with sauce."

"Um, is that so?" Xu Nian realized after a while, and picked up the square towel to wipe it for himself, but just as he moved his hand, he heard Shao Jun whisper, "Don't move, I'll wipe it for you."

As he spoke, he slid his thumb, and his round fingertips swept across the corners of her mouth, gently taking away the sauce on the corners of her mouth, and then he was not in a hurry to wipe his hands, but put his thumb on his lips, using The tip of the tongue lightly licked off the sauce, and said with a teasing smile, "As expected, the rice in my wife's bowl is more delicious."

"You..." Xu Nian blushed suddenly, and looked at him in astonishment. He never thought that he would make such an intimate move in front of Wen Xiangqing. Isn't this a public show of affection

Before Xu Nianyi could react from his surprise, a crisp "pop" sounded in his ear!

The crisp sound was extremely loud in the quiet western restaurant, and the exquisite porcelain plate hit the hard floor, and immediately shattered to pieces.

Wen Xiangqing, who was sitting at the table, also fell on Shao Jun's body all of a sudden, her exquisite face was as pale as snow, her chest heaved violently, and she murmured angrily, "Ah Jun, help me..."

Xu Nianyi's heart sank, well, it turns out that Wen Xiangqing is waiting for her here!