Reverse Approach

Chapter 39



Liao Nanqing woke up from his apartment bed in City B. He seemed to have a dream.

In the dream, Grandma Su was ill. He went back to visit and kissed Su Beimo at the door of the hospital. Then, Su Jing discovered their unspoken relationship. The sound of footsteps swept in the wind, and Liao Nanqing walked away step by step. In the dream, he was in a cold sweat, soaking his clothes, as if the neckline of his pajamas was damp now. He was sweating a lot, his hands and feet were cold to the point of stinging, and there was an endless stream of ants gnawing.

Twelve o'clock in the morning, coincides with the midnight dream.

Liao Nanqing fumbled to turn on the light, and the room was empty. An invisible loneliness enveloped him, drowning and suffocating him in deep water. Disregarding the cold, Liao Nanqing walked out of the room barefoot and stubbornly opened any door.

"Subei Mo!"

Subei Mo, where are you

"Subei Mo! Subei Mo!" He frantically searched every corner of the apartment, and finally found in horror that Subei Mo was not in the apartment at all.

Liao Nanqing immediately sat down on the floor with no temperature, hugging his knees and clenching his teeth. He wished it was a dream within a dream, and when he woke up, it was as warm as before.

But in any case, the slow thorns from the winter pierced his perception and told him abruptly: It's not a dream, all this is not a dream. They do happen, on the night of late November, near the first day of December.

Liao Nanqing buried his head and cried, hoarse as before, but his dry eyes couldn't pump a single tear.

For two whole days and nights, it was silent.

That night, Su Jing's angry face blocked all paths for Liao Nanqing. Su Jing hit Subei Mo, and that fist used most of his strength. Under the weak street light, Subei Mo's face was clearly red and swollen, with a mouthful of blood in his mouth, he swallowed it without hesitation.

Liao Nanqing immediately stood in front of Subei Mo, he subconsciously wanted to protect Subei Mo. As everyone knows, the origin of this injury is him.

Su Jing was insane, suddenly raised his hand, slapped halfway and stopped in the air, but he didn't hit it. His pupils were extremely red, and the folds at the corners of his eyes seemed to be full of tears. The gaze he looked at Liao Nanqing was not as kind as before, it became an abyss. That is the black hole that Liao Nanqing is familiar with, called indifference and prejudice.

It seems to be questioning Liao Nanqing: why

With a stern voice, Liao Nanqing, who asked, felt terrified and cold, and fell into hell in the next second.

Su Beimo took advantage of the moment they were silent with each other, and took the opportunity to stop Su Jing. Although the surface is calm, Su Beimo knows in his heart that he is now facing a panic that he has never experienced in his life, and even his voice trembles, like an uneven line segment, falling in the middle of the night with twists and turns. In the silence: "Dad, let's talk."

"… "

Su Jing stared at Liao Nanqing, he didn't do anything or scold him. Just staring so hard, why countless pierced Liao Nanqing's heart from his eyes, that is a deeper reproach. What followed was tears of distrust, Su Jing's eyes were red, and he finally looked away, stubbornly wiping the corners of his eyes.

He took a deep breath and took a step back. The tall figure in previous years has grown old, and Su Jing's endurance has been stooped in time, and he almost can't stand.

"Dad, let's talk." Subeimo said again, in a pleading tone.

Su Jing didn't refuse, turned sideways, still stepping on the scarf with one foot: "Let him get out first."

Liao Nanqing opened his mouth, but couldn't pronounce any syllables. The wind from his neck penetrated into his body, emptying out the hot blood. He was more uncomfortable than being beaten, his body was so numb that he couldn't move a step. The cold wind at night made his cheeks cold, and only his lips were warm, but unfortunately this temperature was never enough for him to utter a word.

He lost his strength and was terrified.

But he is actually not afraid of anything. The only thing he is afraid of is the disappointment of Zhengsu's family, and he is even more afraid that Su Beimo will leave him because of this.

"Nanqing, you go home first." Subei Mo saw that the taxi had arrived, and regardless of Liao Nanqing's expression, he still gritted his teeth and pushed him into the car, and reported the address of Liao Nanqing's house to the driver. Afterwards, Subei Mo lowered his head slightly, "Go home and wait for my news." He stretched out his hand stiffly and touched Liao Nanqing's head, then closed the car door.

Liao Nanqing reacted at once and wanted to open the door, but the car door was pushed by Subei Mo and could not be opened. The driver glanced at the lost Liao Nanqing and asked, "Did you drive?"

