Reverse Approach

Chapter 27



Before Liao Nanqing was ten years old, Li Qin, like all mothers, was a gentle and nagging woman. Her skin was pale, and there was a faint scent of jasmine in the sun. Looking for a good day, the red plaid dress made her more gentle on her.

Liao Nanqing especially likes to sit beside her with a small bench and watch him peel edamame and prepare vegetables.

Her long jet-black hair was pulled into a simple bun, and when she smiled, there were two inconspicuous dimples at the corners of her mouth, and her eyes formed a crescent moon. Liao Nanqing's complexion is like Li Qin's, and so are the dimples when he smiles. They are mother and son, connected by blood.

Liao Nanqing sat on the bench and tore apart a candy.

He fed Li Qin's mouth, strawberry-flavored candy, Li Qin's favorite, and also his favorite.

A mother's preferences can always affect her children a lot.

Looking at Li Qin's gentle smile, Liao Nanqing felt warm in his heart. He said, "Mom, when I grow up and make money, I will buy you a lot of strawberry candies."

"Little fool, when you grow up, if you want to buy candy for your wife, how can you buy it for your mother." Li Qin laughed at him.

"I don't want a wife, so I'll buy it for my mother." Liao Nanqing insisted, with the red scarf tied crookedly on his chest.

Li Qin no longer refuted him, and gently wiped his hands with the apron, and tied the red scarf for him. The cool fingertips touched Liao Nanqing's neck, soft, with the fragrance of green edamame juice.

She said softly, "Okay, they're all in the second grade, and they can't even tie the red scarf well."



Her tone of voice has always been these two words, all right.

Including at her stepfather's house a few years later, so did she. But the tone of the particle has changed, from gentle to impatient.

In the dark room, Li Qin hugged her newborn son and looked at Liao Nanqing who was sitting in the corner with indifferent eyes. She turned her head away at first, and then seemed unbearable, she put down her little son who had just fallen asleep, walked over, squatted down and touched Liao Nanqing's head. Liao Nanqing raised his head, sinking deep into the cliff as if he had caught a ray of light. He desperately longed for Li Qin's care.

But Li Qin then grabbed Liao Nanqing when he got up, anxious, and tried his best to restrain his fear, and said hurriedly: "Go to the room and stay, your Uncle Zhang will be back soon."

Liao Nanqing was unwilling and hugged Li Qin tightly: "Mom, the room is too dark, I'm afraid..."

Li Qin's heart moved, but she had no idea how to comfort Liao Nanqing. All words are pale, they are involuntarily. Li Qin's eyes were full of hesitation, like stagnant water flowing, stained with resentment. This is an invisible rope tied around her and Liao Nanqing.

The memory is suspended, the memory is black, and it is an abyss at this moment.


As soon as she spoke, the little son in the cradle suddenly burst into tears before she could finish speaking. Li Qin was in a hurry, she wanted to go over to coax the child. But Liao Nanqing was so frightened that he hugged her tightly and didn't let go, and stubbornly called her: "Mom, mom..."

The sound disturbed her.

She pushed Liao Nanqing away: "Okay! How long are you going to bother me?! My brother is crying like this, can't you hear it? Do you understand your mother too? Go back to the room!" She She hurriedly picked up her little son and patted her softly, as if this was the beginning of her new life.

The dim vision gradually blurred, and Li Qin's face became more and more ambiguous in the noisy cry of the baby...

Liao Nanqing woke up from the dream crying at two in the morning.

In City B, in the newly rented apartment of Subei Mo, he woke up beside Subei Mo. Subei Mo was awakened by him, raised his hand and turned on the lamp beside him. Liao Nanqing hurriedly climbed out of bed for fear of seeing tears, and almost fell, he hid in the bathroom. Subei Mo followed and stood outside the bathroom and knocked on the door.

Worried and asked: "Nanqing?"

Liao Nan washed off the tears on his face, went back and forth several times, looked in the mirror for a long time, and felt that there was nothing abnormal, and then opened the door: "I'm going to the toilet." However, his eyes were wet, and he had already exposed everything. Anxiety.

"Why are you crying?"

"Not crying."

Seeing that he was unwilling to speak, Subei Mo held his cold hand and asked him, "Do you continue to sleep?"

Liao Nanqing shook his head and nodded again.

