Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 278: Extra I have waited for you for many years (2)


Damn man!

Miss Wen pushed the suitcase, unzipped it, took out a pair of sneakers from inside, and replaced the seven-centimeter high heels!

She limped forward stubbornly. She had already said that she came early and no one was in the dormitory yet!

She is aloof and aloof, how could she have someone familiar to pick her up? !

"Hey, classmate! Do you want your ankle to be swollen like a bun tomorrow?"


This sound, isn't it, just now...

A bottle of drink was handed to her. Looking at the brand of the drink, even with her best manners, she couldn't help but twitch her lips.

Damn, Pulse?!

Is the pulse coming back? ! !

"Classmate, my name is Zhou Fansen, Class 9, Department of Computer Science, Grade 2009."

"… "

"Now I'll give you two choices. The first is that I'll help you carry your suitcase and you can walk back to the dormitory by yourself. The second is that you wait here and I'll put your suitcase in the girls' dormitory and come back to pick you up!"

"… "

"Classmate, I hope you can do things within your ability! Don't act like a spoiled brat and hurt others and yourself!"

"… "

He came back specifically, and after he had given her a cold shoulder, he chose not to leave...

"Hello, Zhou, class 3, Department of Economics and Management, 2009, Wenxuan, please help me take my suitcase to the girls' building 2."

After waiting for more than ten minutes, there was still no sign of the man. Miss Wen sneered, was she crazy just now? !

Just hand over the suitcase like that?!

Just as she was cursing silently, a voice as gentle as spring breeze sounded behind her.

"Wenxuan! The infirmary is closed at the beginning of the school year. This is the Yunnan Baiyao medicine that my roommate left over from last time. It doesn't look very good, so you can just use it!"

To be honest, the voice I have been waiting for for a long time finally appeared again, which was unexpected and surprising!

My eyes swept over the thing in the man's hand. It was a Yunnan Baiyao spray. It was probably thrown in the dormitory for a summer vacation and was covered in dust, just like something picked up from a garbage dump!

"… "

“Not expired?”

"I just checked, it's not expired."

The foot was held up by someone, and the medicine was sprayed on the slightly swollen ankle. The man's movements were gentle and natural...

She was carried back by the princess!

Because he said, "I was planning to carry you on my back, but your skirt is too short and I'm bound to be suspected of taking advantage of you!"

When he arrived at the dormitory management office, there was already some sweat on his forehead. The weather in September, although it was already past summer, was still a little hot. He went back and forth several times and carried her all the way, so he must be very tired!

Finally, with the special approval of the dormitory manager, he sent her back to the dormitory...

After that, her attitude towards people and things changed a lot! Even her roommates said, Wenxuan, you are more approachable than before!

And all this…

It was all because of that late summer and early autumn, because of that gentlemanly man, and because of that half-bottle of dusty Yunnan Baiyao...

Fate is so magical. She found that they actually had a lot in common, for example, they were in the same club and took the same elective course...

It turns out that we have so many things in common, but before, we didn’t know each other, so we didn’t pay attention to it. But now that we know each other, I find that my life and your life have so many overlaps!

After that, they fell in love, very low-key...

Perhaps many people, even their friends, did not realize...

After all, one is a high-and-mighty rich lady, and the other is a modest gentleman living in a poetic world. She is surrounded by all kinds of flower-guarding messengers, and he is surrounded by all kinds of fangirls. No one connects them together!

It's just that two people with such a big gap fell in love...