Reverse Approach

Chapter 34



However, the weather at the end of September was not friendly. On the first day of military training, the sun was shining, and I was very close to this group of students. Liao Nanqing and Subei Mo are both boys, and they never thought of putting on sunscreen. According to the rough gentlemen of Subei Mo, that is, if you get tanned, you will be able to recover slowly.

For this reason, Ge Jun scolded Subei Mo several times behind his back: "This dog Su, I don't know how to buy a sunscreen for you." She crossed two colleges to find Liao Nanqing and gave a gift of Kaifeng Like an old mother, she had to urge Liao Nanqing to put on the sunscreen she used.

But it was useless for Liao Nanqing to take sunscreen, he never remembered to put it on.

Fortunately, the sun showed weakness the next day, and it was not as fierce as the first day. Ge Yun's sunscreen was forgotten by Liao Nanqing in the dormitory drawer. For military training, he had to live on campus for a week for a short period of time. The dormitory was arranged in his own professional 302-bed, and the empty bed on the balcony was originally his. The other three roommates were not familiar with him, but they were able to catch up quickly.

There are all kinds of people in the university, and they are easier to get along with than people in small towns.

Liao Nanqing spoke few words, and generally followed them quietly. A few of them are always chatting from all over the world, and occasionally they like to brag about the calf and exchange game experience, but Liao Nanqing can't get in at all. Fortunately, the roommates are not bad, and they take Liao Nanqing with them for any activities.

One of the roommates brought a laptop from home and watched horror movies together in the dormitory at night while shouting during the lunch break. Seriously, Liao Nanqing has never seen a horror movie, and he has never even been to a movie theater. Before, he would follow Subei Mo to watch some foreign movies at home. The two of them cuddled on the sofa and listened to the rain outside the window.

They were very close, and Liao Nanqing would deliberately listen to Subei Mo's heartbeat, which was real and warm, right beside his ears.

Therefore, Liao Nanqing believes that a rainy day is an extremely suitable weather for watching movies.

On the evening of the third day of the military training, the sky fell pouring rain as expected. Roommate Wang Lin excitedly opened his notebook and found a domestic ghost movie. The four of them huddled together, with the sour smell of sweat left over from the day, and squeezed their heads together and stared at the screen.

One minute, two minutes… twenty minutes.

"Hey, it's boring, it must be man-made in the end." Wang Lin complained, "Isn't this routine for domestic horror films."

Another roommate Xu Ze snorted: "It's boring, it's better to watch some action movies with passion."

The third roommate, Zhang Feng, suddenly smiled lewdly, "Which kind are you talking about?"

"You know brother."

"Why do you keep looking at this kind of unhealthy." Wang Lin brushed his hair and jokingly taught them a lesson.

Several people laughed together, only Liao Nanqing, who was not in the state the whole time, asked stupidly, "What did you say?" The roommate laughed at him, pretending he was innocent.

Liao Nanqing was stunned: "What action movie are you talking about, can you introduce me?" He remembered that Subei Mo likes to watch some foreign action movies, and he can go back and watch it with Subei Mo.

The roommates were stunned by Liao Nanqing's question. After a while, Xu Ze wrapped his arms around Liao Nanqing and whispered, "Liao Nanqing, aren't you? Haven't you seen it?" What a chicken thief, you obviously have a girlfriend, but you haven't even seen this?"

Liao Nanqing immediately explained, "that's my friend, not my girlfriend."

Wang Lin interrupted them, "Liao Nanqing, come here, I'll tell you..." His sneaky appearance was very funny. After he said a few words in Liao Nanqing's ear, Liao Nanqing took a step back as if he was electrocuted, and understood what it was all about. what video.

He blushed: "I don't watch it!"

Xu Ze held Liao Nanqing, who was about to run away, and hated that iron could not become steel: "Brother, you have to learn to grow up."

"These, these can't be seen!" Liao Nanqing blushed and looked serious. He turned his head and stubbornly said that he didn't want to listen.

Wang Lin was displeased by his reaction, thinking that Liao Nanqing was still pretending, he said, "It's still pretending, don't be gay."

"Don't you like watching GV, hahaha." Xu Ze smoothed out and continued to joke.

Liao Nanqing turned his head slightly, blushing to the bottom of his ears, only to feel that the few words Wang Lin said in his ear just now wanted to follow him, embarrassed and annoyed. But he was also curious, and he asked, "What is GV?"

"Men are playing with men, what are you doing, you really don't understand anything?" Xu Ze couldn't go on, and even Wang Lin thought that Liao Nanqing was really not pretending, otherwise it was a bit too much. .

Liao Nanqing was like an unprofessional boy, his eyes were full of doubts, and he asked in a puffy way for a long time: "Can a man and... a man do the same?" Aren't men and men only able to help each other with their hands

Several roommates looked at each other in dismay. They never knew that in this era of developed Internet, there are still people as simple as Liao Nanqing in the world.

"Liao Nanqing, can't you surf the Internet on Baidu?"

Liao Nanqing was honestly forced to teach a lesson through his mobile phone.

He was ashamed of his search records, and while there was nothing overly informative, he scalded them behind his ears.

