Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 242: The real tiredness is mental tiredness!


Looking at the message that popped up, Su Xi became more and more silent. She was finding it increasingly difficult to understand this girl!

[Private Chat] [Shattered Dream]: I didn’t expect it to be exposed so soon!

No one has any apologies...

[Private chat] [Fusu]: The truth will eventually come to light.

[Private Chat] [Shattered Dreams]: What do you want

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: What do you think

[Private Chat] [Shattered Dreams]: Even if you ban me, it won’t help!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: I don't intend to ban you. Not everyone is as narrow-minded as you.

[Private chat] [Shattered Dream]: [Raises an eyebrow]

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: You sold the situation of the evil sect to Huangcheng, what can you get

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: Are you jealous of me

[Private Chat] [Shattered Dreams]:…

[Private chat] [Fusu]: The poster of the forum post is actually you, not your roommate!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: I remember you said, why can I and Shi Shui Liu Nian be together, but you and Huang Cheng can’t!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: I didn't notice it at first, but then I thought, are you lamenting the unfairness of fate? Then you hate me, right

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: I can tell you clearly now, because the passing years are not a deserted city, and I am not you! I will not be a mistress!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: I used to consider you a friend, but you betrayed me. I thought that even if you were not grateful to me for helping you last time, at least you could turn over a new leaf and play the game well!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: If we only talk about happiness, if you give up the idea of clinging to the deserted city and choose the puppet, you can also have happiness like me! It is you who don't want it! It is also your own choice that you would rather be a mistress than marry a rich man!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: It's just a game, why make it so complicated? ! Suimeng, I sympathize with you just like Jiujiuxin!

[Private chat] [Fusu]: Don't use the account of Shattered Dream anymore. You have an account for the righteous faction, right? Now I understand why you have been in the deserted city for so long, but you still wear dungeon gear...

[Private chat] [Fusu]: Take care!

The entire chat box was filled with Su Xi's self-talk. Sui Meng was still online, but she never spoke again. For a moment, Su Xi thought she was blocked!

She would only speak her heart out once, and no matter whether Shameng saw into her heart or not, she would not announce it to the world, expose her, and leave her with the last bit of self-respect!

After all, the other party is an ungrateful person, but she is not a butcher who kills everyone!

[Team] [Fusu]: Solved!

[Team] [Time Passes]: [Hug]

[Team] [Fusu]: [Hug]

[Team] [Time Flies]: It’s almost 10 o’clock, let’s log off and go to bed!

[Team] [Fusu]: Yes!

Su Xi logged off without hesitation. She was so tired! The tiredness here was not because she was tired from the battle just now, but because the broken dream made her tired!

Why do we play games

Relaxing and killing time, but she played the game like this...

To be honest, for the sake of the angry youth in my heart, I framed others; to hook up with the masters in the game, I sent them thousands of miles away; to win the war, I became a spy...

Are you tired of going through so many twists and turns? !

At this moment, Su Xi felt that this game had gone bad!

It’s not that the game content has deteriorated, but the friends and the atmosphere around you in the game have deteriorated!

Regarding the story in the game, there is also the last chapter...

The feeling of reluctance is getting stronger and stronger...

(End of this chapter)