Reverse Approach

Chapter 44



On a winding and bumpy road, Zhao Qin drove the car very fast. Subei Mo sat in the co-pilot, always maintaining a rigid posture. Su Jing in the back seat couldn't help but say, "It's not safe to drive too fast on this road." Unfortunately, no one paid attention to him, not to mention Subei Mo, even Zhao Qin's face was extremely ugly.

Su Jing took a deep breath and sat cramped, feeling anxious and worried like thousands of ants crawling through his heart. Li Qin's phone call was like a reminder, and he didn't even understand what the woman was thinking. He clearly... He clearly asked her to use the money to send Liao Nanqing to study abroad.

She also clearly promised herself...

But these complaints, thinking about it carefully, are a kind of self-paralysis for him to escape responsibility.

Su Jing looked up at the silent Subei Mo, the guilt in his heart was accumulating more and more, if he really killed Liao Nanqing in response to this impulse. So, what's the difference between him and a murderer.

And Subei Mo will probably never forgive his father again in his life.

A few sparrows slipped through the sky, chirping. The car finally stopped, and Subeimo got out of the car in a hurry, pushed a door outside the house, but did not open it. He slapped impatiently, and startled the sparrows from the surrounding wire bars.

Zhao Qin held his hand: "Calm down." Then she said to Su Jing, "You call Li Qin."

Su Jing didn't hesitate, but the moment he dialed the number, the door opened, and Li Qin, like a shadow, huddled in the crack of the door. The thin cheeks and sunken eye sockets made her look very embarrassed, her hair was covered with dust, and she was carrying a small suitcase in her thin hand. Su Jing recognized this as the cash he brought to Li Qin that day.

Originally wanted to give the card, but Li Qin insisted on cash, probably because he was afraid that Su Jing would regret it temporarily.

"Here, here." She flinched and pushed the box out randomly, as if she was disgusted by throwing garbage. Zhao Qin took the initiative to take it and put it in the trunk.

Su Jing and Subei Mo had already followed in. The three of them walked at a brisk pace, but no one said a word.

It was Zhang Yuangang, who had just woken up, who was talking. He was leaning against the door frame, apparently not seeing the scene when Li Qin handed out the suitcase just now, so he seemed so peaceful. He held a water glass in his hand, a toothbrush in his mouth, raised his head to rinse his mouth, gave Su Jing a funny look, and spit slowly to the ground.

He threw the water glass and toothbrush aside, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said, "Yo, Mr. Su, why are you here again?" He raised his eyebrows at Li Qin, "Why are you standing still? Tea, go, big client."

"No, this time we're here..."

Before Su Jing could finish speaking, Subei Mo interrupted: "Where is Nan Qing?"

"Who is this?" Zhang Yuangang clicked his tongue, suddenly realized, "I see! This must be Mr. Su who is our partner in Nanqing, right? It's a pleasure to meet..." He lazily reached out to shake hands, The smell of alcohol overnight was disgusting.

Li Qin hurriedly cast her gaze towards the entrance of the basement, she did not dare to speak.

Subeimo calmly held his hand and silently accepted Zhang Yuangang's contemptuous gaze, then Subeimo twisted Zhang Yuangang's hand and pressed him to the ground. Zhang Yuangang's face was against the uneven concrete floor, and his skin was frayed when he rubbed it down. Subeimo, like a beast that lost his mind, punched him twice, and he was not relieved, and punched him again on the nose, knocking Zhang Yuangang into a blindfold, and he didn't respond for a while. Subei Mo had the upper hand and didn't dare to take a breath.

Zhang Yuan had just drank too much alcohol yesterday, and had just woken up from a hangover. His bones were limp and he couldn't resist too much, so he had to let Subei Mo beat him. He covered his head with his arms and scolded: "What a bastard you are!" He began to beg for mercy, "Brother, stop beating! Hey, I'm going, stop beating!" Mouth full of blood, unconscious.

Seriously, can't help but fight.

Su Jing and Li Qin wanted to pull, but they were frightened by Subeimo's crazy actions, but fortunately Zhao Qin was full of momentum and snapped beside Subeimo: "Subeimo, your brain and your dad Have you been eaten by dogs?! If you have time to fight and cause some trouble, why don't you find Liao Nanqing!"

This made Subei Mo stop. He panted, got up slowly, looked down at the lump of garbage curled up on the ground, and said coldly, "This account, we're not done."

