Revenge To Almost Lover: This Time, You Are Mine

Chapter 98: What do you think I'm going to do?


Seeing Lu Jingcheng's face, Xu Nianyi really couldn't be happier. The last time we met was at the door of the apartment. As soon as he appeared, he kissed her brutally, just to declare his ownership.

What is the purpose of appearing this time

Because she exposed Xu Fei's identity and banned Xu Fei, so Lu Jingcheng wants to come and explain to Xu Fei

Thinking of this, Xu Nian asked in a cold voice, "Is it because of Xu Fei that you came to see me today?"

"Of course not, I just want to visit your mother and wait for you by the way." Lu Jingcheng was tall and tall, his handsome face was slightly smiling, and his long and narrow phoenix eyes were fixed on her without blinking.

Not for Xu Fei

The vigilance in Xu Nianyi's heart did not disappear, but he looked at the man in front of him with even more vigilance: "You should know that my mother hates you, especially after what happened. So don't come to the hospital anymore, you are not welcome here .”

In fact, when she went after Lu Jingcheng three years ago, her mother disagreed.

At that time, Lu Jingcheng was surrounded by scandals. Jiang Xiangru had met Lu Jingcheng a few times, and told her that this man's eyes were too tricky, he was not a good person, and told her to be careful not to be really emotional. It was because of her stubborn temper that she insisted on marrying Lu Jingcheng. Only then will the following things happen.

When Xu Fei bribed the girl to fall pregnant and intentionally framed her for imprisonment, it was impossible for Lu Jingcheng to be unaware of it, but he didn't care about anything and let the situation develop. When she was waiting for the sentence in the detention center, he didn't visit him either.

It can be seen from this that Lu Jingcheng is a cold person, if it's not that he has never loved her, then he is so cold-blooded and ruthless in his bones.

"Don't worry, since you don't agree, I won't go in." Lu Jingcheng smiled gentlemanly, "Can we find a place to chat alone?"

Thinking of the last time he kissed him forcefully, Xu Nianyi hesitated a little, but glanced at the ward not far away, thinking that his mother might hear what he said here, so he nodded: "Go to the cold drink shop downstairs .”

The two went downstairs in silence.

The dark green parasols blocked the bright sunlight, and the row of phoenix trees planted in full swing on the hospital square not far away was still brightly colored, and the red petals were as dazzling as the bloody sunset glow in the setting sun.

Seeing the scene of the breeze blowing by and the red falling, Xu Nianyi's depressed mood did not improve. He looked away slightly, looked at Lu Jingcheng who was sitting opposite the round table, and asked straight to the point: "What exactly do you want from me?"

"I miss you, so I came to see you." On the opposite side, Lu Jingcheng's handsome face was even more deep and sharp in the shadows, and he replied softly, staring at her seriously with his phoenix eyes.

"Then you are really boring, shouldn't you comfort Xu Fei's emotions now? The company she just started was blocked by me before it officially started operation. As her fiancé, you should do your best to help her clear up the relationship. You need to get the contract." She couldn't help reminding him, "In this case, it's not appropriate for you to come to me."

"We're just engaged, not really married. What does her life have to do with me?" Lu Jingcheng pulled his thin lips with a cold arc, "What's more, she has a lover to help her, and I Why be so anxious."

"I really don't understand you." Xu Nianyi looked at the man he loved in the past and realized that he didn't understand his thoughts at all, so he couldn't help asking: "You know she has a man who is very close, why do you want to marry him?" Pretend not to know? Do you feel that letting Xu Fei go will make you come to me with more peace of mind?"

Lu Jingcheng smiled and shook his head: "Why do you think so?"

"Because I don't understand how you, a strong person like you, would allow your fiancée to have frequent private contacts with other men. You don't love Xu Fei, why are you still engaged to Xu Fei? I always thought that you gave up on me and turned to me Xu Fei got engaged because you love each other, but now I find that you don't love her at all." She continued unhurriedly in a flat voice, "You have neither loved me nor Xu Fei, why? The object of your engagement has always been the Xu family, not someone else?"

There are many famous ladies in the wealthy circle, and there are quite a few girls with noble backgrounds and prominent family backgrounds.

What's more, Lu Jingcheng is handsome, so many girls admire him. If he had to choose a partner, whether it was for marriage purposes or business plans, he would have many options from which to choose.

But she didn't understand why Lu Jingcheng didn't even look at those women first, and insisted on putting effort on her and Xu Fei

"Why do you think so?" Lu Jingcheng leaned back leisurely, looking at her lazily with his phoenix eyes.

"I just find it strange. These are all my personal guesses." Xu Nianyi did not continue this topic, and changed his words, "I am about to get engaged to Shao Jun, please don't appear in front of me again and again. I It is my greatest patience not to pursue what you did last time."

"I know you are going to get engaged." Lu Jingcheng's expression did not change, he still looked at her with a slight smile, "I am here this time to wish you well. Before the engagement ceremony starts, don't forget to send me an invitation card .”

"Blessing?" Xu Nianyi looked at him suspiciously, and couldn't help but find it funny, "Are you talking ironically?" The last time we met at the apartment, he disdained the news that she was going to be engaged. Became a blessing

"No, I'm serious. Remember to invite me then."

"I won't invite you." Xu Nianyi refused mercilessly, "If you really want to bless me, the best way is to stop appearing in front of me, don't disturb my life, and don't go to Attend a wedding."

"Nian Yi, don't you think this is a bit unfeeling?" Lu Jingcheng looked at her with a smile, as if he didn't take her words to heart.

