Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 69: How elders interact with younger generations


Su Xi glanced at the time in the lower right corner. It was 10:30. This BOSS had been taking nearly ten minutes!

[Team] [Fusu]: No

Without hesitation, Su Xi gave the ring to the first owner of the pond, and led the team out of the dungeon. The scene changed, and as soon as the mist dissipated, a pop-up window popped up.

The first player in the player pond requests to trade with you, do you agree

Su Xi was stunned, and vaguely guessed what he wanted to do! After hesitating for a while, she chose to refuse.

[Private Chat] [First Pond Owner]: I am the pond owner! And I am a man after all, but you want a woman to give way to you? Do you look down on me

Su Xi couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth into a smile, she was very delicate and sensitive!

[Private Chat] [Fusu]: Let me? I'm not a Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering, why should I be so kind! Just take it, you deserve it! And... you just called me GG! Why are you calling me a woman now? [Provocation]

Without giving Chi Tang time to reply, Su Xi took the lead in saying goodbye to everyone in the team.

[Team] [Fusu]: Okay [smiley face] That’s all for today. It’s been fun playing the dungeon with you guys. We’ll play together again if there’s a chance. I’m going to log off and go to sleep [yawn]

Then, he directly clicked the red cross in the upper right corner, and the five people in the game looked at the place where the girl who had just disappeared stood, looked at each other, and finally looked up at the sky in silence...

Yes, Su Xi logged off without hesitation! She hurriedly turned off the computer, opened the door, and was facing Zhou Fansen in pajamas. The jasmine scent that hit her in the face was the pair of value-for-money shower gels she bought online!

"Master, Senior Brother..."

A single man and a single woman met late at night. The man was good-looking and wore pajamas with a messy collar. If it were any other girl, she would probably blush. This situation would probably make people feel embarrassed, but Su Xi only felt the embarrassment of being caught staying up late, and lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong.

Zhou Fansen sighed: "Staying up late again! I've been busy all day, and tomorrow is Monday. Can't I go to bed early?"

"able… "

"Turn off your phone and go to sleep! I'll knock on your door tomorrow morning and let's go to the studio together!"

"oh… "

That's right, it's surprising, right? Usually, Su Xi and Zhou Fansen get along in this way! The elders treat the younger ones like this!

After closing the door, Su Xi took a deep breath. After six years, this pattern would probably be hard to change!

I lay on the bed in a daze, not knowing how I fell asleep, and I slept until dawn!

Monday is definitely a dark day for office workers! Looking at the pile of documents in front of him, Su Xi rolled up his sleeves and started working!

First, call the customer service number, and then start looking at the information. This time, I have to design the main city of the gang...

"Huh? The battle between good and evil?"

Realizing that her voice was too loud, Su Xi quickly shut up and just glanced at the information in her hand. The more she read, the more surprised she became, and the more she read... the tighter her brows furrowed!

She hesitated and looked at the man who was frowning as he read the information. Perhaps he felt her gaze, he also looked up and looked at her for three seconds.

"Everyone, put down your work and let's have a meeting!"

The atmosphere was somewhat serious. Everyone held the same information as Su Xi in their hands, waiting quietly for the silent man to speak.

"As you can see, I had a new idea last night. I want to integrate good and evil into the gang system..."

"But, the gang system was already opened yesterday!"

Su Xi frowned. According to what was written in the plan, players can freely choose to join the good or evil camp. Gangs are also divided into good and evil. Players can join a gang according to their own good or evil side!

The problem is that the gang has been released, and the players have joined the gang. If the good and evil are released at this time, the player who wants to join the evil will join the good gang. Wouldn't that be a mess? At this time, you have to quit the gang and find the corresponding gang. This is very likely to make players dissatisfied!

She is just standing from the perspective of a player...