Reverse Approach

Chapter 18



Subei Mo didn't stay in the town much, and he didn't even go home. Not long after dinner on Sunday afternoon, I received a call from Xu Yuanming, asking him if it was inconvenient to go back to work overtime. The return tickets on weekends are only available in the evening, and Subei Mo was delayed for a day. He works on a laptop at Liao Nanqing's home, and he wears a pair of thin metal-rimmed glasses when looking at work documents on the computer.

Liao Nanqing sat next to him and did his homework, collecting questions that he did not understand.

When Subei Mo is empty, tell him about it and draw the key points carefully. When Subei Mo was lecturing on the topic, he habitually pushed his glasses, and the side face overflowed with soft light in Liao Nanqing's eyes, hazy into the world.

Liao Nanqing was easily distracted and could not concentrate. Especially when Subei Mo tutored him, his mind wandering was multiplied by a hundred times. This progress is not as good as his own review, or ask Xu Yanyan to help with the topic.

Originally, Subei Mo was tutoring Liao Nanqing through his mobile phone, and he couldn't see any clues. But as long as he was face to face, he could find that Liao Nanqing's eyes were in a daze, and his brain seemed to stop working.

"Liao Nanqing." Subei Mo tapped his forehead with a ballpoint pen, "I'll charge you if you keep distracting yourself."

"Then I'll write you an IOU."

"... I even stabbed my nose and put my eyes on it." Subeimo tapped the test paper with his fingertips, "I'll say it again, listen carefully."

Liao Nanqing sat up straight, wrote down the equation while listening, and recited it twice. He digested the teaching of Subei Mo in the most stupid way. Fortunately, Subei Mo was careful and gave lectures on each topic.

His voice is calm and gentle, it sounds good on the phone, but it sounds more delicious in reality.

"I bought you some dumplings and wontons and put them in the refrigerator. Don't eat instant noodles. I don't think the price of the stir-fry restaurant downstairs is expensive." Subei Mo packed up a simple salute and rubbed Liao Nanqing's head.

Being together briefly is not enough for each other.

Liao Nanqing reluctantly followed behind him and whispered, "I'm not going downstairs to eat."

Subei Mo immediately understood the reason. Liao Nanqing was a 'celebrity' in this area. He put it another way: "Next time you come back, I'll teach you how to cook."

"Is that waiting for the winter vacation?"


Liao Nanqing lowered his head and said sincerely, "It's too slow, I will miss you."

Subei Mo's heart was warmed, he stood at the entrance of the entrance without putting on his shoes, and looked at Liao Nanqing with smiles in his eyes: "The midterm exam class has improved ten, I'll give you a gift."

But Liao Nanqing doesn't want gifts, and the return of Subei Mo Neng is the best gift.

He nodded blankly: "I have poor grades, but I don't want gifts either. You can come back to see me, or let me find you..."

"No, you have to work hard. You're already in the third year of high school." When Su Beimo said this, he was like a little parent. He really hoped that Liao Nanqing would be well, make progress, and realize his wish.

He didn't know that Liao Nanqing's wish was to come to City B to find him. If he knew that this was Liao Nanqing's only wish this year, Subei Mo would probably jump up proudly. Behold, the person I like has his heart toward me too.

People in the crush period, no matter how old they are, have a childish and careful mind. Secretly hiding, for fear of being discovered by the other party.

Liao Nanqing never refuted Subeimo's words, so he had to agree: "This year, can I celebrate your birthday with you?"

Afraid that Subei Mo would refuse, Liao Nanqing seemed to be like a child: "I'll buy you a big cake, and let's blow out candles together."

His memory of his birthday will always stay on the big cake and blowing candles in his childhood. After his mother remarries, it will be his brother's big cake and blowing candles. Liao Nanqing stubbornly believes that these two things are the greatest luxury and the best aspect of birthdays. He felt that Subei Mo should have these good things, and he wanted to live with Subei Mo.

He wanted to participate in Subei Mo's birthday, and this thought infiltrated his brain unknowingly.

Take root gradually.

Liao Nanqing was frightened by his own thoughts and raised his eyes fearfully.

"Okay, I'll look forward to it." Subei Mo said.

Liao Nanqing was instantly happy. He sent Subei Mo to the station and couldn't help but say a lot along the way. As before, after Subei Mo entered the station, he stood still outside the glass door. Across the glass door, he was still like a little quail who had only lost his nest.

Before the ticket check, Subei Mo couldn't help but go out again and gently pushed his forehead: "Study has to work hard."


"Don't eat junk food all the time."


"Is there nothing to say to me?"

Liao Nanqing thought about it and said solemnly, "I will miss you."

Subei Mo raised the corner of his mouth: "I will miss you too."

With a ray of sunshine, the pace of youth is approaching, Liao Nanqing's ears are slightly red, and the two inconspicuous dimples at the corners of his mouth carry a beautiful longing for autumn.

-I will miss you.

- I will miss you too.

Subei Mo thought to himself: I must have missed you more.

In November, Subeimo's company entered a busy overtime season, and Xu Yuan, who was in the same department as him, complained tomorrow that he didn't have time to go on a blind date or date. Faced with the computer for a long time, the hair is so greasy that there is no time to wash it. Female colleagues in the office even put on face masks while working overtime.

The so-called most expensive mask, plus the latest class.

Fortunately, the overtime pay is also considerable. Subeimo went to the mobile phone store to choose a mobile phone that the young man likes, and planned to give it to Liao Nanqing when he made progress in his studies.

Recently, the Subei Mo Association received a report from Liao Nanqing, a third-year student in high school. His base is weak and his progress is slow, but it feels like he's trying. The normal atmosphere of the school and the drive to study make people yearn for the future.

