Reverse Approach

Chapter 9



The third year of the third middle school started earlier, three days earlier than other schools.

Subei Mo asked Su Jing to borrow a car and packed Liao Nanqing's accommodation. Along the way, Liao Nanqing was very uneasy. He arranged his school uniform several times until he got it neat and tidy before giving up. Subei Mo, who was sitting in the driver's seat, thought it was funny. He deliberately stayed on the side of the road for a few more minutes to let him look in the mirror. He felt that he was decent before they entered the campus.

"Don't laugh, I'm a little nervous." Liao Nanqing took a deep breath.

"Why are you doing it like going on a blind date?" He ruffled Liao Nan's cleaned hair, "Your school doesn't allow cars to enter, get out of the car and move things with me."

"Okay!" Liao Nanqing responded, tidied his hair secretly again, opened the door and followed him to the trunk.

Summer mat, quilt, small blanket, pillow. These are enough for Liao Nanqing. He turned his head to look at Subeimo and saw that he was carrying a basin in his left hand with a toothbrush soap in it, a kettle in his right hand, two towels on his shoulders, and his back. He was carrying a large messenger bag, which was full of Liao Nanqing's clothes and socks.

He was tall and looked funny.

Like a homeless man under an overpass.

Liao Nanqing only hated that he didn't have a mobile phone in his hand now, otherwise he really wanted to secretly take a picture as a souvenir.

Subei Mo first took him to the teacher to report a message. After registering the information, the two quickly went to the dormitory of Building 1 under the scorching sun. Liao Nanqing was placed in bed 306 on the third floor and had to go all the way to the end of the corridor.

The dormitory door is vermilion red and somewhat old. Subei Mo kicked the door open, but no one was there. He realized that his hooliganism was not very elegant, and said calmly, "Sorry."

Liao Nanqing touched the door: "It says it doesn't matter."

Subei Mo: "..."

There were six beds in the dormitory, and Liao Nanqing was assigned to the bottom bunk. The two quickly made the bed and picked out a clean cabinet. Liao Nanqing didn't have many things, almost all the daily necessities that Subei Mo accompanied him to buy a few days ago. The dormitory is considered clean, it should have been roughly cleaned a few days ago.

Three students came one after another, all accompanied by their parents.

The dormitory was originally small and crowded when there were too many people. Subeimo was embarrassed to occupy the space and left after cleaning up.

Going forward, Liao Nanqing was alone in everything, and was used to being alone. Now, there is also Subei Mo who sent him to the school. He is like a little quail who has left the nest, and he follows Subei Mo to the school gate in a panic. There was sadness in his eyes.

"If someone still bullies you, come and complain to me." Subeimo said to him incidentally, "You too, don't be unhappy all day. Talk more with your classmates and participate in extracurricular activities, and you will always make friends."

Liao Nanqing pursed his lips and lowered his head.

"Raise your head, it's a new environment now." Su Beimo couldn't be relieved. "Don't hand in your mobile phone, hide it. Call me if you have anything, you know?"

"… "

"Liao Nanqing, I didn't care so much about my grandma, can you be more motivated?"

Liao Nanqing's eyelashes trembled slightly, and said sadly, "I know, I just can't bear you."

Subeimo was amused by his pitiful appearance, rubbed his head, and rubbed his hair in a mess every time before he would give up: "I'll see you again this weekend."

But Subei Mo didn't know that even if it was only five days apart, Liao Nanqing felt it was difficult. I used to think about changing schools and leaving that small town. Now that he has finally left, a whole new environment has come, and he is beginning to be timid and regretful again. He was afraid that he would not be able to integrate into the new circle, repeat the same mistakes, and live up to the expectations of Subei Mo. I also regret leaving the small town, and I can't see Subei Mo every day these days.

Even in two weeks, Subei Mo will start school and leave the town.

Liao Nanqing still felt that these two weeks were precious.

He stretched out his hand to hold Subei Mo's hand, and rubbed his little finger against Subei Mo's palm indiscreetly. The slightly itchy touch and the warm body temperature of the young man made Subei Mo's mind a little confused.

Subei Mo withdrew his hand, put in his trousers pocket, and the breeze blew across his forehead, he smiled: "Come in, it's time for class."

"Then I'll watch you go." Liao Nanqing wore a very refreshing dress today, dispelling the haze.

Subei Mo nodded, said yes, and then ran away in a hurry. Far away, he waved like a big child: "See you on the weekend!"

As September approaches, summer is not coming to an end.

The chirping of cicadas disappeared in the night, and the heavy rain fell in bursts, dispelling the scorching temperature of the earth.

On the first day of school, there was a short rainy season. After the first class, Liao Nanqing sat at the window in a daze. The new tablemate handed him a piece of chewing gum: "Hey, we live in the same dormitory, do you still have any impressions?"

Liao Nanqing nodded, clearly remembering this tall and thin roommate, whose parents had just put a lot of snacks in the cabinet for him. He was swarthy, with bright eyes, and he looked very smart.

The chewing gum is in green packaging and mint flavored.

"My name is Xu Yanyan, I'll sleep on your upper bunk." He took Liao Nanqing's book and read his name, "Your surname is interesting, it's the first time I've seen it. The name is also interesting, like a poet." After he finished speaking, he cheered smiled to himself.

Sitting in front of her was a girl with a ponytail and glasses called Ge Yun. She turned around and handed down a stack of test papers, warning Xu Yanyan, "It's all third year in high school, don't be rude and affect other people's studies."

Xu Yanyan seemed to know Ge Yun's temper, and patted Liao Nanqing on the shoulder: "Don't pay attention to her, she is the monitor of our class, very rigid."