The corridor faced the wind after the rain, blowing away his hot mood, leaving a trace of confusion in the hesitation. He thought, would Subei Mo know this? He's so smart, he must know. Liao Nanqing couldn't help shaking his fingertips when he remembered those unsightly pictures on the Internet.

The speed of sending messages has slowed down.

[Subei Mo, do you know GV? ]

Subei Mo came back in seconds with almost a phone call.

"Liao Nanqing, what are you doing?" Subeimo's voice was disturbed, like the kind of impatient parents who are afraid of their children's failure, "Is it watching in your dormitory? Who showed you?"

Liao Nanqing was certain in his heart that Subei Mo really knew it.

He shook his head: "No, no, we didn't look at it, just mentioned it." He explained with a blushing face, "There is some knowledge, they know more than me, so they told me something."

He actually used 'knowledge' to describe this.

Subei Mo wiped his face hard, his head dizzy. Leaving aside Liao Nanqing's innocence, he is at least a boy. It is normal for him to be curious and to want to know more. Subei Mo felt absurd about his inner tension. Could it be that Liao Nanqing would change when he watched a movie

Hearing no response, Liao Nanqing lowered his head unhappily and said dullly, "You know."

"… "

"But you know...why, why don't you do it with me?" Liao Nanqing said in a sad tone, "They said that if you like someone very much, you will want to do it with him." This 'them' refers to the online A group of netizens who are typing blindly.

Liao Nanqing accidentally read a few short stories just now, some of them were very literary and some were very affectionate. He read three stories in a row, as if forcibly poured three pieces of chicken soup for the soul. When each story goes deep, the lights will be turned off to deal with the bed scene of that relationship.

Authors do not dare to write in detail, because the Internet is strictly checked, and many things cannot be written, for fear of being invited to tea.

But they still chose to turn off the lights to describe it. This is an important process. Liao Nanqing looked at it carefully, but he couldn't think of himself. He had never experienced it deeply. But when he remembered the hot hands of Subei Mo, he was short of breath. So ashamed.

In the novel, they refer to this as sincere love, and the lights are naturally turned off when the love is deep. Liao Nanqing was almost brainwashed. People like him can't surf the Internet more and believe everything they watch. It's too deceiving.

In fact, how could Liao Nanqing know that the authors who wrote the novels were all people who didn't even have a target, and their actual combat experience was definitely not as rich as his.

"Su Beimo, you... do you like me?"

In Subei Mo'er, this is another sentence, 'Why don't you do it with me? ' He almost stopped breathing, and slowly, Subei Mo gasped, pretending to be calm: "I should, of course I like you." He actually stuttered.

Subei Mo swallowed his saliva and coughed hard to cover up his panic and embarrassment.

Liao Nanqing said positively: "I know, we have always been in love with each other!" This word is also very novel, he just read it from the novel. Subei Moxiang was killed by Liao Nanqing's pure love, and the epitaph reads: Happy.

"You don't understand, don't read blindly, go to bed early." Subei Mo cleared his throat.

"Okay, the roommate seems to want to give me some popular science. I'll go back and learn."

"Don't! Let's chat, it's too early to go to bed now."

"it is good."

Subei Mo scratched his head, and the bullhead asked indifferently, "Your military training is over this Saturday, right?"


"I'll pick you up."

"it is good."

"Anyway, don't think about it anyway, don't listen to what they say, you know."

Liao Nanqing nodded vigorously, always liked to play straight balls: "I see, but thinking about it carefully, I'm a little nervous and a little embarrassed."

Su Beimo felt desperate, his little boyfriend was too cute: "How about I come to pick you up? Can I live at home?"

But the dormitory has access control time, Liao Nanqing glanced at the time, it was too early. He leaned against the wall with his fingertips and whispered, "Actually, I miss you very much. But we have access control, so we won't let you go out." Just like in the third year of high school, he said bluntly through a mobile phone. , I miss you.

Even now, I miss you, and I miss you so much when I haven't seen you for a few days.

Just listening to the sound is not enough. Cohabitation can really make people dependent, and they don't want to be together all the time.

These misses broke out at the moment of meeting on Saturday.

Subeimo pressed Liao Nanqing against the wall and kissed him again. The two hugged each other and sucked each other's mouths, then kissed Subeimo and hugged him. This time, the movement is skillful, and there is no flashing of the waist. He asked Liao Nanqing, "I see, um, I didn't get a tan."

Liao Nanqing smiled happily: "Ge Jun gave sunscreen."

Subei Mo had a taste in his heart and thought that it was time to make dinner. The fish he bought this morning was still in the kitchen. He took Liao Nanqing to the kitchen to start dinner. Liao Nanqing moved to follow him, and the soft ends of his hair poked at Subei Mo's shoulder. Subei Mo's heart was itchy, but he still pretended not to care. He pretended to be absent-minded and chopped garlic and onion.

Cut to the end and drop the knife.

Liao Nanqing next to him is helping him wash the tomatoes he bought this morning. The redness is very similar to Liao Nanqing's mind, and the droplets of water are crystal clear.

Subei Mo couldn't hold it anymore, so he washed his hands and took off his apron: "Let's take a shower first."

"Aren't you going to eat?" Liao Nanqing understood, but still blinked.

"are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

Subei Mo urged, with a serious expression: "Let's eat later that night."