Reverse Approach

Chapter 23


[twenty three]

The Su family's New Year's Eve dinner is very rich, all of which are the specialties of Grandma Su and Su Jing. Su Ya's cooking skills are not as good as them, so she can only help out on the side, and she almost sent salt and sugar as candy. Su Ya has a good temper, smiles gently, and helps with serving dishes.

Everyone has to wait and watch the Spring Festival Gala. Although there are only five people at a table, they are still busy eating.

Subei Mo gave Liao Nanqing a belly of fish, and went down with a chopstick, full of the taste of Chinese New Year.

Grandma Su took the lead in sharing the New Year's money, but Liao Nanqing didn't expect that he would have it too, so he was too timid to accept it. Grandma Su's eyes were kind and kind, and she urged Liao Nanqing to accept it quickly. The red envelope is the color of the New Year, and it is not acceptable not to accept it. Liao Nanqing took it with both hands and said thank you many times in succession. During this period, Su Beimo suddenly shook his hand under the table.

A brief action, combined with such a warm atmosphere, made Liao Nanqing's heart skip a beat.

It was as if he was also a part of the Su family, and this illusion made him very happy.

Immediately afterwards, both Su Jing and Su Ya distributed the lucky money to Liao Nanqing. There were tears in Liao Nanqing's eyes, afraid that he would cry if he was not careful. He held the three red envelopes in his hand. He pursed the corners of his lips, glanced at Subei Mo, and anxiously waited for Subei Mo to say something.

However, Subei Mo just served him vegetables, which were plain and indifferent, as if they were the same in previous years: "Eat more, and we will keep the year old for a while."

Grandma Su is getting old, so she went to rest early. Su Ya and Su Jing are not more energetic than young people, but there must always be someone at home to keep the year old. This task was naturally handed over to Subei Mo and Liao Nanqing.

The small town is no better than the big city. Fireworks and firecrackers here have not been banned. When it was almost 12 o'clock, Subei Mo took Liao Nanqing to set off fireworks. Every household found an open space and put them up one after another, and the sky exploded into pieces of gorgeousness. Liao Nanqing lit a lighter with a lighter, hid behind Subei Mo, covered his ears, and waited with great interest for his own fireworks to hit the sky.

"New Year's Eve!"

Far away, he heard a child shouting at the window.

He also turned to Subei Mo and said, "It's New Year's Eve!"

A bunch of fireworks behind them are like splashes of ink, covering each other's sights with bright purple and red. Subei Mo exhaled a white mist and said steadily: "Yeah, time flies really fast." It was very cold at night close to the early morning, Subei Mo's toes were freezing cold, he rubbed his hands and put them in his pants. bag.

Because of his height, Liao Nanqing looked up at him slightly.

"Look at what I do?"

"..." Liao Nanqing remained silent.

"Nan Qing."


"Do you have any New Year's resolutions?" Su Beimo asked him.

Liao Nanqing thought about it, and there really was one, but it was difficult to achieve, like a dream. Seeing that he didn't answer, Subei Mo stood there for a moment, and then sighed helplessly: "Sometimes I really suspect that you have cotton stuffed in your ears, so your reaction is a few beats slow." After speaking, he rubbed Liao Nanqing's head habitually.

Liao Nanqing was deafened by the fireworks in his ear, rumbling a few times, and his eyes were nostalgic for a long time.

The moment they heard the end of the fireworks, in the distance, a faint voice came from the half-opened window of another house. It was the voice of the host of the Spring Festival Gala on the TV. The words were round and round, and the countdown was: five, four, three...

The surroundings were silent, and the dust of fireworks fluttered slowly.

Breathe into your mouth and nose, breathing slowly.

Subei Mo lowered his head slightly and kicked away a ball of snowballs. He turned his face to the side, and in the light of the street lights, he showed his white teeth: "Happy New Year."

… two, one.

happy New Year!

Liao Nanqing fell into a beautiful dream in an instant, and his thoughts were chaotic. He slowly reached out his hand and held Subei Mo's face.

A new round of fireworks burst forth, and today's night is no longer night. He is a brilliant day that falls in Liao Nanqing's heart.

He took a slight step to the left, his cheeks were crimson, and taking advantage of the New Year's Eve when no one saw him, he quickly touched Subei Mo's face and kissed him like a dragonfly. Not warm, but cool and soft to the touch.

Like fireworks, it has bloomed incomparable flowers in the heart of northern Jiangsu.

Subei Mo took a deep breath and was silent. He took the key and opened the door. He took Liao Nanqing straight to his room, and surrounded Liao Nanqing with his neck shrunk against the wall. Su Beimo put one hand on top, blocking the other party's escape route inside and out.

Whether it was Grandma Su, or Su Ya and Su Jing, they all rested early in the room at this moment. Outside was the continuous sound of firecrackers on the spring night, louder than the previous moment, and they had to speak with their ears to hear each other's voices clearly.

