Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 265: The finale of the main text


Su Xi was not sold out by Lu Jinnian, but was actually sold out by her own parents!

Ever since he proposed to Su's parents on Sunday, she can now live without returning home without any problems!


At Lu Jinnian's house, she became a parasite because she had a week's break from work!

During the day, Lu Jinnian goes to the company. Although he can be late or leave early at will, he still has a lot of work to do every day!

Su Xi slept until she woke up naturally as usual. When she got up, there were scrambled eggs and bread with ham and bacon left by Lu Jinnian for her in the kitchen. She didn't know how to cook, so the microwave was probably the kitchen utensil she was best at using.

In order to feed the dog well and make it fat, Su Xi made a weight loss plan for it and strictly restricted its diet. She was so bored that she watered all the potted plants. It was almost noon when Lu Jinnian's message came very punctually.

[Jinnian]:Are you up

[Fusu]: Got up early! Feed the cat, water the flowers, tidy up the bedroom...

[Jinnian]: I forgot to tell you, you don’t have to clean up

[Fusu]: What

[Jinnian]: Calories are burned too quickly, and you get hungry easily...

[Fusu]: [crying]

[Jinnian]: There are snacks at home, so I can go home from get off work at 4 o'clock.

[Fusu]: [crying] OK...

It's a rare occasion for me to be diligent, but I end up shooting myself in the foot!

Su Xi suddenly lay on the bed. As for why, of course it was to reduce calorie burning!

I was really bored, so I reached out to Lu Jinnian's notebook and moved the mouse over the familiar icons...

[Gang] [Time Flies]: Is there anything big happening recently

[Guild] [Ginger Tea Nuan Nuan]: God of the Passing Water? ! ! !

[Guild] [Style]: The legendary God of Passing Water?!

[Gang] [Yue'er]: Wow... Caught alive!

[Guild] [Luo Xiaoluo]: Great God Shishui! ! I am Li Luo! You look familiar, you look familiar!

When did so many girls appear in the gang

[Guild] [Luo Xiaoluo]: The leader said that the God Shishui and Lady Shishui will not be online anymore. I was sad for a long time...

[Gang] [Time Flies]: You are...

[Guild] [Luo Xiaoluo]: I am Li Luo who went to the fan meeting with Yun San Chu Qing! I came here as soon as the game was released!

Li Luo

Public beta!

Su Xi slapped his head and suddenly realized.

Yes! "The Master" has been released for public testing! No wonder so many new members have joined the guild!

[Guild] [Clouds Disperse and Clear Skies]: [Surprised] Great God Shishui! You're here! Xiaoluo and I were just explaining the love story between Great God Shishui and Lady Shishui to the newbies! I didn't expect you to be online!

Popularize... Our love legend

If I say now that I am not the great god of passing water, I will probably hurt a lot of hearts!

How much fun would be lost in a game without faith

[Guild] [Shi Shui Liu Nian]: Thank you for your support! I hope our story can bring a little more love and warmth to this world made up of data [smiley face]

"Susu~ What are you playing? You look so happy?"

Lu Jinnian didn't know when he got home from get off work. His wife was so absorbed in playing on the computer that she didn't even notice his presence. He tiptoed to her side and gently kissed her earlobe.

"You're back?! See for yourself~"

[Gang] [Luo Xiaoluo]: Will the great God Shishui really quit the game

Su Xi tilted her head to meet the man's gaze, silently asking, how should I respond? Your fans...


He kissed her, bit her hard, and the man raised his eyebrows slightly.

What do you think

I... I don't know!

Don’t know? Okay! I’ll teach you!

The story of Fusu and the passing years ends here, but the story of Suxi and Lu Jinnian has just begun...

Although they quit the game, their legend is still circulating in the game. Just as Su Xi wrote, the legend of love makes the cold data world warm!

This kind of legend is happening every day, and the protagonist of the story is right next to you. Maybe the next one will be you!

End of the article

The main text ends here, which is actually quite good. The parents have met, the marriage proposal has taken place, and the game has retired. Just as it was written at the end, the story of Fusu and Shi Shui Liu Nian ends here, but the story of Su Xi and Lu Jinnian has just begun...


Oh, by the way, the new article "Newbie Flirting: Master, Don't Move!" Please support me~ The new article is a little slow, but it will grow if you keep it up~0(∩_∩)0

(End of this chapter)