Reverse Approach

Chapter 43



On the third day after Liao Nanqing disappeared, Subei Mo searched all the places he could find.

In the early morning, he squatted on the side of the road, never shaved or washed his head, and his back was bent over a corridor of heavy mountains. He took a long vacation, and Xu Yuanming thought he was sick and asked him several times with concern. Since his work efficiency was good, the department leader readily granted him a few days of leave, allowing him to take a few days of rest together with the annual leave.

On this business trip, the project negotiation was very successful, and Subei Mo made a great contribution. Years later, his salary will go up and his position will go up. You can make a difference at a young age, and if you are someone else, you will not be able to sleep happily.

But Su Beimo regretted it extremely, how he wished he would not go on this business. In this way, he can pick him up early on the day when Liao Nanqing's exam is over.

He regretted it so badly that he wanted to slap himself twice.

Subeimo went to report to the police, but the police didn't take it seriously after they learned that Liao Nanqing was taken away by his mother. He also persuaded Subeimo: "Young man, what can happen to your friend and your mother when they leave, maybe they will contact you after a while."

Such persuasion, he listened to it many times.

In desperation, he called Zhao Qin.

It was only six o'clock in the morning, when Zhao Qin was still asleep when he was woken up by Subei Mo's phone call. He felt a little uneasy in his heart. Before he could speak, he heard Subei Mo's hoarse voice in a low voice: "Mom."

"What's the matter? Bei Mo." Zhao Qin cleared his throat and tried to ease the tone of the next awakening.

Subei Mo's nose was soured by the warm voice, and he was helpless. Unconsciously, tears rolled out of his eyes. Many things aside, he is just a 23-year-old young man, so what if he is more mature than others, what if he works more smoothly than others, and his age experience is clearly put there, and he knows that sophistication is always rare.

So much so that he was at a loss now, and the ruins that were almost overwhelming him madly overwhelmed him.

"Mom, help me." Su Beimo squatted on the side of the road and cried in a hoarse voice, "Mom, can you help me... Nan Qing can't be found."

Since the year of Zhao Qin's divorce, Subei Mo has never cried in front of him once. She is a strong person who needs face in everything. So she always brags to others that her son is sensible and doesn't make people worry, and that's true. Subei Mo has excellent grades and a cheerful personality. He can always do many things properly, like a little adult.

But today, Subei Mo is like a lost child.

Zhao Qin bought the Su family from the most recent train, and sat in the living room of Su Jing's house with Subei Mo, who had not washed her hair for three days, with a straight face and full of momentum. She once lived here for more than ten years. When she divorced, she was in fifth grade of Mocai Primary School in northern Jiangsu. Now, the son beside him is more than 1.8 meters tall.

When I grow up, I also fall in love, although it is not satisfactory.

Zhao Qin and Su Jing were at a stalemate, and neither was willing to step back. Su Jing stubbornly refused to hand over Li Qin's contact information, and hastily issued an expulsion order. But after all, he felt sorry for his son, and scolded Subeimo to go to the bathroom to wash and change into clean clothes. Subei Mo didn't hear it, and sat motionless, his face as dark as mist.

"Look at you? Do you know what you look like now?!" Su Jing hated iron.

Zhao Qin sneered: "Isn't what he looks like caused by you?"

"What do you know!" Su Jing turned his back and didn't look at Zhao Qin's cold face. When he was young, he suffered enough from this face, "I've been taking care of him all these years, what do you know? He kidnapped Liao Nanqing to become gay together, and I'm helping them!"

The word homosexuality is especially harsh, and Subei Mo clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Su Jing, you clearly know the situation in Liao Nanqing's family, but you still contacted his mother and stepfather. If something happens to him, can you afford the responsibility?" Zhao Qin had no time to argue with him, serious ask.

Su Jingming was stubborn, he couldn't accept his son's choice, and Gu Zi fell into a dead end: "It's his biological mother anyway, will it really kill him?"

In his heart, no parent would really hurt their child. Even if it hurts, it is unconsciously self-righteous, complacent that it is good for the child. Like he is now.

Zhao Qin is very disappointed that Su Jing's temperament has remained unchanged, and even rejoices in his heart that his divorce was the right decision.

She said coldly, "she won't, but can you guarantee that Liao Nanqing's stepfather won't either?"

Su Jing was blocked, and his face was muffled.

"Su Jing, violence can't solve the problem. Let the two children sit down and have a chat with us. The problem of sexual orientation is not something you can correct if you want to correct it. You have to try to understand them in order to solve the problem. ."

"Understand? After understanding, they will be able to correct it? As a mother, you actually agree with the child to take such a path?!"

"As a mother, I just want to know about this the right way!"

"You haven't heard of it all these years, how much have you been worried about?" Su Jing couldn't help but ask.

Zhao Qin frowned, calmed down, and tried his best not to freak out. Subei Mo next to him rubbed his face hard, he knew that this might be a protracted battle. All the exhaustion can't overwhelm him, because Liao Nanqing must be more painful than him at this moment. Subei Mo had heard fragmentary descriptions of his stepfather Zhang Yuangang from Liao Nanqing before, but they were nothing but violent words.