Warm, numb, extremely unfamiliar and throbbing.

Subeimo's breath brushed Liao Nanqing's ear, but within a few seconds, Liao Nanqing was completely awake, and he looked at Subeimo cowardly.

The temperature inside the house was vastly different from the outside, causing Liao Nanqing's cold head to buzz and pain, and his earlobes to tingle. Any body's response was delayed for a second, and the whole body became hot, not like himself, like boiled red shrimp. The feeling of being surrounded by Subei Mo is familiar, even attached. As Xu Yanyan said, some of their actions were like lovers.

But Liao Nanqing did not dare to speculate: "I..."

Before he could finish the sentence, his eyes were wet.

Knowing that it was an unfulfilled New Year's wish, it was opened up in front of Subei Mo. With the disappearance of the fireworks outside the window, the dream is as long as day and night.

Subei Mo's voice was calm, every word was square and round, and every stroke was covered with trembling: "Tell me."

Three words, a period, short and long echoes.

Liao Nanqing's ears were hot, and the rapid heartbeat brought him back to reality and pushed him into a dream again. So repeatedly, and he seemed to have made a big mistake, his eyelashes kept trembling.

"Nanqing." Subei Mo called him.

Liao Nanqing raised his head when he heard the sound, only to see Subei Mo's eagerly looking eyes that penetrated through his heart and infiltrated into his bone marrow, like a suppressed stormy sea.

But Liao Nanqing could feel that Subei Mo was not angry or even waiting.

He seemed startled by Subei Mo's response, and took a deep breath.

Subei Mo is not as strong or lazy as usual. Subeimo, who is one year older after the new year, seems to be an adult, which is out of tune with Liao Nanqing's youthful atmosphere. He exudes mature charm. He attracted Liao Nanqing. To put it bluntly, he was seducing him all the time.

Subei Mo touched Liao Nanqing's face, and there was endless luster in his eyes. There was no light in the room, and with the light outside the window, Liao Nanqing could clearly see the expression of Su Beimo. He, who was turbulent a second ago, is like the waves of a lake at this moment, falling into a stone and swaying again and again, and the ripples are scattered. It was an uneasy feeling, and I liked it as always.

"Nan Qing, speak up." He begged, "Tell me."

Liao Nanqing is obsessed with the way of Subei Mo.

He finally figured out that for him, Subei Mo was a rare labyrinth. Once he entered, he would never get out. The exit has been welded to death, and he can only spend his youth in this love and usher in Mu Xue's white head.

He floated in a sinking boat and swam here, even if he drowned, it was his destiny.

So he spoke.

"I like you." He said against Subeimo's ear, not only that, but Liao Nanqing also reached out and hugged Subeimo tightly, repeating desperately, "I like you, I like you very much."

From the beginning I missed you to now I love you. Honest from beginning to end, without any exaggeration and deception. He pressed his cheek to Subei Mo's chest, listening to his heart beating violently, and hearing his own heart become hot and aggressive.

I like you-

like you-

Happy from beginning to end.

so brave.

Liao Nanqing found that he was hugged tightly by Subei Mo, and he could feel the arms wrapping around him getting stronger and stronger.

It felt like he was afraid that he would suddenly run away and disappear.

Because Subei Mo told him, "I like you too."

I like it, I like it very much.

At 12:20 in the morning, only the twentieth minute of the new year, the prosperous and colorful blooming in the dark night sky, the New Year's bell echoed in people's hearts for a long time, and they kissed.

It was Subei Mo who took the initiative. He held Liao Nanqing's face, lowered his head, and kissed Liao Nanqing's cool lips. Careful, gentle, like a spring running through, a light wind blowing. With his wings, he brushed over Liao Nanqing's sour first love, and slowly flowed sweetness. A dry kiss and a touch of courtesy probably can't satisfy Subei Mo's desires.

Subei Mo's kiss gradually became moist, stubbornly sucking Liao Nanqing's soft lips, wetly brushing the wings of Liao Nanqing's lips that could hardly breathe normally. The warm tongue swept across Liao Nanqing's lips unreasonably, and he opened his mouth in shock. In this way, Su Beimo's tongue successfully broke into Liao Nanqing's unusually unfamiliar mouth, entangled in his back and forth. Tongue.

Liao Nanqing was kissing for the first time, and followed Subeimo to react ignorantly.

It was also the first time that Liao Nanqing knew that exchanging saliva with someone was such a comfortable and sweet thing. Just once, it can make people feel hot all over and be in the cloud. But think about it carefully, as long as you are with Subei Mo, everything is good.

He closed his eyes in a daze, accepting the feelings that Subei Mo had suppressed for a long time. In the heat of his body, Liao Nanqing was bitten by Subei Mo on his lower lip. It was very light and not too hard, but he could sense Subei Mo's emotions.