"No, don't open!" Liao Nanqing cried, patting the car door from the inside, "I want to get off!"

Subei Mo clenched his fist and let go. Liao Nanqing opened the car door, but before he took a step, his shoulder was pressed. Subei Mo's eyes are cold, mixed with countless stars, invisible in the distance, hidden into darkness, and there are no stars tonight.

"Nan Qing, be obedient."

"Su Beimo, don't want me..." He blurted out, almost begging, countless fears filled his brain and filled every inch of his breath. He doesn't say anything, he alone speaks clearly.

Only after losing the warmth of the family can you know how important a home is. Will Subei Mo choose him or the Su family. Liao Nanqing didn't know, he didn't dare to think about it, but he didn't dare to be selfish.

The Su family treated him so kindly, and it was they who together changed his dark and inferior life like an ant. Liao Nanqing is the one who is fortunate enough to be pitied, just as the light will spread to any corner. He should be grateful to Dade, but at this moment, he humbly hoped that Subei Mo would not leave him.

Subei Mo saw the deepest fear in Liao Nanqing's eyes.

The driver urged impatiently and inappropriately: "Walk or not?"

Subeimo nodded: "Let's go." At the end, he wiped Liao Nanqing's cheek with the back of his hand, his tears lost the temperature, but his tone was as gentle as before, "Don't be afraid, go home and wait for my news." After a pause, he With a wry smile, he said in a hoarse voice, "Trust me a little more, okay?"

"Subei Mo..."

Liao Nanqing tried to beg Subeimo to let him stay, but Subeimo's eyes became very calm and could not be violated. He had never seen Subei Mo so serious in front of him, everything was bad tonight.

So, Liao Nanqing helplessly compromised Subei Mo's decision and left alone.

It's almost winter, and the wind is like a knife slashing people. Autumn is really short and fleeting, nothing can be left behind, even the fallen leaves are cleaned up by the cleaners. As usual, the hospital in the small city has reached this point, and there are almost no people.

Subei Mo, who is more than 1.8 meters tall, stands in place like a telephone pole. Su Jing was much shorter than him. In fact, it was not that much worse before, but in the past few years, it has become more and more different from him.

Subei Mo stood in front of Su Jing and respectfully called him: "Dad."

Su Jing shook his teeth and wiped his face hard, but he couldn't lift his feet when he wanted to walk. He was frozen in place, his heart was tightly pinched, and the pain spread and came one after another. He could only raise his eyes and ask coldly, "Who started first?"

"It's me." Su Beimo didn't deny it, and said frankly, "I liked him first."

Su Jing slapped him again, in the same place. Subei Mo's left cheek seemed to be numb and could not feel pain. It's just that the ears trembled slightly, and there was tinnitus in an instant. Su Jing seldom beat him since he was a child. The last time he was beaten was when he was in elementary school. He broke a neighbor's flower pot and refused to admit his mistake. That time, Su Jing pumped his butt a few times and asked him if he still dared

The beating didn't hurt, but Subei Mo remembered it to this day, and the answer at that time was that he didn't dare, and never dared again.

But now, there is nothing to dare, he has grown up and has his own choice and awareness of right and wrong.

Slowly, he heard a cry in Su Jing's voice, so slight that it was not so strong.

Su Jing said, "Are you human?"

It turned out that Su Jing had scribbled all the blame on him in just a few minutes. This is just right, lest Liao Nanqing be accused. Subei Mo still did not deny it, his face was extremely serious, and he was not joking at the moment.

The tall figure stood in the cold wind, and Subei Mo's hair was messed up, and the light from the corner of his eyes leaked from one side.

"Dad, I'm serious." He pretended to be calm, with a firm tone in every sentence, "I want to be with Nan Qing. Sooner or later, I will tell you about this matter, even if it's not today, it will be tomorrow, or Someday in the future. I want to be with him seriously and live a lifetime. I know it's not easy, but no matter how difficult it is, the path I choose, I walk on it myself."

A wind passed through the gap between the two, and the life was dead silent. It turned out that no sound was so terrible.

And since this night, Liao Nanqing has not seen Subei Mo.

Except the next day, he received a message from Subei Mo, which told him to go back to City B first. Other than that, there is no connection whatsoever.

Liao Nanqing didn't want to go back alone at first. He was so worried about Subei Mo that he didn't sleep a night. It's just that whether he went to the hospital or went to Subei Mo's house, he couldn't see Subei Mo as he wished.