Xu Nianyi's complexion darkened, his delicate face became more serious, and he said solemnly, "This is the last time I will talk to you calmly, if you come to me deliberately like this next time, I will definitely talk to you Flip!"

This time it was in the hospital, in public, she didn't want to argue with Lu Jingcheng.

But it doesn't mean that she is willing to accept the meeting with Lu Jingcheng.

"Nian Yi..." Seeing her serious face, the curve of Lu Jingcheng's mouth gradually faded, and he asked her in a low voice, "Do you really hate me that much? Do you have no affection for me at all?"

"No!" Two simple and decisive words, without any sloppiness or hesitation.

The smile on Lu Jingcheng's face had completely disappeared, his handsome face was expressionless, and his beautiful phoenix eyes were a little cold: "I see." After he finished speaking, he stood up and looked down at him condescendingly. Looking at her, she said softly, "Then, I can only wish you a happy engagement."

After finishing speaking, Lu Jingcheng walked down the gazebo calmly and gracefully with his long straight legs, and left the cold drink shop.

As soon as he left, the subordinate in black who was guarding not far away immediately appeared, took out cash to pay the bill, and then disappeared in front of Xu Nianyi like the wind.

When they returned to the special ward, the nurse saw Xu Nianyi coming, and politely withdrew from the ward to rest.

In the well-lit ward, Jiang Xiangru was walking back and forth holding on to the window sill, exercising his atrophied muscle strength. Xu Nianyi hurried over to support Jiang Xiangru, but was pushed away by Jiang Xiangru: "I can go by myself."

Sensing his mother's sullen anger, Xu Nian asked in a puzzled way: "Mom, what's wrong with you?" My mother has never been angry with her since she woke up. What's wrong today

"Why do you still have contact with that Lu Jingcheng? He and that Xu Fei didn't hurt you so badly?" Jiang Xiangru seemed very excited. Whenever Lu Jingcheng's name was mentioned, the hands holding the windowsill trembled, almost screaming. Blame: "Just now when I wanted to go out for a walk, I saw you going downstairs with Lu Jingcheng, why do you still miss him? Have you become an idiot? Why do you forget to eat but not fight!"

"I didn't contact him. He came to look for me on his own initiative. I went downstairs to talk to him because I was afraid of disturbing your rest. I was warning him not to pester me again." Xu Nianyi hurried to Jiang Xiangru Explain in front of him, "I'm not that stupid, so many things have happened, how can I never forget him?"

"Did you really not contact him?" Jiang Xiangru still angry, pointed at Xu Nianyi's nose, and asked angrily.

"Really not, I have already separated from him." Xu Nianyi didn't know that his mother would be so angry, so he coaxed him obediently, "Mom, don't be angry, I have seen him clearly. I don't like him at all, and I won't have any more love with him."

"Okay, that's good..." Under Xu Nianyi's soft voice, Jiang Xiangru's excitement gradually calmed down, "You are my mother's heart, and my mother is afraid that you will be deceived by this kind of man again."

"I know I know."

Xu Nianyi helped Jiang Xiangru back to the bed, and comforted him in a gentle voice for a long time before Jiang Xiangru regained his composure. He looked a little embarrassed, and said embarrassedly, "Nianyi, Mom doesn't know what happened just now. I can’t control myself. Don’t be angry with me. I’m just worried about you. You’re about to get engaged. Let go of the people and things from the past. Don’t remember them anymore. Shao Jun lives."

Xu Nianyi nodded obediently, "I know."

Sure enough, mother really didn't like seeing Lu Jingcheng. As soon as he saw her talking to Lu Jingcheng downstairs, he would lose his temper.

After staying in the hospital for two hours, after the doctor checked Jiang Xiangru's body routinely and confirmed that everything was normal, Jiang Xiangru's exercise time was over and he went back to bed to rest. Xu Nianyi then left and rushed to Shengdi Group to work.

After three months of getting acquainted, she is already familiar with the daily operations of Shengdi Group and the company's business, and has almost contacted the managers and directors of various departments. Shao Jun changed her position from personal assistant to personal assistant at the beginning of the month. The manager of the content department is not as simple as helping Shao Jun arrange the schedule and printing and binding documents.

The content manager is responsible for many things, from logistics security to financial management expenditures, to personnel transfers and even project progress, she has to look over the management, which is equivalent to upgrading Shao Jun's personal assistant to a group assistant, and the workload is not easy.

She has never studied personnel management and financial knowledge before, but now under the leadership of Shao Jun, she can only bite the bullet and manage while studying.

After rushing to the company, she didn't even have time to meet Shao Jun who was sitting on the top floor, so she was left in the marketing department for a meeting.

After finishing the work at hand, Xu Nianyi was a little tired and planned to take a nap, so he fell asleep in his office with his head resting on his arms and there were still ten minutes left before the end of get off work.

I don't know how long it took, but Xu Nianyi suddenly felt a chill in his chest, and the tight underwear on Fengfeng was untied. Realizing this, Xu Nian woke up in an instant. When he opened his eyes, he instinctively Throw a punch in front of you.


Shao Jun raised his hand to firmly catch her fist, and with a light squeeze of his big hand, he completely wrapped her small fist.

"Shao Jun?" Seeing the man in front of her clearly, Xu Nianyi was about to relax, but the coolness coming from her chest made her nervous again.

She lowered her head and saw her happy chest, she screamed subconsciously, raised her other hand to cover her chest tightly, and looked at Shao Jun in surprise: "Why are you taking off my clothes?!"

Shao Jun didn't let go, but leaned over her, leaning his thin body firmly on her body, and asked with a smirk, "Little rabbit, what do you think I'm going to do? Forgot what I said at noon? "