Li Qin looked away, not daring to look at Zhang Yuangang's miserable face.

At the door of the basement, Ozawa heard the sound, and seeing so many strangers, took a step back: "Mom, brother is awake..."

Before he finished speaking, Subei Mo had already rushed in.

When he stepped into the dusty basement, the scene in front of him was unacceptable. The one who was lying on the ground and was dying was actually Liao Nanqing, who had his baby in his hand.

Su Jing froze in place, his heart tightened. He wanted to take a step forward but found that he had no courage. He is a sinner, and he actually handed Liao Nanqing into the hands of a beast like Zhang Yuangang. Su Jing clenched his fists and took a step forward.

Just listen to Subei Mo said: "You stay away from him."

Su Jing was dumb, he wanted to be stubborn, but at this moment, he turned his head blankly to look at Zhao Qin.

But even Zhao Qin was stunned. Liao Nanqing's situation was the first time in her life that she had seen the tragic situation with her own eyes, so she immediately dialed 120. Because of Liao Nanqing's injury, their car with less space was taken to the hospital. Not too safe. Because you have no way of knowing whether Liao Nanqing has a broken bone or not, he is so bad that he cannot move him at will.

During the three days that he disappeared, Zhao Qin couldn't imagine what kind of violent abuse he suffered, what kind of hellish torture he went through.

And beside him was a pair of wet trousers. Because the weather was cold and the basement was wet, it was still so wet after a night. Subei Mo recognized that these trousers belonged to Liao Nanqing. This silly boy saved money, and he was willing to buy these trousers when there was a discount in seasons. Now, it exudes a sour uric smell, as if telling Subei Mo nakedly that Liao Nanqing was beaten by his stepfather and became incontinent.

Subei Mo's teeth clenched 'giggle' and thought, and the knuckles turned white, showing his strength.

Zhao Qin frowned and continued to call 110. She wanted to call the police. And Li Qin grabbed her cell phone, pressed the phone, pinched the phone in embarrassment, and sobbed: "Don't, don't call the police... Please..." She cowardly begged Zhao Qin, "You take Nan Qing with you. Let's go, and the money will be returned to you. Don't call the police... don't call the police..."

Looking at this poor and hateful woman, Zhao Qin fell silent, neither agreeing nor promising her anything.

Liao Nanqing, who was lying on the ground, let out a low breathing sound, deep, pounding, very strenuous. Subei Mo knelt on the ground and carefully took him in his arms.

The narrow sky light, without a trace of leakage. When you open your eyes, it is still endless darkness, and behind you is a cliff, and there will never be a day of peace.

This was Liao Nanqing's long-standing nightmare, and he couldn't open his eyes. The warm embrace was like a long-lost warmth, and he began to suspect that people would return to the moment they most wanted to have before they died.

However, what he most wants to have is just the loving and warm embrace of Subei Mo.

Liao Nanqing coughed lightly, and his internal organs were in pain. He frowned and shouted, "Subei Mo..."

But the next second, the response that appeared in his ear was really Subei Mo. He called to him eagerly and in a panic, answering him, but didn't dare to hug him tightly, for fear of breaking him. Liao Nanqing was hot all over, and he was caught in a hopeless endless cycle, with no way out. There was a figure embedded in his gray eyes, it was the Subei Mo he was thinking about.

So, he shouted many times: "Subei Mo."

Finally, he shouted hoarsely.

But his eyes slowly became clear, if it wasn't a dream, he really saw Subei Mo. Liao Nanqing's eyes were originally dry gravel, but they were wet for no reason at that moment. He moved his neck hard, trying to get closer to Subei Mo.

"Don't move, don't move blindly." Su Beimo said in a hoarse voice, "I called for an ambulance, and it will come in a while. Don't be afraid, Nan Qing." He kissed Nan Qing's bruised eyebrows , Tears were hot, and it fell cool on Liao Nanqing's face. He suppressed his emotions and felt distressed like a knife, "I'm here to pick you up and go home."

Liao Nanqing's eyes widened, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes in disbelief, soaking his ears and temples.

He didn't have the strength to nod, he could only look at Subei Mo quietly, he had never seen Subei Mo cry like this. Something new, but sad. He didn't want to make Subei Mo cry so sad, because Subei Mo is very good-looking when he laughs.

But he is always doing wrong things, and his wrong life always brings bad memories and experiences to people.

