Rich Stunt Ex-Husband

Chapter 114: torture


#Two months later—

Outside the original MY studio building in downtown Z, construction workers replaced the original sign lights and installed the new sign lights "TS".

The moment the light came on, the man in black leather clothes took out his mobile phone to take a photo of the signature light and sent it to the other party's mobile phone.

Seventy-five percent of the original MY studio staff were laid off and fresh blood was injected.

There is also a new burger restaurant under the building with the same name as the studio.

Today is the first time he has come to this place, and he has no long-term plans to stay here. It is just a studio for Tang Ling to use for his future debut.

"Mr. Shi, the double-layer pineapple burger is packed." Xiao Yu said carefully holding the paper bag.

Their External Propaganda Department was also surprised. They were all assigned to work here by President Yun in the previous month, and their wages were still doubled.

Even the accommodation buildings for employees were arranged in single-family buildings. Happiness came so suddenly, and Xiao Yu was afraid that he would not be able to catch it.

I heard that the newly appointed Shi Zong was a good friend of Mr. Yun, so they didn't dare to neglect him for a moment.

This is also Boss Lu's studio, but because of the shareholding ratio, it is now managed by Mr. Shi.

"Very good, have a nice day." Shi Yanyu's smile was as bright as the sun, he took the paper bag in her hand and stepped into the TS building.

Accompanied by Xiao Yu, I took the elevator to the TS main studio. The new staff there also learned from each other and integrated with the staff of the original MY studio within a month.

There is only a glass between the offices of Mr. Shi and Boss Lu, and even the worktables are facing each other.

Such a design was also ordered by Mr. Shi.

The electronic clock outside the wall jumped to ten o'clock on time. A man with shoulder-length silver hair holding a stack of magazines walked in lazily and entered his office without raising his head.

"That's it, go and do your work." Shi Yanyu calmly returned to the workbench, and Yun Xiao had people prepare everything he needed.

The decoration was still brightly white. He sat on the soft white sofa, opened the paper bag and took out the burger. Shi Yanyu unhurriedly opened the burger wrapper, and the aroma emanated from it, and he began to eat it bite by bite.

Watching every move on the other side through a glass wall, it doesn't feel like you are admiring it, but like watching an acrobatic troupe in a zoo.

Ridiculous and hilarious.

What’s even funnier is that Shi Sheng took all the blame for him. Does he expect to be able to rely on him to continue to develop after coming out decades later? It would be quicker to go to a temple and become a monk.

Lu Mingtong on the other end finally felt the gaze of being observed. When he turned to look at the glass wall, he took a few steps back and then overturned the office chair beside him and fell to the ground.

The magazine book also accidentally fell down in his panic, and the marking labels inside were scattered on the floor.

The illumination of the early sun made his backlit hair turn fiery red, like a demon reborn in hell, smiling at him with its fangs spread out.

Shi Yanyu took over the studio... so "TS" is the initials of Tang Ling and Shi Yanyu's last names.

Lu Mingtong knew that Tang Ling was alive and divorced from Yun Xiao, but his whereabouts were uncertain now. He couldn't find her whereabouts, so he ended up working with him even though he didn't want to.

The man opposite slowly finished the burger in his hand, threw it into the porcelain-white garbage basket accurately, got up and started walking towards his office.

Lu Mingtong quickly got up from the ground and walked inside, trying to avoid him.

However, his footsteps didn't stop until they got closer and closer to him.

Finally, Shi Yanyu forced him to the corner of the lounge inside, put his foot against the wall to prevent him from leaving, and said with cold eyes: "Don't you think it's rude to not greet the dead?"

As soon as the voice came out, he slumped down on the carpet and looked up at Shi Yanyu in panic.

"Shi Sheng... did it. It has nothing to do with me." He answered tremblingly.

Shi Yanyu picked up his woolen knitted jacket, raised his hand with a smile and punched him.

"It was the fist that struck first. It has nothing to do with me." He said imitatingly and punched again, "This punch was for Yun Xiao and Tang Ling. It destroyed other people's families and caused great harm to others."

After two punches, Lu Mingtong leaned against the wall, with obvious blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

"The last one is to commemorate the years when I died, and the boy who always put you first in my heart, the boy named Shi Yanyu. Thanks to you, he is dead forever." Shi Yanyu did not bring anything with him. With the third emotional punch, Lu Mingtong was knocked to the ground, and he felt instantly relieved.

First love and so on are all plastic memories.

"Ahem... Is this... your... purpose?" Lu Mingtong huddled together in the corner, blood and tears mixed together.

Being reminded like this, Shi Yanyu remembered something.

"It's not that simple. I will work here every day from now on to create works that have never been published before, and publish them under my current real name. Let you see me every day and suffer mental torture. Of course I will make them The clothes no longer belong to you, they are for Xiaoling." Shi Yanyu said as he wiped the blood on his hands with a handkerchief, then threw it on Lu Mingtong and left the lounge.


Two years later—

The new campus of Beisaka College located in City Z has officially entered the enrollment process, and Tang Ling, as a half shareholder, will also arrive at the domestic survey site today. He also just graduated from Beisaka College's modeling major.

The man who had acquired the Super Talk host online a year ago and was the first to support him started preparations after getting the news that he was returning to China.

[How to attract idol’s attention at the airport? ]

[Attracting attention at the airport...]

The search box was full of content similar to this, until he saw a brightly lit sign among the dark crowd at a live concert that stood out.

He immediately pressed down the phone and ordered: "Xiang Chen, come in."

Xiang Chen came in from the secretary's office and was shocked when he saw Mr. Yun.

There were banners covering the ground, a white bear costume on the table, and the most outrageous thing was that the bookshelf behind him was covered with unofficial Reuters photos of Mr. Tang.

When was it posted without him noticing? It seems that Mr. Yun just came to collect it once last week, and here is a new picture.

"Mr. Yun, what are your orders?" Xiang Chen had an ominous premonition.

Yun Xiao walked up to him solemnly, sketched out the appearance of the light sign, and drew a design draft for him to make in the afternoon, so that he could pick him up at the airport in the evening.

"Understood? Go now."

Mr. Yun even went to the door to open it for him and ordered him to go quickly.

"So Mr. Yun, you dressed like this and went to the airport to hold up a light sign to greet Mr. Tang. Is this... ridiculous?" Xiang Chen couldn't help but retort, not caring about the following offense.

Master Yun told him to be optimistic about Mr. Yun.

And this is not the first time that I have gone to various airports to meet Mr. Tang. At first I was relatively conservative, but this time it was completely crazy fan behavior.