Even at the door of the hospital's ward, he was stopped by Su Ya.

"Your Uncle Su called me to the hospital to replace him last night as if he had eaten gunpowder, and Bei Mo didn't know where he went." Su Ya didn't know where she was, and seeing the haggard Liao Nanqing felt distressed, "What's the matter? Sleep well? Hey, grandma like you is very distressed when she sees it, go back and rest, it's me. Your grandma Su is really fine, so don't worry too much. "

Liao Nanqing was overwhelmed by Su Ya's gentle words. Once upon a time, his mother was so gentle. Su Ya gave him too many good impressions, like a temporary mother role. But if Su Ya knew about his relationship with Subei Mo, would she be as disappointed and resolute as Su Jing was last night.

Nine years ago, he destroyed the peace of the Liao family.

Nine years later, he ruined the peace of the Su family.

Liao Nanqing didn't dare to think about it, and subconsciously he began to escape. But when he opened his eyes, tears fell. There was nothing he could do, except to cry, he didn't know what to do.

Hesitation invaded him.

Su Ya was frightened by him, and hurriedly took a tissue to wipe Liao Nanqing's tears. Liao Nanqing pushed her hand away and took two steps back in confusion. Su Ya called him, but he was terrified and shook violently. Liao Nanqing wiped away his tears indiscriminately, facing Su Ya for a long time and never calmed down his mood.

"Aunt Su, I'm sorry."

After a while, he turned around and left without stopping. He bought a ticket and went back to City B without stopping. He should believe in Subei Mo, since he said to let himself go back to City B first, it will definitely be solved. He wants to wait for Subei Mo in the apartment. Even if he returns from a dream at midnight, he will always be awake until dawn, and wait until his soul is lost.

A ray of morning light fell, and thousands of lights lifted the fleece of the night.

Liao Nanqing sat drowsily on the ground, unable to cry out, he started to get up. School classes have to go, Lin Quan's bakery has to help, and Ge Yun has to visit for his foot injury. He has a lot of things to do, but after all, before there is no news from North Jiangsu, all of them are cancelled.

He couldn't do a single thing, his mind stopped like a clock with its battery removed, its tail swaying.

The weather was getting colder and colder, and Liao Nanqing couldn't help but made numerous calls to Subei Mo. If Subei Mo continues to be silent, he will return to the town again today and take the initiative to stand in front of Su Jing.

However, as considerate as Su Jing, he gave him this opportunity first.

The doorbell outside the apartment rang, and Liao Nanqing heard the footsteps of Subei Mo in a trance, and went to open the door without wearing slippers. A sentence is stuck in the throat, without a single syllable, it is stuck alive.

Su Jing stood outside the door with a tired face: "Nan Qing, let's talk."

"Uncle Su." Liao Nanqing snorted, there was no hope in his empty eyes, he turned to his side and rubbed his eyes, like a child who made a mistake. Seeing that action, Su Jing pursed his lips, unable to say a harsh word. Su Jing took a deep breath and walked into the room.

The door closed automatically. Liao Nanqing followed behind Su Jing in a daze, forgetting to pour the tea and water, and said dumbly, "Uncle Su, Su Beimo... Where is it?"

"Sit down." Su Jing didn't answer and dragged a chair away.

"Subei Mo, where is it? Uncle Su, Subei Mo he..." Liao Nanqing was in a hurry and couldn't speak well, "You..."

Su Jing interrupted him: "He is at home, and Su Ya is with him. I am his father and will not harm him."

Liao Nanqing's heart groaned, and now even Su Ya knew that she must be extremely disgusted with herself and regret the warmth she had given to herself. If it is possible, the people of the Su family should want to take it all back at this moment, and don't want to give it to him at all. So, when everyone is against it, will Subei Mo compromise

Countless uneasy questions came up again like a tide, rushing to the surface, naked they turned into extravagance and greed, shed their scales and exposed to the sun, shameful.

"I apologize to you on behalf of Bei Mo. It was his selfishness and immaturity that led you astray."

Su Jing came prepared: "To apologize, after a while, I want to send you to study abroad. Until you graduate, all expenses will be borne by me."

The author has something to say

Direct spoiler: Going abroad is definitely not going to go abroad, but Starfish wants to ask for a wave.

Starfish send me to send me to send me to continue to update tomorrow, okay? Subei Mo will be back in the next chapter.