Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 54: Dating


Under the pillow, the cell phone was singing happily and making a buzzing sound. Only the ringing and vibrating alarm could wake up Grandma Su!

"Hello… "

"Miss Su, I have something urgent to do and may be late. Can you postpone the date for half an hour?"


Damn! It's Mr. Wang next door!

If he hadn't called, she would have forgotten that she had an appointment today! She instantly lost all her sleepiness and hesitantly agreed. She glanced at the time and fortunately it was postponed for half an hour!

I got up in a hurry, washed and dressed in a hurry, and was about to go out, but was stopped by my mother.

"Xiao Xi, what time is the appointment?"

"Half past nine."

The mother looked up at the time and was angry at her son for not fighting back.

"It's only nine o'clock. The place we agreed to meet is only three stops away. Let's go out later!"

Su Xi lowered her head to adjust her clothes, glanced at her mother's sly smile, and couldn't help shivering.

"On a date, a girl should be two minutes late and then say a few sweet words. This can both increase her status and show her tenderness..."

Su Xi secretly complained in her heart, is a girl's worth measured by the time a boy waits for her? And sweet words...

She can't say!

"Mom! You just stay home and wait for the news. I think being on time shows respect for others. That's it. I'm leaving now!"

But what’s the saying? Man proposes, God disposes!

Who would have thought that I missed the bus, it was only three stops away and I was just a few minutes late!

The place we met was a coffee shop, which was very quiet and had a great atmosphere.

Su Xi entered the store and glanced around the small room. In a corner, she found a man in a suit. Although his back was facing away from her, judging by his suit and tie, he must be Mr. Xiao Wang from next door!

"I'm sorry, I'm late."

The man was stirring the coffee in the cup boredly. He looked up when he heard Su Xi's apology. There was a flash of surprise in his impatient eyes.

"Miss Su? It's okay, please sit down."

After ordering a cup of coffee, the two of them just stared at each other.

The man looked Su Xi up and down. Being stared at like that, Su Xi frowned impatiently and glanced at the man's face.

How should I put it? He has a square face and looks decent, but in Xia Zimo's words, he is indeed a little old. Thirty years old is not about how old he is, but more about his face looking old.

I have a heart-shaped face which is popular nowadays, which has the advantage of making me look younger. If I stand next to Mr. Wang, it would really be an uncle with a loli!

"Miss Su is much prettier in person than in the photo."

Yes, no matter how good the photo is, you can only see it but not touch it! How can it be better than the real person, who can talk, laugh and be late!

Su Xi stuck out her tongue, little knowing how tempting this little action would be in the eyes of the man!

“She is very cute and has a gentle voice.”

So, you are satisfied with her? At least her appearance is acceptable!

"Mr. Wang, you are too kind. You look very upright and mature beyond your years."

Phew... Su Xi couldn't help but applaud her own ability to flatter.

"Hahaha... Miss Su is really good at complimenting people. I wonder how many boyfriends Miss Su has dated?"

This is, let's get to the point. If you are satisfied with the appearance, you start to understand the past. If the past is relatively clean, then you start to understand the family. If you are a good match, you can go deeper and understand the personality and hobbies...

This is why Su Xi doesn’t like blind dates!

"Haha, Mr. Wang, do you think this question is interesting? No matter how many people I've dated, that's all in the past. At this moment, I'm still sitting here, right now."