Reverse Approach

Chapter 20



[I came to B city to find you, waiting for you at the gate of your community. ]

Liao Nanqing didn't know how to speak and paint, so he simply told Subei Mo and went straight to the station to buy a ticket.

It took one and a half hours to go to City B by train, and Liao Nanqing sat in his seat with an uneasy mood. The last time he came to City B, it seemed like it was just yesterday. Looking back in time, his memories were filled with a little sourness.

The last time I got on a long-distance bus in the middle of the night, I prayed uneasily and was frightened all the way, but this time I was lucky to buy a train ticket, and my mood changed from stagnant to reckless.

Outside the window is the scenery galloping past, the twilight is all around, and the lights are dimly lit.

The night scene far in the sky passed through the silence, and it fell into a distant desert, as if the cake he was holding in his hand was slightly cold.

Knowing that he had to travel a long way, the proprietress of the bakery put a lot of small ice packs in his packaging. Liao Nanqing's palm was cold across the packaging box. The passenger next to him fell asleep with his head up, snoring lightly, his legs straddled taking up most of his position. Liao Nanqing leaned himself closer to the window, shrunk into a corner, and counted the time silently every minute.

He wants to see Subei Mo soon.

He wanted time to flow in long lines, hooked to his seat, and galloped forward.

Anxiety, urgency, all squeezed his timid mood. But thinking that he would be able to spend his birthday with Subeimo soon, and that he would be able to see Subeimo, he restrained his uneasiness and simply pursed his lips and smiled.

City B.

At the entrance of the elegantly decorated hotel, Subei Mo took Mr. Li, who had drunk too much, into the car. After saying goodbye to others one by one, he walked out. Before taking a few steps, he was stopped by the hotel waiter. It is said that there is a drunk lady in the bathroom, which seems to be their private room.

When Subei Mo looked over, it was Qiu Lu.

She was so drunk that she hid in the bathroom after a few drinks, and didn't come out until everyone left. She was sitting on the sofa in the hall with tears on her face. Qiu Lu was really in a bad mood today. First, she knocked off Subeimo's mobile phone, and then heard Subeimo say she had a girlfriend.

After a few glasses of wine, she was a little drunk, her body was soft, but her mind was still clear. Qiu Lu is not stupid. Thinking about it carefully, Su Beimo said before he went on a business trip that he didn't have a girlfriend, but now he has a girlfriend, no doubt he was avoiding and rejecting her.

She was very unwilling and could not find the opportunity.

Under the pressure of the relationship between work and colleagues, the end of the business trip made her relax inexplicably. At this moment, sitting alone, she couldn't help crying. Not sure if it was intentional or unintentional.

"Qiu Lu, I asked the waiter to call for a taxi, and I'll take you home." It is impossible for Su Beimo to let a drunk girl stay here in the middle of the night and leave by herself.

Qiu Lu shook her head, her grievance overflowing her heart: "No need."

"Okay, then take care of your own safety." Su Beimo called a waiter and instructed a few words, probably saying that he wanted to open a room for Qiu Lu to stay.

Qiu Lu really didn't expect that Subei Mo would leave when she said she would leave, and she was reluctant to leave her back. She picked up her bag and chased out, and she fell down during the process. The high-heeled shoes made her twist her foot. Although it was slight, something was resting on her palm and a long scar was drawn. Qiu Lu cried out in pain.

Subeimo turned around, her head was big, she quickly called a car and sent her to the hospital for disinfection and bandages.

After tossing and turning, it was past twelve o'clock in the morning in the blink of an eye.

Subei Mo didn't know that Liao Nanqing was waiting downstairs in his community. If he knew, even if he left Qiu Lu in the hospital alone in such a cold night, he would rush back.

Qiu Lu is just a colleague, and Liao Nanqing is his concern.

He can tell.

But he couldn't get rid of Qiu Lu, who was determined to confess to him.

"You know I have a partner, and you still confessed to me?" Subeimo's mobile phone was still black, and he couldn't see the time. He stared at the clock on the hospital wall, thinking that it would be too long before he could go back tomorrow morning.

Sitting on the hospital corridor, Qiu Lu wore a Su Beimo coat, choked up and said, "Like you is my business, not yours..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was blocked by Subei Mo: "It really has nothing to do with me."

