Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 279: Extra I have waited for you for many years (3)


In fact, what impressed me most was not the day we met, nor the year we were together, but the day we separated!

Yes, it’s separation, not breaking up!

It was said earlier that she was the daughter of an entertainment group, and her future, or her life, was destined from birth!

At the beginning of her junior year, she received a notice from her father that she was going to the United States to study business management and return home to inherit her father's business!

That day, just like the day we met, was September!

"Vanson... I'm going to America."

“Is China bad?”

"It's my family's arrangement, I can't resist it, can you wait for me?"

"How long? You know, I have a lot of admirers around me, and I'm afraid I'll be conquered!"

Wen Xuan felt a chill in her palms, and realized for the first time how deep her feelings for Zhou Fansen had become!

But this won’t work…

Although Zhou Fansen's family is not poor, there is a huge gap between them and the powerful entertainment industry!

If she had stayed in the country and followed her family's arrangements, she would never have been able to have a happy marriage with Zhou Fansen in her lifetime!

"Two years! Give me two years! When I'm 22, I'll get my own shares! By then, I won't be restricted any more! I'll be back!"


In fact, from a certain perspective, Su Xi is the victim of this love!

Just as Lu Jinnian said, she blocked all the romantic opportunities for Zhou Fansen!

Although Zhou Fansen did not intentionally use Su Xi, he still made Su Xi the one being used!

This is probably what the old people often say, the cycle of cause and effect!

In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you use it or not, it’s all fate!

Because of Su Xi's existence, Zhou Fansen has been single, waiting for Wen Xuan. Because of Zhou Fansen's existence, Su Xi has been single, waiting for her destined prince to appear...

So, there’s nothing to be afraid of being single, it’s just that your destiny hasn’t arrived yet!

Su Xi spent 25 years of her life, 6 years of unrequited love, and finally met Lu Jinnian!

And Zhou Fansen...

I was in a long-distance relationship with Wenxuan with a time difference of more than ten hours. Fortunately, it was 2011, an era when smartphones and QQ were developing rapidly!

But... not to mention the different living circles, the lack of common language and the time difference are a fatal flaw!

Often, Zhou Fansen would greet her in the morning, and by the time Wen Xuan replied, it was already evening...

At first, we contacted each other every day, then several times a week, and then...

Then two years passed!

Three years have passed!

Four years have passed...

They met at the age of 20 and separated at the age of 21. Now it has been four years. He was 21 years old at that time and is about to celebrate his 26th birthday, but she broke her promise!

She didn't come back!

How can one year of love stand up to four years of waiting... to no avail?!

No matter how deep the love is, it will fade!

In these four years, Zhou Fansen has matured a lot and figured out a lot of things. For example, the oath he made at the age of 20 is no different from the oath he made at the age of 18!

Still, too tender!

Xuan, according to our agreement, I have waited for you for two years, and now it has been the fourth year. I think, even if you stand in front of me now, I will not be interested, or... I may not even recognize you!

In four years, so many things have changed...

So much so that when the gray avatar lit up, he was actually a little scared for the first time...

She said—

Fansen, I'm back!

He pretended that it was an illusion and that there was something wrong with QQ!

But the reality slapped him hard in the face!

The message popped up again, she said.

Fansen, I miss you and want to see you...