Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 240: Life for life


[World] [Gossip Brother]: Because I don’t want to disrupt the war, I focused on recording the video. Now that the outcome is set, I can finally let it all out!

[World] [Gossip Brother]: Just now! I guessed that the evil sect would definitely send people back to save the city. Facts have proved that my guess was correct!

[World] [Gossip Brother]: But how do we go back to save people? I'm really worried about the evil faction! In the end...

[World][Gossip Brother]: I saw twenty or so fearless Poison Girls and Poison Brothers madly rushing to the top of the wall of Risheng City. While taking the life of an enemy, they also died and returned to the main city!

[World][Gossip Brother]: Wait? What am I talking about

[World][Gossip Brother]: Die and return to the city!!!

Yes, return to the city to revive! The fastest way to return to the city!

The evil army is fighting at the gate of the righteous city, and the two sides are deadlocked at the gate. Poisonous Insect Valley is the assassin profession in "The Master". In the team battle, the presence of the assassin does not seem to be too strong, but...

Twenty assassins exchanged their lives for each other's and tore a hole in the upright defenses of the city!

He fought for the minimum casualties for the evil army behind him, and then happily returned to the city to revive!

And in the evil Yuexie City, there were suddenly more than twenty high-level assassins!

Imagine the scene yourself...

The righteous are trying their best to push the statue. They have to withstand the attacks from the statue, and drive away the evil girls who are guarding the city and causing trouble. They are already exhausted from dealing with all these. Then a group of assassins descend from the sky, which is like heavenly soldiers and generals descending from the sky!

[Evil Faction][Thirteenth Month] [An Zhimo Ruo]: Madam Shi Shui is so cool! [Sexy]

Yes, sacrificing one's own interests to build up the entire evil sect, such a grand event, how could our Lady Shishui not get involved? !

Among the twenty assassins, there was a poisonous woman in purple with the word "Fusu" written on her head!

[Evil Faction][Heaven and Earth Society] [Fusu]: All the righteous people chose to die and return to the city!

[Evil Sect][Heaven and Earth Society] [Time Passing]: Wait a little longer and see what happens.

Su Xi let go of the mouse, rubbed her sore wrist, and her eyes couldn't help but glance at the time in the lower right corner of the screen. It was 9:20 in the evening, and there were still ten minutes left!

The righteous can hardly protect themselves and find it difficult to attack Yuexie City, while Risheng City is impregnable and has put all its strength into blocking the evil army. They are evenly matched and it is unlikely that they will be able to capture it in just ten minutes!

Since neither side has knocked down the other's statue, the winner can only be determined by the number of heads!

Ten minutes later...

[System] The war is over: 403 evil people died, 377 good people died

[System] Good and evil are evenly matched, but since ancient times, evil has never prevailed over good. In this war, the righteous side won the war with the least casualties, which is cause for celebration!

[Evil Faction][Thirteenth Month] [The First Lord of the Pond]: How many of us are participating this time

[Xiepai][Shisanyue] [Yanshisan]: Nearly a thousand people

[Evil Sect][Mountain and River Chaos] [Moon Falls on the Mountain and River]: Damn it! This is so unlucky! Why have I been losing these past two days?!

[Evil Sect][A World Away] [Sword Intentions]: Stay calm, don't damage your literary reputation

[Evil Faction][Mountain and River Chaos] [Moon Falls over Mountains and Rivers]:…

[Evil Faction][Thirteenth Month] [Yan Shisan]: But it is indeed quite unlucky! The decent faction was too conservative this time!

[Evil Faction][Mountain and River Chaos] [Moon Falls over Mountains and Rivers]: There are only 700 people from the righteous faction joining the battle, how can we not be conservative?!

[Evil sect][Tian Di Hui][Xiang Piaopiao]: (⊙o⊙) Is the information reliable

[Evil Faction][Chaos in the Mountains and Rivers] [Moon Sets on the Mountains and Rivers]: Before the fight, I deliberately used my small account lurking in the righteous faction to take a look [staring] It is absolutely true!

(End of this chapter)