Reverse Approach

Chapter 14



Liao Nanqing was able to come to City B, thanks to Xu Yanyan's help. It was Xu Yanyan who asked his cousin to pretend to be a parent and took Liao Nanqing out of the school. The method is good, that is to take risks, and if you are not careful, you will be punished, but Liao Nanqing couldn't control that much last night.

Early in the morning, the head teacher called.

Subei Mo and the head teacher have exchanged phone calls. Liao Nanqing's family is special, and the head teacher is not clear. Last night, she was careless and didn't leave the 'cousin' phone number, so she could only find Subei Mo.

I just want to be concerned about how Liao Nanqing's body is. Has the fever subsided? The more dedicated she was, the more embarrassed Liao Nanqing became.

Subei Mo replied politely.

Liao Nanqing stood beside him silently, digging his school uniform pants with his fingertips. Subei Mo didn't pierce him, and followed what the head teacher said, and said that Liao Nanqing could go back to school in the afternoon.

After hanging up the phone, Liao Nanqing whispered, "I'm not leaving."

Subei Mo taught him: "I heard that your grades have been unsatisfactory."

Liao Nanqing blinked, the corners of his mouth turned down, and he didn't speak.

Xu Yuanming, who happened to come to the hospital, saw this scene, and said interestingly: "I saw you training your brother when I came here. I didn't expect you to have such a strict side, Xiao Su."

Subei Mo said, "Brother Xu, do me a favor and take him to the station."

Xu Yuanming brought breakfast: "Your brother rushed over for you in the middle of the night. It is estimated that he didn't sleep for a long time. Look, his eyes are swollen. You are too impersonal to drive people early in the morning."

Looking at Liao Nanqing again, he stood there with a tired expression on his face. He followed Subei Mo on the bed and slept for two or three hours, when the head teacher's phone came.

He rubbed his eyes slightly, and the bags under his eyes were indeed a bit big. Xu Yuanming handed him the breakfast, Liao Nanqing's stomach shouted at the right time, he accepted it with a flushed face, and was too embarrassed to say thank you, and silently handed the breakfast to Su Beimo.

Xu Yuanming said, "Eat it by yourself, aren't you all hungry?" In a blink of an eye, he recalled Su Beimo, "Look at you, you scared your younger brother like a child bride."

Liao Nanqing hurriedly said, "He doesn't scare me."

"..." This is also protected.

Subei Mo turned his face away and raised the corner of his mouth. Then, he turned to Liao Nanqing with a serious face: "I'll call your head teacher, you can go back tomorrow. But next time you're not allowed to come here like this, I'll be worried." He planned to let Liao Nanqing go to his small apartment Take a break and get a good night’s sleep. Otherwise, people will be tossed and broken.

After the inspection report of Subei Mo came out, there was no serious problem.

Xu Yuanming acted as the driver and took them back to the apartment. Subei Mo knew that Liao Nanqing, who was also picked up by Xu Yuanming last night, thanked him repeatedly. Xu Yuanming waved his hand: "If you have an accident, I am also responsible. It was the dinner party I proposed, and I picked the ghost place carefully, and a child happened to be crossing the road."

Knowing that Xu Yuanming was a polite remark, Subei Mo didn't take it seriously, and chatted with him casually.

Liao Nanqing and Subei Mo sat in the back seat together and didn't say a word. He looked at the scenery outside the car window quickly, and stared at the prosperity of the big city. Different from the town and the urban area of No. 3 High School, there are countless high-rise buildings in the center of City B.

Seeing him dazzled, I longed for it, perhaps because Subei Mo was also here.

Subei Mo's company is one of them, and it only accounts for a very small part.

In view of the injury on Subei Mo's head, he had to rest at home for a few days before going to work. But the data he was working on was not easy for others to take over, so he specially asked Xu Yuanming to help him go around the company, thinking about going upstairs to get the data.

Even if it is a break, Subei Mo does not intend to be idle. He intends to do all the work that he needs to do during the few days of rest at home.

Liao Nanqing and Xu Yuanming were left in the car.

Probably afraid that Liao Nanqing would feel embarrassed, Xu Yuanming chatted with him casually. But the two were not familiar with each other, and there was nothing to talk about, so we talked about Subei Mo.

"Xiao Su is really restless, and this week too. It's obvious that he is going to die, everyone is on leave, and he still comes to work with me in the company." Xu Yuanming is always talkative, "Fortunately there was not much work in those days, otherwise I can't stand it even if it's spinning."

After finishing speaking, he gave himself the venue and smiled.

Liao Nanqing was stunned, looked up, opened his mouth, and asked after a long time, "Have you not worked overtime for a week?"