He was kissed so hard that he didn't know how to breathe, his chest kept rising and falling, and he finally stopped, gasping for breath. Even those legs became limp, struggling to hold Subei Mo before he could barely stand.

Liao Nanqing opened his eyes tremblingly, and whispered the name of Subei Mo. He was small, timid, and had all kinds of dependence and waiting.

Subeimo let out a sigh from his throat, showing a good-looking smile, still hugged him tightly, and kissed his forehead twice: "Thank you for liking me."

That night, Liao Nanqing and Subei Mo slept together, and he had a good dream.

I dreamed that I was admitted to a university in City B, but Subei Mo didn't know it yet. In order to tell Subei Mo, he set foot on the train with the admission notice. He didn't bring anything, just went with an admission notice. Just like that time, he single-handedly waited downstairs in Subei Mo's community with a cake in his hand.

Just ask.

Whoever is young has not been impulsive, an hour and a half motor car ride is actually not a big rebellion. Liao Nanqing felt that the degree to which he liked Subei Mo couldn't be explained by this little impulse.

His liking should be like the vast universe, and it should be matched with Subei Mo's.

So this dream, he woke up with a smile.

On the morning of the first day of the new year, Grandma Su specially cooked glutinous rice balls filled with sesame seeds. When Liao Nanqing got up and finished washing, Subei Mo had already sat in the living room and ate a small bowl. Su Ya and Su Jing went out to buy groceries, while Grandma Su stayed at home and waited for the two little ones to get up and cook dumplings.

"Come on, Nanqing. Get up early on the first day of the new year to eat dumplings, and then you will be reunited."

Grandma Su also served him a bowl. Liao Nanqing sat next to Subei Mo with the bowl in his hand. Subei Mo swallowed the softly chewed dumplings: "Morning."

"Morning." Liao Nanqing ate one by one with a blushing face, glancing at Subei Mo next to him from time to time.

I saw Subei Mo eat glutinous rice balls peacefully, and occasionally talk to Grandma Su, but he didn't talk to Liao Nanqing. Liao Nanqing ate a few in silence and couldn't eat any more. He got up to help Grandma Su wash the dishes, and came out to see Su Beimo answering the phone. It seemed that Subei Mo's mother called, and they hung up after chatting for about half an hour.

Liao Nanqing walked over, and Subei Mo threw him an orange: "We will make dumplings together at home in a while."

His tone was calm, and he was reading the news with his phone as usual.

Liao Nanqing hesitated, not sure whether the confession and kiss last night were real. Maybe it was a dream he had, after all, he also dreamed that he was admitted to the undergraduate degree in City B. Thinking of this, he felt lost, and his eyebrows drooped even more.

"How do you stand?" Subeimo said, "The weather is fine today. Let's go outside and play badminton together in the afternoon."

"Okay, but I'm going to the restaurant to wash the dishes at two o'clock. Yesterday I took a day off." Liao Nanqing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, peeled off the orange and stuffed it into his mouth.

Sweet, yet sour.

He hoped that everything last night was not a dream.

Subei Mo peeled another orange, and Grandma Su was chatting there: "You eat less oranges, don't get angry again." At the end, he asked Nan Qing: "Nan Qing, what kind of stuffed dumplings do you like to eat? Shepherd's purse. Are you stuck eating or not?"

Liao Nanqing replied: "Grandma, I eat all."

"Hey, a good boy is not a picky eater." Grandma Su was mixing the stuffing, and turned to Su Beimo and said, "Go and see if there is a canteen that opens, and come back with a bottle of fresh soy sauce."

"It's New Year's Eve, how can there be any open doors!"

"Then you go to the vegetable market to see!"

Subei Mo got up, went to the room to get a coat, and called Liao Nanqing by the way: "Go get a coat, let's go together." Liao Nanqing followed without a word, but as soon as he got into the room, Subei Mo locked the door slyly , pressed him, pressed against the door, held his chin and kissed him happily.

Liao Nanqing didn't react for a while, and he was suddenly stuffed with 500 yuan by Subei Mo in his clothes pocket.

"You are not allowed to wash the dishes. I will buy it for you in the next few days."

Liao Nanqing raised his eyes, half-dazed and half-awake, and said pitifully, "I thought yesterday was all a dream, and you didn't pay much attention to me just now."

"Stupid, you're only in the third year of high school, and falling in love now is puppy love. Do you know that?" On the contrary, it was Su Beimo who taught him a lesson, "How can puppy love be blatant, don't you think?"

Knowing that Subei Mo was teasing himself, Liao Nanqing responded and said stupidly, "Then are we going to secretly fall in love?"

"Remove the word 'men', you're the only one who fell in love early, I'm not." Su Beimo kissed him again, and said very reluctantly, "You just have a few days off, don't go to work, stay with me for a few days. ."

Liao Nanqing agreed obediently, and he only took a week off, and he also wanted to stick to Subei Mo.

Subei Mo pinched his face: "Really obedient."