Rich Stunt Ex-Husband

Chapter 107: High School Past 3


The long dismissal ceremony was finally over. After they collected themselves and returned to the classroom, the head teacher said his last passionate words of encouragement, and their high school career was officially over.

He just watched the flaxen-haired boy next to him unconsciously shoot into the air, then picked up his schoolbag from the side and dug out all the textbooks and miscellaneous items in the drawer.

There are many bottle caps inside, which he left behind every time he gave him water.

I saw him randomly stacking the books and stuffing them into his schoolbag, then clattering the small bottle caps into the box he brought, and put them into his schoolbag.

The small dark blue gift box was also partially exposed.

"What did he give you?"

Unable to resist the curiosity and jealousy in his heart, he finally asked.

Tang Ling paused for a moment, then replied lamely: "He didn't give it to me, I asked him to buy it. I have to keep the contents secret first."

It wasn't actually given as a gift.

"Well, have you packed your schoolbag?" Yun Xiao didn't ask any further, and his tone was much more relaxed.

At twelve o'clock on time, the Yun family's car was waiting at the school gate. After the two of them got in the car together, Butler Ye handed them the prepared iced watermelon juice.

"Master Yun, Master Tang, congratulations on your high school graduation." He said with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Butler Ye." Tang Ling responded.

The two of them took the iced watermelon juice and opened it simultaneously with a tacit understanding. Finally, they compared it to clinking glasses of wine and drank it together.

It's just that the direction of things is not as smooth as expected.


Yun Mu went back to her parents' house to visit her relatives. Lunch was already prepared in the kitchen. After Butler Ye went upstairs to report to the master, they came down together.

Yun Xiao and Tang Ling sat face to face on both sides of the dining table, and Yun Xiao was serving food to him. After Yun Zhen entered the table, the three of them ate together.

"Mother Zhang is so nice. She cooks all my favorite dishes." Tang Ling couldn't help but sigh as she ate the burger meat with satisfaction.

Yun Xiao told him to eat slowly and not to choke.

Seeing such a scene, Yun Zhen felt relieved, as long as they could get along harmoniously.

"Even if you are not in the same school in the future, your relationship should still remain the same as before, do you understand?"

As soon as Yun Zhen finished speaking, the cozy atmosphere at the dinner table disappeared immediately. Tang Ling's silver table knife fell to the ground. The aunt beside him went back to the kitchen to get a new table knife and put it in his hand.

Also frozen there was Yun Xiao. His expression suddenly changed and he even stopped eating.

Even Tang Ling looked confused because she had previously heard from her classmates that the school Yun Xiao wanted to apply for was for design, which happened to be the same school as Senior Brother Zonai. So he chose the same school. Could it be that Yun Xiao chose another school

"What do you mean? Tangtang and I didn't apply for the same university?" He put down the knife and fork in his hand, turned to Tang Ling and asked, "Which university did you apply for?"

"Art University in M City, you are not..."

boom! Yun Xiao threw the knife and fork directly into the porcelain plate and interrupted Tang Ling's words.

Arts University, he knew it was Zonai's university. It wouldn't matter if he changed his mind to study at the Art University with him, but he just couldn't swallow this breath in his heart.

Yun Xiao held back his aggressive tone and stood up and said, "I'm full."

Yun Zhen, who had not yet reacted, was a little angry at his son's impoliteness and scolded: "There is no politeness at all. It's just the same school. You just sit down."

"I'm afraid, Tangtang doesn't want to be in the same school as me." After saying that, Yun Xiao left the dining table and went upstairs.

The sudden dramatic change caught Tang Ling off guard and he stopped eating. After saying hello to Father Yun, I ran up to the second floor to find him.

Arriving at the door of his room, Tang Ling knocked lightly and said, "Yun Xiao, I have something to tell you. I think there is some misunderstanding between us."

How could he not want to go to the same university as Yun Xiao? He had never dreamed of the two of them going to college together.

Before he finished speaking, Yun Xiao opened the door for him. His expression was still very angry, and his neck was a little red.

Tang Ling entered his room and felt nervous immediately. It was not the first time he came in, but this time it was different. He wanted to tell Yun Xiao something important.

"I'm sorry, I thought you applied for the University of Arts. I asked Gao Xiao before, and he definitely told me that you applied for the University of Arts. And Senior Brother Zuo Nai also said that it is very good there." He apologized, holding up his hands. I don't know where to put them, so I can only squeeze them together.

Yun Xiao, who had been leaning against the window, turned around, put his hands on his arms and asked seriously: "Tang Tang, let me ask you, do you really want to go to the same university as me?"

"Think... think about it." Tang Ling's heartbeat accelerated as he approached her.

"Then why don't you ask me directly? We are also in a marriage relationship, right? We will get married and have a lifelong relationship, right? Would you rather ask them than tell me?" His emotions suddenly became excited, and he held him down The strength of my hands also increased slightly.

Unexpectedly, Yun Xiao brought it up first, which was somewhat different from what Tang Ling had in mind.

Tang Ling shook his head and replied: "No, because Senior Brother Zonai can also help us when the time comes. I understand that we will get married, but I am not sure... between the two of us... "

He couldn't say it. He didn't even know whether Yunxiao was straight or curved when friendship turned into love between two men.

"Isn't it certain that the two of us will fall in love?" Yun Xiao's eyes suddenly dimmed.

"Because... it is the marriage between the Yun family and the Tang family, and it is also the intention of the elders, so even if we get married in the future. If you have someone you like, you can be with her, and we can follow the formality... "

Before he finished speaking, Yun Xiao angrily interrupted him and pushed him to the door.

"That's enough! Get out!" he growled.

Tang Ling staggered and leaned against the door. He also realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing.

Yun Xiao, who was resting his hands on the desk, looked sideways and saw that he hadn't left yet, so he quickly moved forward and pressed him against the door panel.

"Zonai, Zonai, you will always mention him. Is he that important to you? What about me? What am I to you? Friends since childhood, classmates who went to school together, and what else? Is there no romantic partner in the marriage?" Yun Xiao gasped, his eyes turning red, and his words were both disappointing and aggrieved.

So much so that Tang Ling was pushed out by him without saying a word.

The door slammed shut.

When Tang Ling regained consciousness, he had been sent back to Tang Garden from Xuanhua Chun Villa by Butler Ye.

He returned to the room with dull eyes, unable to calm down in his heart.

What he said without thinking just now was completely opposite to what he wanted to say in his heart.

He had to go find Yun Xiao again.