Xu Yuanming was shocked, his thoughts were broken, and he leaked. Subei Mo has been deliberately snubbing Liao Nanqing a few days ago, maybe using overtime as an excuse. Xu Yuanming had a headache, coughed, and hurriedly changed the topic: "Does Subei Mo usually give you a topic? You were very hard in the third year of high school? Hey, I think we were even more tired in the third year of high school, and there was not even an air conditioner in the classroom... "

He kept saying that Liao Nanqing had no intention of listening to anything at all, and his mind was full of the fact that Subei Mo didn't work overtime. Xu Yuanming couldn't continue, so he simply shut up.

After being silent, Liao Nanqing asked repeatedly, "Is it true that you haven't worked overtime all day and are you not busy?"

Xu Yuanming wiped his face in distress: "Yes, it's not, I'm busy occasionally."

Liao Nanqing was silent.

As a single young man in his thirties, Xu Yuanming has always been a bit of a nosy. He saw Liao Nanqing's extremely lost expression in the rearview mirror, and suddenly felt that Subeimo's worries were right. This child is indeed too attached to Subei Mo, and this kind of dependence is a good thing for his growth.

Everyone wants to go out of the society, Xu Yuanming associates Liao Nanqing with his younger brother, and inevitably said one more sentence: "You are too dependent on Xiao Su, boy, it is always good to be independent. Xiao Su does this, too. for you."

As soon as the words fell, Liao Nanqing's dazedly clenched hand loosened, and his face was inexplicably pale. He seemed to be still, and the gentle breathing became quieter and quieter. Xu Yuanming was frightened by his appearance and dared not say anything more.

Liao Nanqing didn't speak again. Even when Subei Mo got in the car, Liao Nanqing didn't say a word.

He lowered his head, his hair almost covering his grey eyes.

Even the dullest person can know that Subei Mo's estrangement this week was deliberate. The scene that Liao Nanqing was always worried about finally appeared, Subei Mo's disgust, and Subei Mo's departure from him.

But he didn't know anything, and foolishly kept pestering Subeimo. All of this may seem like a trouble and a joke to Subei Mo. Liao Nanqing had a special ability to look at people's faces because of his childhood experiences, so it wouldn't work if he arrived at Subei Mo. He became rigid and out of proportion.

These lethal willfulness were enough to make him completely lose Subei Mo.

To lose him is to lose light.

He will be in the dark, and he will never be saved.

The terrifying thought swirled back and forth in his head like a bell, urging.

Liao Nanqing recalled that in the hospital just now, Subeimo wanted him to go back this afternoon, and his heart was sore. His stepfather is right, he is a burden, who wants to carry it for a long time

But Su Beimo, who didn't know it, put the information in the bag, and reached out and touched Liao Nanqing's hair: "The hair is long, I will take you to the barber shop to fix it. What do you want to eat tonight, downstairs in the community. There is a nice restaurant, should we go there?"

Liao Nanqing paused for a while and hid his eyes evasive. He held down Subei Mo's hand and gently took it away.

"I suddenly remembered that the monthly exam and the mid-term exam are too close. So tonight's self-study class, there is a mock exam to be tested."

This is the second time he has lied to Subei Mo seriously.

Subei Mo's tenderness made him so complacent that he forgot his original shape.

He is that 'famous' Liao Nanqing.

In the afternoon, Liao Nanqing went back to school, and he insisted on returning alone.

Once back, he fell into a busy study.

Fortunately, the learning atmosphere of the third high school is good. The third year of high school is arranged in a separate building. Whether it is lunch time or dinner time, it is staggered from the first and second high school to avoid wasting time.

Liao Nanqing's class has entered a new round of review. The head teacher of their class is the strictest teacher in the entire third year of senior high school, and is the top scorer. Except for a few who really didn't want to study in the class, they were all immersed in the 'care' of the test papers. After Liao Nanqing's monthly test, he was criticized especially badly.

He was determined to bury his head in his studies and put away his reliance on Subei Mo. At least, he didn't want to disappoint Subei Mo.

However, the lack of solid foundation made him have to work harder than others, and he lost a lot of weight in just a few weeks.

In order to make himself look less skinny, Liao Nanqing did not save so much when ordering food in the cafeteria.

But often, he is still calculating the money carefully.

Xu Yanyan couldn't stand it any longer, and occasionally ordered three full meat dishes and deliberately distributed some to Liao Nanqing.