Subei Mo simply took his hand and sat on the sofa, went to the kitchen to fiddle for a while, and brought out a cup of hot milk. He put the milk in front of Liao Nanqing, he sat next to Liao Nanqing, and yawned: "I'm going to take leave tomorrow, let's tidy up the house together, and then I'll show you the surrounding environment."

Liao Nanqing lowered his eyes and said apologetically, "I'm sorry."


"I made you take leave again."

If it wasn't for the fact that he went to see Li Qin yesterday, he and Subei Mo would not have to change the time of their tickets back to City B. Time that could have been spent tidying up the house was forced to disappear. Last night, by the time they returned to their apartment in City B, it was very late. Liao Nanqing was confused all day, and fell asleep after a simple wash.

Looking around now, most things, Subei Mo has taken care of when he fell asleep.

Liao Nanqing turned his head to the side and saw that Subei Mo was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed, his slight breathing was gentle. Liao Nanqing took a thin coat from the side and gave it to Subei Mo. As soon as he got close, he was pulled into his arms by Subei Mo.

With his ear against Subei Mo's chest, he heard Subei Mo's deep breath: "I didn't sleep."

Liao Nanqing rubbed and hugged him.

Subei Mo opened his eyes and rubbed Liao Nanqing's head: "Don't keep saying sorry in the future."

"Well." Liao Nanqing replied in a low voice.

"Lovers don't need so many apologies and thanks." Su Beimo hugged him tightly, smelling the fragrance of shampoo on the ends of his hair, and said solemnly, "Don't be afraid, I'm by your side, what's there to be afraid of. "

Liao Nanqing blinked and said nothing.

"Hold me tight when you have nightmares, and don't hold back when you have something in your heart."

Liao Nanqing nodded: "Okay."

Afterwards, Liao Nanqing tugged at Subei Mo's fingers intentionally or unintentionally, provoked them one by one, and then intertwined them. The windows are half open, and the wind is cool before the night when the air conditioner must be turned on. Liao Nanqing's palm was infected by the temperature of Subei Mo, and it heated up little by little. This warmth also brought a bit of sleepiness.

Liao Nanqing thought for a long time: "Su Beimo, does your mother love you?" The thoughtless sentence stuck in his throat, making it uncomfortable.

"Love." Subeimo didn't lie. Although his mother Zhao Qin had been divorced from Su Jing for many years, she always kept in touch with Subeimo from time to time. Even if they don't meet often, her love for Subei Mo cannot be denied.

The way of giving love is different, and Subei Mo knows this.

A trace of envy appeared in Liao Nanqing's eyes, and then disappeared. He said, "My mother loves me too." He added, "I used to love it, but now I am a trouble and a burden." He said lightly, like a whisper in a dream language.

Subei Mo patted him on the back and said nothing.

Liao Nanqing exhaled slowly, and accepted the reality bit by bit in his heart: "My mother doesn't want me anymore."

The fragrance of edamame green grass in the dream will always exist in the absurd dream, and one day, even it will disappear. Liao Nanqing couldn't keep it, it disappeared in his life, in his dreams, and also disappeared at Li Qin's fingertips.

It's fleeting, I'm afraid it's useless.

Subei Mo kissed the top of his hair: "You are not a trouble, nor a burden. I will always be by your side."

In the middle of the night, the wind was light, accompanied by the small and medium voice of North Jiangsu Mo, the rain was scattered and sparsely ticking, and the nightmare turned into a beautiful dream.

City B, which has just rained, has fresh air.

Early in the morning, Subei Mo opened the window wide and let the wind blow in from the outside to let the room breathe.

In the kitchen, Liao Nanqing was frying eggs. Two good eggs were fried in strange shapes. Fortunately, they could still be eaten. The rice cooker was stuffy with millet porridge, and Subei Mo took out two packets of mustard from the suitcase and threw them on the table.

"Subei Mo, my egg doesn't seem to be good!" Liao Nanqing frowned and poured soy sauce on the fried egg, "Maybe it's not very tasty."

Subei Mo went to serve porridge, saw the two fried eggs, and thought for a while, "Let's eat boiled eggs in the future."

"It will be fried next time." Liao Nanqing felt aggrieved, took a bite with chopsticks, surprised, "It's delicious."

