Rich or Poor: Bring a Great Man Home to Celebrate The New Year

Chapter 86: Can you accompany me?


There was an eerie silence in the team. Even though Su Xi was a thick-skinned person, she realized that she seemed to be too passionate, and she regretted it a lot. She tapped the keyboard several times, deleted it silently several times, and couldn't type a complete sentence for a long time!

[Team] [Time Flies]: Then I will pretend that you are a beautiful lady [Smiley face] Beautiful lady, I am heartbroken, can you accompany me

Seeing the teasing that broke the awkwardness and silence, Su Xi shuddered all over and quickly cooperated.

[Team] [Fusu]: God of Shishui [Come on]


Caught off guard by a laugh, Lu Jinan looked up in surprise, secretly glanced at his cousin opposite him, and timidly glanced at the time on the screen. It was only seven o'clock, why was the atmosphere so weird? ! !

[Team] [Time Flies]: Add points first. How many points do you have available for distribution

[Team] [Fusu]: 66 points

[Team] [Time Flies]: Through my observation of the Poison Insect Valley sect, I can always think of a profession.

[Team] [Fusu]: What's your occupation

[Team] [Time Passes]: Assassin

Eh? Su Xi had also played online games before, so the assassin profession was not unfamiliar to her. Many online games had this profession, but the names were different. Could it be that Poison Girl was the assassin profession in "The Master"

If you say that assassins usually hold daggers, then Poison Girl does fit this. However, all characters in "The Master" are dual-weapon, which means that no profession is single-line. She can be seen as an assassin holding a dagger, or as an output holding a whip...

[Team] [Fusu]: Keep talking

[Team] [Time Flies]: There are many ways to increase points for an assassin. If you trust me, then go all in on agility, increase movement speed and dodge, and with your positioning and light skills, even if you can't kill anyone, you will definitely have no problem escaping!

Besides... as long as you have the right equipment, how can you not kill people

[Team] [Fusu]: Hmm... That makes sense! I don't like to cause trouble, I don't kill people randomly, and I'm not a warlord. As long as I can leave gracefully when some bastards try to bully me, that's enough.

[Team] [Timeless]: I'm going to add points quickly and then I'll help you level up! The battle for the city is about to start, so you must reach level 75 before the battle begins and wear level 75 equipment!

The highest level of "Leader" is only 80, and the highest level of equipment is only 75. City battles are large-scale battles. At that time, small accounts and accounts with poor equipment will only be killed! And he can't stay by Fusu's side all the time. She can only be strong enough to avoid being abused by the enemy in such a large-scale battle!

Su Xi added the order reluctantly, and reluctantly shed two dishes of wide noodles. Oh, wait! Another upgrade!

The upgrade maniac ran out of levels to upgrade, so he came to poison her! She resisted in her heart, but seeing that he was in a bad mood after a breakup and urgently needed to kill monsters to vent... she was willing to sacrifice her life to accompany him!

[Team] [Fusu]: Great God Shishui~ I'm just level 61! Can't I go kill level 60 monsters

Easily dodging the attack of a level 65 vulture, little Fusu turned around and lashed the vulture with a whip. Looking at the pitiful -302 appearing above the vulture's head, Su Xi held his forehead with his hand. Fighting monsters across levels is really tiring!

[Team] [Time Flies]: Didn’t you say you’ll accompany me


[Team] [Fusu]: Double

[Team] [Time Passes]: Come and pick it up

This is not the first time that the two of them have worked together. After going through so many things, Su Xi is no longer as reserved as before. Well, she has risked her life to accompany him, so it is not too much to ask him for a double amount of potion!