The more he delayed, the more he dared not imagine what Liao Nanqing was experiencing.

The only way out is to compromise, Su Beimo finally said, "Dad, what do you want me to do?"

Su Jing paused, surprised that Subei Mohui opened the mouth first, and so did Zhao Qin.

"As long as you tell me where Nan Qing is, I will listen to you." Su Beimo was not joking, his face was pale, "Nan Qing's stepfather has violent tendencies, even if you want to separate us, you cannot send him there. ."

The words 'violent tendencies' were shocking, and Su Jing panicked for a moment. Then the phone vibrated. He glanced at the incoming call and walked to the balcony to pick it up. A trembling voice rang out from the phone.

— "Su, Su Jing... I'll give you the money back... You, come and take Nan Qing away, I beg you."

The person on the phone no longer knew who to turn to for help. She cried and said, "He won't move, he, he won't move..."

Last night, Liao Nanqing suffered endless violence. Zhang Yuangang, who was drunk, was like a murdering axe, causing Liao Nanqing to fall into a barren half-conscious room.

Li Qin and Ozawa hid in the room, staring at the clock ticking away, not daring to take a deep breath. It wasn't until there was a loud snoring from the back room that Li Qin dared to leave, took the simple medicine box and hurried to the basement outside the house. Ozawa took the flashlight and followed him habitually.

At a young age, he was no stranger to his mother's thief-like behavior.

In a deformed family, Ozawa accepts everything calmly except for his inexplicable fear of his father Zhang Yuangang. Including his dying brother, Liao Nanqing, who is now lying in the cold basement.

Ozawa played with the flashlight boredly and followed Li Qin to the basement. Li Qin gently found the switch on the wall and turned on a dim light.

"Nanqing, Nanqing?" Li Qin called out Liao Nanqing's name.

Xiao Nanqing, who was lying on the ground, still had a little reaction. He moved his fingertips a little, and his voice was exhausted: "Ah..."

"What are you doing to fight with your stepfather! You're just wrong, why don't you recognize it, look at you..." Li Qin cried and was annoying.

Wrong, wrong.

These two words were regarded as a hard stone and hit Liao Nanqing's forehead, stabbed a blood hole, passed into his brain, and crashed and replayed like a repeater. Liao Nanqing snorted in astonishment, no one heard him, his mouth shape was vague, only he knew that he was repeating the word 'wrong'.

Li Qin got closer, and a shadow fell on Liao Nanqing's eyes, bringing a bottomless darkness. Liao Nanqing breathed instinctively, the bloody man between his teeth stuck in his throat and made a murmuring cry for help. He couldn't tell who was coming, and Chaos almost engulfed him, slapping his fragile nerves.

"Wrong, wrong."

There were only these two words left in his mind.

The survival instinct told him that if he was wrong, he could live. His consciousness was occupied by fear, but he couldn't resist, and was brought into a shock-like coma by the bottomless abyss. After that, no matter how Li Qin talked to him, he didn't respond.

Li Qin calmed down, went back and got a quilt, spread it on the ground nimbly, and hurriedly brought a pot of hot water and a washbasin with a small towel in it.

"Mom, my brother looks so scary."

Li Qin ignored Ozawa, dragged Liao Nanqing to the quilt with all his strength, and urged Ozawa: "Go get another quilt, don't wake your dad."

"Oh." Ozawa ran obediently. It turned out that Zhang Yuan had just fallen asleep and couldn't wake up.

When Ozawa took the quilt, he deliberately tore off half of the soft quilt on Zhang Yuangang's body, as if he wanted to freeze this terrible father to death. But I didn't dare, so I only pulled half the bed. Zhang Yuan just smashed his mouth and turned over, and Ozawa was so frightened that he crawled and hugged the quilt and escaped.

As long as there is no place for Zhang Yuangang, the basement is more interesting than the inside.

Ozawa sat in the corner of the rolled out quilt, playing with the flashlight in his hand. Li Qin has roughly wiped Liao Nanqing with hot water. Liao Nanqing's trousers were icy cold and smelled of urine. Li Qin stripped him off, put on a pair of thin pants, and then covered him tightly with a quilt.

The family's standing medicine box contains various potions to treat wounds, and she began to apply medicine to Liao Nanqing. Li Qin's temper was gone, she became numb, but when she saw Liao Nanqing being beaten like this, she couldn't help but shed tears and complained bitterly in her heart. He complained that Liao Nanqing was disobedient, and that his life was not good.

"Mom, I'm sleepy." Ozawa yawned.

"You sleep next to your brother."

The quilt that was spread was big enough, and the quilt that Ozawa held was big enough, and the two brothers stuck close together. Li Qin sat on the side guarding them, her eyes were dull, she looked at Liao Nanqing, always thinking of the past.