Liao Nanqing didn't know how to repay Xu Yanyan, so he had to try his best to help him copy his notes and review it for the second time. He forcibly suppressed the habit of sending messages to Subei Mo on weekdays and forced himself to study hard. Even if Subei Mo took the initiative to send a message and call, Liao Nanqing couldn't help but not look or think about it. In the end, he refused on the excuse that he was too busy with his studies.

Once, he looked at the message sent by Subei Mo and stood on the balcony of the dormitory for a long time with his mobile phone in his hand.

After a long time, Xu Yanyan felt that something was wrong. When he walked over to look, he found that Liao Nanqing's expression was very dazed, and he lost all clues.

"You, what's wrong with you?" Xu Yanyan was taken aback by his crying expression.

Liao Nanqing shook his head.

"Someone bullied you? Lao Ban said you again?"

Liao Nanqing still shook his head, he would not complain to Xu Yanyan and the others.

The third high school is the new life that Subei Mo gave him. He didn't want to screw it up, and he didn't want to waste the kindness of Subei Mo. Even if he is confused, he has to work hard to finish the third year of high school.

In fact, Liao Nanqing has always had low self-esteem. He has lived in a different environment from others since he was a child, lacking love and self-confidence. No one was nice to him, but as soon as someone started being nice to him, he identified that person. It's an instinct to hold on like straws.

He also longed for light, and hoped that he would be born to the sun.

But all this is meaningless without Subei Mo.

It was Subei Mo who brought all the light, but now he has to withdraw and stay away from himself.

After the lunch break, Liao Nanqing returned to the dormitory in a dull mood, wanting to lie down for a while. Xu Yanyan took off his shoes and complained that his English listening in the morning was too difficult. He kicked the end of the bed, and the carp kicked up: "Liao Nanqing, let's memorize English words!"

"it is good."

The rest of the roommates objected: "You guys should rest for a while!"

Xu Yanyan refused to accept: "Are you jealous that I did better in the exam than you?"

The roommate lay down on his side: "You can pull it down."

Liao Nanqing closed his eyes and rested.

Outside the dormitory, the head teacher suddenly came, everyone hid their mobile phones and pretended to be asleep. Liao Nanqing went to open the door, and the head teacher happened to be looking for him. In order not to disturb the classmates, the two walked to the other end of the corridor, and the head teacher handed him the mobile phone. The above is a number just dialed, a number that Liao Nanqing is all too familiar with.

"Your brother said that something happened to you at home, and it is inconvenient for me to communicate." The head teacher handed him the phone and walked away, "I'll be at the dormitory downstairs. After you finish calling, bring the phone back to me. ."

Liao Nanqing was at a loss, curious about what happened at home, and had to ask Subei Mo to remind him by contacting the head teacher.

Turning to think, has he caused trouble to Subei Mo again

He nervously held the phone close to his ear, and there was a worried voice from Subei Mo: "Liao Nanqing."


"Why don't you return my messages and don't answer my calls."

Liao Nanqing didn't understand what Subeimo meant. Didn't he keep him away

Seeing that he didn't speak, Subei Mo then asked, "Why didn't you send me a single one. I'm very worried about you, I... "

It was getting more and more wrong, Liao Nan's voice was sober, and he interrupted in time: "Subei Mo."


"I can't rely on you anymore."

"... What did Xu Yuanming tell you?" Su Beimo thought of it all at once.

He just went to the company to get a document that day. Liao Nanqing was fine before he got off the bus. When he came back, Liao Nanqing even changed his demeanor.

Subei Mo said in a deep voice, "It's not what you think."

"..." Liao Nanqing was silent.

Subei Mo was in a hurry, pacing back and forth, he never knew he could be so restless. Liao Nanqing deliberately distanced himself, silently, but it was as uncomfortable as scratching his heart. Subei Mo regretted his own willful behavior at the beginning, and was also angry with Xu Yuanming's talkativeness. He finally understood that it was not that Liao Nanqing depended on him, but that he could not do without Liao Nanqing.

He didn't want Liao Nanqing to disappear into his world.

He also clearly understands that this kind of feeling seems to like it.

Subei Mo couldn't hold back: "I admit, I did have this idea before."

Liao Nanqing's heart was clenched tightly and it hurt badly.

"But now, I regret it. I regret it, and none of this counts." Su Beimo stroked his hair, regardless of whether he was in the company or not. . He is like a young man who is just beginning to fall in love and doesn't know how to be a good boy, blinding his height and age in vain.

Liao Nanqing didn't know how to answer, so he couldn't react in a daze, only ignorantly understood that Su Beimo didn't mean to shake him off.

After thinking about it for a long time, he still answered aggrievedly: "Then what counts?"

"I miss you." Subeimo said, "That's all."