Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 39: Just sigh deep love


After reading the messages in the team channel, I opened the leaderboard reflexively.

The first one [Fleeting Time] is level 72, the second one [Fragrant Piaopiao] is level 71, the third one [Deserted City] is level 71, the fourth one [Lanshou Mushroom Noodles] is level 70, and the fifth one [Only Sigh of Deep Love] is level 70.

As expected, the top five are still the same people as yesterday, but with some minor changes.

When he logged off yesterday, Shishuiliunian was only level 70. Now he has leveled up two levels. According to the theory that the higher the level, the more experience is required and the slower the leveling, he should have gotten up very early!

I glanced at the time on the screen and made up my mind to raise my level today!

"Su Xi! If you don't get up I'll kick the door!"

Mom, you are really tough!

“Here it comes, here it comes!”

He opened the door in a hurry and put on a flattering smile like a sunflower.

"Why are you laughing so creepily?! Go and pack up! Make an appointment with Xiao Wang to see if he has time to meet you!"

Xiao Wang? Lao Wang?!

"The one next door?"

"What are you thinking about?! This is the blind date your aunt introduced you to! Here, her cell phone number."

Su Xi smiled playfully, took the phone handed to her by her mother, and dialed the number without thinking.

“Use your phone!”

Sometimes Su Xi's mother would reflect on what sins she had committed in her previous life to give birth to such a weirdo!

How can I use my mom's phone to ask someone out? It's so inconvenient to contact her!

However, before she could snatch the phone away, the call was connected.


"Hello, are you Mr. Wang?"

"I'm sorry, I don't need the business."


Su Xi was holding her cell phone, messy in the wind...

"Mom... do I look like a salesperson?"

It’s really hard for Su Xi’s mother to still shake her head calmly!

"Save your phone number and call again later. Remember not to mention "you"!"

"… "

Under the urging of my mother, I filled my stomach before receiving the imperial order.

He ran back to his room in a flash, and had long forgotten about making a phone call!

[Current] [Only Sigh of Love]: Bring your trumpet to play the Phoenix City dungeon

Phoenix City copy

I opened the daily task list and found that the copy activity had been opened. The Phoenix copy is the most basic level 35 copy. The first time you play it, you can complete a task worth one million experience points!

And it comes with a small size...

Apply now!

With a sound of "ding!", a row of avatars appeared in the team column. Su Xi glanced at the captain's level and was stunned. Level 70, only sighing deep love? !

I opened the ranking list and yes, it was the fifth one, Only a Sigh of Love!

[Team] [Only Sigh of Love]: Follow

It should be extremely easy for a level 70 prince to lead a level 35 dungeon! Su Xi quickly clicked to follow.

The profession of "Jie Sigh Qing" is the royal family. Their main weapon is a greatsword and their secondary weapon is a spear. They are the only profession that can fight immediately. Because they can carry a shield and wear leather armor, they have considerable defense. They are an indispensable defensive profession in every game - meat shields. We often call them 'T'.

[Team] [Cat Harbor Queen Yuu]: Isn't this the bitch who clings to others? !

Su Xi is very sensitive to insults, and is especially sensitive to insults directed at her!

Looking at the three names lined up in the team list, she had a momentary urge to quit the team!

What is this called? Enemies meet on a narrow road!

What's another old saying? When enemies meet, they become jealous of each other!

(End of this chapter)