Reverse Approach

Chapter 5



Recently, Su Ya has been busy with the dance competition of the women's team, so the matter of visiting the store naturally falls to Subei Mo.

In the same way, waiting for Liao Nanqing to trot all the way to buy cigarettes every day gradually became a habit, so that today Liao Nanqing didn't come, and Subei Mo was depressed. Even at noon, I held my rice bowl and looked at the door several times.

Is he on leave today? skipped class? problem occurs

Subei Mo's mind was full of nonsense, and then Xiaoli slapped himself: Am I really nosy

It was not until evening that Liao Nanqing appeared. He looked very embarrassed and bumpy. This time he didn't put on that coat, and the bruises on his arms were almost gone.

But soon, there will be new ones.

"I told the teacher all these things today, but they didn't believe me. I have been in the teaching room since noon." Liao Nanqing came to tell Su Beimo on purpose, because he was in so much pain that he could only Wanting to hear Subei Mo talk to him, "then I was stopped by them when school was over."

Subei Mo admitted that he was immediately irrational. He even wanted to rush into the school and grab those little brats and ask, do you know what is right and wrong

Liao Nanqing had no one to complain about, so he came to tell him, but he also gave Liao Nanqing this bad idea. Subei Mo didn't ask any more questions, he stretched out his hand and pulled the other party into the back room of the stationery store, took out the potion and cotton swab, and instructed Liao Nanqing: "Sit here."

Liao Nanqing sat down obediently and asked him to apply the potion to him.

"Sorry." Subei Mo whispered.

"It's nothing." Liao Nanqing really didn't mind, he was used to it, "I... I have a parent-teacher meeting the day after tomorrow, can you help to attend. My mother doesn't come every time. I've been told many times."

Liao Nanqing was in pain from being stabbed by the potion, his eyes were red, and he hung his head and waited for a reply.

"Okay." Perhaps out of guilt, Subeimo agreed at once.

The parents' meeting of No. 1 Middle School is very grand and formal.

But Su Beimo didn't think so, because the head teacher didn't mention Liao Nanqing at all. It seems that there is no such person in the class at all. Does everyone know that his parents don't care about him, so can they bully him arbitrarily

This heavy heat shows the naked distortion of human nature.

The head teacher smiled and communicated with each parent patiently and gently. She is a young teacher, wearing a white dress and light and delicate makeup today. Anyone will be sympathetic to her gentle attitude and consider her to be a kind and amiable teacher.

So when Subei Mo stood in front of her and questioned her without showing any mercy, the whole class was quiet.

Liao Nanqing stood outside the door, looking at him in a panic. In that way, it is a little rabbit who is only afraid of fear, and people who watch it are distressed.

Subei Mo beckoned to him, Liao Nanqing swallowed his saliva and walked over in small steps, hiding behind Subei Mo. Su Beimo took his arm and asked him to look up: "Teacher, explain why he was bullied by his classmates and you don't care? Does No. 1 High School like to encourage this?" He said frankly and loudly, "Teacher, can you explain? "

"You are Liao Nanqing's parent?" The head teacher obviously didn't believe it.

Liao Nanqing never attended every parent-teacher meeting, and he could not contact his parents even if he failed the exam. In the eyes of the head teacher, Liao Nanqing was poor in study, poor, and truanted and truanted, which seriously dragged down the class, and was a very problem student.

"Teacher, please give a reasonable explanation first." Su Beimo asked indifferently without giving in any step. The head teacher was speechless for a while, and the rest of the surrounding parents also began to whisper. Liao Nanqing tugged at the corner of Subei Mo's clothes awkwardly, but Subei Mo ignored it.

He still looked at the young head teacher solemnly, his aura was overwhelming.

"Liao Nanqing was originally a problem student." The head teacher replied embarrassedly, pushing his glasses with some air, "Since you are a parent, I would like to ask you. As a parent, did you know that he skipped class the day before yesterday? He has been unable to keep up with his grades, which has severely lowered the average score of our class. His face is always painted, and he is not honest when he asks…”

"He said it, just yesterday." Su Beimo interrupted her and said funny, "Did you trust him?"

"That's why he skipped class to fight, and wanted to slander his classmates!" The head teacher was a little flustered, but she felt that she was right.

Everyone quieted down in an instant, waiting for Subei Mo Di to answer, and also wanted to know who Liao Nanqing slandered.

No one believed Liao Nanqing because he was a problem student.

Some people even recognized Liao Nanqing, the town is so big, it is difficult to think that no one knows him.

The most ridiculous thing is that they all believed the words of the head teacher with prejudice. After all, as long as it is not their own children, these are all plays, and they are watching with relish. You don't know the pain if you don't stick the needle on yourself.

Liao Nanqing lowered his head, his eyelashes trembled, and he clenched his fists.

The silent violence spread rapidly, and the method of resistance was repeated again and again, and silence was chosen again and again.

But silence can only be endured, it is no match for violent rolling, and even the smooth road will leave ruts.

The silent environment made Su Beimo instantly angry. He kicked the podium table and vented all his dissatisfaction these days on this innocent table. I can't wait to step on it, along with those hypocritical teachers.

Liao Nanqing took a deep breath, his palms were cold, he stood on the spot, like a awn on his back.

Immediately afterwards, both Subei Mo and the head teacher were invited to the teaching room, and Liao Nanqing stood outside the door and waited motionless. Several boys and their parents who had bullied him before were also called in one after another. When they passed by Liao Nanqing, they just glanced at him but didn't say anything bad to him.