Ge Yun pushed on his glasses, glared back at him, didn't answer, and turned around to take the exam for himself.

Liao Nanqing was approached by a classmate for the first time. He didn't know what to say. He didn't expect to meet a Jiraiya on the first day of school, and he was crazy alone.

"It's already the third year of high school, why are you still transferring schools, aren't you afraid of affecting your grades?" Xu Yanyan opened his mouth and couldn't close it, and he cracked a bunch of questions.

Like who are you? Where do you live? Is that your brother in the morning? He looks very tall!

Liao Nanqing didn't answer a few, and said carefully, "He's not my brother, he's my friend."

"Yes, you two don't look alike at all." Xu Yanyan took out a lot of snacks from the drawer and distributed them to Liao Nanqing and to Ge Yun, who was sulking in front of him. He and Ge Jun seem to have a bad relationship, but in fact, they are childhood sweethearts and have lived in the same community since childhood. Both Xu Yanyan and Ge Jun's parents work in the hospital, and the two have been compared since childhood.

Ge Jun didn't like to see Xu Yanyan on his lips, but he didn't show his face after being assigned snacks, and gave them two packets of small biscuits in return.

Liao Nanqing was moved by the small biscuits and snacks, and secretly hid them in the drawer, reluctant to eat them.

"Why are you hiding? Are you a hamster and hiding food?"

Liao Nanqing was mute.

Xu Yanyan laughed: "You are so funny, you look more like a hamster when you are scared! I like hamsters, but my mother won't let them keep them."

Ge Yun, who was in front of him, turned around abruptly: "Shut up, don't bother me with the test paper!"

"Calm down, don't harass me!"

Their corner is the noisiest in the whole class, but Liao Nanqing's mind will soon be completely absent from snacks and class.

For this reason, this week's class, he listened in a daze.

There was a quiz in the morning on Friday, and the results came out before school in the afternoon. Liao Nanqing took the last place in the exam.

Xu Yanyan was simply shocked by him. He had guessed that Liao Nanqing's grades were poor, but he did not expect it to be so bad. Seeing that the head teacher's face was dark, Xu Yanyan must be thinking: Why was this unlucky child assigned to my class

Liao Nanqing was detained in the classroom as usual. The head teacher knew of his special situation and did not mention the request of parents. Instead, he circled some key knowledge on the test paper and explained it roughly. Liao Nanqing's foundation is poor, so he can't help but write questions with a pen.

"Hey, this is more troublesome for you. You haven't learned the basics well." The head teacher found the basic exercise book from the drawer and gave it to him. "Review it well on the weekend. If you continue like this, you won't be able to pass the college entrance examination."

The head teacher's words were knocking back and forth in his head, and he remembered what Su Beimo said, at least he had to be admitted to a college.

In fact, Liao Nanqing's grades in the previous few years were okay, not good, but not the last, barely in the middle. Later, the pressure from his stepfather made him gradually unable to focus on his studies. After returning to the small town, he became the target of bullying on campus.

If it wasn't for the summer vacation, Subei Mo had tutored him, or the score in this small test would have been even more ugly.

After the depressed Liao Nanqing left the school, he did not go directly to Mo's house in northern Jiangsu, but went back to his own house. He was so hungry that he didn't even notice that his mobile phone was dead.

As soon as I got home, I rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find instant noodles to eat.

He thought that it was too late today, and he would go to Subei Mo early tomorrow morning.

Under the bed was the bucket of noodles I bought during the summer vacation, and I only ate a few buckets in a box. Liao Nanqing skillfully boiled water, made instant noodles, and covered it with a book. The three minutes of waiting was the longest, and it was only when Subei Mo knocked on the door of his house that he reacted.

Liao Nanqing was surprised: "You, how do you know where I live?"

After speaking, I regretted it, thinking about it carefully, he is a famous person in the town, and you will know when you ask about it.

"I don't answer your phone calls, and I don't reply when I send you messages. I called your head teacher and said that you've been gone for a long time. I guess you should have gone home directly." Subeimo leaned against the door and saw the coffee table. He frowned, "You won't grow taller just by eating that one."

"No, no, our family's genes are not high." Turning to think, he grimaced, "You are too tall."

Liao Nanqing went to his schoolbag to find his mobile phone, only to find that the battery was out of power.

Subei Mo knocked on the door frame: "Let's go, I'll take you to the restaurant."

"Then what about my instant noodles?"

"I'll be back later for supper."

"Then you can't eat..."

Subei Mo stood up straight and said unhappily, "Then are you going?"

The instant noodles were eaten as a last resort. Of course, Liao Nanqing left. He followed Subei Mo like a small tail, wondering what message he sent himself. It's a pity that the mobile phone can't be turned on without power, and Subei Mo is like an uncle dragging flip-flops, swaggering in front, without saying a word.

"Su Beimo, you look good in these flip-flops." Liao Nanqing said kind words without thinking, and flattered the horse's leg. Subeimo smirked and ignored him. Liao Nanqing's eyebrows were almost drooping down, and he followed closely, trying hard to talk to him.

"There are activities in the school. Our majors must be prepared in advance. I will go back to school tomorrow."

It's cold, Subei Mo said.

Liao Nanqing paused for a moment, then choked on his own saliva when he opened his mouth: "In such a hurry?"

"Well." Subei Mo breathed a sigh of relief and asked him sideways, "What do you want to eat, I'll invite you."

Liao Nanqing understood that this was a summer 'scattered meal'.

The author has something to say

Brother Su has returned to school and is going for an internship.

miss him.

I started thinking about him today.