Reverse Approach

Chapter 37



Xu Yanyan is a person who can't keep up, he is always one step behind others.

This time too, he confessed one step later than the senior and arrived at the hospital one step later. There were seniors in the ward, but Xu Yanyan didn't go in at all. He and Liao Nanqing found a 24-hour convenience store to rest. Liao Nanqing bought two boxes of instant noodles and some Oden, but Xu Yanyan had no appetite at all.

He said, "That man is really stupid, he's not as handsome as me, what do you think of Big Fatty Ge's vision?"

Liao Nanqing pushed the soaked noodles to him: "Eat the noodles first."

Xu Yanyan took two bites at random, took out his mobile phone and called for the car: "Let's go, I'll take you home by the way."

The temperature in the early morning was very low, Xu Yanyan was wearing a thin windbreaker, and his nose was red. He shaved an inch and looked taller and thinner.

"Are you leaving now? In the middle of the night, can I find a hotel for you?" Liao Nanqing didn't eat, and followed Xu Yanyan out of the convenience store. He sneezed, thought about it, and kindly took off the scarf Hand it to Xu Yanyan, "It's too cold, please surround yourself."

"I'm not afraid of the cold, and I'm not Ge... I'm not you and Ge Yun."

He didn't even shout Big Fatty Ge.

Xu Yanyan put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, his eyes were dry, and while waiting for the car to arrive, he kicked the ground with his toes. The shallow dust on the cement floor was rolled away, layer by layer, one by one, and disappeared in the dim yellow of the street lamps. The night is silent, except for the sound of the wind, there is only the sound of the two of them breathing.

The surroundings were quiet, together with Xu Yanyan's mood.

"I have something to do tomorrow, so I'll be right back tonight." Xu Yanyan gave Liao Nanqing a hard smile, which was worse than crying, "Don't tell her that I've been here, brother."

"it is good."

When the car came, Xu Yanyan said, "Let's go."

Liao Nanqing refused: "It's fine, I'll ride a bicycle and get home." He found the tears hidden in Xu Yanyan's eyes. He was in the car, and Xu Yanyan probably wouldn't cry.

Liao Nanqing was very lost for some reason, as if his two good friends had just broken up.

"Okay, you pay attention to safety." Xu Yanyan didn't say much, waved his hand, and got into the car. Liao Nanqing didn't know whether he cried or not, and naturally he wouldn't ask. All he knew was that when the car door was closed, Xu Yanyan turned sideways into a big boy at a loss. He looks like a junior high school student or a high school student who has failed his exams, but he doesn't look like an adult college student anyway.

Liao Nanqing was very sad. He wrapped his scarf tightly and found a shared bicycle to ride back to the apartment.

The wind whistled past my ears, and there were few cars on the road except for the bright street lights. He hadn't been alone in the street in the early hours of the morning for a long time. Since the last time, before returning to the town, in order to avoid his stepfather, he walked alone on the road for most of the night.

At that time, he was in the abyss.

There was no light, not even a faint street light could illuminate his eyes. He remembers walking aimlessly, going back and forth in circles, always in that little place. From this point, to that point, and back from that point, as time passed by, he didn't dare to go back to that house for a moment.

But now, he had waited for the red light and crossed the empty road, and Subei Mo was waiting for him in the apartment.

He slowly got a home, and it was no longer a superfluous thing that was nowhere to be found and echoed everywhere.

The light in the apartment was always on, Liao Nanqing guessed right, and Subei Mo was really waiting for him.

Subeimo, who was sitting and playing games, saw him coming back, got up and held his hand: "It's so ice." After speaking, he took his hand and stuffed it into his pajamas, and asked him with a smile, "Is this warm?"

Liao Nanqing nodded: "It's so warm."

Subei Mo then rubbed his hands for him and muttered that he wanted to get him some hot drink: "The Ye Oatmeal you bought at the supermarket last time has a good milky taste, don't you like it? I'll make you a warm cup."

