Reverse Approach

Chapter 3



Liao Nanqing's stalking behavior was caught and embarrassed, he took a step back. Holding his school uniform with both hands, he didn't know how to put it on. Subei Mo is too tall, almost half a head taller than him. Liao Nanqing felt inferior, if only he could grow taller.

"What about you?" Su Beimo was a little unhappy, and felt that his tone was too fierce, so he slowed down his voice, "You also buy vegetables?"

"Um… "

"Come out empty-handed, didn't buy what you wanted?" Su Beimo was not sure at first, but now seeing his twisted appearance, he was sure that this kid was following him. But he didn't get angry, instead he laughed, so funny, "Are you looking for me?"

Liao Nanqing stared at the ground, unable to answer for a while.

The situation was so embarrassing that even Subei Mo felt uncomfortable, stretching his neck and waiting for him to not speak for a long time.

Just when Subei Mo wanted to say goodbye to him, Liao Nan said in a clear voice, "Do you cook all by yourself?"

Subei Mo didn't expect this sentence, and glanced at the dish he was carrying: "Occasionally." Today, Su Jing simply didn't come back overtime, and he just received a call. If you eat alone, there are a lot of dishes.

The young man in front of him seemed to have plucked up his courage, and after getting his response, he tried harder to talk: "Then do you live by yourself? It's a coincidence, I live by myself. I just... I live there! Just over there... "He gestured frantically and pointed to a place, but he didn't know the direction at all.

He just wanted to find something to talk about with Subei Mo.

Anything is fine, he hasn't communicated normally with others for too long.

Once a person who is used to being isolated meets someone who looks at him without tinted glasses, it is like rain and dew on dry land, and the taste is sweet. Subei Mo is the sudden rain shower this summer. It is refreshing and clean, and the stains are washed away. Liao Nanqing can't help but want to get closer.

"Oh, I live with my dad." Subei Mo responded with a long response, raising the corner of his mouth rarely, "How stupid you are." This is an unbiased sentence, because when Subeimo said it, his tone was very Easy, like a joke between friends.

Liao Nanqing scratched the back of his head with red ears.

The two walked to the bus stop together. In fact, Liao Nanqing didn't need to take the bus to go home. He just wanted to have a few words with Subei Mo. Since he was ten years old, he has not had any friends. Lonely like an outlier, but he doesn't want to be an outlier.

"Aren't you hot?"

Subei Mo was talking about the coat that Liao Nanqing was wearing.

"It's not hot." Liao Nanqing shook his head, there was faint sweat on his neck, he was covering those embarrassing 'bruises' with clothes.

Subei Mo knew very well and did not dismantle it. He remembered what Liao Nanqing said just now about living alone, and suddenly asked, "Do you want to have dinner together?"


Subei Mo explained, "Don't you live by yourself, do you want to come to my house for dinner?"

Because of the unfamiliarity, Subei Mo regretted a little, and he felt abrupt. So he didn't think the other party would agree at all, but unexpectedly, Liao Nanqing nodded immediately, his ears were red, and he could see his nervousness: "Okay."

Subei Mo pulled his backpack and nodded: "Then my house is a little far away, so I might have to sit and stand to the end."

"Well, I'm sorry." Liao Nan cleaned up his spacious school uniform, hoping that he would look decent.

In fact, if there is no such thing as buying cigarettes, Subei Mo thinks Liao Nanqing is very good.

Not annoying either.

Two dishes and one soup, a simple home-cooked dish that couldn't be simpler. Liao Nanqing ate it with relish, and he was a little embarrassed when he added the second bowl of rice. Subei Mo took the initiative to help him. Seeing how delicious he was eating, Subeimo sipped his chopsticks in confusion and took a bite, and determined that it was a very ordinary taste. No one had praised it except Su Jing.

"Is it delicious?"

Liao Nanqing raised his head and said sincerely, "It's delicious."

"Thank you." Su Beimo felt that he was exaggerating, and gave Liao Nanqing a chopstick of fish stomach, "Eat the fish."

Liao Nanqing's Adam's apple moved, looking at the fish belly in the bowl, he couldn't stop his mouth. Subei Mo thought he didn't like it, and was about to say don't eat it, when he heard Liao Nanqing whisper, "I'm eating fish belly too."

"What?" Subei Mo didn't hear clearly.

Liao Nanqing continued: "My mother has remarried, and the fish belly is given to my brother." He used to live with his mother, but his stepfather didn't like him, and the people there also regarded him as a foreigner who was out of place. Later, his mother asked him to move out, and he returned to the town alone. He is not very good at cooking, and eating out is expensive. His monthly living expenses are stipulated to die. Liao Nanqing sometimes doesn't have enough money to spend, so he eats instant noodles for many days.

To buy cigarettes now, the money is even more insufficient. For half a month, he ate instant noodles.

Therefore, today's home-cooked food is really delicious for him.

"You'll be in your third year of high school after the summer vacation. It takes a lot of your brain to study in high school." Su Beimo remembered the class written on his school card, and calmly gave him the other side of the fish belly, "Eat more fish, you will become smarter. "

Subei Mo didn't believe this, but he didn't know what kind of response he should make to Liao Nanqing's sigh because of the fish belly. Since he likes to eat fish belly, give him an extra chopstick. Sure enough, Liao Nanqing was moved to tears.