They got involved this time because there were photos and evidence in Subei Mo's mobile phone.

And Liao Nanqing had a violent social friend, and the news spread in the school instantly. Everyone avoided him. Liao Nanqing felt that it was fine, and no one would bully him in the future.

You see, it is good to have parents, and it is good to have someone to protect.

Liao Nanqing's heart beat violently, and it has never been smoother than before.

By the time Subei Mo came out, it was already an hour and a half later. When Liao Nanqing was tired, he squatted on the ground and rubbed his eyes pitifully.


Liao Nanqing's squatting feet were numb, and he struggled to keep up.

But before taking a few steps, Subeimo said again: "The school promises to investigate this matter carefully. If those scumbags bully you again, tell me."

"Um… "

"Okay, I'm still crying when I'm old."

"Thank you... Subei Mo, thank you."

"It's a big deal, don't thank me." Subei Mo was serious and rubbed his calf. The goddamn podium table was so heavy.

Liao Nanqing burst into tears.

"But your grades are really shabby enough, I'll give you tuition, it's free." Su Beimo also laughed, and the corners of his mouth raised like a wind, blowing through the hearts of people. He reached out and rubbed Liao Nanqing's head. This action no longer seemed weird, it was a friendly first step.

Seeing Liao Nanqing like this, Subeimo finally felt relieved.

Liao Nanqing nodded, pursed his lips and looked at his uncomfortable calf: "Su Beimo."

"No big or small, call me brother."

"Is your calf alright?" Liao Nanqing didn't want to call his brother, he sniffed and asked with concern, "Did you just hit it, it seems a little swollen."

"If I'm lame, it's up to you, you have to support me for the rest of my life." Subei Mo bared his teeth, his calf really hurt.

Liao Nanqing said quickly, "Okay!"

"… "

"What, what's wrong?"

"Just kidding, why do you take everything seriously... Silly." Su Beimo wiped the back of his head, Gu Ziyang smiled loosely, and waved at him, "Let's go, let's eat."

The rest of the summer vacation passed quickly, and there was a lot of good news. Subeimo's grandmother was in good health, Su Jing was promoted in the company, and Su Ya's dance team passed the preliminary competition.

After No. 1 Middle School ended the half-month summer school, the business of the stationery store fell into the off-season. Liao Nanqing is good, and he runs to Subei Mo every day when he doesn't go to school. Either helping to wipe the counter or sweeping the floor, Su Ya couldn't help but praise the child for being clever and sensible.

Subei Mo snorted: "I've already helped him with tuition for free, can you be more diligent?"

Su Ya smiled at him: "Push your nose and put your eyes up."

Liao Nanqing smiled foolishly, holding a peeled apple in his hand for Subei Mo.

There are piles of summer homework near the third year of high school. Liao Nanqing takes the test paper every day and asks Subei Mo what he doesn't understand. In fact, when I listened to it, I was absent-minded. Subei Mo explained it very seriously, and when he finished speaking, he looked up and saw Liao Nanqing staring at him blankly, and his eyes were about to melt into him.

Subei Mo frowned, a little uncomfortable, and deliberately picked up a ballpoint pen and knocked on his forehead: "What are you looking at?"

"I did not see… "

"Then did you understand the question?"

"… "

Subei Mo said: "It's not a good habit to desert, change it."

More than a month passed really slowly, but Liao Nanqing felt that it passed quickly. He now follows Subei Mo home to eat every day, more often and thicker-skinned, and Subei Mo can't even drive him away.

Su Jing is busy and works overtime to stay in the company. There is only Subeimo in the family, and he is not disgusted that Liao Nanqing follows him like a tail.

Subei Mo often likes to cook by himself, and Liao Nanqing accompanies him to the vegetable market every day.

Liao Nanqing likes to eat fish, and Subei Mo buys a fish almost every day. At first, Liao Nanqing wanted to pay for food, but was pushed back by Subei Mo. According to Subei Mo's words, how much it can cost to have more pairs of chopsticks at home. However, Liao Nanqing was still embarrassed and stubbornly wanted to buy something.

After being twisted for a long time, I finally bought some fruits, most of which were liked by Subei Mo.

Today he was carrying a watermelon, and Subei Mo was carrying a clean-cut crucian carp and some vegetables. The two walked in tandem, with Liao Nanqing following behind as usual.

The two chatted casually.

Subei Mo reached out to him: "Is it heavy?"

Liao Nanqing shook his head and said honestly, "It's not heavy."


It was the first time for Liao Nanqing to get along with a so-called friend. Subei Mo's casual answer always made him feel that he had missed something. He asked savagely, "Then if I say it's serious, will you help me get it?"

Subei Mo strode forward, without any intention of waiting for Liao Nanqing: "No, I'll be polite."

"… "

Liao Nanqing chased after holding the watermelon, staggered and bumped into the back of Subei Mo who stopped suddenly, his forehead hurt. He frowned, raised his head and wanted to say something, but saw Su Beimo's big white teeth: "If you lied to you, I will help you get it."

The scorching sun, the new shoots.

Subei Mo's smile is like a spring, clean and translucent. In Liao Nanqing's narrow line of sight, it is so bright that it can't hold a trace of dirt.

Liao Nanqing lowered his head, and there were two inconspicuous dimples at the corners of his mouth: "But it's really not heavy."