Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 11: Being despised


The Phoenix City map is very large, and Fusu has no mount and can only rely on his two legs. It took him a minute to go around half of the Phoenix City!

[Team] [Time Passes]: So Slow


[Team] [Fusu]: I don’t have a mount yet (╯□╰)

For some reason, I recalled in my mind that when I was chatting with him using his GM account, he sent me two expressions of contempt with a malicious look. Now, although he didn't send any emoticons, he must be contemptuous of me in his heart!

[Team] [Time Flies]: Wait for me five minutes


Looking at the man driving away on horseback, Su Xi sweated silently. The great god is just willful!

She asked him to wait for one minute, and he asked her to wait for five minutes!

In fact, five minutes is just a conservative estimate by the great god. It was only two or three minutes in reality. When Fusu was bored, a dialog box popped up on the screen.

The player Shishuiliunian requests to ride with you, do you agree


Looking at the evil man in red and the petite woman snuggling together, Su Xi's old face turned red for no reason.

Fusu was made according to her own face. She couldn't help but put herself into the game. Fusu snuggled in the arms of the man in red, as if she was also...

Ahhhh… I can’t take it anymore!

Su Xi fanned her face with her hands. This is a game, just a game!

Just thinking about these messy things!

Su Xi didn’t know whether the person behind the computer was as embarrassed as she was, but she was quite embarrassed anyway!

Who would have thought that two serious characters would be in such an ambiguous position after riding together? ! !

Fusu was wearing a novice outfit, with no clothes covering her body. Her white and tender arms were hooked around the neck of the man in red, her face was resting on the man's shoulder, and her eyes were looking at the man's profile with affection...

Two big white legs, shaking...

What the hell are you shaking for?!

It's obvious that the single guys in the development team are messing around with this!!!

In order to ease the embarrassment, she had to divert her attention. She finally got in touch with the great man. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

[Team] [Fusu]: God Shishui, the horses in the game can also carry people! [Question]

[Team] [Time Passing]: Double Mount

Sweat... Well, the masters are masters, their configurations are one level higher than others!

[Team] [Time Flies]: The place to hand in the quest is quite far away, so ride this to get faster!

Su Xi then noticed that Shi Shui Liu Nian was riding a white horse just now, but now he was riding a tall maroon horse!

No wonder he asked her to wait a moment just now, it turned out that he had gone to change to a double mount!

That’s quite thoughtful!

Stunned, his old face not only did not ease the embarrassment just now, but became even hotter.

This time, Su Xi chose to shut up and not say anything!

The screen switched to a new map. There was an extra sign next to the name of Shishui Liunian. She remembered that this sign meant that she was watching a CG animation!

[Team] [Time Passes]: You have to wait for me a little longer

[Team] [Fusu]: Oh oh... I'll go boil a kettle of water!

[Team] [Time Flies]: Aren’t you curious about what mission I’m doing

Curious! Crazy with curiosity! But she chose not to ask!

[Team] [Fusu]: Mom said, don’t ask questions that you shouldn’t ask. The more you know, the faster you die... [silly smile]

[Team] [Fusu]: I'm going to boil some water... My family is poor and we can't afford a water dispenser... [囧]

[Team] [Time Passes]: …

I went to the bathroom and got a pot of water, then placed it on the base, pressed the switch, and I had hot water to drink in a moment!

Back in front of the desk, in the picture, a red-dressed leader and a blue-dressed girl stood opposite each other, there were no people around, only beautiful background music accompanying them...

Are the years peaceful

[Team] [Fusu]: I'm back [smiley face]

The player Shishuiliunian requests to trade with you, do you agree

[Team] [Fusu]: ? ? Great God

Well, in that case, why not take it

(End of this chapter)