Reverse Approach

Chapter 41



"Nanqing!" Su Beimo ran out from the first floor of the company, without an umbrella, snowflakes fell on his eyebrows, his hair on the top, and his shoulders. He stepped on the thin melting snow on the ground and exhaled a white mist, "Let's go, I won't work overtime today."

Liao Nanqing was still carrying the supper he bought just now, but the weather was too cold, and it was probably too cold: "then don't eat this, I'll make you something else to eat when I get home."

"Is it cold? You really don't need to send me a late-night snack every day."

"But I want to wait for you to come home with me."

Every day when he worked overtime, Liao Nanqing would come to deliver supper, and then sat alone at the front desk on the first floor to play with his mobile phone, read current affairs and news, and brush up on entertainment and gossip. When Subei Mo is done, they will go home together. Occasionally walks, occasionally rides a bicycle, and more often, it is Subei Mo taxis.

Because usually when Subei Mo gets off work, the last train has already left.

The apartment is not far away, so it doesn't cost much to take a taxi. Besides, if you work overtime to take a taxi after nine o'clock, the company will reimburse you all.

It was snowing lightly today, and neither of them brought an umbrella. But they held hands and walked through the snowy night.

Liao Nanqing wrapped a thick knitted scarf and tugged at Subei Mo's hand: "The final exam is coming soon, and I'm about to have winter vacation."

"I'm so envious."

"Don't be envious, I'll go to work at Sister Lin's place." He thought about it and asked Su Beimo, "This year... what about the New Year?"

"Let's see, I will contact my aunt." Although Su Jingtie cut off contact with Subei Mo, Su Ya still communicated with Subei Mo in private. What was said between them, Subei Mo never mentioned it to Liao Nanqing.

For the Su family, Liao Nanqing is now a forbidden sentence, and no one can say it.

At the end, Liao Nanqing changed the subject: "Sister Lin and Brother Zhang plan to have a wedding after the new year. They've been busy recently. I have to go to the store to help out."

"After that year, we are going to prepare red envelopes." Subeimo squeezed Liao Nanqing's face, stopped, and asked him warmly, "Nanqing, if you have time, let's have a wedding too?"

Under the street lights, the snowflakes seemed to have turned into transparent glass. It reflects Liao Nanqing's eyes, which are deep and beautiful like stars. It's snowing today and it hasn't had time to cool down yet. I don't know if there will be snow on the road when I wake up tomorrow morning. As in previous years, it was a vast expanse of whiteness.

At this time, the world is bright.

Liao Nanqing reached out and wiped off the tiny drops of water from the melted snow on his nose, looked away, and lowered his voice worriedly: "Can we do it too?"

"Yes, but let's go abroad to do better. After the wedding, we will have our honeymoon. Okay?" Su Beimo promised him with a smile, the corners of his eyes curved like a warm spring breeze in winter.

"Then who do we call? Will anyone come?" Liao Nanqing asked timidly, clenching his hands.

But Su Beimo raised his eyebrows and joked: "Going abroad is expensive, how many people do you want to call? It's okay if the protagonist is here."

"It's going to cost a lot of money for both of you." Liao Nanqing was relieved, and he said in distress, "It will take a long time."

"Yes, but I will try my best." Subei Mo kissed his forehead, "I will try my best to take you abroad to hold the wedding, try my best to buy a house in City B, and we will settle down."

Work hard to make our future brighter.

Liao Nanqing's ears were hot, and the person who was coaxed by Subeimo's sweet words was fluttering. He quietly pursed the corners of his mouth and nodded vigorously: "Okay, I'll work together too." He wrapped his arms around Subeimo's neck and kissed actively. "You have to work super hard." After saying that, he laughed out loud.

At 11:00 a.m. on January 18, Liao Nanqing finished his last class. From now on, his winter vacation begins.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Subei Mo who was on duty: [The exam is over, it's liberation! ]

[I'm coming back this afternoon. This business trip project did a good job. I'll apply for it with the leader and ask for a small long vacation. Let's go to Phuket, Thailand for a few days to escape the winter. ]

[You can also go during the New Year’s Day, you don’t need to ask for leave deliberately. ]

[It was too crowded in those days. ] Subei Mo returned to him, [People with good jobs have more vacations, and there is no way. ]

Liao Nanqing sent a laughing emoji over, thinking that it was not enough, and sent a complimenting emoji.