But in the mid-term exam, Liao Nanqing only improved nine places in the class.

It's a lot worse if it's just one place away. It was obvious that he was studying very hard, but he was still one step away.

He lay down on the table in despair, Xu Yanyan and Ge Yun made eye contact, but nothing came out, and the two switched to mobile phones.

[What's up with him? ]

[Have you missed the exam? ]

[No, he improved nine places in a month, and the old class just praised him! ]

[You ask. ]

[Why didn't you ask? ]

[I'm a girl, so be more reserved. ]

Xu Yanyan snorted, took out a lollipop from the drawer and poked Liao Nanqing's head: "Xiao Nannan, do you want candy? Your favorite strawberry flavor~"

Liao Nanqing said in a muffled voice, "I can't eat it."

I mean, what happened? Xu Yanyan and Ge Yun knew that he had been bullied before, so they were very concerned, and almost dragged a small bench to ask him if something happened again. As a result, Liao Nanqing's eyes were red, and he sniffed in disappointment. Xu Yanyan couldn't help holding his face: "Dear, what happened, tell my brother."

Ge Jun: "gay is gay."

Ge Jun's silent deskmate also glanced at Xu Yanyan and Liao Nanqing, pushed up his glasses, and acquiesced in the gayness of this sentence.

"I want to improve ten places." Liao Nanqing rubbed his eyes, "one less."

Xu Yanyan said dumbly: "It turns out that you are so ambitious, I underestimate you."

"Xu Jianjian, that's called being motivated." Ge Yun rarely has a good temper, "Liao Nanqing, you have improved by nine places in the class this time, and the whole school has improved by fifty places, which is actually quite good. The class teacher just praised you, your grades. You have to climb up step by step, don’t be impatient.”

Liao Nanqing nodded, he also knew. But it was his agreement with Subeimo to make the top ten, and it was very sad that he failed to abide by it. So much so that he didn't speak much for a day, and the whole person was dizzy.

Liao Nanqing was very frustrated when he sent the transcript to Subei Mo, and Subei Mo was still working overtime and didn't have time to reply to him. Qiu Lu, a female colleague sitting beside him, handed Su Beimo a cup of instant coffee provided by the company, and took advantage of the break to test him: "You work overtime every day, and you don't have time to date your girlfriend, right?"

"I don't have a girlfriend." Subei Mo thanked her for her coffee and looked at the data carefully.

Qiu Lu snickered and sat back to type on the form. Like Subei Mo, she is a senior who came to this company for an internship. She noticed Subei Mo as early as the first day she joined the company. It's just that Subei Mo would go to the tea room to make phone calls or send messages when he had a lunch break, making people mistakenly think that he had a girlfriend.

I dared to ask today, and Qiu Lu got a satisfactory answer.

Qiu Lu's hilarious expression was seen by Xu Yuanming. He passed by and photographed Subei Mo who didn't know the situation, and sighed: "Little fresh pork will always be more popular than old bacon."

Subei Mo's face was inexplicable.

Xu Yuanming would not easily pierce Qiu Lu's careful thinking, and changed the topic: "There is a project to go on a business trip at the end of November, and it is with President Li. He seems to want to pick a few interns to follow. Training will be conducted before going there. , a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Subei Mo hurriedly asked: "Is that the project that Mr. Li personally brought?"

"Yeah, you and Qiu Lu must be in there. Among the interns, you two are the only ones working overtime. President Li is paying attention."

Qiu Lu's eyes lit up: "That's great, I just went out to study."

Mr. Li is especially good at leading people, and he can learn a lot when going out to do projects with him. Subei Mo always wanted to go out with President Li once, but he didn't want to pick it in November. He said he would go back to see Liao Nanqing for his birthday. However, this matter has not yet been settled, and Xu Yuanming cannot fully believe what he said.

Qiu Lu was quietly enjoying himself there, and Subei Mo wiped his face and saw the information on his mobile phone.

It was sent by Liao Nanqing: [I only improved to 9 places, there will be a small test at the end of the month, I will try my best to advance to 10 places. At that time, wait until November 30, and I will come to you, okay? I want to celebrate your birthday with you. ]

Subei Mo couldn't beat him: [Okay, but if you come, you must tell me in advance, and I will pick you up. ]

At this point, Liao Nanqing was still studying at night, so he probably didn't have time to reply.

Subei Mo then sent a message in the past: [But I want to come to you more. ]

Come, come, come, can't wait. What he said was very explicit, but unfortunately that little fool Liao Nanqing couldn't understand it. Subei Mo was also glad that he foolishly couldn't understand his own mind. Only in this way would Liao Nanqing approach him carefully. Only he can be a 'good man' who does not scare Liao Nanqing away.


Unexpectedly, Liao Nanqing replied at the time of evening self-study: [Can you send me your address, I will look at it every day, and I will be motivated to study. ]

[Evening self-study is not serious, how to improve? ] That being said, Subei Mo still attached his address at the end of the message by the way.

Liao Nanqing did not reply again knowingly.

Subei Mo put down the phone with a smile on his mouth. Qiu Lu paid attention to him for a long time, and glanced at his phone a lot, but couldn't see what he was typing.

Xu Yuanming said cheerfully: "It's your brother again? It's not easy for your brother to do it."

"He has made progress in his studies, which must be praised."

Qiu Lu answered immediately: "How old are you?"

"High school senior."

"That's the most important time. I have a younger sister who is also in the third year of high school, but she is a fun-loving person and doesn't like to study." She tried her best to find a topic and wanted to have a few more conversations with Subei Mo, but she was dismissed by Subei Mo with a few words. The three of them rejoined the enthusiasm of working overtime, Qiu Lu pouted unhappily, and Su Beimo didn't care too much.