Before the accident in the Liao family, she, like all ordinary women, married and had children safely, and lived a peaceful and happy life without being rich. Liao Dong is soft-tempered, but treats her very well. Liao Nanqing is excellent in his studies and gets full marks in every exam.

Wind chimes in summer, sunshine in winter, memories passing through the chains of time.

Li Qin smiled self-deprecatingly, wishing time had stopped there.

In her first year in prison, Liao Dong was so irrational that she even tried to commit suicide. She bought a bottle of rat poison and poured it into the newly cooked food that day. She softly stroked the cheek of the young Liao Nanqing and asked him, "Nan Qing, would you like to go to a place with my mother?"

"Okay." Liao Nanqing said that, but his eyes were blank, although he didn't know that those seemingly warm meals were mixed with poison.

He followed Li Qin as if to please him, for fear that Li Qin would not want him.

"Mom, I'll go wherever you go, don't want me, I'll be good." Liao Nanqing lowered his head, his figure blurred.

She couldn't remember what Liao Nanqing looked like when she was a child. I just remember that he was white, tender and likable since he was a child. But what kind of flattering she was, she really couldn't remember.

But it must be very endearing, because that day, when she looked at Liao Nanqing's face, she couldn't bear to let the child die with her in the end. Everyone wants to live, they also want to, they also want to work hard and live well. They are also full of expectations for a promising tomorrow and future.

So she emptied all her meals, clinging to the edge of the sink while retching and crying. She couldn't stand it any longer for a moment like this.

And Liao Nanqing, who was standing beside him, thought that she had said something wrong and did something wrong, which would make her emotionally out of control, and even empty all those delicious meals. Liao Nanqing stood in the corner in fear, looking at her timidly, daring not to move or speak, his figure merged into the curtain before the dusk fell into the night.

Li Qin covered her face and cried even more.

The Liao family ruined her life, she just wanted to live an ordinary life.

As the morning approached, the sky was bright.

Li Qin fell into a daze and was pushed awake by Ozawa. The three of them, mother and son, snuggled together, huddled under a quilt. Ozawa sticks to Liao Nanqing, she sticks to Ozawa.

"Mom, brother is so hot."

Li Qin struggled to get up, touched Liao Nanqing's face, and avoided being electrocuted.

He was like a ball of fire, as if his body was burning. Li Qin hurriedly slapped Liao Nanqing's cheek, softly, but in a very hasty tone: "Nan Qing? Nan Qing?"

But Liao Nanqing didn't react at all, his eyes were closed and his lips were white. If it wasn't for his hot body temperature, he would be no different from dead. But he is a big living person, how can he die? The concept of death is too far away, Li Qin sat down in a daze, her head a little unable to react.

Until Ozawa asked with concern, "Is my brother dying?"



Is it going to die

The memory seemed to go back to that summer, when she lost her mind and stirred rat poison into the food. Liao Nanqing sat quietly in the living room. She walked out with bowls after bowls of rare and careful delicacies, and Liao Nanqing looked up at him. His eyes were clear, just as he remembered.

With fair and tender skin and shuiling eyes, he is very good-looking, the kind of child who will be liked anywhere.

In the year he was just born, Liao Dong happily carried him out for a walk every day, and said happily when he met everyone: "My wife gave me a big fat son who looks like her. Look at this small nose and small mouth. Yes, it's beautiful!

Spring flowers in March, rain in June. Liao Nanqing is the child she is expecting to give birth to in October.

Li Qin woke up suddenly, she called Liao Nanqing like crazy, but he just didn't wake up and couldn't make a response. Ozawa added fuel to the fire and said nervously: "Is my brother dead, he won't move!"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Ozawa burst into tears.

After a long while, Li Qin shook her fingertips to unlock her phone and found the only person she could ask for help right now.

Although I don't know if I should make this call, Su Jing is the only one who can pick up Liao Nanqing without disturbing the police. He gave the money and he was an accomplice! Poor as Li Qin's ignorant thoughts, she still wants to keep Zhang Yuangang even now.

The phone rang for a long time before Su Jing picked it up.

Li Qin suppressed her choking and trembled: "Su, Su Jing... I'll give you the money back... You, come and take Nan Qing away, I beg you. You caused all this, take him away!! "

"… "

"He won't move, he, he won't move... He seems to be dying, and was beaten to death by Zhang Yuangang. Please, save him... Please, we're here, we're here... You know, it's The last time you came to us with money..."

She asked for help incoherently, as if a psychopath was talking to himself. Su Jing still listened patiently, asked a few questions before hanging up, then turned around, Zhao Qinzheng leaned against the door frame and looked at him impatiently.

Zhao Qin's tone was not good: "Whose phone number?" She was always sharp, and Su Jing avoided them to answer the call, which had already aroused her suspicion.

Su Jing simply did not hide it, he was even surprised, so much so that he regretted it. In the end, in the words that came out of his mouth, there was a bit of haste and confusion: "Nan Qing, Nan Qing, he seems to have an accident..."


When Subei Mo got up, he knocked over a low stool in front of him.