City B has been snowing a lot these days, all of which are light snow. There is only light snow on the roofs and green belts in the entire city, and the rest is still the normal scenery in winter. After the snow falls, there will also be days when the sun is exceptionally good, not even a biting winter. Liao Nanqing enjoyed the lazy wind and went to the school cafeteria for lunch in a happy mood.

The food in the cafeteria is average. Liao Nanqing is not very picky eater. He looked at the time, and it was almost time to get up and go to Lin Quan's shop.

But as soon as he stepped out of the cafeteria, he received a strange call.

To say it is unfamiliar, it is not. Liao Nanqing remembered that this number was newly changed by Li Qin before. He didn't save it at that time, but he was particularly impressed by the four numbers ending in 3636.

It has been a whole semester since the hurried side I met with Li Qin after the college entrance examination.

"Hello." With an uneasy mood, he answered the phone.

"Nan Qing, it's me, it's my mother."

Liao Nanqing's Adam's apple moved up and down, but he didn't answer. He raised his head, and the sun was unexpectedly dazzling.

Not far away, Ge Yun arrived at an unknown time, waved at him, pointed to the blue sky, and shouted excitedly, "The weather is fine - do you want to buy milk tea together?"

At the same time, accompanied by Li Qin's weak words that seemed to be immersed in the rainy day: "Your grandmother is ill, can you go and see, she misses you very much. We are at the gate of your school now, Nan Qing, come here. Mom has something to say to you."

Liao Nanqing didn't know it was a scam. He never thought that Li Qin, as a mother, would take him to another hell after abandoning him.

He clenched his phone tightly, and under Li Qin's constant sincere urging, he finally said, "Okay, I'll come here."

Even if he understands that his grandmother doesn't like him and doesn't miss him. He has always been a thorn in the side of those people, a thorn in the flesh.

At four o'clock in the afternoon on January 18, there was no news of Liao Nanqing for four hours.

Subei Mo's call to find someone reached Ge Yun's mobile phone.

Ge Yun wondered, "How do you have my number?"

"Ask Xu Yanyan what he wants. I exchanged a number with him before." Subei Mo didn't say much, and went to the main topic, "Do you know where you will go after the Nanqing exam?"

"Nan Qing? What's wrong with Nan Qing?" Ge Yun recalled, "I met him at the entrance of the cafeteria at noon today and asked him to drink milk tea, but he told me something was wrong. What's wrong with Nan Qing?" , Ge Yun asked again. She has been picked up from City B by her parents, and she is now lying on the soft big bed at home watching TV series.

Hearing Subei Mo's call, Ge Yun paused the TV series: "Could it be that his mobile phone is out of power? Or is his mobile phone broken?"

"If that's the case, he will definitely find a way to tell me."

"Hey, Gou Su, I didn't tell you. You are too tight on people. It's only for an afternoon. Sometimes my boyfriend and I don't communicate for an afternoon."

Subei Mo frowned, said thank you and hung up the phone.

Ge Jun didn't call out in anger: "Why is this so angry?" She said that, but she herself began to call Liao Nanqing's mobile phone, and after several calls, the other party had turned off.

This was the first time she couldn't contact Liao Nanqing, except during the evening break and class time. As long as he called Liao Nanqing, he answered quickly.

Distraught by a phone call from Subei Mo, Ge Yun suddenly remembered that her boyfriend still had a class to take tomorrow, and he was still in City B. So Ge Yun asked him for help. Let him go to Liao Nanqing's college and ask.

Whoever wants to not ask is fine, once asked, something really happened.

At around 12 noon, Liao Nanqing was pushed into a pickup truck by a man in his forties. There was no one around to stop him, because Liao Nanqing called the woman beside him 'mother'. It just happened that today was the school's winter vacation, and many students were picked up and dropped off by their parents. Even if Liao Nanqing didn't want to get on the bus, everyone just thought it was the child who was arguing with the parents and didn't care.

The witness was Liao Nanqing's classmate in the same major.

