Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 272: Extra I hate people with the last name Zhou


Su Xi was very grateful to Zhou Yi for protecting her! Those men looked very frivolous, and Su Xi didn't like them!

"Beauty, beware of fire, theft and senior brothers! Zhou Yi is a senior otaku!"

You know!

I like cute girls like you the most!

"… "

Su Xi glanced awkwardly at Zhou Yi who was also embarrassed. The afternoon time passed very quickly. Since she had just arrived and had no substantial tasks, Su Xi was very leisurely doodling, sometimes resting her chin on her hand, and sometimes making sketches.

When people are free, they tend to think about random things, and of course they think about the people they are close to...

It's already four o'clock. He usually goes home at four o'clock...

It's time to leave!

How is she going to get back later

Watching the time pass by little by little...

Six o'clock!

Just as Su Xi was about to take out her cell phone, Zhou Yi looked at her and smiled, revealing a row of big white teeth.

"Xiao Xi, do you have a car?"

"Um... no..."

"Then I'll take you there!"

"… "

At this moment, the phone rang happily. Without a doubt, it was Lu Jinnian...

What to do

"Xiao Xi, don't listen to what Qi Xiao and the others say. I'm protecting you, and I really don't have any plans for you... Well... I admit that I like you very much. Look, it's getting dark now. It's not safe for a beautiful girl like you to take a taxi by yourself..."

Zhou Yi looked sincere and Su Xi was silent.

"Your phone is ringing..."


Hang up in a hurry...

"Then let's go!"

Huh, huh


Zhou Yi was ecstatic.

But he soon felt a little regretful, because his home and Su Xi's home were located in different directions, one in the south and the other in the north!

The address Su Xi reported certainly couldn't be Lu Jinnian's residence, but the Su family!

Su Xi got off the car at her neighborhood and waved goodbye to Zhou Yi. The faint smile on her face collapsed instantly, and she took out her cell phone—

Please forgive me!

"husband… "

"… "

Worry, fear, loss, grievance, and anger all disappeared at this moment.

Lu Jinnian was holding the phone, his thighs still shaking. God knows how many terrible conjectures were running through his mind...

It wasn't until he heard her voice, calling him softly, that he breathed a sigh of relief!

"Be good, don't be afraid. Where are you now?"

When I saw Lu Jinnian, it was already half past six, half past six in November...

The fact that it’s dark is secondary, the most important thing is that it’s cold!

Su Xi got into the car, bringing in a gust of cold air, and before she could sit down, she fell into a warm embrace.

"Little goblin, I'll give you one minute to explain!"

Greedily absorbing the warmth in his arms, Su Xi blew hot air into his hands.

"My new colleague is very enthusiastic. Minister Wang asked a senior to take me home. The senior was very enthusiastic and insisted on sending me home. I was afraid that you would run into him, so I hung up on you... I couldn't tell him your address, so I had to let him send me here..."

"Fool! Why don't you go to your parents' place to warm up instead of waiting for me outside?"

"Hmm... seems a bit silly!"

"Still laughing! Are you hungry?"


"I'll take you to a feast!"


After all this trouble, Lu Jinnian had no mood to cook and went to the restaurant.

"By the way, what's the name of the senior who brought you here?"

"Zhou Yi, the Yi of art!"



"… "

I hate men with the last name Zhou!

"Susu~ Wear the ring to work tomorrow!"

Ring? DR

"Jinnian, why don't you buy me a silver ring and I'll wear it."

"Why?! Is the only thing I gave you bad?!"

"How much is the diamond ring?"

"Not much, about the same as my car."

Yes, your car is worth more than 1.6 million yuan. I wear the car worth 1.6 million yuan on my finger and go to work...