Qiu Lu's drinking vigour hadn't gone down yet, she was stunned, and then she wished she could slap Subei Mo. But she couldn't, she confessed purposefully, and she had to pretend to be weak. In Qiu Lu's heart, a man can never pass the level of tenderness.

Today, she didn't know if she was drunk or what, she planned to die and break the net, and hit the road all the way to the end. She stretched out her hand and held Su Beimo's hand pitifully, her eyes were dense: "Are you still taking me home?"

"Well." Subei Mo said, "but don't get me wrong, it's too late to be safe."

"Well, I know. Subeimo, my foot is twisted, can you carry it on your back... "

"Let me borrow a wheelchair for you." Su Beimo interrupted Qiu Lu, he remembered that the hospital rented out a public wheelchair, scan the code to pay, and pay the deposit to push it away.

Qiu Lu was mute.

And Subei Mo did this, but unfortunately the public wheelchair in this hospital cannot be pushed out of the hospital, otherwise Subei Mo would really have to push Qiu Lu home by pushing the wheelchair.

Qiu Lu breathed a sigh of relief, and as she wished, Subei Mo carried the taxi on her back. The two lived very close, and the car could go to Qiu Lu's house after passing through Subei Mo's house. Qiu Lu had already inquired about the community where Subei Mo lived from a well-connected person, but she didn't know exactly which building it was in. She has been preparing to chase people for a long time, and she must have her own little calculus in her heart.

"I didn't have the keys..."

When she said this, Subei Mo's face couldn't be darker.

"I called my roommate, but she seems to be sleeping out tonight and hasn't responded to my messages." Qiu Lu lowered her head, looking pitiful, "Did she not bring a mobile phone, she has been unable to get through..."

no way.

Subei Mo asked the master to find a hotel to park in front of the hotel, but Qiu Lu refused to get out of the car, and kept taking some social news that it was not safe for the girl to live alone. The hazy look of tears made the driver's master couldn't help but add a few words. Qiu Lu's mind was really obvious. She wanted to live at Subei Mo's house.

"Okay, you stay at my house, and I stay at the hotel."

Now change Qiu Lu's face to black.

Subei Mo was tired of being tossed, but it was not easy to attack. He got out of the car and strode towards the community building with Qiu Lu in his arms, with a stiff tone: "After you leave tomorrow, lock the doors and windows, and the key can be returned to me on Monday."

"… "

"Also, I really have a partner."

"You lied to me, right?"

"I didn't lie to you, I hope you can keep your distance from me, otherwise my partner will be unhappy."

It was the first time that Qiu Lu met a boy who spoke so straightforwardly, and she said in shock, "You talk too much."

"Qiu Lu, I didn't leave you alone, it's not too much." Su Beimo really suppressed his urge to do so, "You don't need to misunderstand too much, we are colleagues. If something happens to you , I can hardly blame it.”

This Qiu Lu, who first showed affection to him in front of his colleagues, led everyone to mistakenly think that they were having an affair, and now he is playing a persevering drama. If he really has a girlfriend, then the girlfriend will be angry when she finds out.

Qiu Lu is indeed very beautiful, and a pure face really makes many boys excited, but a person with a good-looking face should not pursue others in such a deadpan way.

Moreover, Subei Mo has repeatedly emphasized that he already has a 'girlfriend'.

Furthermore, this person called 'girlfriend' is Liao Nanqing. At this moment, he was standing in front of them dumbfounded.

At one o'clock in the morning, Liao Nanqing's nose was red from the cold, and his hands were numb from the cold. He wore thin clothes and waited for Subei Mo for several hours in the cold wind. In the middle of the night, he was reluctant to buy even a bottle of hot milk. He was afraid that if he walked away for a while, he would miss the time when Subei Mo came back. So he didn't take a single step away, he was rooted, and he just waited stupidly.

Liao Nanqing knew that the light on the floor where Subei Mo lived had not turned on yet.

Otherwise, with the work and rest habits of Subei Mo, how could he go to bed so early.

But time passed slowly, and the alarm clock at zero was harsh. Liao Nanqing pressed it silently, and worriedly called Subeimo several times and sent countless messages.

He was worried that something had happened to Subeimo, but he didn't know where to look.

Except for a small broken mobile phone, Liao Nanqing didn't have any news of North Jiangsu Mo. The bond is limited to a mobile number, and if one party does not receive it, the connection ceases to exist.