Ge Jun swallowed. It's not that she didn't know the situation at Liao Nanqing's house. In the whole year of high school, Liao Nanqing's mother had never appeared in any parent meeting, so why did she appear today.

She remembered Liao Nanqing's father who was in prison and what happened when she was a child, and the scene just described by her boyfriend sounded in her ears at the right time, and she suddenly thought of something bad. She began to panic, her fingertips trembled slightly, and she quickly called back to Su Beimo, and then notified Xu Yanyan.

Little did he know that at this moment, Liao Nanqing was sleeping drowsily in the narrow space he once hated the most. It was still dark, with no lights. He coughed twice and woke up from the newly changed bedding. There is no dust smell, like a new environment that has been cleaned up.


The light was turned on, and a seven or eight-year-old figure approached vaguely, holding a bowl of food in his hand. Liao Nanqing opened his dry mouth and had a severe headache. But as soon as the corner of his mouth moved, it involved the swollen cheeks on both sides. He moved his numb limbs dejectedly and stood up.

In front of him, a young voice sounded: "Are you eating?"

Liao Nanqing shook his head, turned his head and tried hard to see the child who was only in the first grade. He was still wearing a red scarf on his chest. Their eyes are very similar, but the other's eyes are purer. Even if they hadn't seen each other for a while, Liao Nanqing quickly realized the boy's identity.

Seeing that Liao Nanqing didn't respond, the boy asked again, "Do you want to eat?"

"Little... Ozawa?"

The boy whose name was called was a little shy, and the bowl of rice he was holding was cold. Under the thick padded coat, his slender wrists were slightly bruised. That's exactly what happened, so he wasn't surprised or even surprised by the injury to Liao Nanqing's cheeks. He smiled happily at Liao Nanqing: "Brother, Mom and Dad said they brought you back for treatment, and we can play together again."


Liao Nanqing's thinking couldn't keep up, but he remembered that Ozawa was very attached to him when he was a child. The bowl of rice was held in Ozawa's hands for a long time, and Liao Nanqing had to take it. His head hurt so badly that he had no appetite at all. He subconsciously went to his pocket, only to remember that his mobile phone had been snatched by his stepfather.

And the stepfather not only stole his mobile phone, but also beat him, cursing: "You're good, you are a homosexual, you're not afraid that your father will come out and hack the kid you messed with?" Finally, he fainted. past.

For this reason, Li Qin's scream was sharp, and Liao Nanqing shuddered suddenly, and he overturned the rice bowl in his hand. He yanked the quilt back and wanted to get out of bed and leave. However, he found that there was an iron chain tied to his neck. He took advantage of the situation and touched something similar to a collar.

It was locked and could not be unlocked, for fear that he would run away.

Outside the door, there was the sound of dragging footsteps. The person who came to open the door was full of alcohol.

Liao Nanqing looked at him in horror, as if being pushed into a never-ending nightmare, he lost his voice repeatedly.

At the same time, Subei Mo just got off the train, and he was about to go directly to the Linquan store to find someone.

But after receiving Ge Yun's call, North Jiangsu's face was ashes.

There were people around him, and the security personnel whistled to tell Subei Mo not to stand still and ask him to get out of the station quickly. Subei Mo opened his mouth, then strode out, and the call had already reached Su Jingna.

"Dad, can you give me the contact information of Nanqing's mother?" He remembered that Su Jing had been in touch with Li Qin in order to transfer to another school. At that time, the number was empty. In order to find Li Qin, Su Jing spent some time and used some contacts.

Subeimo was worried that Liao Nanqing would have an accident, and his fastest way now was to ask Su Jing for his contact information. After two months, Subei Mo contacted Su Jing for the first time.

The sky is snowing again, and it is clear that the sun is still so dazzling in the morning.

Subei Mo's body couldn't feel the cold, but his heart couldn't stop chilling and freezing. Because Su Jing told him: "Don't look for it, I contacted his parents and asked them to take him away."

Su Beimo said in despair: " you know what they will do to him? You have no idea what kind of abuse he will suffer!" In the end, he almost roared.

Su Jingweiran: "They are his parents, what can they do to him? And I am your father, I just hope that you can go home, and you can find your way back!"