Subeimo listened, leaned over, hugged him from behind, held his hand holding the chopsticks, and then took another bite at the place where he had bitten: "Well, it's really delicious." After speaking, He kissed Liao Nanqing's mouth, the greasy soy sauce smelled, "Come over and have some porridge."

Liao Nanqing didn't have much luggage, so he brought some simple clothes.

Most of the sanitation in the apartment, Subei Mo, have been cleaned. After breakfast, the two of them cleaned up the house for a while. Subei Mo took Liao Nanqing to the supermarket and bought a lot of plates and chopsticks, as well as some daily necessities. The two of them were like young couples who were about to start their lives in earnest, and they bought everything carefully.

Considering that Liao Nanqing wanted to find a place to work to save his tuition fees, Subeimo contacted his senior high school and college sister Lin Quan.

Lin Quan happened to open a bakery in City B. In the past few days, he has been asking in the social circle if anyone has a summer job that can be provided, including food and housing, and the salary is 'good'. Even if you live in it, it is quite cost-effective to include a meal. In addition, Lin Quan has always been generous, and the family conditions are not bad. The store is purely for killing time and hobbies.

When Subeimo saw it, he immediately contacted her.

Lin Quan asked, "Your brother?"

Subei Mo: "Well."

Lin Quan: "Okay, come on, summer internship. The salary is three thousand a month, nine in the morning and seven in the evening, and a lunch is included. If you don't need me to cover it, then the subsidy will be three hundred."

"It's OK so soon? Let me explain in advance that my brother can only help a little, and you may have to teach me."

"It's rare for Su Da Xiaocao to contact me once. This face is always given, isn't it?" Lin Quan said with a smile, "When will you come to work? I'm short of people now."

"It may take a week to go to work. He has just finished his college entrance examination. I plan to take him on a trip to relax. Otherwise, are you free now? I'll bring someone to show you first and have a face-to-face interview."

Subeimo also greeted Liao Nanqing in advance about this matter. Liao Nanqing was very satisfied and interested in the work content. After all, he went out to find summer jobs by himself, and at most he went to help the back kitchen of some restaurants, which was very boring. Lin Quan's bakery lacks an assistant, which is much easier than brushing the dishes and mopping the floor, and the salary is half higher.

Since Liao Nanqing knew that Li Qin would not pay him living expenses in the future, he wanted to make more money, at least he had to save up enough tuition before the school started.

Liao Nanqing was lying on the sofa, listening to Subei Mo's call, and when he heard the back, there was a little expectation in his eyes.

After Subei Mo hung up the phone, Liao Nanqing followed him closely like Tiao Xiao Tai.

"Are we going to travel?" he asked happily, but after a while, he worried again, "But will it be very expensive? But I still keep the New Year's money you gave me before, I haven't touched it, myself Save some money too.”

"Your grades in the college entrance examination were unexpectedly good this time. This is a reward for you." Su Beimo wondered if he had forgotten something, and reminded again, "I said it before, and I will give you a better one in the future."

"Then I..."

"Don't make IOUs." Subei Mo had a headache, "Why is it so hard to spend some money for you when you are in a relationship?"

"Because you spend a lot every time."

"Then let me ask you, if you make money in the future, will you spend it for me?"

"Here!" Liao Nanqing didn't hesitate at all.

Subei Mo patted him on the forehead: "So there's nothing wrong with me paying you money."

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there is really nothing wrong. People have to learn to think in a different position. Liao Nanqing calmed down, and Subeimo continued to joke with him: "When you graduate and make money, I will resign and lie at home every day waiting for you to make money to support me."

"Okay, I also buy you delicious food every day." Liao Nanqing made up his mind, "I must study hard, graduate well, and make good money."

Subei Mo is happy: "You are a typical three-good student. My investment is quite worth it."

Liao Nanqing said awkwardly: "Su Beimo, don't make fun of me, I'm serious. I really support you, and I will support you for the rest of your life."

Subei Mo kissed him, but Liao Nanqing felt that it was not enough and kissed him back.

The author has something to say

At once. . There will be a few more chapters of sugar _(:з"∠)_

Will you get tired of watching it _(:з"∠)_Will it be too sweet? How can I write such a sweet text _(:з"∠)_Hey... It's not like me...