"If you don't drink it, it will warm up after a while." Liao Nanqing didn't let go, but put his head on his shoulder and hugged him tightly.

"You missed me after a few hours?" Su Beimo whispered and asked in his ear, "Hold tight, miss me so much?"

Liao Nanqing released one hand, pulled down the scarf, and pursed his lips: "Yes, I really want to."

"Since you think so, then give me a kiss." Subei Mo leaned over.

Liao Nanqing quickly covered his mouth and kissed him across the back of his hand. Subei Mo paused for a second, and the back of his ears suddenly turned red. Liao Nanqing didn't know how flirtatious his actions were, he just wanted to say, "I just ate instant noodles, I'm going to brush my teeth." He raised the corners of his mouth and smiled happily, "Su Beimo, wait a minute. I'll go."

Home lubricants, condoms, the same does not fall.

Subei Mo paced, struggling inside. What I didn't want to do today, I wanted him to rest well.

But, no.

Subeimo thinks he is irrational, he is getting more and more naive, and his self-control is not good enough. He really likes Liao Nanqing.

Like it day by day.

Because Liao Nanqing, who was only blushing yesterday, has already turned his back on his hands today, so the same is true of Subei Mo. Yesterday's liking was a little bit, and today's liking is a little bit more.

The sheets will be changed again tonight.

In the early morning of November, the light in the apartment went out with a cold wind.

Liao Nanqing only slept for three hours when the first ray of sunlight fell through the glass window in the morning. He huddled under the quilt, only feeling that the quilt was not warm enough, as if something was missing. He subconsciously reached out and touched the cold sheet next to him, and Liao Nanqing was abruptly woken up. Subei Mo, who was still lingering with him a few hours ago, is not in bed now.

Liao Nanqing had sweat on his forehead. He had just had a short and cramped dream. He dreamed of being at his stepfather's house, and perhaps the scene of cycling back in the early hours of the morning confused his mind.

He actually dreamed of his small room, pitch dark and unable to reach the door. There was the sound of locking outside, the cries of the younger brother were so noisy that people had a headache, and the words of his mother, Li Qin, were sharp and harsh. He lowered his head and saw the faint bruises on his arms through the shallow light from the crack of the door.

Li Qin's voice was very loud, screaming: "You can move him again! His father killed someone anyway, and he is not afraid to kill the second one after he is released! Go and beat him! Kill him!"


"You killed him! When Liao Dong came out, he wanted to pay you back!"


"Why is my life so bad? I have a murderer, and now I have you! Nan Qing just broke a bowl, why are you angry with him..."

beg for mercy.

"I was wrong... I was wrong..."

Liao Nanqing covered his ears, and those memories that were deliberately buried emerged layer by layer. It was the pain he didn't want to remember the most. The year he first arrived at his stepfather's house, he suffered unprovoked pain. At first, he always sat on the ground, quietly listening to the noise outside. Light counts the black holes in itself.

one, two. Three, four.

The door opened.

Liao Nanqing's counting stopped abruptly, he sat on the ground with dull eyes.

Li Qin held her younger brother expressionlessly and said, "Run, why don't you run." The air was full of despair, she was so helpless and could not protect her child. Until the end, she began to hate Liao Nanqing's rigidity.

"When he comes, you run away, do you understand?"

Liao Nanqing nodded, nodding like crazy, too scared.

Thankfully it was a dream.

He got out of bed and drank two sips of water indiscriminately, and went to find Subei Mo with bare feet. But the living room, kitchen, toilet, and even the room were all empty, and Subei Mo was not at home. Liao Nanqing's palm was cold, he grabbed a coat on the sofa and wrapped it, and unplugged the charging mobile phone.

Sure enough, there is a message on it: [Grandma is sick, I will go back, you have a good rest. ]

Liao Nanqing hurriedly called and said, "Su Beimo, where are you? How is Grandma Su?"