Ozawa lingered beside them and asked Liao Nanqing reluctantly, "Brother, are you leaving again?" No one paid him any attention, so he ran behind Li Qin and pulled at the corner of Li Qin's clothes, his short fingers dirty comedy.

Li Qin touched his head and turned sideways.

"This is my business card. If you want to get a divorce and take away the custody of the child, I can find a reliable lawyer to help you." Zhao Qin couldn't help but hand over an exquisite piece of paper after seeing the faint mark on Li Qin's body. The white business card, after a pause, she added, "Thank you for telling us about Nan Qing's whereabouts."

Li Qin didn't take it, she just looked at Liao Nanqing and Subeimo in an unusual loss, and slowly covered Ozawa's eyes. It's like covering up the scene she doesn't want to see, escaping can't solve anything, but it's harder to face reality. Morality cannot restrain the life buried in the bottom of the valley. They take risks and have no way out.

"When he was young, he was very good." Li Qin said softly.

Zhao Qin: "Huh?"

After a long while, he realized that Li Qin was talking about Liao Nanqing.

"When he was five years old, he could write, and the first word was Liao, taught by his father. He learned it at once, so smart. He is well-behaved and likable. Before I prepare dinner, I always like to follow me Sitting at the door and peeling the beans." Li Qin lowered her head, tears fell to the ground, she sniffed hard, smiled reluctantly, the fine lines at the corners of her eyes piled up together, "If it weren't for us, he wouldn't be given to him by the beast next door. raped and raped."

This sentence was gritted, and every word reached Liao Nanqing's ears. Liao Nanqing closed his eyes numbly, but did not have the strength to cover his ears. Tears are something I don't know, and I can't stop them.

Subei Mo angrily scolded her: "Shut up."

But Li Qin didn't care about him, she continued to laugh bitterly: "Since that day, he has been bad, broken. I want to take him to death, and I have bought rat poison. But he is too good, I can't bear it at all... I just thought, I'll take him out of town, let's start over, anyone can start over, right? I was introduced to remarry, but he's not so lovable. He always hides in the corner like a mouse... but a mouse should be like a mouse, just like me, I live like this..."

Li Qin's speech was confused and his emotions were inexplicably out of control.

Ozawa took the opportunity to pull Li Qin's hand away and pursed his lips in dissatisfaction. He felt that he was more like a mouse than his brother, but why didn't his mother say so? He also hated such gray days.

Zhao Qin held Li Qin's shoulder, motioned her to stop talking, and turned to ask Su Jing, who was standing at a loss, "Has the ambulance arrived?"

Su Jing shook his head and repeated it twice: "Not yet, not yet." He found an opportunity and wanted to go to see Liao Nanqing again, but was once again frightened by Subei Mo's eyes. Subei Mo resisted his approach, and even regarded him as a blade that could kill Liao Nanqing.

Su Jing was terrified and took a step back in compromise.

One minute, two minutes...

In this silent atmosphere, no one paid attention to Zhang Yuangang, who was lying outside shouting that he was going to die.

The ambulance finally arrived.

Under the guidance of Zhao Qin, the medical staff came in and lifted Liao Nanqing up on a stretcher.

A ray of light penetrated through the crack of the basement door, Liao Nanqing's cheeks were wet and cold, and Subei Mo wiped his tears with his fingertips. As they walked out, Li Qin suddenly followed, calling him unwillingly: "Nan Qing." It seemed that this time it was a goodbye.

"… "

"Nan Qing, why are you... going to spoil other people's normal children? Why?"

Subeimo's eyes were thrown at Li Qin, and he rushed up. If Zhao Qin hadn't stopped him, Subeimo would have been in trouble. But his actions scared Li Qin to shut up.

But Liao Nanqing twitched and didn't move for a long time. Subei Mo followed and clenched his hand. The medical staff looked at each other, wondering what the scene in front of them meant, and asked, "Can we go?"

Subei Mo forced himself to calm down and nodded: "Let's go."

But he heard Liao Nanqing reply to Li Qin in a very soft voice: "Mom, could it be... Am I not a normal child?" His words were indifferent, but very light, so light that only a sad tone was left. .

It's a pity that Li Qin can't hear this bloody rhetorical question in her life, because Subei Mo will not let her meet Liao Nanqing again.

The author has something to say

Be polite when leaving a message (don't swear, I'm scared if you do this, cry)

In addition, I haven't saved the manuscript... It's so miserable for me, I'm going to retreat and code for the weekend.