The warm light in the room hit Liao Nanqing's hairy head, and he was like a timid hamster with the rice stuffed in it, which made Su Beimo couldn't help but want to touch his head.

But Subei Mo held back, this action was very strange.

Liao Nanqing is a boy, and so is Subei Mo. He shouldn't touch his head, nor is he his elder.

It was almost half past six when Liao Nanqing ate the second bowl of rice with satisfaction and got up to help Subei Mo clean up the dishes together. Subei Mo took the key in his hand and planned to send Liao Nanqing to the station first, but the other party seemed hesitant and hesitant to move.

After a while he said tentatively, "Can I leave at seven?"

"It's a bit out of the way here. There's no last train at seven o'clock."

"This way..." Liao Nanqing reluctantly walked to the entrance to change his shoes, frustrated, "Don't send me off, I remember the way to the station."

But Subei Mo still put on his shoes, and Liao Nanqing was overjoyed.

Outside, there are already many people walking in the community with fans. They walked very slowly, like a walk after dinner. After walking a few steps, Su Beimo suddenly sighed and asked him, "Have they been bullying you like this?"

Liao Nanqing was in a good mood originally, but when he mentioned this, his face sank again.

With pursed lips, he quickened his pace and walked in front of Subei Mo. He seemed to be running away from a problem that he had never had a solution to.

He is helpless.

Subei Mo didn't ask anymore, and sent Liao Nanqing to the station. Before the car came, the two sat on the bench without saying a word, not speaking to each other. Finally, Liao Nanqing couldn't bear to speak first, he said, "My name is Liao Nanqing."

Subei Mo thought, I know: "My name is Subei Mo." He described word by word, "Su in Suzhou, Bei in the north, ink is the ink of ink."

"Liao is the prefix of Guang..."

"I know." Subei Mo interrupted him and pointed to his school card, "It's written."

Liao Nanqing was stunned for a while, scratched his messy hair that was blown by the evening wind, and smiled embarrassedly. His coat exuded a sour smell of sweat, and Liao Nanqing moved a little to the side.

There was a little sweat in his palm, and with silence, Liao Nanqing glanced at Subei Mo's face from time to time. Subei Mo was sitting on the back, the uncle seemed to have Erlang's legs crossed, his hands in his trouser pockets, and turned his head to meet Liao Nanqing's eyes. Frightened, Liao Nanqing immediately hid in the shell like a shrunken tortoise, and asked in a panic.

"I'll... can I still come?"

"Huh?" Subei Mo reacted, "Can you eat, okay?"

The corners of Liao Nanqing's lips rose, smiling very restrained.

"You're so happy after eating?" Subei Mo turned his face away, the corners of his mouth were dimly lit by the light, and the upward arc was like a dream.

Liao Nanqing peeked cautiously, cautiously and sincerely: "You cook really delicious."

"Your flattery is really nice too."

"… "

"You don't need to flatter me, come and eat if you want, but I'm not very good at cooking."

But Subei Mo didn't know that Liao Nanqing had never eaten a decent home-cooked meal since he transferred to another school last semester. The divorce of his parents caused Liao Nan to lose the warmth of his family early in the morning. He followed his mother to remarry and went elsewhere and lived a life of dependence. The stepfather was an alcoholic and disliked him very much.

As a child, he was frightened and begged his mother for protection.

When he is older, he will know that he does not belong to that family, and his mother is no longer his own mother.

What my mother wants to protect more is the newborn brother, not him who belongs to the shame and the old days.

Liao Nanqing has been an 'orphan' since he was ten years old.

The stepfather only loves his son, and Liao Nanqing is worthless in his eyes. Finally, in order to let him leave that home, Liao Nanqing's mother made him transfer to the small town where he once lived, living in a narrow house left by his grandmother.

But all the pain started in this small town.

The father's imprisonment, the mother's remarriage, and the criticism from the neighbors.

He's been gossiped about, but doesn't know where to go.

The environment in which he lives is harsh, and no one treats him better. But as long as there is such a person, a corner of the curtain is lifted for the people locked in the cage. Then, no matter how closed people are, they will also seek light. This is the instinct of an animal, the yearning for survival.

The house where Liao Nanqing lived was two bedrooms and one living room, which contained memories of his childhood.

The ceiling fan overhead, the gray-yellow walls, the orchid potted plants on the cabinet, the silent snow screen on the TV, the fried pork with mustard and cold beer on the dinner table in summer.

But now, when Liao Nanqing came home, it was pitch black and nothing.

He didn't even turn on the light, he took off his shoes and staggered, and fell headfirst on the sofa. The dull smell of the fabric was old and familiar, and the sweat from his forehead rubbed onto it and spread out wetly.

In the quiet room, only his gentle breathing could be heard, and the sound of ticking in the pool came late.

It was the water droplets that accumulated in the faucet and fell into a bowl of instant noodles that had not been washed. The street lamp light coming in through the window is weak, but it can reflect the waves on the water.

One second passed.

Liao Nanqing got up, turned on the light, and washed all the tableware and chopsticks accumulated in the sink. Sweaty and clean, he took off his coat and threw it into the laundry tub. The water heater in the bathroom has started to work, and Liao Nanqing is ready to take a shower.

Because tomorrow, he will go to Subei Mo.

The author has something to say

This time, the perspective of writing the article has switched, and I don’t know if I can control it well.

If I can't control it well, I can't do anything with myself, keep working hard!