"I'm home already." He rushed back overnight, exhausted and tired, but apparently relaxed, "Grandma is fine, she's just banging her head, don't worry. I'll take care of her for a few days, and I'll be at the company. I took two days off." Su Beimo sat on the hospital corridor while rubbing his forehead. He didn't say much to Liao Nanqing. When he received a call from Su Jing last night, he was also stunned.

Grandma Su had a bad cough in the middle of the night. She went to the living room to pour hot water to drink in her thin pajamas, but she fell, knocked her head and fainted, leaving a huge blood hole. If Su Ya hadn't found out, the old lady would have frozen to death in the living room.

Su Ya was so anxious that she called 120 and notified Su Jing while taking Grandma Su to the hospital. Su Ya was dizzy and her legs were trembling because of the stimulation of the old lady. For fear that something happened to Grandma Su, she shed tears as she spoke. When Su Jing heard it, she misunderstood and thought that something really happened to Grandma Su. He hurriedly called Subeimo and asked him to come back first.

So as not to see the last side.

Therefore, Subei Mo didn't think much about it, took his wallet and mobile phone, went out, and caught the earliest bus.

It turned out to be an oolong. But Grandma Su herself is getting old, and now she is injured even more. Su Ya took the opportunity to go to the hospital for Grandma Su so that she could do a few tests. Hospitals in small cities are no better than big hospitals in City B. They can’t even wait for a bed. There are still vacant beds here. Grandma Su’s hospitalization procedures will be completed soon.

I usually say that I can't catch Grandma Su for the examination, but this time, it's all right, one step at a time.

In the hospital, Su Ya and Su Jing were busy. Grandma Su was lying on the hospital bed, drowsily asleep, with the drip on the back of her hand. After the doctor's treatment, there is no serious problem, it is a false alarm.

The doctor's face was very indifferent. He took the pen and wrote while exhorting: "The old lady is getting old, your family members should pay more attention in the future. Try to eat lightly during this time, recuperate, and don't touch the wound with water..."

Subei Mo listened carefully, and held Grandma Su's hand, which was not dripping, with some ice.

He put Grandma Su's hand into the quilt, took the hospital's temporary hot water bag to fill up some hot water, and wrapped a small towel under the hand of Grandma Su's drip.

"Beimo, you and your dad should go back to rest first, grandma is watching me." Su Ya patted Su Beimo on the shoulder and said apologetically, "I was so arrogant that I made you come back overnight... Hey, are you tired?"

Subei Mo really needed to catch up on sleep, he told Su Ya not to worry: "It's okay, I just have a few days off, and I'll stay with my grandma for a few days."

"It was fine. Last night, I was still discussing what to buy for your birthday, so it was delayed. If I knew this earlier, I would buy her a thermos and put it in the room so she wouldn't fall..." Su Ya Still blaming herself, Grandma Su is getting older every day, and many things can no longer be as vague as before.

This incident seems to have set off a wake-up call for the Su family. Old age is tied tightly to loss. Subei Mo knew that in a few years, he would lose Grandma Su.

The boundary between life and death began to become clearer in his consciousness as he grew older.

Su Beimo's birthday was completely ruined. Grandma Su was very angry about it, and she was angry with herself.

After finally persuading her grandson to come back for a birthday, she even fell.

Su Beimo comforted her: "Grandma, don't be angry. No matter how angry you are, Auntie has to do more tests for you. Do you still want to be discharged from the hospital?"

"Oh, Aya is just worrying about it. I just fell, so there is no other problem. From time to time, he will take me for this examination and that examination, hey, if you hadn't accompany me, I will be in this hospital. I really don't want to live." When Grandma Su listened to Su Beimo's words, she bent her eyes and smiled.

After a long while, she asked Su Beimo, "Is Nanqing okay recently?"

Subei Mo smiled and replied, "Very good."

"Going to college, it's much better outside than us. It should be good to think about it. If he celebrates the New Year alone this year, you can bring it back." Grandma Su said, sighing slightly, "You said he went. There's no news from the university either, I'm so worried about it."