He was so helpless that he could only wait in place, not daring to take a step away. The cake was on the bench beside it, all alone, with a few thin candles and plastic forks tied to it. Under the ribbon is a birthday card.

If you open it, you can see Liao Nanqing's refreshing handwriting and blessings on the inside.

When writing, the ink was not dry, Liao Nanqing's little finger accidentally touched the word, and there was a long and imperfect ink mark on it.

The cake was ordered with the money he had saved for several weeks, because it was a bakery recommended by Xu Yanyan, so the price was not low. For Liao Nanqing, this cake is extremely extravagant, and he would never buy it at ordinary times. There are thousands of cheap cake shops, but he is reluctant to buy those cakes with poor ingredients to fool Subei Mo's birthday. He wants to do his best to give Subei Mo the best.

Who knows, it's really not a coincidence.

He unexpectedly bumped into Su Beimo holding a petite and lovely girl striding towards the gate of the community.

Liao Nanqing almost subconsciously squatted and hid behind the bench, his heart reached his throat, blocking him, and he could hardly breathe smoothly.

He was stunned, his face was expressionless a moment ago, and a moment of loss came to his heart, like a few fine needles stabbed at the tip of his heart, leaving a burst of pain. He had never seen anyone in Subei Mo's arms, and he never thought that Subei Mo would have a girlfriend. Liao Nanqing was so spoiled by Subei Mo that he almost forgot that Subei Mo was different from himself. He has friends, family, and people who adore him.

He is the bright sunlight, quite different from the shadows in the corners that long for light.

The almost brutal reality hit Liao Nanqing on the head.

After they went upstairs, Liao Nanqing slowly stood up. He didn't know what to do with his expression, so he just lowered his head crampedly, staring at his pair of white-painted canvas shoes that were out of tune with youth. His eyes seemed to see a hole in the ground, his numb expression was more solidified than a glacier, and his eyes turned red without knowing it.

Liao Nanqing's heart aches so badly that he tensed up and down, frantic like suffocation.

Care to death.

It turned out that he liked Subei Mo.

This kind of liking is not the liking of friends, but the joy that one person has on the apex of the other.

Tears fell bit by bit, and he couldn't stay for a second.

Compared with a girl like Qiu Lu, Liao Nanqing's cry is more distressing. He is neither noisy nor noisy, he only knows how to hide in a corner quietly and shed tears. Silent, like the raging waves of the high tide in the middle of the night, intense but no one can see it.

Liao Nanqing was in a trance, and the intense emotions were suppressed in his heart, so uncomfortable.

He didn't stay any longer, he turned around and left. The cake was left alone on the bench, perhaps to be picked up by the cleaners early tomorrow morning. This is his birthday present with full of heart and blessings, but it is a pity that Subei Mo did not receive it.

Today is too late, Liao Nanqing can only wait for the earliest train to go back tomorrow morning. He didn't have much money with him, and it was after one o'clock in the morning, and he was reluctant to spend any more money to stay in a hotel. I simply found a 24-hour convenience store, bought a box of instant noodles, sat at the door, and waited until dawn.

After a night of sleepless nights, Liao Nanqing's face turned pale.

The clerk asked with some concern whether to send him to the hospital, but Liao Nanqing refused.

He just wanted to go home quickly and sleep with his head covered.

Sweet dreams and nightmares are always intertwined in an instant, and Liao Nanqing would rather not tell them apart.

But maybe if Liao Nanqing left one step later last night, he could see the angry Qiu Lu limping out of the community building. She adjusted her dress, changed her past gentle image, and rolled her eyes: "Shame on your face." After scolding, she took a taxi and left.

And Subei Mo upstairs touched the cheek that Qiu Lu slapped, and unluckily stroked his hair.

He put an ice towel on his face and was very tired lying on the bed.

The business trip and entertainment, as well as Qiu Lu's commotion all the way, made Su Beimo feel that his head was about to explode. He took out the phone with the broken screen in his bag and plugged it in with a fluke. Fortunately, the phone with the broken screen turned on instantly, but unfortunately the power was exhausted, and only a red charging prompt with an empty shell was displayed on it.

Subei Mo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that he could call Liao Nanqing early in the morning.

He lay down on the bed with confidence, because he was so tired, Su Beimo closed his eyes and slept until 7:30 in the morning.

The author has something to say

Originally wanted to give Qiu Lu a little more water, but it turned out that Subei Mo was really difficult to soak.